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Mrs. Umarani Nagavelli

Assistant Professor

Ph.D.: University of Mysore, Research Scholar.

PG: Mtech -CSE, JNTUH,2013.



Teaching Experience:  14 years 07 months

Contact Number: 9000284167,8317521380

BVRITN Employee ID: BVRIT001032 

JNTUH Registration ID: 96150402-162001

AICTE Registration ID: 1454812055

  1. Data Mining
  2. Databases and knowledge-bases
  3. Machine Learning, and Data Science.
  4. Deep Learning
  5. Programming Languages 
  1. Life Time Membership in ISTE 
  1. Qualified in Phd Entrance Exam Conducted By University Of Mysore,2017.
  2. Qualified in PGCET 2010 with 77th
  1. Umarani Nagavelli,Niladri Sekhar Dey,S.Pavan Kumar Reddy “Energy-Efficiency Optimization in IoT Networks: Algorithms, Techniques, and Case Studies.” Grenze International Journal of Engineering and Technology,2024.
  2. Umarani Nagavelli,Debabrata Samanta, P Chakraborty, “Machine Learning Technology-Based Heart Disease Detection Models.” Journal of Healthcare Engineering, vol. 2022, Feb. 2022, p. e7351061.,
  3. Praveen , Umarani N, Anand T , Debabrata Samanta Cardinal Digital Image Data Fortification Expending Steganography, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, Volume-7 Issue-5S2, January 2019, ISSN:2277-3878 @ SCOPUS
  4. Maximizing the lifetime of wireless Sensor Networks using CRT based packet     splitting      Algorithm” ,  in International journal   Volume 2,Issue 4, April 2013, .ISSN 2278-7763,2013    International journal  of Advancements in research & Tech(IJART).
  5. “Effective Ways Cloud Computing Can Contribute to Education Success”  in Advanced    Computing: an International Journal ISSN/EISSN: 2229726X 22296727,  2013 volume: 4 issue: 4, Publisher: Academy &Industry Research Collaboration Centre(AIRCC).
  1. Umarani Nagavelli, Debabrata Samanta,” Prediction of Heart Disease and Improving Classifier Performance Using Particle Swarm Optimization” International Conference on Human- Centric Smart Computing 2023. @ Springer-Scopus.
  2. Umarani Nagavelli, Srilakshmi V, M Vijay Kumar, T Sreeja,” Precision Agriculture with Remote Sensing:Integrating Deep Learning for Crop Monitoring” International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Artificial Intelligence(ICKEAI) FEB 2024.
  3. “A Two-staged Optimized Stacking Ensemble learning Classifier for the Prediction of   Cervical Cancer” International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Artificial Intelligence(ICKEAI) FEB 2024.
  4. Umarani Nagavelli, Debabrata Samanta and B Thomas,”ML based prediction model for cardiovascular disease”, 3rd International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Data Mining and Information Security (IEMIS 2022)” at Institute of Engineering & Management, Kolkata, West Bengal. India on 23-25 February, 2022. @ Springer-Scopus.
  5. “Security issues in IPV6”, Advanced Research in computing in Warangal.
  6. ” Controlling topology in MANETS through Mutual Communication” in International Conference on advancements in engineering & management, RITS, HYD India.
  1. Participated in 5 Days workshop on “DeepLearning “ conducted by CSE from 11/09/2023 to 15/09/2023at  Vidya Jyothi Institute ofTechnology (Autonomous),Hyderabad.
  2. Participated in one week on FDP on “Recent Trends in Cognitive Science & Its Applications” from 13th March 2023 to 18th March 2023 Organized by CSE,VNRVJIET,in Collaboration with Vikram University ,Oriental University & SOC,IPS Academy,Indore.
  3. Participated in 5 Days workshop on “Microsoft Power BI Data Analyst Associate “ conducted by ICT Academy From 16th oct 2023 to 20th oct 2023 at Vaagdevi Engineering College,,Warangal
  4. Participated in 5-Days hands-on Workshop on “Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality” using Unity software with a collaboration of ARK INFOSOLUTIONS PRIVATE LIMITED at BVRIT ,Narsapur 2023.
  5. Organized a “5  DAY FULL STACK DEVELOPMENT BOOTCAMP” for students in July2023.
  6. Participated in 5 Days workshop on “Advanced Python Programming” at NIT WARANGAL March 2023.
  7. Participated in one week on “Machine learning “ at NIT WARANGAL March 2018.
  8. Participated in 10 Days workshop on “Algorithms Analysis and Design” at NIT Warangal from 29th Feb 2016 to 9th March 2016.
  9. Participated in 5 days workshop on “Architecture,Algorithms,Analytics for Big Data using Cloud and Distributed Computing (ABCD -2014) “ at NIT Warangal in March 2014.
  10. Attended One day Awareness Workshop on “OUTCOME BASED EDUCATION and ACCREDITATION” on 14th September 2015 at JNT University Hyderabad under TEQIP – II and NBA New Delhi.