Dr. U. Appala Naidu has been admitted into the Telangana Academy of Sciences as an Associate fellow on 28th April 2023.

Dr G. B. Radhika has published a book titled “Simplified Fluid Mechanics for Chemical Engineers” in March 2022

Dr G.B. Radhika and Dr B.V.S Praveen have successfully been awarded a patent for their contribution to the invention titled “A CURVED RECTANGULAR STACK CHANNEL HEAT EXCHANGER” in February 2022

Dr Bhaskar Bethi was awarded the institute SEED funding for an amount of Rs 1,00,000/- for his project titled “Micro-reactor (Flow chemistry) Experimental Setup for R&D purpose” in February 2022
Dr Appala Naidu Uttaravalli has received the Young Researcher Award 2022 from the Institute of Scholars (InSc), IIP Publishers

Dr Appala Naidu Uttaravalli was awarded the THIRD Best paper under the IIChE NRC Award for his publication in Indian Chemical Engineer -Quarterly Journal during 2020

Dr G. Srinivas has received a certificate for pitching his idea titled “Srikari Air Purification Systems” which is currently in the stage of development.

Dr M. Mallaiah has secured a consultancy project from Sun Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Haryana in the year 2020-2021 which has been titled “Scale-up Studies on Reactive Distillation“. The project has a time period of 18 months and the amount obtained for the project is Rs 14,56,800/-. The project Reference number is 5000175296
Dr M. Mallaiah has secured a consultancy project from Sun Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Haryana in the year 2019-2020 which has been titled “Feasibility Studies on Reaction Kinetics“. The project has a time period of 12 months and the amount obtained for the project is Rs 4,08,500/-. The project Reference number is 5000097586.
Ms. Gadde Likitha (19211A0813) received the Padmasri Dr. B. V Raju Memorial Best Merit Student Award from Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers-Hyderabad Regional Centre (IIChE-HRC) as the best outgoing student for the year 2022-23 in the Hyderabad region
Students of the Department of Chemical engineering: Ms. N. Laxmiprasanna, Mr. Sandeep Reddy and Mr. G. Shiva Kumar have secured first prize in the “Model Making” Event conducted as a part of the Annual meeting of the IIChE Hyderabad Regional Chapter. The participants of this competition included students from OU, JNTUH, CBIT, AU, IIIT, NITW and other institutions in A.P and Telangana offering Chemical Engineering

P. Adarsh Varma, Ch. Satyapriya, M. Prashanth, P. Mukesh received “Student Project of the Year 2022 (INSC) award”. The students have worked under the guidance of Dr. T. Srinivas
Mr Sakhamudi Sai Narendar (18211A0848) has received his Letter of Admission for the MS Programme from the University of Pennsylvania (UPENN), an IVY League school in the USA for the year 2022.
Ms Sai Keerthi Jogannagari (17211A0842) has been admitted to the MS Programme from the Columbia University, an IVY League school in the USA for the year 2021 and iscurrently pursuing her Master’s degree from the Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science in Chemical Engineering
The team comprising of Mr Sakhamudi Sai Narendar, Mr Vadlamuri Venkata Siddhartha Varma, Mr Chundury Sai Srikar, Ms Jadhav Ruchitha, Mr Pericharala Adarsh Varma under the guidance of Dr B.V.S Praveen have successfully published a journal article titled “Nickel Oxide Nanoparticles: A Brief Review of Their Synthesis,Characterization and Applications” in Chemical Engineering & Technology journal Under Wiley Publishers

The team comprising of Ms Girija Kasturi, Ms Padma Kasala and Me Gayathri Penta under the guidance of Dr Uttaravalli Appala Naidu have successfully published a journal article titled “Studies on development of adhesive material from the post-consumer (waste) expanded polystyrene: a two-edged sword approach” in Process Safety and Environmental Protection Under Elsevier Publishers

Mr K Ranganath and Tean from the Assistive Technology Lab (ATL) have been the winners of the RESNA Student Design Challenge 2021 conducted by the Rehabilitation Society of North America (RESNA).

- Mr Narlakanti Manohar secured the 1st prize in the event All India Level Chemical Engineering Online Quiz Competition held under the banner of INQUIZITIVE under IIChE student chapter of BVRIT Narsapuir in September 2021
- Mr Chandhanagari Manivardhan Reddy secured the 1st prize in the event All India Level Chemical Engineering Online Quiz Competition held under the banner of INQUIZITIVE under IIChE student chapter of BVRIT Narsapuir in September 2020
- Mr Akhilesh Subramanian, Mr Y VShourie Chandra, Mr Y Anjana Mahadev, Mr Shesht Pratap received the Best paper award at International Conference on Recent Advances in Chemical Engineering conducted by Osmania University in 2020
- Mr Siddharth, Mr Srikar, Mr Adarsh, Mr Narender won the first prize in Idea Presentation in the event titled Chemspark-19 organized by CBIT Hyderabad
- Mr K Ranganath and Tean from the Assistive Technology Lab (ATL) have been the winners of the GE Precision Challenge- Hackathon 2020 conducted by General Electric in Bengaluru.
- Mr K Ranganath and Tean from the Assistive Technology Lab (ATL) have been the winners of the Anveshana 2020 held in Hyderabad.
- Mr Akhilesh Subramanian, Mr A Kapil Chandra, Ms Divya Lakshmi Senthil, Mr R Sandeep, Mr Y Shivakumar secured the 2nd Prize in SCHEMCON- oral presentation held at ICT- Mumbai in October 2018
- Mr D Goutham and Mr G Praneeth Kumar secured the 1st prize in paper presentation in the event titled Chemspark-18 organized by CBIT Hyderabad
- Mr Y ShivaKumar, Ms Rukmini, Ms Shivani secured the 1st Prize in SCHEMCON- paper presentation held at NIT Rourkela in October 2017
- Mr Y Sandeep, Mr B.Bharath Reddy, Mr M Prabhath secured the 2nd Prize in SCHEMCON- paper presentation held at NIT Rourkela in October 2017
- Mr Akhilesh Subramanian, Mr A Kapil Chandra, Mr D Arun Kumar secured the 2nd Prize in SCHEMCON- paper presentation held at NIT Rourkela in October 2017
- Mr Sai Nitish V and Ms Tejaswi N secured the 2nd Prize in SCHEMCON- poster presentation held at NIT Rourkela in October 2017
- Mr Akhilesh Subramanian, Mr A Kapil Chandra, Mr D Arun Kumar secured the 3rd Prize in SCHEMCON- poster presentation held at NIT Rourkela in October 2017
- Ms M. Manasa secured the University Gold Medal for the best outgoing student in the Department of Chemical Engineering for the year 2016-17.