Fields of Specialisation/Areas of Interest:
- Image processing
- Machine learning
- Deep learning
Professional Affiliations:
- ISTE Id: LM115047
- IARA/LM-2024/0402
Text Books Published:
- Data Science, Analytics, and Predictive Mining Using Open-Source Tools, Amezon USA publisher with ISBN: 9798666275979.
- Block chain technology and decentralized apps in advanced applications, Amazon kindle Edition with ISBN:9798676894672.
- Certified that the Poster Titled “Object And Shadow Detection Using R-CNN For Real Images” has been adjudged the Best Poster Presentation (university Level), At the five days poster presentation event V-SAMSHOD held during November 8-12,2022.
- Marks calculation of descriptive examination patent application no:202441009546A, Publication Date:08/03/2024, INDIAN Patent.
- Pavan Kumar Reddy and J. Harikiran Deep CNN Based Multi Object Detection and Tracking In Video Frames With Mean Distributed Feature Set, Procedia Computer Science 235 (2024): 723-734.
- S. Pavan Kumar Reddy and J. Harikiran,”Cast Shadow Angle Detection in Morphological Aerial Images using Faster R-CNN,” Treatment du Signal, Vol. 39, No. 4, pp. 1313-1321. (SCIE and Scopus indexed).
- S. Pavan Kumar Reddy and Gokul Nath Kandasamy, “Cusp Pixel Labelling Model for Objects Outline Using R-CNN,” in IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 8883-8890, 2022, (doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3139896) (SCIE and Scopus indexed).
- S. Pavan Kumar Reddy, V Manikyala Rao” A Survey on Deep Learning For Hand Written Recognition by Digit & Character”, an International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) ISSN: 2320-2882, Volume-8, Issue- 6, JUNE 2020
- S. Pavan Kumar Reddy ” An Experimental Research on Outsourced Data Science for File Seeking”, an International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8, Issue- 6S4, April 2019
- S. Pavan Kumar Reddy” An Experimental Detail Analysis of Cloud Computing For Security & Privacy Issues”, an International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology (IJAST) ISSN:2005-4238E-ISSN:2207-6360 Vol-127-June-2019
- S. Pavan Kumar Reddy” Investigation Outcomes of IR Protocol Using Data Mining In Cloud”, an International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Special Issue, NCRCEST 2019 E-ISSN: 2321-9637
- S. Pavan Kumar Reddy” Cloude: Data Mining Algorithm on Massive Datasets Through Hadoop”, an International Journal of Advanced in Management, Technology and Engineering Sciences Volume 8, Issue III, MARCH/2018 with ISSN NO : 2249-7455”
- S. Pavan Kumar Reddy, G.Sireesha and U.Seshadri ” The Security Issues of Cloud Computing Over Normal & IT Sector”, an International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering (IJARCSSE)
- S. Pavan Kumar Reddy,M. D. Sirajul Huque, C.Surekha,Vidhisha Yadav ” The Common Difference Between MIMO With Other Antennas”, CSCV01I1, August 2012 (
- S. Pavan Kumar Reddy, Y. Ganesh Kumar Reddy, K. Chandra Mouli, U. Seshadri “Underwater Efficient Energy Communication in Wireless Sensor Networks”, (
- S. Pavan Kumar Reddy, U Seshadri ” A Bootstrap Aggregating Technique on Link-Based Cluster Ensemble Approach for Categorical Data Clustering”, an International Journal of Computers & Technology,Vol 10, No 8 (
1. S Pavan Kumar Reddy,Niladri Sekhar Dey,A.SrujanGoud,U Rakshitha Quantum-Inspired Machine Learning Models for Cyber Threat Intelligence, International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Big Data Analytics 2024 (ICICBDA-2024).
2. S. Pavan Kumar Reddy and J. Harikiran Deep CNN Based Multi Object Detection and Tracking In Video Frames With Mean Distributed Feature Set, Procedia Computer Science 235 (2024): 723-734.
3. N. S. Dey, S. P. K. Reddy and L. G, “Serverless Computing: Architectural Paradigms, Challenges, and Future Directions in Cloud Technology,” 2023 7th International Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) (I-SMAC), Kirtipur, Nepal, 2023, pp. 406-414, doi: 10.1109/I-SMAC58438.2023.10290253.
4. S.Pavan Kumar Reddy, J.Harikiran “Deep CNN Based Multi Object Detection and Tracking In Video Frames With Mean Distributed Feature Set”. 2nd International conference on Machine Learning and Data Engineering (ICMLDE 2023).
5. J. Harikiran, S. P. Kumar Reddy and B. S. Chandana, “Detection of Monkeypox Using Modified ResNet50,” 2023 5th International Conference on Inventive Research in Computing Applications (ICIRCA), Coimbatore, India, 2023, pp. 317-322, doi: 10.1109/ICIRCA57980.2023.10220681.
6. S. P. Kumar Reddy, J. Harikiran and B. S. Chandana, “Multi Object Detection and Shadow Identification in Images: State-of-Art,” 2022 4th International Conference on Inventive Research in Computing Applications (ICIRCA), Coimbatore, India, 2022, pp. 1640-1650, doi: 10.1109/ICIRCA54612.2022.9985653.
7. S. Pavan Kumar Reddy” Data Summarization Based on Multiple Attributes in Unreliable Categorical Data”, an International Conference on Computing Communication And Electrical Technologies (DOI:10.35940/ijrte.B1282.0982S1119) held on Aug 29-30th 2019.
8. S. Pavan Kumar Reddy “CLOUDE: Huge Datasets Using HADOOP over Data mining”, an national conference on Innovations In Computation Communication and Cybernetics (I3C 2018) on Feb 2018 in BITCON-2018 Drug.
9. S. Pavan Kumar Reddy “Crime Analytics and Prediction “, an international conference on Systemic, Cybernetics and Informatics (ICISI-2017), held on Mar 2017.
10. S. Pavan Kumar Reddy & B. Veera Sekhar Reddy “A Study on Cloud Computing Environment” in international conference on Research Advancements in Engineering, Science and Information Technology (ICRAESIT-2015), December 2015 with ISBN: 978-93-85100-56-7, Page Nos: 292-295
NPTEL Courses
- Data Science for Python
FDPs/ Workshops/Seminars/Training Programs:
• Attended in Two Week ONLINE workshop on “Asymptotic Analysis of Algorithms” organized by the Department of Computer Science & Engineering, National Institute of Technology Warangal during 19th-29th October, 2023.
• Participated in the Guest Lecture on Agile Tour Modern Methodology of Software Delivery organised by School of Computer Science and Engineering, VIT-AP University, Amaravati on 3rd August 2022.
• Participated in the “One-Day FDP on Real Time Machine Learning Techniques and its
Applications”, organized by the School of Electronics Engineering at VIT-AP University, Amaravati on 25th July 2022.
• Successfully completed the NASSCOM Python course conducted from December 2020 to March 2021.
• Participated in the “2nd One-Week Workshop on Technical Writing using LaTeX (Online)”, organized by the School of Electronics Engineering at VIT-AP University, Amaravati.
• Attended online Faculty Development Program on “Deep Learning For Real Time Research Applications “, in Association with CCE, NITW 03-01-2022 to 07-01-2022.
• Attended international level one-week Online Faculty Development Programme on “Advanced Data Science and its Applications” organized by CSE &IT, BVRIT Hyderabad on 22 -26th June 2020
Other Courses:
1. Nasscom Python – Coding Ninja’s.