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ISRO – START Outreach Program

ISRO – START Outreach Program

Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) in association with Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS) has launched an online training programme called ‘Space Science and Technology Awareness Training (START) under the theme ‘Exploration of the Solar system’.

B V Raju Institute of Technology Narsapur was approved by ISRO as Nodal Centre to conduct the online training program in 2023 and 2024.

The START programme is part of ISRO’s efforts to enable Indian students to become professionals in space science and technology, as the organization’s space science exploration program continues to expand into new domains. The programme is intended to provide students with an introductory-level training in space science and technology, giving them an overview of different facets of the field, research opportunities, and career options. The training will also emphasize the cross-disciplinary nature of space science, giving students insights into how their individual aptitudes can be applied to the field. The programme is expected to help build a human capacity that will lead space science and research in the future.

The lectures will also cover topics on the Indian space science exploration programme and research opportunities in space science and technologies. The student community will be benefited from this training programme, as they will receive an overview of the different facets of space science and technology, exposure to the research ongoing in different Indian institutes, insight into how their individual aptitude would suit some of the facts of space science and technology, appreciate the cross disciplinary nature of the subject, and accordingly choose their career path.

ISRO-START Online Program On ‘Exploration of The Solar System’ was held from April 24, 2024 To May 10, 2024 with BVRIT as nodal centre.

The outreach training was held from April 24 to May 10, 2024 in online mode at the Remote Sensing Laboratory from 3.30 P.M to 5.30 PM every day. The program was conducted in 25 sessions, with a total course duration of 18 hours and 45 minutes. Post graduate students and students of Undergraduate courses from various department including Electronics and Communication, AIDS, Chemical, Computer science engineering, EEE, Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering registered and attended the course. 42 students attended the program, and 28 were eligible to attend the exams based on the eligibility criteria for attendance. The criteria for eligibility were that a participation certificate or merit certificate would be provided to eligible students who have a minimum of 70% attendance in the online sessions and score 50% marks or above in the online examination. The online examination was held on May 22 for a duration of 30 minutes, in accordance with the schedule provided by the ISRO-START organizing committee. Out of the 28 students who attended the exams, 24 cleared with different gradings from A+, B+, A, and B. The rest of the four students received the participation certificate.

The outreach training was held from July 20,2023 to August 07 2023 in online mode at the Remote Sensing Laboratory from 11:00PM  to 12:00PM and 15:00 to 16:00PM every day. The program was conducted in 23 sessions, with a total course duration of 22 hours. Post graduate students and students of Undergraduate courses from various department including Electronics and Communication, AIDS, Chemical, Computer science engineering, EEE, Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering registered and attended the course. 96 students attended the program, and 59 were eligible to attend the exams based on the eligibility criteria for attendance. The criteria for eligibility were that a participation certificate or merit certificate would be provided to eligible students who have a minimum of 70% attendance in the online sessions and score 50% marks or above in the online examination. The online examination was held for a duration of 30 minutes, in accordance with the schedule provided by the ISRO-START organizing committee. Out of the 59 students who attended the exams, 37 cleared with different gradings from A+, B+, A, and B. The rest of the four students received the participation certificate.

For details of ISRO-START program visit

The detailed report of the ISRO-START program held from April 24 to May 10, 2024 is attached as annexure

For Further assistance on ISRO-START Program contact

Dr B R Sanjeeva Reddy (ISRO-START Co-ordinator)
ECE Department

Dr. G Srinivas
Assistant Professor
ECE Department
BVRIT Narsapur
