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Instructions for Online Fee Payment through E-CAPView
17-03-2025MBA 2-2 Reg & Supple and 2-1 Supple, May 2025.View
17-03-2025RC/RV_B Tech 1-1 regular and supple,1-2 supple_January 2025.View
01-03-20254-2 B.Tech Regular Examinations, April 2025.View
01-03-20254-2 B.Tech Minor, April 2025.View
01-03-20254-1 & 4-2 B.Tech Supplementary Examinations, April 2025.View
01-02-2025B.Tech Recounting & Revaluation.View
01-02-2025M.Tech Recounting & Revaluation.View
01-02-2025MBA Recounting & Revaluation.View
05-12-2024B.Tech I-I Regular and I-I, I-II Supplementary Examinations, Jan 2025.View
21-10-2024M.Tech II-I Sem RegularView
21-10-2024M.Tech II-I Sem SupplementaryView
21-10-2024MBA II-I Sem RegularView
21-10-2024MBA II-I & II-II SupplementaryView
05-10-2024B.Tech IV-I Minor -November 2024.View
05-10-2024SEE_B Tech 4-1, 3-1,2-1 Sem Reg 4-1, 3-1, 2-1 & 3-2, 2-2 Sem Supple, Nov/Dec 2024.View
23-09-2024RC/RV B.Tech 2-2, 3-2 Regular & Supple, 2-1, 3-1 Supple, July 2024.View
23-09-2024RC B.Tech 2-1, 2-2, 3-1 & 3-2 Supplementary Examinations, July 2024View
13-06-2024Revaluation/Recounting_B.Tech 4-2 advanced supplementaryView
08-05-2024B.Tech IV-II Advanced Supplementary Exam Fee Notification, May 2024View
08-05-2024B.Tech IV-II RCRV Notification_April 2024View
02-05-2024B.Tech II-II Regular (R22) Examinations, July 2024.View
02-05-2024B.Tech III-II Regular (R20A) Examinations, July 2024.View
02-05-2024B.Tech Minor (AIML & DS) III-II Regular, III-I and III-II Supplementary, July 2024.View
02-05-2024B.Tech II-I, II-II, III-I, III-II Supplementary Examinations, July 2024.View
22-04-2024B Tech I-II Sem Regular, June 2024View
22-04-2024B Tech I-I and I-II Supplementary, June 2024View
08-04-2024RC & RV B.TechView
08-04-2024RC B.Tech SuppleView
08-04-2024RC & RV M.TechView
08-04-2024RC & RV MBAView
01-03-2024B. Tech IV-II Regular Examinations, April 2024.View
01-03-2024B.Tech IV-I, IV-II Supplementary Examinations, April 2024View
20-12-2023MBA I-I Regular I & II Semester Supplementary Examinations, Feb 2024.View
20-12-2023M TECH I-I Semester & II-I Semester Regular Examinations, Feb 2024.View
 28-11-2023B. Tech II-I & III-I Regular I-II, II-II, III-I & III-II Supplementary, January 2024.View
 28-11-2023 B. Tech I Year I Semester Regular & I-II Semester Supplementary, January 2024.View
 28-11-2023 MBA  II-I Regular II-I&II  Supplementary, January 2024.View
 25-11-2023 Reschedule of 4-1 Regular/Supple Exams of 28th Nov-2023 to 5th Dec-2023View 
16-09-2023IV B.Tech – I Semester Regular & Supplementary, November 2023View
10-07-2023B. Tech 1-2 & 2-2 Semester Regular, August 2023View
10-06-2023M. Tech 1-2 Semester Regular, August 2023View
10-07-2023MBA 1-2 & 2-2 Semester Regular, August 2023View
10-07-2023Supple B. Tech 1-1, 1-2, 2-1 & 2-2, August 2023View
10-07-2023Supple M. Tech 1-1, 1-2 & 2-1, August 2023View
10-07-2023Supple MBA 1-1, 1-2, 2-1 & 2-2, August 2023View
26-06-2023B. Tech RC-RV, March 2023 ExaminationsView
26-06-2023M. Tech RC-RV, March 2023 ExaminationsView
26-06-2023MBA RC-RV, March 2023 ExaminationsView
17-06-2023RC-RV B.Tech IV_II Regular and Supplementary Examinations, May 2023View
17-06-2023IV B.Tech II Semester Advanced Supplementary Examinations, June 2023View
10-04-2023III B.Tech I & II Semester Supplementary Examinations, June 2023.View
03-04-2023B.Tech Minor III Year II Sem Regular & III Year I Sem Supplementary, June 2023.View
03-04-2023III B.Tech II Semester Regular Examinations, June 2023.View
24-03-2023IV B.Tech II Semester Regular Examination, May 2023View
24-03-2023IV B.Tech I & II Semesters Supplementary Examination, May 2023View
02-02-2023B.Tech Supplementary (R14) Examinations, March 2023View
02-02-2023B.Tech Examinations, March 2023View
02-02-2023M.Tech Examinations, March 2023View
02-02-2023MBA Examinations, March 2023View
02-12-2022B.Tech R18 Special Supplementary Examinations December 2022View
10-11-2022B.Tech III Yr I Sem Regular December 2022View
10-11-2022B.Tech III Yr I Sem Minor Program December 2022View
10-11-2022B.Tech III Yr I Sem & III Yr II Sem Supplementary December 2022View
27-10-2022B.Tech IV-I Regular & Supplementary Examinations, December 2022View
12-10-2022Recounting for B.Tech Examinations held during July 2022View
12-10-2022Recounting/Revaluation for M.Tech Examinations held during July 2022View
12-10-2022Recounting/Revaluation for MBA Examinations held during July 2022View
27-08-2022B.Tech I-II Regular & Supplementary and I-I Supplementary, October 2022.View
27-08-2022M.Tech I-II Regular & Supplementary and I-I Supplementary, October 2022.View
27-08-2022MBA I-II Regular & Supplementary and I-I Supplementary, October 2022.View
24-06-2022RC/RV for B.Tech I-I Regular (R20A) Examinations held in May 2022.View
24-06-2022RC/RV for MBA I-I Regular (R20A) Examinations held in May 2022.View
17-06-2022B.Tech 2-2 Reg. & Supple & 2-1 Supple, July 2022View
03-06-2022MBA II_II Regular & Supplementary and II_I Supplementary Examinations, July 2022View
03-06-2022M.Tech II_I Supplementary Examinations  July 2022View
19-05-2022Recounting/Revaluation for B.Tech Examinations held in Feb/March 2022.View
19-05-2022B.Tech 3-2 Regular & Supplementary and 3-1 supplementary July-2022View