Marquee Tag

Dr. R.Venkata Ramana chary


Experience -: Academic 23 years
Contact -: +91 9908109612

Qualification -: Ph.D(Computer Science – GITAM University), 2014
                              M.Tech(IT –  Punjabi University), 2004
                              MCA(Osmania University), 1996

Citation: 113
H-Index : 04
I-10 Index: 03

JNTUH ID: 98150403-213601
AICTE ID:  1-509578819

  1. Professor – BVRIT, Narsapur (2015- till now)
  2. Associate Professor -BVRIT (2005-2014)
  3. Principal DVR PG College(2000-2003)
  4. Assistant Professor : DVR Engg College (1998-2005)
  1. Image Visualization and retrieval Processing
  2.  Pattern Reorganization
  3. Programming and Data Analytics
  1. Similar image searching from image database using cluster mean sorting and performance estimation(IEEE ) (DOI: 10.1109/MVIP.2012.6428748 )
  2. Image retrieval based on image mean mapping method(IEEE) (DOI: 10.1109/IC3I.2014.7019803)
    (Above 2 Papers referred in Patent “Classification of search queries” Grant US-9767182-B1 Searchmetrics GmbH Berlin Published 2017)
  3. Unsupervised methods on image database using cluster mean average methods for image searching (Springier )
  4. Image searching based on image mean distance method (IEEE) (DOI: 10.1109/ICRCC.2012.6450576)
  5. Feature extraction methods for color image similarity (DOI: 10.5121/acij.2012.3215  )
  6. Edge connecting points based image searching and Measurements (IEEE) (DOI: 10.1109/ICCIC.2012.6510226)
  7. A Tool Based Approach For Automation of GUI Applications (IEEE) (“Automated Validation of the Appearance of Graphical User Interfaces”, Grant US 9,720,900 B2,US 9,703,770 B2, International Business Machines Corporation, Armonk, NY (US).
  1. IOT with Malware Forensics Approach based nn Dark Net Centric Proactive Deception Techniques – Published 27/01/2023, Application No : 202241068202 A
  2. IVB- E-MAIL: Intelligent Voice-Based E-Mail Secure And Control Using Machine, Deep Learning Programming – Published 30/10/2020, Application No: .202041044433 A.
  1. Worked as a co-investigator 
  1. Internal Mobile Apps for Department : VSyllabus_R20, R18, R15, R14, vHelp_2020, 18 Apps, Subjects Apps ADS, C, Python etc. Special App for Medaram Jatra, etc.
  1. As an active NPTEL SPOC award received from IITM – Grading one time AA, Two times A.
  2. Adarsha Vidya Saraswathi Rastriya Puraskar (21 Years teaching experience, 26 publications, 3 patents by foreign industries are cited with my 3 IEEE papers)