
Ph.D.: in Management Studies from Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati.
M.B.A.: with specializations of Marketing & Systems fromS.V.University, Tirupatiin 1997.
B.Tech.: in Mechanical Engineering from S.V.University, Tirupati in 1991.
Total Experience: 30 Years
Teaching Experience: 22 Years
Industrial Experience: 8 Years
BVRITN Employee ID: 751
JNTUH Registration ID: 4162-160223-150535
AICTE Registration ID:1-2898914866
- “Marketing Strategies of Corporate Hospitals” in SSRN (ISSN: 1556-5068)
- “A Study on In-patient satisfaction of Private Health Care Service providers” in RJSSM, www.theinternationaljournal.org (ISSN: 2251-1571): Volume: 03, Number: 08, December-2013, Pp: 124-128.
- “A Study on Relationship of Patient Satisfaction with the services Provided by Corporate Hospitals” inRJSSM, www.theinternationaljournal.org (ISSN: 2251-1571): Volume: 03, Number: 09, January-2014, Pp: 129-137.
- “An empirical analysis of patient satisfaction in terms of word of mouth (WOM) with respect to Demographic factors in select corporate hospitals” inRJSSM, www.theinternationaljournal.org (ISSN: 2251-1571): Volume: 04, Number: 08, December-2014, Pp: 117-121.
- Presented a paper entitled “ Marketing strategies of corporate hospitals “ in a UGC sponsored National seminar on 20th March, 2015 held at YOGI VEMANA UNIVERSITY, Kadapa.
- Delivered invited lectures on “Management Information Systems” at AP state Human Resources Development Centre ,Bapatla for 3 days during 1st – 3rd August, 2017.
- Participated in a One day Workshop at S.V.University on the theme of ‘Stength based Development in Education’ held on 10th August, 2014.
- Participated in a one day International Seminar on “Self Management” organized by Department of Management Studies, S.V.University on 11th August, 2014.
- Participated in the ICSSR sponsored Regional Workshop held during 27th& 28th March 2006 at Sri PadmavatiMahilaVisvavidyalayam, Tirupati.
- Participated in the National Seminar on “Management Philosophy and P.F.Drucker” organized by Department of Management Studies, S.V.University on 8th April, 2006.
- Presented a paper entitled “Emerging issues in Financial Services – Banking Sercvices” in the National level Paper Presentation “Protrude’05” organized by Department of MBA SITAMS, Chittoor on 10th September,2005.
- Participated in Workshop at S.V.University on the theme of ‘Research Methodology’ held on 10th September, 2006.
- Participated in the THREE DAYS workshop on ‘Interactive Learning Methodologies for Management Faculty’ sponsored by UGC, held at School of Management Studies, JNTU, Hyderabad during 19-21 December, 2005.
- Presented a paper entitled “Marketing challenges in 21st century” in a UGC-national seminar held at S.V.University P.G Centre, Kavali, Nellore (DT) on 10th February,2004.