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Medical Sciences Lab

Medical Sciences Lab is a biology/chemistry-based study that prepares students for exciting, challenging and dynamic careers in places such as hospital labs and clinics, industrial research labs.

In this lab urine, tissue and human bones are analyzed. These test results play an important role in the detection, diagnosis, and treatment of disease.

BasicΒ Simulation Lab

Basic Simulation LabΒ with MATLAB. Students learn all the theoretical background information needed for theΒ simulationsΒ as well as the required MATLAB code.

Topics include an introduction to vectors and matrices, operations on signals and sequences, and the Fourier transform

Biomedical Signal Processing Lab mainly focus on the translationΒ  biomedical signal processing.

It is Matlab based lab. Students learn signal conditioning , Filters ,Data Compression Techniques and Noise Cancellation Techniques.

At the end of this course students are able to Design various filter, Apply various data compression techniques and noise cancellation techniques.

Transducers Lab

The lab activities included study of different Transducers and sensors which are use to acquireΒ  Biosignals . Such as LVDT, Thermistor, Thermocouple, strain gauge etc.

Students get good Knowledge about the transducers and sensors

Biomedical Equipment Lab

Bio-Medical Equipment Lab deals with Life supportΒ equipmentΒ  and Β Diagnostic Equipment. These equipment areΒ  used to maintain a patient’s bodily function. This includesΒ Defibrillators, pacemakers, diathermy etc.

Students gain hands on training on these equipment’s. This will be useful toΒ  maintain the medical equipment in hospital.