About HoD.

Ph.D.: Acharya Nagarjuna University, 2018.
M.Tech.: Software Engineering, JNTU, 2000.
B.Tech.: Computer Science Engineering, JNTU, 1996.
Teaching Experience: 18 Years
Industry Experience: 6 Months
Contact Number: +91 9848854358
BVRITN Employee ID: Emp ID – 096
JNTUH Registration ID: 56150404-161904
Professional Affiliations: MISTE
Fields of Specialization: Software Engineering, Programming
- Amjan Shaik, Niladri Sekhar Dey, K.Purnachand and Ch.Madhu Babu, “Sentiment Extraction and Analysis using Machine Learning Tools-Survey” IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 594 (2019) 012022 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/594/1/012022, SV-TDFS -2018, SCOPUS, December, 2018.
- Madhu Babu and A.Vinaya Babu , “Neural Network Based Approaches for Software Defect Prediction Based on Software Matrix”, International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology (IARJSET), ISSN: 2393-8021 , Volume.2, Special Issue 2, December, 2015.
- Mahdu Babu and A.Vinaya Babu , “Software Reliability Assessment with Error prone path identification using Genetic Algorithm”, International Journal of Research Sciences and Advanced Engineering [IJRSAE]TM ISSN: 2319 – 6106, Volume.2, I-9, PP: 48 – 54, January, 2015.
- Mahdu Babu and A.Vinaya Babu, “Software Reliability Assessment with GA based Optimal test data Generation”, International Journal of Computers, Electrical and Advanced Communications Engineering (IJCEACE), Vol.1 (6), ISSN: 2250-3129, Volume.2(6), August –, PP: 246 – 250, December, 2014.
- Renuka Bandi and Madhu Babu Ch, “Secure and Faster NN Queries on Outsourced Metric Data Assets”, International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT), ISSN – 2231-2803, Volume. 5, No.6 , November, 2013.
- Madhu Babu, VENU .M, Pallavi Lanke, “Multi-User Web Operating System in Cloud Environment”, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), ISSN: 2278-0181, Vol. 2 Issue 9, September – 2013.
- M.M Rajashekharaiah, Ch MadhuBabu and Dr. S. Viswanadha Raju, “Parallel String Matching Algorithm Using Grid”, International Journal of Distributed and Parallel Systems (IJDPS), ISSN No – 2012.3303, Volume.3, No.3, May, 2012.
- Madhubabu, et al, “Sentiment Extraction and analysis using Machine Learning Tools: Survey”, International Conference on Startup Ventures: Technology Development and Future Strategies (SV-TDFS-2018), Manipal University, Jaipur, Rajasthan on 8th and 9th October, 2018.
- Madhubabu, et al, “An Analytical Study on Health Care Mining frameworks: A Survey”, International Conference on Startup Ventures: Technology Development and Future Strategies (SV-TDFS-2018), Manipal University, Jaipur, Rajasthan on 8th and 9th October, 2018.
- Madhubabu, et al, “Identification of Software Defects based on Software Matrix using Pre-processing automation for Neural Network based techniques ”, International Conference on Startup Ventures: Technology Development and Future Strategies (SV-TDFS-2018), Manipal University, Jaipur, Rajasthan on 8th and 9th October, 2018.
- Madhu Babu, et al, “Neural Network Based Approaches for Software Defect Prediction Based on Software Matrix”, International Conference on Research Advancements in Engineering Science and Information Technology (ICRAESIT-2015), BVRIT, on 20th and 21st December 2015.
- Title of the invention: Weighted Coupling Support (WCS): A metric to predict the fault proneness of object-oriented application, Application No.201941042760 A, Publication Date: 29/11/2019.
- As a Head of the Department (HoD), CSE, BVRIT, since 2018.
- As a Board of Studies (BOS) Member, Department of CSE, BVRIT, since 2014.
- As a Training and Placement Officer (TPO), BVRIT, UGC-Autonomous, from May, 2016 to Dec, 2019.
- Two Week Faculty Development Programme on ”Cyber Sesurity, Cryptanalysis and Security for Physical Infrastructure” Sponsored by DST-ICPS, at GNITC, during 09-12-2019 to 20-12-2019.
- One Week Workshop on ”Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning” conducted by leadingindia.ai, initiative by Bennett University, Greater Noida, at BVRIT, during 11-12-2019 to 15-12-2019.
- One Week Faculty Development Programme on ”Internet of Things” Organized by the E&ICT Academy, NIT Warangal, at BVRIT, during 26-08-2019 to 31-08-2019.
- IUCEE “Virtual Academy Meeting” as part of Indo US Collaboration for Engineering Education at BVRIT , on 06-01-2012.
- One Week Workshop on “Mission 10X”at BVRIT, during 10-10-2011 to 14-10-2011.
- Workshop on “Social Media Applications for handling business functions and customer interactions” at Jugular Social Media, 2010-2011.
- National Level Workshop on “MatLab for Engineering Applications” at BVRIT, during 26-08-2008 to 27-08-2008.
- Faculty Development Programme on ”IBM” at MLRIT, Dundigal, during 05-10-2007 to 07-10-2007.
- Faculty Development Programme on “J2EE Technology” at BVRIT, during 07-09-2007 to 08-09-2007.
- Faculty Development Programme on “Advanced ATM Technologies” at BVRIT, during 11-02-2008 to 13-02-2008.
- Faculty Development Programme on “Instructional Design & Delivery Systems” at BVRIT, during 19-05-2008 to 24-05-2008.
- Faculty Development Programme on “Trends in Digital Signature” at BVRIT, during 12-05-2008 to 15-05-2008.
- Faculty Development Programme IUCEE FLI on “Cloud Computing” at BVRIT, during 23-08-2012 to 27-08-20128.
- Faculty Development Programme on “.NET Technology” at BVRIT, during 07-02-2007 to 09-02-2007.
- Faculty Enablement Programme by Infosys Technologies Limited, at BVRIT, on 09-08-2010 to 13-08-2010.
- TECS Workshop on “Practical Program Verification” at Deccan Park, TCS, Hyderabad, during 14-02-2008 to 18-02-2008.
- Workshop (Sun Educational Services course) on “Developing J2EE Compliant Enterprise Application FJ310”at Sun Microsystems, on 11-07-2008.