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Dr. Apurva Kumari

Associate Professor, ECE Dept.

B.E:Β – Electronics and Communication Engineering, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University Agra, 2009
M.Tech:Β -VLSI Design, Banasthali University, Rajasthan, 2011
Ph.D:Β -BITS Pilani Hyderabad Campus- 2018

Teaching Experience – 3.5 years
Industry Experience:Β 8 month

JNTU Registration No – 2784-190219-171631
Ratification Status – Ratified

  1. Young Scientist Award, 5th International Scientist Awards on Engineering, Science and Medicine, 11 & 12-Apr-2020, Hyderabad, India.
  1. Status: On Going.
  2. Title: Automatic defects detection of Ceramic tiles.
  1. Reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, IET Image Processing, International Journal of Image and Graphics.
  2. Reviewer for IEEE Control and System Graduate Research Colloquium.
  3. Served as a member of the scientific committee of the international conference on Sciences of Electronics, Technologies of Information and Telecommunications, Genoa (Italy) and Hammamet (Tunisia).
  1. VLSI Design and Image/Video Processing
  1. Development of algorithms for real-time image and video processing
  2. Hardware implementation of real time image processing based on FPGA
  3. Modeling and Simulation of image processing algorithms
  1. Research Migrations in VLSI Technology, BVRIT Narsapur (11th -13th Feb 2020)
  2. An Emerging Paradigm OF Low Power Computational VLSI Design, BVRIT Narsapur (16th – 20th June 2020)
  1. Institution Innovation Council (IIC), MHRD Online Session
  2. Multi-Sensor Data Fusion: Concepts & Applications
  3. The Art of Making Project Proposals
  4. ‘How to get research grants from UGC, AICTE (Minor OR major Research Projects Application Process”
  5. Effective Online Teaching and Engagement
  1. Certified by NPTEL for the course Digital Image Processing
  2. Certified by NPTEL for the course Academic Writing
  3. Certified by NPTEL for the course Discrete Time Signal Processing
  4. Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python) through Coursera
  5. Developing FPGA- accelerated cloud applications with SDAccel: Practice through Coursera
  6. Developing FPGA- accelerated cloud applications with SDAccel: Theory through Coursera
  7. Wireless Communications for Everybody through Coursera
  8. Fundamentals of Digital Image and Video Processing through Coursera
  1. M. Tech. Guidance: 3
  2. B. Tech. Project Guidance: Guided more than 8 students
  3. Student Contest Participations: PCB Design, SVEC workspace
  4. No. of international journal & international conference publications: 9
  1. Rich experience in modeling and computer simulation, using MatLab and LabView
  2. Proficient in Hardware Description Language using VHDL and Verliog
  3. Experience of using Xilinx ISE, Xilinx Vivado, ModelSim, Altera Quartus, Synopsys, Tanner EDA, Microwind, Silvaco and Code Composer Studio
  4. Computer skills: Linux/Windows; LaTeX; C.
  1. V. Sarath Chandra, K. Madhava Rao, Apurva Kumari, β€œHardware Implementation of Pixel Comparison and Error Detection in Image”, IEEE, 4th International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics (ICOEI), 2020.
  2. Kumari, Apurva, and Chinnaiah, M. C. β€œAn Effective and Efficient Approach for Single Image Dehazing and Defogging, 16 th IEEE INDICON, 2019, pp. 1-5.
  3. Kumari, Apurva, Philip Joseph Thomas, and Subhendu Kumar Sahoo. β€œSingle image fog removal using gamma transformation and median filtering.” In India Conference (INDICON), 2014 Annual IEEE, pp. 1-5. IEEE, 2014.
  4. Kumari, Apurva, Sidharth Sahdev, and Subhendu Kumar Sahoo. β€œImproved single image and video dehazing using morphological operation.” In VLSI Systems, Architecture, Technology and Applications (VLSI-SATA), 2015 International Conference on, pp. 1-5. IEEE, 2015.
  5. Kumari, Apurva, Subhendu Kumar Sahoo. β€œReal Time Visibility Enhancement for Single Image Haze Removal.” Procedia Computer Science 54 (2015): 501-507.
  6. Kumari, Apurva, Himaja Kodati, and Subhendu Kumar Sahoo. β€œFast and Efficient Contrast Enhancement For Real time Video Dehazing and Defogging” IEEE Workshop on Computational Intelligence: Theories, Applications and Future Directions, IIT Kanpur, Dec. 2015.
  1. Kumari Apurva, Subhendu Kumar Sahoo. β€œFast single image and video deweathering using look-uptable approach” AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications, Elsevier, Vol. 69, no. 12 (2015): 1773- 1782.
  2. Kumari Apurva, Subhendu Kumar Sahoo. β€œReal time image and video deweathering: The future prospects and possibilities” Optik-International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, Elsevier, Vol. 127, no. 2 (2016): 829-839.
  3. Kumari Apurva, Subhendu Kumar Sahoo. β€œFast and Efficient Visibility Restoration Technique for Single Image Dehazing and Defogging” IET Image Processing (Under Review).
  1. Laser Materials Processing Division, Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology (RRCAT), Indore.
  2. IC Design Group, CSIR-Central Electronics Engineering Research Institute (CSIR-CEERI), Rajasthan