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IIC of BVRIT is organizing “Smart India Internal Hackathon -2024 (Idea pitching đź’ˇ Competition)” with PoC/Prototype on 04-09-224 and 05-09-2024.

IIC of BVRIT is organizing “Smart India Internal Hackathon -2024 (Idea pitching  Competition) with PoC/ Prototype on 4th & 5th September 2024. (4th for software & 5th for Hardware)

The BEST 30 teams (25 shortlisted +5 waiting list) will be selected for the National level Smart India Hackathon 2024 Competition held by, MoE, Govt of India.

Register your team through the following link, by 2nd September 1 pm.

Registration link: 

The poster for the internal hackathon, PPT format & rules are attached below.


Problem Statements:

Guidelines for Team Formation:

1) All team members should be from the same college; no inter-college teams are allowed. 

However, members from different branches of the same college/ institute are encouraged to form a team. 

2) Each team would mandatorily comprise 6 members including the team leader. 

3) Each team must have AT LEAST ONE FEMALE TEAM MEMBER. 

4) As the software edition of the hackathon is digital product development competition, majority of the team members MUST be well versed with programming skills. 

For the hardware edition, we encourage multi-disciplinary teams – which means your team should have a good mix of Mechanical Engineers, Electronic Engineers, Product Designers and Programmers, etc. 

5) The nominated teams should have participated in the recommended Internal hackathon.  

For any details contact:

SPoC In-charge:  Dr Hanu Phani Ram (97017 51828) /

Dr.P. Chandra babu (81211 06828)