- Every student shall register for the college examination of the relevant semester in which s/he to obtain promotion to the next semester.
- Every student who is eligible to write the examination should submit his/ her application through the Principal / HOD within two weeks after the commencement of classes or as stipulated by the college.
- Candidate should ensure that they receive their hall tickets at least two days prior to the examinations, provided they have adequate attendance and paid required examination fees.
- They should bring their hall tickets on all days of the examination failing which they will not be admitted to the examination hall.
- If the hall ticket is lost, they should immediately submit an application for a duplicate hall ticket to the CE through the Principal/HOD, as the case may be.
- The candidates should enter the examination room at least 15 minutes before the commencement of examination and shall not leave the room during the last five minutes. In exceptional cases, the Chief Superintendent can permit relaxation up to a maximum of 30 minutes for candidates to enter the examination hall. No candidate shall be allowed to leave the examination room before 30 minutes after the commencement of examinations.
- Candidates are permitted to use only blue or black ink pens for writing examinations. No other coloured inked pens are allowed for writing the exam.
- No materials except writing materials and hall ticket should be allowed in the examination room. Mobile phones, programmable calculators and other electronic equipment are strictly prohibited in the examination room. Logarithm tables,Β calculators and other drawing equipment may be allowed only if they are required for answering questions and the question paper contains a note to this effect.
- Instances of malpractice such as copying using manuscripts, copying from other candidates, smuggling of answer books, indecent behavior in the examination room, use of unfair means etc., are liable to be punished as per college rules.
- They should not write anything on the question paper other than his/her name and register number. The last page of the main question booklet can be used for rough work.
- Strict silence should be maintained in the examination hall. Candidates are not allowed to get clarification from other students. In case of any doubt, they can seek the help of the invigilator.
- Candidates shall take their places in the examination hall at least ten minutes (ref. clause 6) before the time fixed for distributing the question papers. Candidates presenting themselves more than half an hour after the commencement of examination should not be admitted.
- The rule that candidates should not be allowed to leave the hall before the expiry of half an hour from the commencement of the examination should be strictly followed.
- Leaving examination hall early/Surrender of Question Paper. No candidates shall be allowed to leave the examination hall until the expiry of half an hour after a question paper has been given. No candidate who leaves the room during the period allotted for the paper shall be allowed to return within that period.
- Candidates who leave the examination hall more than half an hour earlier than the scheduled time for the close of the examination should surrender their question papers with their name and register number written on them to the invigilator/ Assistant Superintendent. They may collect them after the examination, if they desire so.
- Candidates who leave the hall refusing to surrender the question papers, as stated above, shall not be allowed to appear for examinations on subsequent days and the matter may be reported to the chief superintendent and CE.
- Candidates shall be permitted to leave the examination hall only after his/her answer book is taken charge of by the invigilator on duty in. They should not be permitted to leave the hall after keeping their answer books in their seats.