INDNOR Solar R&D Project.
The Governments of India & Norway had signed a protocol some years ago for the promotion of various technologies including clean and green technologies. BVRIT as the academic partner has entered into a three way tie up with Elkem solar, Norway (Research partner) and Titan Energy Systems ltd (Industry Partner). Elkem Solar, Norway, have developed solar grade silicon cells that are converted into photovoltaic (PV) modules by Titan which are subjected to long term performance evaluation at BVRIT. BVRIT have established a state of the art control room for the long term performance study. This is a five year programme funded mainly by the research council of Norway. 28 PV modules have been configured as 4 strings, each containing 7 modules of Solar Grade Si modules (ESS) or the reference multi-crystalline silicon (poly-Si)- 2 strings of ESS and 2 strings of poly-Si modules. The DC Energy is inverted and fed to the Grid

- Training of students in installation of the PV modules, balance of systems and instruments. The measuring instruments used for this project use cutting edge technology and have been sourced by Elkem and Titan from leading vendors in the world. The performance of the modules in terms of energy generation and so on can be monitored from any part of the world.
- Exposure of students to state-of-the-art technology in terms of PV modules, measuring instruments, sensors, data acquisition with associated software and evaluation techniques.
- Developing the analytical skills of students by giving them an opportunity to involve themselves in a long term performance study and interpret/analyze the data acquired.
- An excellent paradigm for industry, academia and R&D collaboration – a Win-Win situation for all.
- Such an initiative would constitute the first step in establishing a full-fledged Centre of Excellence for Solar Energy at BVRIT.

- Fruitful Norwegian-India company, as well as a good Norway-India academic research cooperation.
- University of Agder and Teknova, Norway & Padmasri Dr. B.V. Raju Institute of Technology, India are the two Educational Institutions collaborating in the INDNOR program.
- The students, since the commissioning of the Solar PV arrays (solar grade silicon cell modules and the reference multi-crystalline modules in Feb 201) have had the benefit of exposure to state-of-the-art equipment and measuring instruments. One M.Tech and 10 B.Tech students have done their major projects in the INDNOR Center. One staff from the EEE Dept has registered for his Ph.D program in the Center. The INDNOR Center has invited students from other Colleges/Universities to take up projects in the INDNOR Test Center.
- IEEE Paper published on “Initial Light-Induced Degradation Study of Multi-crystalline Modules Made from Silicon Material Processed through Different Manufacturing Routes” by University of Adger, M/s. Elkem, BVRIT & TITAN
- In EQ International Magazine there is a publication on Sept-Oct 2012 edition “Superior Performance of Solar Modules based on Elkem Solar Silicon (ESSTM) Under High Solar Irradiance Conditions” by Elkem Solar, BVRIT and TITAN
- Mr. Ramchander. N, Asst. Prof- EEE has registered PhD in JNTUK 2012 on “Study and Analysis of Solar grade/semiconductor grade silicon based photovoltaic cells/modules”, under the supervision of Col.Dr.T.S.Surendra, Prof Dr.G.Tulasiram Das, Vice-chancellor JNTUK.
- Released International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT) (ISSN: 2278- 0181) paper on “Data Acquisition System for Performance Monitoring of Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Power Generation” by N.Ramchander, Mr. Murali Krishna, M. Tech (ES), Padmasri Dr. B.V. Raju Inst. Tech.
- Revenue of about Rs 700,000/- has been earned from Elkem Solar so far for the testing and evaluation.