Valuation Procedure For Semester End Exam (R14,R15,R18)
- Double evaluation for End Semester Examination introduced. Theory End Semester answer scripts will be evaluated independently by internal and external examiner.
- Lab exams will be conducted involving internal and external examiners.
- The Controller of examination in consultation with the Principal will appoint the chief examiner. Normally HOD or a faculty nominated by him act as Chief Examiner. The chief examiner should examine at least 10 percent of papers from each bundle to give suitable suggestion to the Evaluator. The Examiners shall be entitled to draw DA and TA as per institute norms.
- Chief Examiner will prepare the Scheme and solution key for valuation.
- Only the scrutinizers and tabulators identified by the Controller of Examination on the approval of principal will do scrutinizing the evaluated answer scripts and tabulation of marks.
- If the difference of marks between the internal and external valuation is less than or equal to 15% the best will be considered. If the difference is more than 15%, third valuation. In such cases the final mark will be calculated by taking the average of the nearest two evaluation marks among the three valuations. There will be no further revaluation.
- For PG Course and UG courses Supplementary Examination, single Valuation. Revaluation and recounting is allowed, on payment of stipulated fee.
Procedure for conducting Semester End Examinations
The process of conducting the semester end examinations is as follows:
- The Additional Controller of Examinations-II shall be responsible for the smooth conduct of the semester end examinations with the support of the staff and faculty invigilators drawn from the various departments.
- Question paper setter/Practical examiner is from outside the college. The paper setter shall have at least five years teaching experience and at least 2 years of experience in the respective subject.
- The controller / Additional Controller will obtain 4 question papers from question paper setters which are further verified by the moderator. One of the moderated paper will be selected by the Principal/Chief Controller/chief superintendent at least one hour before the conduct of examinations
- Controller of examinations with the help of the Additional Controllers Procure all the selected question papers of the concerned courses, print them and distribute them 10 minutes before the commencement of examinations.
- An internal inspection squad comprising of three members constituted for the day of examinations by the Principal/ Chief Superintendent will visit all the examination halls and ensures that the examinations are conducted as per the code of conduct.
- By the next day of the completion of examination of the course concerned, all the answer scripts are handed over to ACE-III for evaluation.
- The Evaluation process is completed within four weeks after the conduct of all examinations.