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  1. A.Jagna, β€œAn Efficient Image Independent Thinning Algorithm”, IJARCCE, ISSN No: 2319-5940, ISSN No: 2319-5940, Vol 3, Issue 10, October 2014
  2. L.Pallavi, V.Pradeep Kumar and A.Jagan, β€œMobile Cloud Computing: The Emerging Computing Paradigim for the 21st Century”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science(IJARCS),Vol 5, No. 2. March 2014, PP. No. 45-52
  3. Kalaimagal Sivamuni, Jagan Amgoth, β€œSix Sigma in Software Engineering: Turning a Dream into Reality”, UACEE International Journal of Computer Science and its Applications-Volume 3, Issue 1, 38-42, ISSN 2250-3765.
  4. Dilip Koganti, K.Bhima, A.Jagan, β€œAn Authentication Code Against Pollution Attacks in network Coding”, International Journal of Advances in soft computing technology, Vol.3, issue 1 , January-June 2013 @ ISSN:2229-3515, 43-49.
  5. A.Jagna, K.Bhima, β€œAn Improved Order-Independent Parallel Thinning Algorithm for Image Thinning”, International Journal of Computer Applications(IJCA-0975-8887)”, Vol.46,number 3, may 2012.
  6. A.Jagna, β€œ An Order-Independent two-pass Parallel Algorithm for Binary Image Thinning”, International Journal of Applied Information System(IJAIS), Foundation of Computer Science FCS, New York USA, ISSN: 2249-0868,Vol 2,number 3,may 2012,pp.22-26.
  7. A.Jagna, K.Ananda Kumar and V.Kamashi Prasad, β€œRule-based Order-Independent Parallel Algorithm for Binary Image Thinning”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562,Vol 6,number 3,march 2011,pp.315-329.
  8. A.Jagna and V.Kamashi Prasad, β€œAn efficient Parallel Binary Image Thinning Algorithm and its Performance Evaluation”, Technology Spectrum JNTU, ISSN: 0974-6854, Vol.4 No.2, pp. no. 27-30. July 2010.
  9. A.Jagna and V.Kamashi Prasad, β€œNew Parallel Binary Image Thinning Algorithm”, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences ISSN: 1819-6608, Vol.5.No.4, April 2010.
  10. A.Jagna and V.Kamashi Prasad, β€œAn efficient Two-pass Parallel Binary Image Thinning Algorithm”, IUP Journal of Computer Science, ISSN: 0973-9904, Vol. IV, No.2, April 2010.

Conference Proceedings:

  1. Kalaimagal Sivamuni, Jagan Amgoth, β€œSix Sigma in Software Engineering: Turning a Dream into Reality” Proc. Of the Intl.Conf. On Advances in Computer Science and Electronic Engineering- CSEE 2013. ISBN: 978-981-07-5461-7 doi: 10.3850/978-981-07-5461-7_16.
  2. K.Bhima, T.Aruna Sri, K.Dasaradha Ramaiah and A.Jagan, β€œExerting Spatial Join and KNN Queries on Spatial database” International Conference on Recent Advances in Computing and Software systems, 978-1-4673-0255-5/12@2012 IEEE.
  3. Rajender Dharavath, K. Bhima, K. Sri Vidya Shankari, A.Jagan, β€œBinary Tree Cluster Key Management Scheme for Heterogeneous Sensor Network”, D.C. Wyld et. al. (Eds): NeCoM/WeST/WiMoN 2011, July, CCIS 197, pp 64-77, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-22543-7_7 Β© Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011.
  4. A.Jagan, K.Ananda Kumar and V.Kamashi Prasad, β€œRule-based Parallel Thinning Algorithm and its performance Evaluation” International conference on Digital Convergence ICDC 2011, Hyderabad, 978-1-4244-9325-8,Feb 19-20, @IEEE 2011.
  5. A.Jagna, K.Ananda Kumar and V.Kamashi Prasad, β€œAn Order-Independent two-pass Parallel Algorithm for Image Thinning”, Internal conference systemic Cybernetics and Informatics, ICSCI ,Hyderabad, Jan 5-8, 2011.
  6. A.Jagan, β€œImage Thinning Methodologies”, International conference systemic Cybernetics and Informatics, ICSCI 2009, Hyderabad, Jan 7-10, 2009.
  7. A.Jagan, β€œImage processing using Singular value Decomposition β€œin National Conference on Communication computing on Nov 28th – 29th, 2008. at G.Narayannamma Institute of Technology, Hyderabad.
  1. K.M.M Rajashekharaiah, Ch MadhuBabu and Dr. S. Viswanadha Raju, β€œParallel String Matching Algorithm Using Grid”, International Journal of Distributed and Parallel Systems (IJDPS), ISSN No – 2012.3303, Vol.3, No.3, May 2012.
  2. Renuka Bandi, Madhu Babu Ch, β€œSecure and Faster NN Queries on Outsourced Metric Data Assets”, International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT), ISSN – 2231-2803, volume 5 number 6 –Nov 2013.
  3. CH. Madhu Babu, VENU .M, Pallavi Lanke, β€œMulti-User Web Operating System in Cloud Environment”, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), ISSN: 2278-0181, Vol. 2 Issue 9, September – 2013.

International Conferences

  1. Chiranjeevi, M. “Information Technology (IT) Applications in Petroleum Sector.”Recent Advances in Information Technology (RAIT), 2012 1st International Conference on. IEEE, 2012.
  2. Manike, C., & Om, H. High Utility Pattern Mining Algorithms: A Comparative Study. IEEE Workshop on Computational Intelligence: Theories, Applications and Future Directions, July 2013, IIT Kanpur, India.
  3. Manike, Chiranjeevi, and Hari Om. “Time-Fading Based High Utility Pattern Mining from Uncertain Data Streams.” Advanced Computing, Networking and Informatics-Volume 1. Springer International Publishing, 2014. 529-536.
  4. Chiranjeevi Manike, Hari Om. Transaction-Sensitive Sliding Window Based HUP-Mining using Bitmaps. 1st International Symposium on Big Data and Cloud Computing Challenges (ISBCC-2014), VIT University, Chennai, India.
  5. Chiranjeevi Manike, Hari Om. Efficient Discovery of High Utility Patterns from Transactional Databases. Data Mining Algorithms, 8th International Conference on Data Mining and Data Warehousing (ICDMW 2014), Banglore, pp. 1-9, 2014, Elsevier. (Awarded Best Paper).
  6. Chiranjeevi Manike, Hari Om. Time-efficient Tree-based Algorithm for Mining High Utility Patterns. Advances in Intelligent Informatics will be published as a special volume in the prestigious Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing (Springer) Series, pp. 409 – 418, 2014.
  7. Chiranjeevi Manike, Hari Om. Sliding-Window Based Method to Discover High Utility Patterns from Data Streams, International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Data Mining (ICCIDM 2014) December 20-21, pp. 173 – 184, 2014, Springer.

Book Chapter

  • Chiranjeevi Manike and Hari Om. Chapter 12: High-Utility Patterns Discovery in Data Mining: A Case Study. Case Studies in Intelligent Computing: Achievements and Trends, Published 2014/8/29, CRC Press. URL:

International Journals (SCI)

  1. Chiranjeevi Manike, Hari Om. Transaction-Sensitive Sliding Window Based HUP – Mining using Bitmaps. Future Generation Computer Systems, Volume 64 (2016), November 2016, Elsevier. (Accepted)
  2. Chiranjeevi Manike, Hari Om. Modified GUIDE (LM) algorithm for mining maximal high utility patterns from data streams. The International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, Taylor & Francis, Atlantis Press, Vol. 8, No. 3, 2015.
  3. Chiranjeevi Manike, Hari Om. High-Utility Pattern Mining: A Survey, ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (Under Review).
  4. Chiranjeevi Manike, Hari Om. An Efficient Algorithm for Mining Highly Profitable Patterns from Transactional Database. Sadhana (Springer) (Under Review).


  1. Ashok Kumar Nanda and Lalit Kumar Awasthi: β€œXTR Cryptosystem for SMS Security”, International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET), ISSN: 1793 – 8244 (Online Version); 1793 – 8236 (Print Version), Vol. 4, No. 6, pp. 836 – 839, 2012. (Peer – Reviewed).
  2. Ashok Kumar Nanda and Lalit Kumar Awasthi: β€œSecure SMS Encryption Using NTRU Cryptosystem”, International Journal of Information Assurance and Security (IJIAS), ISSN: 1554 – 1010, Volume – 7, Issue – 3, pp. 182 – 192, 2012. (Peer – Reviewed).
  3. Ashok Kumar Nanda and Lalit Kumar Awasthi: β€œNTRU Based Security for SMS Communications over Android Mobile Phones”, International Journal of Research in Computer and Communication Technology (IJRCCT). (Communicated).
  4. Ashok Kumar Nanda, Rakesh Nayak and Lalit Kumar Awasthi: β€œGaussian Integer Based NTRU Cryptosystem Using Matrix Representation”, IETE Journal of Research, Taylor & Francis. (Communicated).
  5. Ashok Kumar Nanda, Rakesh Nyak and Lalit Kumar Awasthi: β€œMultiple Private Keys with NTRU”, IETE Journal of Research, Taylor & Francis. (Communicated).
  6. Ashok Kumar Nanda and Lalit Kumar Awasthi: β€œNTRU Threshold for MANET Security”, Security and Communication Networks Journal, Wiley – BlackwellΒ (Communicated).


  1. Ashok Kumar Nanda and Lalit Kumar Awasthi: β€œA Proposal for SMS Security Using NTRU Cryptosystem”, 9th International Conference on Heterogeneous Networking for Quality, Reliability, Security and Robustness (QSHINE – 2013), Book Title: Quality, Reliability, Security and Robustness in Heterogeneous Networks, Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, Volume – 115, pp. 706 – 718, Springer – Verlag Berlin Heidelberg at Gautam Buddha University, Greater Noida, Utter Pradesh, India during 11 – 12 Jan’ 2013. (Springer).
  2. Ashok Kumar Nanda and Lalit Kumar Awasthi: β€œXTR for SMS Security”, Global Congress on Science and Engineering (GCSE – 2011) at Flora Grand Hotel, Dubai, UAE during 28 – 30 December 2011.
  3. Ashok Kumar Nanda and Lalit Kumar Awasthi: β€œEncryption Based Channel Coding Algorithm for Secure SMS”, World Congress on Information and Communication Technologies (WICT – 2011), pp. 1282 – 1287, ISBN: 978 – 1 – 4673 – 0125 – 1 at Computer Science Department, Mumbai University, Mumbai, India during 11 – 14 December 2011. (IEEE Explore).
  4. Ashok Kumar Nanda and Lalit Kumar Awasthi: β€œEnhancing The Security System of SEESMS Using NTRU”, Las Vegas International Engineering Education Conference – 2011, pp. 297, ISSN Number: 1539 – 8757 (print); 2157 – 9660 (online) at Caesars Palace, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA during 10 – 12 October 2011. (Clute online).
  5. Ashok Kumar Nanda and Lalit Kumar Awasthi: β€œJoint Channel Coding and Cryptography for SMS”, 9th Siberian International Conference on Control and Communication (SIBCON 2011), pp. 50 – 55, ISBN: 978 – 1 – 4577 – 1069 – 8 at Institute of Engineering Physics and Radio Electronics, Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia during 15 – 16 September 2011.(IEEE Explorer)
  6. Ashok Kumar Nanda and Lalit Kumar Awasthi: β€œSMS Security”, International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communication (ICACC – 2011), pp. 296 – 303, ISBN: 978 – 81 – 920874 – 0 – 5 at Computer Science & Engineering and Computer Centre, National Institute Technology, Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh, India during 08 – 10 April 2011.
  7. Ashok Kumar Nanda and Lalit Kumar Awasthi: β€œMobile ICT Learning Using Advanced Technology”, International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communication (ICACC – 2011), pp. 192 – 196, ISBN: 978 – 81 – 920874 – 0 – 5 at Computer Science & Engineering and Computer Centre, National Institute Technology, Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh, India during 08 – 10 April 2011.
  8. Ashok Kumar Nanda and Lalit Kumar Awasthi: β€œProposal for Enhancing The Security System of SEESMS”, International Conference on Digital Convergence (ICDC – 2011), pp. 364 – 367, ISBN: 978 – 1 – 4244 – 9325 – 8 at Chennai, India, during 19 – 20 February 2011.

International Journals

  1. Amjan Shaik, et al, β€œScalability and Sensitivity of WCS, WChS over the traditional Coupling and Cohesion Metrics: An Empirical Analysis”, IJARCSSE, ISSN: 2278-0661, Impact Factor: 2.08.
  2. Amjan Shaik, et al, β€œImpact of mediated relations as confounding factor on cohesion and coupling metrics: For measuring fault proneness in object oriented software quality assessment”, GJCST, ISSN: 0975-4172.
  3. Amjan Shaik, et al,β€œWeighted Cohesion Support (WChS): A Metric to predict the fault proneness of Object Oriented Application”, IJSER, ISSN: 2229-5518, ICV: 5.24, Impact Factor: 3.2.
  4. Amjan Shaik, et al, β€œWeighted Coupling Support (WCS): A Metric to predict the fault proneness of Object Oriented Application”, IJARCS, ISSN: 0976 – 5697, ICV: 5.4, Impact Factor: 3.7
  5. Amjan Shaik, et al, β€œA Critical Approaches to Identification of Disambiguation Words in NLP: Current State of the Art”, IJETT, ISSN: 2231-5381. ICV: 4.33, Impact Factor: 1.2
  6. Amjan Shaik, et al, β€œWord Sense Disambiguation: An Empirical Survey”, IJSCE,ISSN: 2231-2307, ICV: 6.30, Impact Factor: 1.1.
  7. Amjan Shaik, et al, β€œTransitive Coupling and Coupling Transitivity for Object Oriented Systems: A new approach” , IJCTA, ISSN: 2229-6093, ICV: 5.2, Impact Factor: 2.8.
  8. Amjan Shaik, et al, β€œA Class Level Fault Prediction in Object Oriented Systems: Cohesion Approach”, IJCSET, ISSN: 2231-0711.
  9. Amjan Shaik, et al, β€œEmpirical analysis of Object Oriented Design Metrics and Quality Assessment”, IJCA, ISSN: 0975–8887, Impact Factor: 1.08.
  10. Amjan Shaik, et al, β€œA Suggestive Evaluation of System Test Cases in OO Systems through Carving and Replaying Differential Unit Test Case: A Metric Context”, IJCSIT, ISSN: 0975–9646, Impact Factor: 2.9.
  11. Amjan Shaik, et al, β€œAn Image Retrieval System Using Spatial Database: An Image Processing Context with Software Metrics”, IJCSIT, ISSN: 0975–9646, Impact Factor: 2.9.
  12. Amjan Shaik, et al, β€œAssessing Deviations of Empirical Measures for Temporal Network Anomaly Detection: An Exercise”, IJCSIT, ISSN: 0975–9646, Impact Factor: 2.9.
  13. Amjan Shaik, et al, β€œScale the Active Influence Based Investigation using Materialized Sub Graphs”, IJCSIT, ISSN: 0975–9646, Impact Factor: 2.9 .
  14. Amjan Shaik, et al, β€œInvestigate the Result of Object Oriented Design Software Metrics on Fault-Proneness in Object Oriented Systems: A Case Study”, IJETCIS, ISSN: 2079-8407.
  15. Amjan Shaik, et al, β€œEmpirically Investigating the Effect of Design Metrics On Fault Proneness in Object Oriented Systems”, IJCSET, ISSN: 2229-3345.
  16. Amjan Shaik, et al, β€œEmpirical Analysis of Image Compression through Wave Transform and Neural Network”, IJCSIT, ISSN: 0975–9646, Impact Factor: 2.9.
  17. Amjan Shaik, et al, β€œEffective Authentication Mechanisms for Mobile Devices: Smartcard (SMCA, BSCA)”, IJCSIT, ISSN: 0975–9646, Impact Factor: 2.9.
  18. Amjan Shaik, et al, β€œAn Empirical Validation of Object Oriented Design Metrics in Object Oriented Systems”, JETEAS, ISSN: 2141–7016, Impact Factor: 1.1.
  19. Amjan Shaik, et al, β€œMetrics for Object Oriented Design Software Systems: Survey”, JETEAS, ISSN: 2141–7016, Impact Factor: 1.1.
  20. Amjan Shaik, et al, β€œStatistical Analysis for Object Oriented Design Software Metrics”,IJEST, ISSN: 0975–5472, ICV : 4.14

International Conferences

  1. Amjan Shaik, et al, β€œA study on software Prediction Models in Object Oriented Systems”, ICICC-2015, BVRIT Narsapur (UGC – Autonomous Institution).
  2. Amjan Shaik, et al, β€œTwitter Accounts:Measurement and Classification”, ICICC-2015, BVRIT Narsapur (UGC – Autonomous Institution).
  3. Amjan Shaik, et al, β€œPerformance Evaluation and content development using E-learning environment through Metrics”, ICACM-2011 with Elseware publication, GRIET, Hyderabad (UGC – Autonomous Institution).
  4. Amjan Shaik, et al, β€œAutomated Identification and Classification of White Blood Cells in Digital Microscopic Images”,ICACM-2011 with Elseware publication, GRIET, Hyderabad (UGC – Autonomous Institution).
  5. Amjan Shaik, et al, β€œStatistical Analysis for Object Oriented Design Software Metrics”, ICAIEA-2010, Anna University, Chennai.
  6. Amjan Shaik, et al, β€œEmpirical Analysis of Metrics for Object Oriented Design Complexity”, ICSPORCSA-2010, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam.
  7. Amjan Shaik, et al, β€œObject Oriented Analysis Using Patterns: Research Methodologies and Review”, ICSPORCSA-2010, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam.
  8. Amjan Shaik, et al, β€œAn Empirical Study to Investigate the Effect of Metrics on Fault Proneness in Object Oriented Design Evaluation”, ICCCSB-2009, SVPEC in association with Andhra University, Visakhapatnam.
  9. Amjan Shaik, et al, β€œObject Oriented Design Metrics: Survey and Comparison”, ICCCSB-2009, SVPEC in association with Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, India.
  10. Amjan Shaik, et al, β€œA Study to Investigate the Effect of Metrics on Object Oriented Design (Poster Presentation)”, ICCCSB-2009, SVPEC in association with Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, India, ( Awarded for the First Best ).
  11. Participated an International Conference on Information System Security (ICISS-2008) organized by JNTUH, Hyderabad during 16th -20th December. 2008.
  12. Amjan Shaik, et al, β€œImportance of Object Oriented Design Metrics”, ICACT–2008, GRIET, Hyderabad.

National Conferences

  1. Amjan Shaik, et al, β€œRoute discovery enhancement in AODV for mobile adhoc networks”, NCRRAIT-2014, BVRIT Narsapur (UGC-Autonomous Institution), Medak, India, ISBN:978-93-82163-73-2.
  2. Amjan Shaik, et al, β€œJQuery Ajax: An Empirical Study”, NCRRAIT-2014, BVRIT Narsapur (UGC-Autonomous Institution), Medak, India, ISBN:978-93-82163-73-2.
  3. Amjan Shaik, et al, β€œAn empirical study on biometrics and its applications”, NCRRAIT-2014, BVRIT Narsapur (UGC-Autonomous Institution), Medak, India, ISBN:978-93-82163-73-2.
  4. Amjan Shaik, et al, β€œInformation Security – Practitioner’s View: An Empirical Study”, NCCNIS-2014, Vasavi College of Engineering (UGC-Autonomous Institution), Ibrahimbagh, Hyderabad, India.
  5. Amjan Shaik, et al, β€œImpact of Transitivity as Confounding Factor for Coupling and Cohesion Metrics in Object Oriented Systems”,RAAME-2012, VNRVJIT(UGC-Autonomous Institution), Hyderabad, India.
  6. Amjan Shaik, et al, β€œStatistical Analysis Approaches to Measuring Coupling and Cohesion to Estimate the fault proneness in Object Oriented Systems”,RAAME-2012, VNRVJIT (UGC-Autonomous Institution), Hyderabad, India.
  7. Amjan Shaik, et al, β€œObject Oriented Software Engineering: Measuring and Controlling the Design Process”, NCRTCSE-2010, GEC, Ibrahimpatnam, Hyderabad, India.
  8. Amjan Shaik, et al, β€œConfounding Effect of Object Oriented Design Metrics on Object Oriented Systems”, NCRTMS-2010, Osmania University, Hyderabad, India.
  9. Amjan Shaik, et al, β€œA Taxonomy of Software Design Patterns”, NCRTMS-2010, Osmania University, Hyderabad, India.
  10. Amjan Shaik, et al, β€œA Study of Cloud Computing: An Empirical Analysis and Investigation”, NCRTMS-2010, Osmania University, Hyderabad, India.
  11. Amjan Shaik, et al, β€œA Survey of Process Development Models”, NCACT-2010, Bharat Institute of Engineering and Technology, Ibrahimpatnam, Hyderabad, India.
  12. Amjan Shaik, et al, β€œBlue Eyes: A Human Operator Monitoring Systems”, NCACT-2010, Bharat Institute of Engineering and Technology, Ibrahimpatnam, Hyderabad, India.
  13. Amjan Shaik, et al, β€œA Texonamy of Web Spoofing”, NCACT-2010, Bharat Institute of Engineering and Technology, Ibrahimpatnam, Hyderabad, India.
  14. Amjan Shaik, et al, β€œNanoTech!Does it really help? An Empirical Analysis on Memory Devices”, NCACT-2010, BIET, Ibrahimpatnam, Hyderabad, India.
  15. Amjan Shaik, et al, β€œA Study of Real-time Process Models in Software Engineering”, NCACT-2010, BIET, Ibrahimpatnam, Hyderabad, India.
  16. Amjan Shaik, et al, β€œExact Match Image Retrieval System Using Spatial Database”, MMET-2010, Stanley College of Engineering and Technology, Abids, Hyderabad, India.
  17. Amjan Shaik, et al, β€œMetrics Do They Really Help? Validation of Software Metrics Using AS Metric Tool”, NCFCA-2009, Pune, India.
  18. Amjan Shaik, et al, β€œAn Empirical Validation of Object Oriented Metrics For Fault Predication In Software Process”, NCSE-2009, MSRIT, Bangalore, India, IEEE Bangalore Chapter, ISBN: 81 8884964-2.
  19. Amjan Shaik, et al, β€œEmpirical Analysis of Object Oriented Software Architecture based on Software Metrics”, NCCC-2008, GNITS(UGC-Autonomous Institution), Hyderabad, India.
  20. Amjan Shaik, et al, β€œPredicting the Faults in Software Systems By Using Object Oriented Design Metrics”, NCCC-2008, GNITS(UGC-Autonomous Institution), Hyderabad, India.
  21. Amjan Shaik, et al, β€œAgile Methodologies for Software Development”,NCMTCST-2013, Ellenki College of Engineering and Technology (ECET), Hyderabad, ISBN:978-162776537-4.
  22. Amjan Shaik, et al, β€œMining Techniques and Object Oriented Design Software”,NCMTCST-2013, ECET, Hyderabad, ISBN:978-162776537-4.
  23. Amjan Shaik, et al, β€œCustomer Relationship Management: A new trend in E-Business”, Customer Relationship Management: A new trend in E-Business, ECET, Hyderabad, ISBN:978-162776537-4.
  24. Amjan Shaik, et al, β€œA Realtime Case Study on Oracle XML Publishers”, NCMTCST-2013, ECET, Hyderabad, ISBN:978-162776537-4.
  25. Amjan Shaik, et al, β€œUsing tokens to improve the loss of packet control from core edge network”, NCMTCST-2013, ECET, Hyderabad, ISBN:978-162776537-4.
  26. Amjan Shaik, et al, β€œEfficient audit service outsourcing for data integrity in Clouds”, NCMTCST-2013, ECET, Hyderabad, ISBN:978-162776537-4.
  27. Amjan Shaik, et al, β€œTowards secure and dependable storage services in cloud computing”, NCMTCST-2013, ECET, Hyderabad, ISBN:978-162776537-4.
  28. Amjan Shaik, et al, β€œSoftware Quality Architecture Based On Runtime Metrics”, RESPOGRAF-2008, ASTRA, Hyderabad, India ( Awarded for Second Best).
  29. Amjan Shaik, et al, β€œObject Oriented Software Engineering”, TECHNOGRAIL-05, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, India.

Research Papers

  1. Bhawana Rudra, O P Vyas. Investigation of Security Issues for Service Oriented Network Architecture. In International Journal of Security and Communication Networks, 28 December, 2015
  2. Bhawana Rudra, A P Manu, O P Vyas. Service Authentication Codes (SAC) for Emerging Network Architectures. In International Journal on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology. 6(1):61-64, November, 2011.
  3. AP Manu, Bhawana Rudra, Vipin Kumar and OP Vyas. Broker’s Communication for Service Oriented Network Architecture. In International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking Vol. 5, No. 4, December, 2012
  4. Bhawana Rudra, O P Vyas. Service Oriented Network Architecture: Signi_cant issues and Principles of Communication. In International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering (IJCSE), Vol 10, No:3, March 2015
  5. Bhawana Rudra, O P Vyas, Understanding and Mitigating Security issues in Service Oriented Network Architecture. In International Journal of Security and Networks, Vol.10, No1, April 2015
  6. Bhawana Rudra, O P Vyas. Exploration of Access Control Mechanisms for Service Oriented Network Architecture. In International Journal Internet Protocol Technology, Vol 9, No.1, December, 2015

Conference Papers

  1. Bhawana Rudra, A P Manu, O P Vyas, Security and Authentication Issues in Emerging Network Architecture with Special Reference to SONATE. In International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks, pages 658-662, Oct, 2011.IEEE
  2. A. P. Manu, B. Rudra, B. Reuther, and O. P. Vyas. Design and Implementation Issues of Flexible Network Architecture. In International Conference on Computational Intelligence
  3. and Communication Networks, pages 283-288, Oct, 2011.Β 

International Journals

  1. J.Sreedhar, S. Viswanadha Raju, A. Vinaya Babu, β€œQuery Processing for Content Based Image Retrieval” International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering(IJSCE), Volume-1,Issue-5,November-2011,ISSN:2231-2307.
  2. J.Sreedhar, S. Viswanadha Raju, A. Vinaya Babu, Amzan Shaik, P.Pavan Kumar β€œWord Sense Disambiguation : An Empirical Survey” International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering(IJSCE), Volume-2,Issue-2,May-2012,ISSN:2231-2307.
  3. J.Sreedhar, S. Viswanadha Raju, A. Vinaya Babu, Amzan Shaik, P.Pavan Kumarβ€œA critical Approaches to Identification of Disambiguation Words in NLP : A Current State of the Art” International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technologies (IJETT), Volume-3,Issue-3,May-2012,ISSN:2231-5381.
  4. J.Sreedhar, P.Pavan Kumar, β€œInnovative Techniques and Technologies in Translation in a Multilingual Context” 3rd International Conference on Translation Technology and Globalization in Multilingual Context” Delhi, June 23-26, 2012.
  5. J.Sreedhar, P.Pavan Kumar, β€œLanguage teaching and MLE in the context of the third revolution” DLA Conference on Dravidian Languages and Translation Technology” HCU, Hyderabad, June 18-20, 2012.
  6. J.Sreedhar, K.Radhika, Tasneem Fatima, β€œan empirical study on wireless sensor and adhoc networks” National Conference on Modern Trends in Computer Science & Technology(NCMTCST-2013) ISBN: 978-162776537-4
  7. J.Sreedhar, M.Saritha, Amjn Shaik, β€œUsing Tokens to improve the loss of packet control core to Edge Network β€œ National Conference on Modern Trends in Computer Science & Technology(NCMTCST-2013) ISBN: 978-162776537-4
  8. J.Sreedhar, S. Viswanadha Raju, A. Vinaya Babu β€œHYPERLEX: Word Sense Disambiguation for Information Retrieval” National Conference on Modern Trends in Computer Science & Technology(NCMTCST-2013) ISBN: 978-162776537-4
  9. J.Sreedhar, M.Saritha, Amjan Shaik, β€œA cram on computer networks and security” International Journal of P2P Network Trends and Technology-Volume3 Issue 1-2013.
  10. J. Sreedhar, Dr.S.Viswanadha Raju, Dr.A. Vinaya Babu, β€œA Study of Critical Approaches in WSD for Telugu Language Nouns: Current State of the Art” International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research(IJSER), Volume-5,Issue-6,June-2014,ISSN:2229-5518.
  11. J.Sreedhar, Dr.S.Viswanadha Raju, Dr.A. Vinaya Babu, β€œ Empirical Analysis of Context Free Grammars and Parse Trees” International Journal of Computer Applications(IJCA), Volume-98, Issue-7,July-2014,ISSN:0975-8887.
  12. J.Sreedhar, Dr.S.Viswanadha Raju, Dr.A. Vinaya Babu, β€œTwo-word and Three-word Disambiguation Rules for Telugu Language Sentences: A Practical Approach” Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology (GJCST), Volume-14,Issue-1,Year-2014,ISSN:0975-4350.
  13. J.Sreedhar Dr.S.Viswanadha Raju, Dr.A. Vinaya Babu, β€œInference Rules on Telugu Language Sentences for Resolving Ambiguity” National Conference on Recent Research Advancements in Information Technology, Hyderabad, September 25-26, 2014, ISBN: 978-93-82163-73-2.
  14. J.Sreedhar, Dr.S.Viswanadha Raju, Dr.A.VinayaBabu, β€œWord Sense Disambiguation Techniques” International Journal of Computer Science Information and Engineering Technologies (IJCSIET), Hyderabad, 2014, ISSN: 2277 – 4408.
  15. J.Sreedhar, M.Neelima, Dr.D.Ramesh, β€œOnline Analytical Report Recommender System” International Journal of Computer Science Engineering and Technology (IJCSET), Volume-06,Issue-3,Year-2016,ISSN:2231-0711.

International/National JournalsΒ 

  1. P.Sireesha,Dr.K.Subba Rao, Published a International Journal on” A Study on Task Scheduling Algorithms Using Quality of Service in Cloud Computing” Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology(JATIT),Dec 2016- SCOPUS JOURNAL.
  2. Dr.K.Subba Rao,B.Prashanth Published a International Journal on”Development of Online Inventory Management System through Agile Unified Process” International Journal of Software Engineering and its Applications(IJSEA),Dec 2016- SCOPUS JOURNAL
  3. Rohit Rosan.D, Dr.K.Subba Rao Published a International Journal on”Least Mean Difference Round Robin(LMDRR)CPU Scheduling Algorithm” Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology (JATIT), ISSN: 1992-8645,Vol.88, No.1,Page Numbers:51-56, 10thJun 2016 -SCOPUS JOURNAL
  4. Prapulla Devi.K, Dr.K.Subba Rao Published a International Journal on” A BIG DATA AND MULTICLOUD PROVIDING PRIVACY AWARE SERVICES OVER DISTRIBUTED ENVIRONMENT” Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology (JATIT),Nov 2016 -SCOPUS JOURNAL
  5. Rohit Rosan.D, Dr.K.Subba Rao Published a International Journal on” Intranet Design Strategies”International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE),Vol:6, Issue No:3, pp. 936 ~ 944, ISSN: 2088-8708, Jun 2016 – SCOPUS JOURNAL
  6. Prapulla Devi.K, Dr.K.Subba Rao Published a International Journal on ”A Secure and Privacy Aware and Establishing Distributed Services Across Inter Cloud Communication ” INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICAL IDEAS (IJCMI) ,vol:11-1, Page No :70010 to 70015, Mar-April 2016 –SCOPUS INDEXED JOURNAL
  7. Chandra Mounika .P,Dr.K .Subba Rao Published a International Journal on”An Impulsive Wireless Ad hoc Network for Secured Protocol ”International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering(IJARCCE),Vol. 4, Issue 6, ISSN (Online) 2278-1021,ISSN (Print) 2319-5940 ,page numbers:293-295,June 2015
  8. Y,Priyanka, Dr.K.Subba Rao Published a International Journal on” A Dispersed Mobile Q&A Coordination Rooted In Set of Connections ” International Journal of Research in Computer and Communication Technology(IJRCCT), Vol 4, Issue 5, ISSN (Online) 2278- 5841 ISSN (Print) 2320- 5156 May- 2015 .
  9. S. Sri Pujitha,K.Subba Rao,Published a International Journal on” Energy Efficient and Secure, Trusted framework for Wireless Sensor Networks” International Journal of Emerging Technology in Computer Science & Electronics (IJETCSE) ISSN: 0976-1353 Volume 9 Issue 1 –JULY 2014.
  10. K.Sreenivasa Reddy,K.Subba Rao,Published a International Journal on” Reversible Data Hiding in Distributed source coding using syndromes” International Journal of Research in Information Technology(IJRIT),ISSN:2001-5569 Volume 1, Issue 7, July 2014, Pg. 408-413
  11. Ch.Anjani Kumar, K.Subba Rao, published a International Journal on “Usage of Multiple Clouds to increase Security in Cloud Computing”, International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering( IJCSE), E-ISSN:2347-2693, Vol 2 Issue 5, May 2014, page numbers:123-125.—SCOPUS JOURNAL
  12. K.Subba Rao,Dr.L.S.S Reddy, published a International Journal on “Efficient Software Cost Estimation Using Partitioning Techniques”, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181, Vol. 2 Issue 11, November – 2013, Page numbers:3899-3932.
  13. K.Subba Rao,Dr.L.S.S Reddy published a International Journal on “Software Cost Estimation in Multilayer Feed forward Network using Random Holdback Method”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering(IJARCSSE) Volume 3, Issue 10, October 2013, ISSN: 2277 128X, Page numbers:1309-1328.
  14. K.Subba Rao,Dr L.S.S Reddy Published a International Journal on β€œMeasurement Model of Software Quality in User’s Perception” International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology(IJRET) Vol:2,Issue:9,ISSN:2319-1163,2321-7308,Page Numbers:567-572,Sept 2013.
  15. P.Babul Saheb, K.Subba Rao Published a International Journal on β€œPerformance Evaluation of Dynamic Fuzzy Voter Used In Safety Critical Systems” International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science(IJEACS) Vol:2,Issue:8,ISSN:2319-7242,2649-2658,Aug 2013.
  16. K.Subba Rao,P.Babul Saheb,Dr L.S.S Reddy Published a International Journal on β€œReuse of Software in Distributed System Components” International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology Research(IJSETR) Vol:2,Issue:8,ISSN:2319-8885,663-667,August 2013.
  17. P.Babul Shaheb,K. Subba Rao, Dr.S.Phani kumar Published a International Journal on β€œ A Survey on Voting Algorithms Used in Safety Critical Systems” International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science(IJECS) Vol:2,Issue:7,ISSN:2319-7242,2272-2279,July 2013.
  18. K.Subba Rao S.Naga Mani, M.Santhosi, Dr.L.S.S.Reddy published International Journal on “Developing Reusable Software Components For Distributed Embedded Systems” vol:1 Issue:2, 297-301 IJRET Nov, 2012.
  19. K.Lavanya,K.Subba Rao, National journal on “An efficient technique for IRIS Recognition based on ENI Features” i-managers journal on information technology volume-1.No-2, Page Nos:21-26,March – May 2012.
  20. Y.Prasanth,K.Subba Rao, Dr.L.S.S.Reddy Published a International Journal on “Using UML for Automatic Test Generation” Oriental Journal of Computer Science and Technology, Vol. 1 No.2 Page Nos:107-116 has been published in Dec’10 2008.

International JournalsΒ 

  1. Suresh Dara , A C S Rao and H Banka. Cancer Microarray Data Feature Selection using Multi Objective Binary Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm, EXCIL Journal, vol. 15, pp. 460-473 (2016). ISSN 1611-2156 (Indexed in Thomson Reuters/ SCI Expanded, Impact factor: 1.292)
  2. Haider Banka and Suresh Dara, A Hamming Distance based Binary Particle Swarm Optimization (HD-BPSO) Algorithm for Feature Selection in High Dimensional Data, Elsevier- Pattern Recognition Letters, vol. 52, pp. 94-100 (2015). ISSN 0167-8655 (Indexed in Thomson Reuters / SCI Journal, Impact Factor: 1.447)Β
  3. Baijnath Kaushik, Haider Banka, and Suresh Dara, Binary PSO Approach in Solving Bounded and Exact Reliability in High Dimensional Complex Networks, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol. 10, Issue: 81, pp. 242-246 (2015).(SCOPUS Indexed) ISSN 0973-4562.

International ConferencesΒ 

  1. Haider Banka and Suresh Dara. Feature Selection and Classification for Gene Expression Data Using Evolutionary Computation. In Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA), 2012 23rd International Workshop on, pp. 185-189. IEEE, Austria 2012 ISSN: 1529-4188.Β
  2. Haider Banka and Suresh Dara. Hamming Distance based Binary PSO for Feature Selection and Classification from high dimensional Gene Expression Data, 2nd International Work-Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (IWBBIO-14), pp. 508-514, ISBN 978-84-15814-84-9, Spain,2014.
  3. Suresh Dara and Haider Banka. An Elitist Binary PSO Algorithm for Selecting Features in High Dimensional Data. 2nd International Conference on Advanced Computing, Networking, and Informatics (ICACNI 2014), Kolkata, India. Advanced Computing, Networking and Informatics-Volume 1. Springer International Publishing, 2014. pp. 679-686. ISBN 978-3-319-07350-7Β
  4. Suresh Dara and Haider Banka. A Binary PSO Feature Selection Algorithm for Gene Expression Data, IEEE International Conference on Advance Communication And Computing Technologies (ICACACT-14), Mumbai, India 2014. pp. 1-6. ISBN: 978-1-4799-7318-7. DOI: 10.1109/EIC.2015.7230734 .
  5. A C S Rao, Suresh Dara and Haider Banka. An Improved Quantum Inspired Immune Clone Optimization Algorithm, 6th International Conference on Swarm, Evolutionary and Memetic Computing (SEMCCO 2015), Hyderabad, India. pp. 84-91, 2015. ISBN: 978-3-319-48958-2. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-48959-9_8
  6. Arvind Kumar Tiwari and Suresh Dara, Computational Intelligence Techniques for the Prediction of Cancers: A Review, International Conference on Updates in Cancer Prevention and Research (ICUCPR-2017), Lucknow, India (Accepted)


  • Suresh Dara and Haider Banka, Feature Selection in High Dimensional Data Using Metaheuristics, Verilog/Publisher:LAP LAMBERT academic, Deutschland/Germany, 2017. ISSBN: 978-3-330-03063-3

Book ChaptersΒ 

  1. Haider Banka, Suresh Dara, and Mourad Elloumi, Feature Selection and Classification for gene expression data using Evolutionary Computations, Biological Knowledge Discovery Handbook: Pre-processing, Mining and Post processing of Biological Data. Vol. 23. John Wiley & Sons, 2013. ISBN 978-1-118-13273-9.
  2. Suresh Dara and Arvind Kumar Tiwari, Application of Optimization techniques for Gene Expression Data Analysis, Ubiquitous Machine Learning and its Applications, IGI Global (Accepted)

National ConferenceΒ 

  • Suresh Dara,β€œAFST Algorithm for Adoptive Data Fusion for Energy Efficient Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks”, National Conference on Research Trends in Information Technology (CONVERG-2K8), Bhimavaram, Feb-2008.
  1. β€œMethods to provide security to the data in Multi cloud architecture” in an International Journal of Advance Research in Computer Science and Management Studies (IJARCSMS)
  2. β€œNode and Link Based Channel Assignment in WSN for fast Converge cost” in an International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) Vol-4/Issue-10 ISSN: 2231-2803 in Sep2013.
  3. β€œAn Efficient Frame Work of Data Classification using Technique on Slicing” in an International Journal of Reviews on Recent Electronics & Computer Science (IJRRECS) Vol-5/Issue-5/652-655, ISSN: 2321-5461 in Aug 2013.


  1. L.Pallavi, Sopna Edwin β€œDual-boot Operating Systems in Smartphone” in International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), Volume-2, Issue-9, ISSN: 2278-0181 in September-2013.
  2. Ch. Madhu Babu, L.Pallavi, M.Venu β€œMulti-User Web Operating System in Cloud Environment” in International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), Volume-2, Issue-9, ISSN: 2278-0181 in September-2013.
  3. L.Pallavi, V.PradeepKumar, Dr.A.Jagan β€œMobile Cloud Computing : The Emerging Computing Paradigm for the 21st century” in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science (IJARCS), ISSN: 0976- 5697
  4. L.Pallavi, V.PradeepKumar β€œMobile Cloud Computing : Service Models” in International Journal of Advances In Computer, Electrical And Electronics Engineering (IJACEEE), ISSN: 2248-9584
  5. S. Harika, L.Pallavi, V.PradeepKumar β€œCloud Computing: An Introduction to SMAC” in International Journal Of Recent Advances in Engineering & Technology (IJRAET), ISSN (Online): 2347-2812


  1. Ch. Rajya Lakshmi, L.Pallavi β€œStorage Security Issues in Cloud Computing” in National Conference on Recent Trends in Computer Science and Technology (NCRTCST)-2013, ISBN: 978-81-923249-0-6
  2. L.Pallavi, V.PradeepKumar, S. Harika β€œA Survey on Mobile Cloud Computing with Security Issues” in National Conference on Advanced Computing and Pattern Recognition (ACPR)-2014, ISBN: 978-93-830381-7-6
  3. V.PradeepKumar, L.Pallavi β€œAn Overview of Security and Privacy Issues in Mobile Cloud Computing Environment” in National Conference on Computer Networks and Information Security (NCCNIS 2014), ISBN: 9789382570233
  4. L.Pallavi, V.PradeepKumar, Dr.A.Jagan β€œMobile Cloud Computing : The Emerging Computing Paradigm for the 21st century” in National Conference on Advanced Trends and Challenges in Computer Science and its Applications – 2014 (NCATCCSA 2014), ISSN: 0976-5697
  5. L.Pallavi, V.PradeepKumar β€œMobile Cloud Computing : Service Models” in International Conference on Computer & Communication Technologies 2K14 (IC3T-2K14), ISSN: 2248-9584
  6. S. Harika, L.Pallavi, V.PradeepKumar β€œCloud Computing: An Introduction to SMAC” in International Conference in Computer Science, Electronics and Communication Engineering (ICCECE 2014).
  1. Published a paper entitled β€œA Novel Approach for Enhancing Direct Hashing and Pruning for Association Rule Mining” in Journal of Computer Technology & Applications, Volume 3, Issue 1, April 2012, Pages 1-8. ISSN: 2229–6964Β© STM Journals 2012.
  2. Published a paper entitled β€œA Concise Survey on Text Mining, Ontology Learning Methods and Modeling Tools” in a National Conference on β€œAdvanced Computing and Pattern Recognition(ACPR-14)”, Jan 2014, Pages 452-455.ISBN:9789383038176
  3. Published a paper entitled β€œAN INTEGRATED APPROACH TO IMPROVE THE TEXT CATEGORIZATION USING SEMANTIC MEASURES” in an International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Data Mining (ICCIDM-2014).


  1. G. Uday Kiran, K. Purna Chand, β€œA Novel Approach for Enhancing Direct Hashing and Pruning for Association Rule Mining” in STM International Journal (Computer Technology and Applications) in Dec 2012.
  2. G. Uday Kiran, M.K.S Anusha, β€œAdvanced XML Data Search in Web 2.0” in International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology in Aug 2013.
  3. G. Uday Kiran, Sushmitha, β€œPerformance Based Graphics Engine for Smartphones” in International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology in Aug 2013.
  4. G. Uday Kiran, B. Srujana et al, β€œData Extraction from Web Database Search Result Using Automatic Annotation” in International Journal of Computer Technology and Applications, Vol 5 (5),1646-1650 IJCTA | Sept-Oct 2014


  1. K. Purna Chand, G, Uday Kiran, Presented a paper on β€œA Concise Survey on Text Mining, Ontology Learning Methods and Modeling Tools” in National Conference on Advanced Computing and Pattern Recognition at JNTU Jagityal.
  2. G. Uday Kiran, Presented a paper on β€œAn Overview Report on Software Re-and Reverse Engineering” in a National Conference at SPMVV, Tirupathi.
  1. Prior Authentication Approach to enhance security in cloud Computing, IJECCE, Vol.4,Issue 6
  2. Smartphone as a Virtual Machine, IJERT, Vol. 2, Issue 9, Sep-2013
  1. Published a paper on Energy Management Systems for a β€œHandbook of Research on Emerging Technologies for Electrical Power Planning, Analysis, and Optimization.” by IGI Global Publications.
  2. Published a paper on A Survey on Malware Analysis and Detection Methods in a National Conference on Recent Research Advancements in Information Technology (NCRRAIT-2014) held on 25th & 26th September 2014 in association with CSI and IETE Hyderabad Chapters.
  3. Published a paper on Prior Authentication Approach to Enhance Security in Cloud Computing in International Journal of Electronics Communication and Computer Engineering.
  4. Published a paper in National Conference on Recent Trends in Computer Science and Technology (NCRTCST)-2013.
  1. L.Pallavi, V.PradeepKumar β€œMobile Cloud Computing : Service Models” in International Conference on Computer & Communication Technologies 2K14 (IC3T-2K14), ISSN: 2248-9584.
  2. L.Pallavi, V.PradeepKumar, Dr.A.Jagan β€œMobile Cloud Computing : The Emerging Computing Paradigm for the 21st century” in National Conference on Advanced Trends and Challenges in Computer Science and its Applications – 2014 (NCATCCSA 2014), ISSN: 0976-5697.
  3. V.PradeepKumar, L.Pallavi β€œAn Overview of Security and Privacy Issues in Mobile Cloud Computing Environment” in National Conference on Computer Networks and Information Security (NCCNIS 2014), ISBN: 978-93-82570-23-3
  4. S. Harika, L.Pallavi, V.PradeepKumar β€œA Survey on Mobile Cloud Computing with Security Issues” in National Conference on Advanced Computing and Pattern Recognition (ACPR)-2014, ISBN: 9789383038176.
  1. Ch.Rajyalakshmi, vasanth kummar published a paper entitled β€œDesign of intrusion Tolerant architecture using proxy networks” in International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT),December 2011.
  2. Ch.Rajyalakshmi, L.Pallavi, published a paper entitled β€œStorage security issues in cloud computing” in National Conference on Recent Trends in Computer Science and Technology (NCRTCST)-2013
  3. Ch.Rajyalakshmi, U.Suresh Kumar, published a paper entitled β€œActive Attacks in MANETS” in National Conference on Recent Trends in Computer Science and Technology (NCRTCST)-2013
  4. Ch.Rajyalakshmi, Swetha, published a paper entitled β€œCustom Aggregations for generating datasets for data mining in International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology in sept 2013
  5. Ch.Rajyalakshmi, Sravan, published a paper entitled β€œNavigating File Systems In Cloud” in International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT),sept 2013.
  1. Presented a paper in international conference entitled β€œ Enhancement to K-Means clustering Algorithm” at Haldia Institute of Technology on 19th-21st march 2007
  2. Presented a paper in national level conference entitled β€œMorphological Skelton Transform for extraction of Structural Shape components” at RGMCET on 29th October 2006.
  3. Presented a paper in international conference entitled β€œICT application for Differently Abled People(DAP)” at National Institute of Technology(NIT), Jalandhar on 3rd -5th March 2010
  4. Presented a research paper in national level conference on Assistive Technology entitled β€œA Panorama of Web Accessibility” at BVRIT , Narasapur on 29th-31st July, 2011
  5. Published a research paper in IUP international Journal entitled β€œICT application for Differently Abled People(DAP)” Volume 6, Issue 12, July 2010
  6. Presented a paper in 2nd National Conference on Research Trends in Computer Science and Technology entitled β€œA Least Cost Approach for Web Accessibility to the Blind Users” at CMRCET, Kandlakoya, Hyderabad, ISBN 978-81-923249-0-6, 15&16 November, 2013.
  7. Published a research paper entitled β€œDocument management for the Masses” in International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology, Volume 2, Issue 9, ISBN:2278 – 0181, September-2013
  8. Presented a paper 8th INDIAcom; 2014 International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Development entitled β€œ Accessible Computing for Sustainable and Inclusive Development” at BVICAM, ISSN 0973-7529; ISBN 978-93-80544-11-3 ,New Delhi.
  9. Published a paper in IEEE Explore entitled β€œAccessible Computing for Sustainable and Inclusive
  10. Development β€œ 978-93-80544-12-0/14@2014 IEEE, P.Nos.156-160.
  11. Published a paper in International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing, entitled β€œA Panorama of Web Accessibility” Vol.3 Issue.8, August- 2014, pg. 311-317.
  1. P.Bhaskara Rao, U.Nanaji β€œA NEW RECOVERY SCHEME FOR HANDLING BOTH LINK AND NODE FAILURE IN THE FAST IP NETWORKS” in International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT).
  1. Β Shravanti kalwa,Β H.T.Patil β€œNeuromuscular Disease Classification based on Discrete Wavelet Transform of Dominant Motor Unit Action Potential of EMG Signal”, International Conference on Information Processing, Dec.2015, India.
  2. Shravanti kalwa, H.T.PatilΒ β€œNeuromuscular Disease Classification by Wavelet Decomposition Technique”, International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing, April 2-4, 2015, India, ISBN:978-1-4799-8080-2


  1. Karthik Kovuri, N.S.Murthy Sharma, Komira Yakaiah, International Journal of Computer Applications in Engineering, technology and Sciences publication titled β€œAnalysis of Multiple Reduced Hypercube Interconnection Network properties of both diameter and network cost” with ISSN: 0974-3596 Volume-4 Issue-1, 2012.
  2. K. Karthik, SarathChand P.V, Venu Gopal.D, VenuMadhav K, Global Journal of Computer Applications and Technology publication titled β€œData Extraction and Emission by Parabolic Sample Equation Algorithm” with ISSN: 2249-1945 Volume-1 Issue-3.
  3. Karthik Kovuri, Dr.Sudarson Jena, International Journal of Computer Applications in Engineering, technology and Sciences publication titled β€œAn investigation and evaluation on PrΓ©cised for Scientific data using new approaches in DMDW” with ISSN: 0974-3596 Volume-4 Issue-2, 2012.
  4. P Mahesh Kumar, M Jayapal, V Shiva Narayana Reddy, K Karthik, International Journal of Computer Science and Technology publication titled β€œData Compression on Group Movement Patterns” with ISSN:0976-8491 Volume-3 Issue-3, 2012.
  5. K. Karthik, K. Sunil, International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology publication titled β€œOnline Bug Tracking System on the web” with ISSN: 2278-0181 Volume-2 Issue-9 September 2013.
  6. K. Karthik, Mohd Zaheeruddin IFRSA International Journal of Data Warehousing & Mining publication titled β€œLarge Data Reconfiguration using Byzantine Fault Technique” with Volume-3 issue-4 November 2013.
  7. K. Karthik, Dr. Sudarson Jena, Dr. T. Venu Gopal “An analysis of the properties of various interconnection networks” in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science (IJARCS) with ISSN No: 0976- 9657
  8. K. Karthik, Dr. Sudarson Jena, Dr. T. Venu Gopal “A Survey and Analysis of the properties of various Interconnection Networks” in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science with ISSN No: 0976-5697 Volume 5, No. 2, March 2014 (Special Issue)
  9. K. Karthik, P. Akhila, β€œClaim Algorithm to avoid flood attacks in Disruption tolerant Networks” in International Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering with ISSN No: 2349-2163 Volume 1, Issue 9, October 2014


  1. K. Karthik, Dr. Sudarson Jena β€œAn efficient technique for routing data in mesh type Hypercube with problematic nodes in the network” in National Conference on Research Trends in Computer Science and Technology, November 2013 with ISBN 978-81-923249-0-6.
  2. K. Karthik, Dr. Sudarson Jena, Dr. T. Venu Gopal β€œAn efficient set of criteria for Performance Evaluation of Multi-processor Interconnection Networks” in National level Conference ACPR 2014 held at JNTUHCEJ with ISBN 978-93-830381-7-6 .
  3. K. Karthik, Dr. Sudarson Jena, Dr. T. Venu Gopal “An analysis of the properties of various interconnection networks” in National Conference on Innovations and Advancements in computing IAC 2014.
  4. K. Karthik, Dr. Sudarson Jena, Dr. T. Venu Gopal “A Survey and Analysis of the properties of various Interconnection Networks” in National Conference on Advanced Trends and Challenges in Computer Science and Applications NCATCCSA-2014.
  1. A paper on β€œQuality of Service in Cloud Computing Systems” was published in International Conference on Research Advancements in Computer Science and Communication December 2016.
  2. A paper on β€œA Dynamic Data Distribution Strategy For Hadoop In Heterogeneous Environments” was published in International Conference on Research Advancements in Computer Science and Communication December 2016.
  3. A paper on β€œFine Grained Attribute based Encryption & Decryption in cloud” was published in IJDCST May 2015.
  4. A paper on β€œAgent driven Distributed Data Mining” was published in International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications, May 2013.
  5. A paper on β€œNIDS based on Multi Agent Systems in Data Mining” was published in International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology, April 2013.
  6. Published a research paper on β€œGenerating MSGs by scaling dynamic authority-based search” in IJCST August 2011.
  7. Presented a technical paper on β€œBinRank: Scaling Dynamic Authority-Based Search Using Materialized Sub Graphs” at JNTUK, Vijayanagaram in 2011.


  1. Published a paper under the area of β€œARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE” as β€œAMBIENT INTELLIGENCE PROGRAMME” at International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) Vol. 1 Issue 5, July – 2012 ISSN: 2278-0181.
  2. Published a paper under the area of β€œNETWORKING” as β€œNETWORKING PROTOCOLS: BLUETOOTH ARCHITECTURE” at IFRSA’s International Journal of Computing|Vol2|issue 3|July 2012, ISSN (Print):2231:2153, ISSN (Online):2230:903
  3. Published a paper under the area of Secure Computing as β€œLarge Scale Reliable Storage Systems” at IFRSA International Journal of Data Warehousing & Mining |Vol 3|issue3|August 2013.


  1. Participated and Presented the research paper β€œFACE RECOGNITION: A CONVOLUTION NEURAL NETWORK” in the area of NEURAL NETWORKS&FUZZY LOGIC at Sri Venkateswara University (Tirupati) in three day National Conference conducted by Computer science Department.
  2. Participated and presented a paper on β€œINTELLIGENT EMAIL: REPLY AND ATTACHMENT PREDICTION” in the area of Artificial intelligence at JYOTHI INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, BENGALORE.
  3. Participated and presented a paper on β€œA QUANTITATIVE PROFILE OF COMMUNITY FOR OPEN SOURCE LINUX DEVELOPER” in the Area of open source technologies at JAYA ENGINEERING COLLEGE, CHENNAI (TAMILANADU).
  4. Participated and presented a paper on ”ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN FUTURE” at Annamacharya Institute of Technolgy&Science At Rajampet, Kadapa District.
  5. Participated and presented a paper on β€œSECURE COMPUTING as Design implementation of Dynamo” at T.JOHN COLLEGE OF ENGG, BANGALORE.
  6. Participated and presented a paper on β€œSECURE COMPUTING i.e. β€œLarge Scale Reliable Storage Systems” at VELS UNIVERSITY CHENNAI.
  1. Authentication and integrity for outsourced enterprise storage environments, International Journal of Research in Information Technology, volume 2, issue 9, September 2014, pg.462-466.Β 
  1. Ch.Geetha, B.Deepthi, Dr.S.Anitha Reddy (2014) β€œA PRIVACY PRESERVING SIGN-ON SIGNATURE PROTOCOL ON SECURE COMMUNICATIONS”, International Journal of Engineering & Science Research, July 2014, Vol-4, Issue 7, PP 572-575.
  2. K.Bharathi, B.Deepthi, Dr.S.Anitha Reddy (2014) β€œInteractive Search Optimization Using SQL in Databases”, International Journal For Research On Electronics And Computer Science, June – July 2014, Vol-1, Issue 3, PP 716-723.
  3. Shivani, B.Deepthi (2013) β€œData Alignment And Extraction”, International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, Oct 2013, Vol 4, Issue10, PP 3555-3559.
  4. K.Bharathi, B.Deepthi, Dr.S.Anitha Reddy (2014) β€œAN EFFECTIVE FRAMEWORK FOR DYNAMIC STRATEGY”, International Journal of Computer and Electronics Research, August 2013, Volume 2, Issue 4, PP 610-612.
  1. “Expansion Towards Advanced System of Recursive Construction”, International Journal of Reviews on Recent Electronics and Computer Science, June 2014/Volume-2/Issue-6/2420-2425.
  2. B. Pradeep Kumar Reddy & S. Srinuvasarao “Bioinformatics – Its Challenges” in International conference on Research Advancements in Engineering, Science and Information Technology (ICRAESIT-2015), December 2015 with ISBN: 978-93-85100-56-7, Page Nos: 348-350.
  1. Manjula.J “Dynamic Resource Allocation for Efficient Parallel Data Processing in the Cloud” in International conference on Research Advancements in Engineering, Science and Information Technology (ICRAESIT-2015), December 2015 with ISBN: 978-93-85100-56-7, Page Nos: 242-244.
  2. Manjula.J “Secured and Dependable Strorage Services in Cloud Computing” in International conference on Research Advancements in Engineering, Science and Information Technology (ICRAESIT-2015), December 2015 with ISBN: 978-93-85100-56-7, Page Nos: 290-291.
  3. Manjula.J “A novel sceme with guaranted quality of service in cloud environment” in International Conference on Research Advancements in Computer Science and Communication (ICRACSE-2016), December, 2016.
  1. A title with β€œA Novel Approach for Transductive Decision Tree” in (IJCSIT) International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies, Vol. 5 (6) , 2014, 6985-6988.
  2. S. Pavan Kumar Reddy & B. Veera Sekhar Reddy “A Study on Cloud Computing Environment” in International conference on Research Advancements in Engineering, Science and Information Technology (ICRAESIT-2015), December 2015 with ISBN: 978-93-85100-56-7, Page Nos: 292-295.
  1. Published international journal titled β€œDetection of Distributed Sensor Cloning Attacks And Use ZKP in WSN’s” (IJCTT volume 4 issue 9) in the year 2013.
  2. Published international journal titled β€œPreserving Privacy for secure and outsourcing for linear programming in cloud computingβ€œ (CSC volume 1 issue 2) in the year 2012.
  3. S.Sanjeeva Rayudu & S.Madhavi “Power Efficient Ubiquitous Sensor Networks” in International conference on Research Advancements in Engineering, Science and Information Technology (ICRAESIT-2015), December 2015 with ISBN: 978-93-85100-56-7, Page Nos: 87-90.
  1. Published a paper on β€œA Privacy-Preserving Location Monitoring System for WSNS with Blocking Misbehaving Users”.
  1. Presented a research paper on β€œAnalysis of traffic Density based on Arial and spatial image mosaic” in the National Conference on Advanced Computing and Pattern Recognition (ACPR-2014) conducted by jntuh, karimnagar, january -2014.
  2. β€œSOA Based Multiparty Session Authentication” in International Journal of Advance Research in Computer Science and Management Studies,june-2014.
  3. Kranthi Kiran G, Umashankar Rao E, Md Shabbeer, “Agent-based flexible e-learning paradigm”, International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Volume-03, Issue-06, Page No (65-75), Jun -2015, E-ISSN: 2347-2693.
  4. Mallaiah Vanguri, Uma Shankar Rao. E, Md. Shabbeer, β€˜ Design and Analysis of a Hexagonal Connected Dominating Set in Clustered Mobile Adhoc Networks’,International Journal For Research On Electronics And Computer Science’, Volume-03, Issue-02,ISSN 2321-5485 (Online) ISSN 2321-5784 (Print).
  5. Kranthi Kiran G, V Malliah, Md Shabbeer ” Integrated for Security Issues with Possible Solutions in Cloud Computing “, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, Volume-05, Issue-06, Page No (1179-1184), Jun -2015, ISSN: 2277-128X.
  6. Presented paper titled β€œApplying Cloud Predicted Distributed Access Control with In-Nominate Authentication” in National conference in information security, organized by CBIT in Aug-2015.
  1. Kranthi Kiran G, Umashankar Rao E, Md Shabbeer, “Agent-based flexible e-learning paradigm”, International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Volume-03, Issue-06, Page No (65-75), Jun -2015, E-ISSN: 2347-2693.
  2. Mallaiah Vanguri, Uma Shankar Rao. E, Md. Shabbeer, β€˜ Design and Analysis of a Hexagonal Connected Dominating Set in Clustered Mobile Adhoc Networks’,International Journal For Research On Electronics And Computer Science’, Volume-03, Issue-02,ISSN 2321-5485 (Online) ISSN 2321-5784 (Print).
  3. Kranthi Kiran G, V Malliah, Md Shabbeer ” Integrated for Security Issues with Possible Solutions in Cloud Computing “, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, Volume-05, Issue-06, Page No (1179-1184), Jun -2015, ISSN: 2277-128X.
  4. Presented paper titled β€œApplying Cloud Predicted Distributed Access Control with In-Nominate Authentication” in National conference in information security, organized by CBIT in Aug-2015.
  1. Manikrao Mulgi and S.Anjanayya, International Journal of Advanced Engineering and global Technology, β€œClone Detection using SCRW in Wireless Sensor Networks”, Volume-03,Issue 01,ISSN No: 2309-4893 during January-2015.
  2. S.Anjanayya β€œEffective Communication between Mutually Independent Channels by Intersecting the Random Graph Model”, in the International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology Research, SG:IJSETRV03IS23P2063-2, at Hyderabad, AP-India during September-2014.
  3. S.Anjanayya β€œThe Efficient and Effectiveness of the Graph Based Clustering Algorithm for High Dimensional Data”, in the International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology Research, SG: IJSETRV03IS21P1972-2, at Hyderabad,AP-India during September-2014.
  4. S.Anjanayya β€œImplement of Packet Hiding using SHCS and ADNT in Wireless Networks”, in the International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology Research, SG:IJSETRV03IS18P1865-2, at Hyderabad,AP-India during August-2014.
  5. S.Anjanayya β€œPrivacy Preserving Delegated Access Control in Public Clouds”, in the International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology Research, SG: IJSETRV03IS17P1752-1, at Hyderabad, AP-India during Aug-2014.
  6. S.Anjanayya β€œA Presumable Data Retentive Framework for Multi Cloud”, in the International Journal of Computational Engineering Research, Volume 3, ISSN-2250-3005, during June-2013.
  1. Cellular Genetic Algorithm with Density Dependence for Dynamic Optimization Problems. IJERA ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 2, Issue 5, 2012.
  2. Visualization of Streaming Data using Social Media. IJIR ISSN: 2454-1362 Vol.2, Issue 6, 2016.
  3. Big Data Security Using Hybrid Cloud. IERJ ISSN: 2395-1621 Vol. 2, Issue 6, 2015.
  4. Cloud Based Security System For Android Applications. IJRASET ISSN: 2321-9651 Vol. 3, Issue III, 2015.
  1. Published a paper titled “A Study on Data Mining Applications in Healthcare Monitoring Systems” in National Conference conducted in CMREC.
  1. J. Chandra Sekhar, M. Raja Sekhar, β€œ Neglecting Disagreeable Material from Social Communication System” in IJRRECS International Journal in Nov 2014.
  2. J. Chandra Sekhar, Presented a paper on β€œSecured Information Transmission using Video Steganography” in National Conference on Innovative Technologies in Big Data, Cloud, Mobile and Security at BIET, Hyderabad.
  3. J. Chandra Sekhar, Presented a paper on β€œCollective details mining on the top of Big Data with mutual adaptive information distribution” in National Conference on Innovative Technologies in Big Data, Cloud, Mobile and Security at BIET, Hyderabad.
  1. D.Abdus Subhahan, P.Lakshmi Samyuktha, β€œ Mobile Presence Service with scalability using concurrency in programming” Proceedings of National Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics & Computer science Engineering held at SV College of Engineering, Tirupati,AP,Aug-2014.
  2. D.Abdus Subhahan, P.Lakshmi Samyuktha, β€œ Scalable mobile presence cloud with concurrent programming” Proceedings of National Conference on Emerging Trends in Science held at Mallareddy Engineering College,Secunderabad,Aug-2014.
  3. D.Abdus Subhahan, P.Lakshmi Samyuktha, β€œ Scalable mobile presence cloud with authentication through PGP” published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and software engineering (IJARCSSE), Vol. 4, Iss. 5, PP: 1191-1195, may 2014.
  1. Energy Based Key Management Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks” International Journal of Advanced Research in Management Engineering and Technology, Vol 1 Issue 2 pp 118-125, July 2016.
  2. Participated in International Conference ICMCECE – 16 and presented a paper on β€œ Storage Solutions in Hadoop β€œ in BTI, Bangalore on April 23,2016.
  1. β€œAn Efficient On-Demand Link Failure Local Recovery Multicast Routing Protocol”, Book Series, Springer – Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing – AISC (Advances in Soft Computing), Series volume. 467, ISBN. 978-981-10-1644-8, pp. 603-616, 2016, DOI. 10.1007/978-981-10-1645-5_51.
  2. β€œL2R: Multicast Routing Protocol for Effective Localized Route Recovery in Backbone Networks” International Journal of Control Theory and Applications (IJCTA), 9(33), pp. 79-87, 2016. [Scopus Indexed]
  3. β€œAn Empirical Study of Routing Attacks in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks”, Elsevier – Procedia Computer Science, 92, pp. 554 – 561, 2016, DOI. 10.1016/j.procs.2016.07.382.
  4. β€œA Novel Technique for Node Authentication in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks”, Elsevier – Perspectives in Science, 8, pp. 680-682, July, 2016, DOI. 10.1016/j.pisc.2016.06.057.
  5. β€œAn Efficient Backbone Based Quick Link Failure Recovery Multicast Routing Protocol”, Elsevier – Perspectives in Science, 8, pp. 135-137, May 2016, DOI. 10.1016/j.pisc.2016.04.016.
  6. β€œA Survey on Mobile Ad-hoc Social Networks for Efficient Data Query in Intermittently Connected System”, International Journal on Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering (IJIRCCE), ISO 3297:2007 Certified Journal, ISSN (Print). 23209-9798, ISSN (Online). 23209-9801, vol. 3, issue. 11, pp. 11831–11834, November, 2015, DOI. 10.15680/IJIRCCE.2015. 0311169, Impact Factor. 5.618.
  7. β€œAnalysis of Security Threats and Issues in MANETs”, International Journal on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering (IJACTE), ISSN (Print). 2319-2526, vol. 4, issue. 5, pp. 23-28, 2015, Impact Factor. 1.64.
  8. β€œEstimating and Determining the Position of Target in WSN’s”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering (IJARCCE), ISSN (Online). 2278-1021, ISSN (Print). 2319-5940, vol. 4, issue 1, pp. 71-74, January, 2015, DOI. 10.17148/IJARCCE.2015.4114, Impact Factor. 0.286.
  9. β€œCooperative Relay Transmission in MIMO Ad-hoc Network”, International Journal of Computer Engineering and Applications (IJCEA), ISSN. 2321-3469, vol. VIII, issue. III, pp. 45-54, December, 2014, Impact Factor. 2.849.
  10. β€œA Routing Algorithm for Localization of Link Failure in MANET”, International Journal of Current Engineering and Scientific Research (IJCESR), ISSN (Print). 2393-8374, (Online). 2394-0697, vol. 1, issue 3, pp. 25-30, November, 2014, Impact Factor. 0.9.
  11. β€œAn Analysis Study of Various Multicast Routing Protocols in MANETs”, International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering (IJETAE), ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, ISSN. 2250-2459, vol. 4, issue. 8, pp. 424-429, August, 2014, Impact Factor. 2.324.
  12. β€œGeographic Information System with Bingmap Using AJAX”, International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA), ISSN. 2248-9622, vol. 3, issue. 6, pp. 01-05, Nov-Dec, 2013, Impact Factor. 1.69.
  13. β€œL2R: Multicast Routing Protocol for Effective Localized Route Recovery in Backbone Networks”, Joint International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Evolutionary Computations in Engineering Systems – ICAIECES & Power, Circuit and Information Technologies – ICPCIT, at SRM University, Chennai, pp. 129, 19th – 21st May, 2016.
  14. β€œA Novel Technique for Node Authentication in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks”, International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Material Sciences – ICEMS, at Jaipur National University, Jaipur, ISNB. 978935254230, pp. 349, 17th – 19th March, 2016.
  15. β€œAn Efficient Backbone Based Quick Link Failure Recovery Multicast Routing Protocol”, International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Material Sciences – ICEMS, at Jaipur National University, Jaipur, ISNB. 978935254230, pp. 340, 17th – 19th March, 2016.
  16. β€œAn Empirical Study of Routing Attacks in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks”, International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Communication & Convergence – ICCC, at Interscience Institute of Management & Technology, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, ISBN. 978-93-82208-66-14, pp. 06, 24th – 25th January, 2016.
  17. β€œA Backbone Based On Demand Link Failure Local Recovery Multicast Routing Protocol”, proceedings of ACM Digital Library, International Conference on Computer and Communication Technology – ICCCT, at Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad, ISBN. 978-1-4503-3552-2, pp. 158-164, 25th – 27th September, 2015, DOI. 10.1145/2818567.2818597.
  18. β€œAnalysis of Security Threats and Issues in MANETs”, International Conference on Innovative Research in Engineering Science, Information & Communication Technology – ICREICT, at Lala Lajpat Rai Institute of Engineering & Technology, Moga, Punjab, ISBN. 978-2-642-24819-5, pp. 10-15, 30th – 31st July, 2015.
  19. β€œAn Efficient On-Demand Link Failure Local Recovery Multicast Routing Protocol”, International Conference on Innovative Research in Engineering Science, Information & Communication Technology – ICREICT, at Lala Lajpat Rai Institute of Engineering & Technology, Moga, Punjab, ISBN. 978-2-642-24819-5, pp. 1-6, 30th – 31st July, 2015.
  20. β€œA Backbone Based Multicast Routing Protocol for Route Recovery in MANETs”, proceedings of IEEE Xplore Digital Library, International Conference on Electronics and Communication System – ICECS, at Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore, ISBN. 978-1-4799-7224-1, pp. 237 – 241, 26th – 27th February, 2015, DOI. 10.1109/ECS.2015.7124900.
  21. β€œA Routing Algorithm for Localization of Link Failure in MANET”, International Conference on Advances in Computer and Electronics Technology – ACET, at Bangalore, ISBN. 978-81-930280-1-8; pp. 24 – 29, 16th November, 2014.
  22. β€œPerformance Evaluation of Efficient Routing Protocols in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks”, World Conference on Applied Sciences, Engineering & Technology – WCSET, at GITAM University, HYD, pp. 49, 8th – 9th March, 2013.
  23. β€œSecurity Attacks and Routing Protocol Approaches for Mobile Ad-hoc Networks”, International Conference on Communications and Signal Processing – ICCSP, at QIS College of Engineering and Technology, Ongole, pp. 75 – 79, 2nd – 4th April, 2012.
  24. β€œProtocols and Security Issues of Mobile Ad-hoc network”, International Conference on Computer Science & Information Technology – CSIT, at Bangalore, pp. 407 – 412, 24th – 25th July, 2011.
  1. Published a paper in IJIRST Journal named “A Dynamic Source Routing Method For Detecting Black Hole Attacks in MANETS” Volume3 Β issue2 July 2016.
  1. Chaivadi Sai, K.Pranitha β€œRigorous Programs Evaluator On Social Media” in International Journal of Reviews on Recent Electronics and Computer Science (IJRRECS) Volume-4, Issue-8, ISSN 2321-5461 in August-2016.
  2. Mutthineni Sravani, K.Pranitha β€œ A Pioneering Method For Computing Similarity Based On Shared Interests In Users” in International Journal of Reviews on Recent Electronics and Computer Science (IJRRECS) Volume-3,Issue-6 ISSN 2321-5461 in June-2015.
  3. V.Srujana, K.Pranitha β€œ Building Confidential and Efficient Query Services in the Cloud with RASP Data Perturbation” in International Journal Of Emerging Trends In Technology And Sciences (ISSN: 2348-0246(online)), Volume-04, Issue-04, June-2015
  4. I attend the national level conference conducted by Aurora College and I got the national level participation certificate.