
Ph.D Computer Science and Engineering – JNTUH
M.Tech Computer Science and Engineering– JNTUH
B.Tech Computer Science and Engineering – JNTUH
Academic Experience: 20 years
Contact: +919491919183
AICTE ID: 1-507586601
JNTUH ID: 17150406-104943
- Best Professor in Information Technology Studies from Business School Affaire 2019,
- Best Teachers award with excellence in 2014 from CIA Delhi
- Globally reputed “Rashtriya Gaurav Award” along with Certificate of Excellence year in
- Received “Rajeev Gandhi Excellence Award” along with Certificate of Excellence in year 2011
- Best citizen of India year in the year 2012
- Selected for Best Teacher Award by SVES Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, in Oct 2009 for meritorious social activities.
- Selected for Best Volunteer Award by District Collector Medak, Andhra Pradesh, in Oct 2010 for meritorious social activities.
- An International level seminar conducted by IT Department, SV University, on “Automata and Compiler”.
- A seminar conducted by CSE Department, Kites, on “Theory of Computation”.
- A seminar conducted by VITS, Bhimavaram on “Recent Trends in Information and Communication Technology”.
- A seminar conducted by CSE Department, VITS on “Artificial Neural Networks”.
- Conducted the Career Guidance workshop on IES/IAS/UPSC Online Trainer for SVES Students.
- Delivered the Content on GATE and PGCET as subject expert in Online and Offline for SVES Students.
1. “GATE –PGECET”, For Computer Science and Information Technology, 2nd Edition PHI Learner Pvt Lmd, New Delhi-110092. A comprehensive text GATE book for graduates as well as aspirants
2. “Introduction to Automata & Formal Languages”-A comprehensive text book for under graduate as well as post graduate level. Published by the publication house of “Hi-tech Printing system “Hyderabad -50001 1st edition in 2010.
3. “Introduction to Automata & Compiler Design”- A comprehensive text book for under graduate as well as post graduate level. Published by “PHI Learner PvtLmd, New Delhi-110092. 1st edition in 2011.PP 376. (ISBN 978 -81-203-4234-7).
4.Advanced Study Course Material Written on:
- “Advanced Compilers” under CNANCE scheme of AICTE.
- “Fundamentals of Neural & Networking” under CNANCE scheme of AICTE.
5. Solutions of Technical Books: Provided solution of all unsolved questions of the book on “Introduction to languages, automata and computation by Ullman and half croft. NPH.
1. Presented paper on ” A Methodology To Detect Most Effective Compression Technique Based On Time Complexity Cloud Migration For High Image Data Load”, in the International Conference on Communication and Security Sponsored by TEQIP ICCS 2016 held in Pondicherry India, held on 17th -19th March 2016
2. Presented paper on ” Comparative Research Findings On Cloud Based Image Storage And Retrieval “, in the International Conference on Innovations in Information Embedded and Communication Systems (ICIIECS-2016)
3. Presented paper on “A Novel Approach To Detect Most Effective Compression Technique Based On Compression Ratio And Time Complexity With High Image Data Load For Cloud Migration”, in the International Conference on Computational Intelligence & Informatics (ICCII-2016)
4. Presented paper on “Presented paper on “Analysis Of The Effectiveness Lossy And Lossless Compression Technique For Cloud Storage” , in the International Conference on Innovations in Computing and Communication (ICICC-2015), ISBN:978-93-82163-59-6
5. Presented paper on “An Automated Approach for Relation Extraction in Text Data using Context Free Grammars”, in the International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Computer Science and Mathematics The Physical Education and Management (ICEECMPE), Hyderabad on 30th October 2015
6. Presented paper on “Cloud Based Ranking System on Clustered Databases” in the International Conference on Innovations in Computing and Communication (ICICC 2015),I SBN:978-93-82163-59-6
7. Presented paper on “A Novel Approach To Detect Most Effective Compression Technique For Jpeg 2000 With High Image Data Load”, in the International Conference on Research Advancements in Engineering Sciences and Information Technology(ICRAESIT-2015),ISBN:978-93-85100-56-7
1. Published paper on “ Analysis Of The Effectiveness In Image Compression For Cloud Storage For Various Image Formats” in ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences , Vol. 10, Issue no 5, March-2015 Page No.s:2073-2077, ISSN: 1819-6608
2. Published paper on “ A Methodology To Detect Most Effective Compression Technique Based On Time Complexity Cloud Migration For High Image Data Load” in Notification For Submitting Formatted Paper In Australian Journal Of Basic And Applied Science , ICCS 2016
3. Published paper on “ A Framework To Detect Most Efficient Image Compression Technique On Cloud Storage” in IARJSET, Vol. 2, Issue no 2, December-2015 Page No.s:15-22, ISSN(Online):2393-8021 ISSN(Print):2394-1588
4. Published paper on “ An Automated Approach for Relation Extraction in Text Data using Context Free Grammars “ in International Journal of Advances in Electronics and Computer Science, Vol. 2, Issue 12, December-2015 ,Page No.s:127-131, ISSN: 2393-2835
5. Presented paper on “ Performance Analysis of OICT using GQA Algorithm” International Conference on Research Advancements in Computer Science and Communications (ICRACSC-1016) Narsapur, Medak, India, Dec 2016 pp. 294-298, ISBN: 9789385100642.
6. Presented paper on “DOT Architecture for Multi-Cloud System” International Conference on Research Advancements in Computer Science and Communications (ICRACSC-1016) Narsapur, Medak, India, Dec 2016 pp. 317-321, ISBN: 9789385100642
1. Presented paper on “A Novel Approach To Detect Most Effective Compression Technique For Jpeg 2000 With High Image Data Load”, in the National Conference on Advanced Computing and pattern Recognition-2014 , Page No.s:294-296, ISBN:9789383038176
2. Presented paper on “Classifying Words : A Syllables –based Model”, in the National Conference on Recent Research Advancements in Information Technology(NCRRAIT-2014) , Page No.s:258-260, ISBN:978-93-82163-73-2