The Department of Information technology is planning for conducting IoT training for school students as part of the DST project entitled: “An IoT Devices Lab for Circus-cum Demonstration to School Students in Narsapur region in Medak District” on 31st January 2023 at Z P HIGH SCHOOL, BRAHMANPALLY, MEDAK DIST for 200 school students to develop a scientific knowledge among the school students and to make them technological understanding.
As a part of this, we are organizing a hands-on training on the Internet of Things (IoT) to provide great exposure and training to the school students practically by involving them in live projects which make them work in the real-time application being equipped with all the skills required to manage basic IoT devices. We make school students build their projects by giving effective training and providing magnificent learning on real-time applications.
Lunch and participation certificates will be provided for all participants.