B.E.:Β Civil Engineering, VNR-VJIET, 2014.
M.Tech.:Β Highway Engineering, Malla Reddy Institute of Technology,Β 2016.
JNTUH Registration ID:Β 1138-170110-130120
Employment Status:Β JNTUH Ratified
Total Experience : 6 years 2 months
- Transportation Engineering
- Highway Engineering
- Surveying and Geomatics
- Traffic Engineering
- Traffic simulation tools and Techniques
- Causes and optimisation measures for congestion related problems
- Samuel Peter et.al,Β “Comparitive Studies between T-Junction and Rotary Junction and Alternate Method to minimize the traffic flow”, Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education, Vol.12, Issue 10, April-2021.
- Samuel Peter et.al, “Estimation of Traffic Volume and Optimization of Traffic Signal Timing UsingΒ Β Β VISSIM Software”, International Journal of Emerging Technology and Adavanced Engineering (IJETAE) Volume 7, Special Issue 2, Page 503-507, December 2017.
- Samuel Peter et.al, “Analysis of Heterogeneous traffic volume studies and optimization of signalΒ cycle length by VISSIM software”, International Journal of Engineering and Technology,Vol No 7 (3.29)(2018) pp.474-478,Β
International, SCOPUS
- Three Days Faculty Development Programme on “Sustainable Cities and Infrastructure” 13th-15th Sept 2020
- AICTE Sponsored One Week Online Short Term Training Program(STTP), PHASE-III on “Soft Computing Techniques in Civil Engineering: Structures, Water Resources, Geotechnical, Remote Sensing and Transportation Applications” organized by SVECW, Bhimavaram.
- AICTE Sponsored One Week Online Short Term Training Program(STTP), PHASE-II on “Soft Computing Techniques in Civil Engineering” organized by SVECW, Bhimavaram.
- Introduction to GIS Mapping fromΒ University of Toronto on June 06, 2020.
- GIS Data Acquisition and Map Design from University of Toronto on June 16, 2020.
- Spatial Analysis and Satellite Imagery in a GISΒ fromΒ University of Toronto on August 18, 2020.
- To view the certificates,Β click here