The MUN culture started in BVRIT Narsapur in the year 2017. This year we proudly organize the fifth edition -BVRIT MUN 2022 on the 2nd and 3rd of June. The event is for two days filled with impeccable discussion, debates, and heated arguments. We at BVRIT believe that these simulations will encourage delegates to broaden their horizons by learning and networking.
The students are transformed into diplomats to voice their opinions on global issues which leads them to understand that individuals can make a difference in the world.
Model United Nations, also known as Model UN or MUN, is a co-curricular activity in which students typically roleplay delegates to the United Nations and simulate UN committees. This activity takes place at MUN conferences, which are usually organized by a high school or college MUN club. At the end of most conferences, outstanding delegates in each committee are recognized and given an award certificate. Thousands of middle school, high school, and college students across the country and around the world participate in Model United Nations, which involves substantial research, public speaking, debating, and writing skills, as well as critical thinking, teamwork, and leadership abilities.
The following were the committees that were simulated in this MUN:
(1) United Nations Security Council (UNSC) is one of the six principal organs of the United Nations (UN), charged with the maintenance of international peace and security as well as accepting new members to the United Nations and approving any changes to its United Nations Charter. Its powers include the establishment of peacekeeping operations, the establishment of international sanctions, and the authorization of military action through Security Council resolutions.
UNSC is one of the most powerful bodies of the U.N general assembly. Peace cannot be achieved by force, it can only be achieved by discussions and understanding. So, our sole focus during the session was to come up with possible steps to de-escalate the situation in Ukraine
AGENDA: De-escalation of the situation in Ukraine.
(2) The United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) is a United Nations body whose mission is to promote and protect human rights around the world. The UNHRC investigates allegations of breaches of human rights in UN member states and addresses important thematic human rights issues such as freedom of association and assembly, freedom of expression, freedom of belief and religion, women’s rights, LGBT rights, and the rights of racial and ethnic minorities.
The various loopholes in the present human rights regulations have enabled these countries to commit multiple human rights violations. So, the time was right to have a public discussion and pass regulations to protect the basic rights and dignity of the LGBTQ communities.
AGENDA: Promotion and protection of human rights of LGBTQ+ community.
(3) The United Nations General Assembly First Committee (also known as the Disarmament and International Security Committee or DISEC) is one of six main committees at the General Assembly of the United Nations. It deals with disarmament and international security matters. The introduction of new and advanced weapons is resulting in a rise in tensions and may result in another terrible war. So, we need to intervene immediately and place some limitations on this before it further escalates into a world war.
AGENDA: Evaluation of the threats of Bioterrorism and chemical warfare.
(4) Lok Sabha (also known as All India Political Parties Meet or AIPPM) is the by-product of the mandate of the populaces in the form of elections and universal adult suffrage. It serves as the central legislative body of the Indian polity and has seen a combination of both, vociferous and reticent speakers while retaining its position of being the primary platform for debate and discussion on issues of national importance.
The simulation will be naturally carried out at a smaller scale, using 70-90 participants. We plan to find a middle-ground between the intricacies of the procedure of the Lok Sabha and conventional rules of procedure of a Model UN conference to ensure a highly substantive and enriching simulation.
- Development of Healthcare infrastructure in India reflecting in the COVID 19 pandemic.
- Addressing growing religious tensions.