
Ph.D: – from Nagarjuna University, Guntur-2014
M.Phil.: – from Madhurai Kamraj University, Madhurai -2008
M.A.: -English from Andhra University, Visakhapatnam-2002
PG Diploma: -Communicative English from University of Hyderabad-2006
Teaching Experience – 18years
BVRIT Employee ID: 17
Contact: +91 8106306199
Employment Status: JNTUH Ratified
JNTUH Registration ID: 71150404144924
- Member in English Language Teaching Association of India, Medak Chapter
- Romantic Age
- How Am I Teaching in a Language Class” in the International Journal for the Teachers of English ELT Voices, Vol. 1 Issue 6 with ISSN 2230-9136. (Dec, 2011 pg 37-39)
- “Human Responses and Reactions to Tragic Situations: A Study of Shashi Deshpande’s A Matter of Time” in Deccan Literary Journal, a Bi-Annual International Peer-Reviewed Journal for English Literary Studies, Karnataka. Vol 1 Issue II with ISSN 2249-1910. (Jan, 2012 pg 31-37)
- “Women in the Novels of Shashi Deshpande: A Study” in Counter – View, A Peer-Reviewed Multi Disciplinary International Research Journal, Latur. Vol 1 Issue 2 with ISSN 2277-775X (March, 2012 pg28-33)
- “The Theme of Alienation in Anita Desai’s Bye-Bye Blackbird” in English Studies, International Research Journal with ISSN 2347-3479. Vol 1 Issue 1 (2013, pg 18&19)
- “Imagery in John Updike’s Rabbit Quartet” in IJMSSR, Vol.2, No.12, 31st December 2013. ISSN: 2319-4421. Pg 29-32.
- An Empirical Study On Vocabulary Building- A Selected Interventionprogramme On Speaking And Writingskills http://www.journal-aquaticscience.com/article_132037.html 12(2), 1084-1092 International Journal of Aquatic Science
- Dearth of right understanding prompts disharmony in relationships: A Critical Analyses from the Context of Shashi Deshpande’s The Dark Holds no Terrors ” in Asian Journal of Language https://www.journalajl2c.com/index.php/AJL2C/article/view/30173 Volume no,
Issue no, PP 5(1) (2022) pp.39-44 Asian Journal of Language, Literature and Cultural Studies
- “Woman – An Autonomous Being? A Study of Shashi Deshpande’s Binding Vine” in Feminine Fragrance: Reflections on Women’s Writing in English with ISBN 978-93-81030-28-8. (2012 pg 248-265)
- “From a State of Passive Acceptance to Active Assertion – A Study of Shashi Deshpande’s Women” in In Quest of New Horizons, Critical Responses to Indian Women Novelists with ISBN 978-81-922998-0-8. (2012, pg 181-197)
- “Activate the Language Class with the Use of Print and Electronic Media” in English Language and Literature Teaching with ISBN 978-81-7273-740-5. (2013, pg 196-202)
- “Interview Skills” in Campus Josh, a regional magazine Vol. 1 Issue 12 with RNI No. APENG/03096. Vol I Issue 12. (Jan 2011, pg28&29)
- “Making a Good PPT” in Campus Josh, a regional magazine Vol. 2 Issue 2 with RNI No. APENG/03096. (March, 2011 pg 32&33)
- Full Length Papers Published with ISBN INTERNATIONAL
- “Silent No More: A Study of Shashi Deshpande’s Women” in 5th International Conference on English Language and Literature held by IAIRS, Hyderabad in 2014. ISBN 978-93-83303-59-5, pg 41-44.
- Full Length Papers Published with ISBN NATIONAL
- “A Woman’s Search for Her Identity: A Thematic Perspective with Reference to the Selected Works of Shashi Deshpande” in National Conference on Contemporary Critical Theories. A UGC sponsored National Conference, held at DBF Dayanand College of Arts and Science, Solapur from 31st Aug-1st Sep, 2013, ISBN 978-81-924687-0-9, Pg 27-29.
- “Significance of Communication Skills for Managers of 21st Cent.” at the 3rd National Conference on Strategies for Managing in the New Normal held at Vishwakarma Institute of Management, Pune. 17th -19th Feb, 2012, ISBN 978-81-920768-3-6, pg 20-22.
- “Enhancing Soft Skills Through A Language Class: A Practical Approach” in UGC SERO-Hyderabad sponsored National Conference held at Govt. Degree College for Women, Srikalahasti, Chittoor, A.P. August,2014 ISBN 978-93-5171-023-3, pg 110-112.
- International
- “My Vision Towards Teaching in a Language Class” at the 6th International ELTAI Conference held at Vellore Institute of Technology, Tamil Nadu
- “Role of Social Networking in Knowledge Enhancement” in the International Conference on Relevance of Contemporary Social and Technical Research in the context of the Recent Trend of Globalization and its Impacts in Management Pedagogy” held at Haldia Institute of Technology West Bengal.
- “Moving on From Constraints and Conflicts to Confrontation” in the International Conference on Women’s Writings in English held at Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam, Tirupati.
- National
- “Quality Assurance in Technical and Business Writing” in the National Conference on English for Scientific and Technical Writing held at GITAM University, Vizag
- “Use of Print Media and Electronic Media in the English Classroom” in the National Conference on Innovations in the Teaching of English Language and Literature held at GITAM University, Hyd.
- Attended Workshop on English Language Communication Skills Laboratory organized by JNTU College of Engineering, Hyderabad
- Attended Workshop on Pedagogy of Technical Writing organized by VNR VJIET, Hyderabad
- Attended one day National Practicum on “Emerging Areas of Research in English Language and Literary Studies” at JNTU Hyderabad
- Participated two times in “Instructional Design and Delivery Systems” conducted by National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research, Chennai.
Appointed as member in Board of Studies (English)-2018 – B V Raju Institute of Technology, Narsapur, Medak.
- Scheme for Promoting Interests, Creativity & Ethics among Students (SPICES) Team has been sanctioned by the Council and grant of Rs.1,00,000/- BVRIT small talk club -An extension wing for Literary club