Assistive Technology Lab (ATL) is the innovative initiative of Sri. K.V. Vishnu Raju, the Chairperson of Sri Vishnu Educational Society and was set up under the guidance of Prof. Alan Rux in collaboration with University of Massachusetts, Lowell, USA Started in 2009. ATL works for a unique and noble cause by designing projects that will make a difference in the lives of people with disabilities. This is a small but definite step to mainstream people with disabilities into society.
It is intended to be a real-time platform for the students to learn and experience the engineering design process, to apply their academic skills in a real-world context, and develop important workplace skills not usually taught in the classroom.

- To ensure that people with disabilities have access to appropriate technology
- To ensure students & faculty serve society by working on social problems
- To inculcate the nature of participating in international & National competition
- To facilitate the students to work on genuine societal problems with interdisciplinary knowledge
- Make successful products that are innovative and impactful and low cost
- To encourage students to showcase their talent globally by participating in competitions and hackathons
Professional Society Membership
- Assistive Technology Lab B V Raju Institute of Technology is the institute member of “Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America – RESNA”.

Dr. H. Sujana
Professor & Head
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Assistive Technology Lab
B V Raju Institute of Technology

Rohith Sirpa
Project Associate
Assistive Technology Lab
B V Raju Institute of Technology

Mr. Pandurang Mirajkar
Assistant Professor
Electronics and Communication Engineering
B V Raju Institute of Technology

Telangana State Innovation Cell (TSIC)
Home Final
- To promote exposure to Assistive Technology, TSIC will issue Joint Certificates for the courses offered by Assistive Technology Center
- Facilitate the innovation of faculty and students by way of idea validation, visibility, hackathons etc.
- Facilitate faculty and students with Idea Validation, Innovation Mentoring, building collaborations, Prototype Building, and Supporting funding access
- Identification of the development projects, fixation of time frame and allocation of resources Including financial to the extent of feasibility.
- Students will have internship opportunities to carry out various objectives of TSIC in the areas of Assistive Technology and other projects.

- Sevanth Gajula, Aramandla Sravanthi, Rohith Sirpa “Indian Sign Language Detection Using Inceptionv3 Model” RESNA Annual Conference – 2023
- Devasani Praneeth, Rohith Sirpa, H Sujana, Pandurang Mirajkar “A Study and Development of AAKAR VARANDYAY: A Learn Tool for Autistic Children” RESNA Annual Conference – 2023
- H Sujana, Rohith Sirpa Mirajkar, Pandurang, Ganitha Sahaya- Math Tool for Special Education, 2nd International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering (ICETE 2023)
- H Sujana, Mirajkar, Pandurang, & Rohith Sirpa, (2021). IOT-ENABLED AIR QUALITY MONITORING SYSTEM USING ESP8266. SPAST Abstracts, 1(01). https://spast.org/techrep/article/view/498
- Indian Patent Published “HANDS-ON LEARNING DEVICE FOR TEACHING SHAPES AND COLORS” Application No: 202341041728 Date: 19/06/2023
- Indian Patent Published Touching Math -Teaching Method Application No: 202341066953 Date: 05/10/2023
BV Raju Institute of Technology, Narsapur received the “Best Assistive Technology Initiative Among Educational Institutions ” given by AssisTech Foundation (ATF) Awards 2023.
The award is an appreciation of the outstanding work our organization has been doing in the Assistive Technology (AT) Ecosystem.
Honorable Chairman Sri Vishnu Raju Garu has been awarded the prestigious “Honorary Fellow Award 2022” from the Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America – RESNA for his contribution to the Assistive Technology domain over the years
ATL in News
- Student Innovations @ AT Summit. eenadu 4th Dec 2022
Student Interns @ IIT Madras Research Park
- Students @ Assistive Technology Summit 4.0 at T-Hub, Sakshi 5th Jan 2023