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Academic Activities during lockdown

Week 5 (12-04-2020 to 18-04-2020)

S.NoName of the FacultyYear and SectionCoursetopicDate of Video sharingDate and time of class to be conductedDate of Assignment
1Mrs.Ch. vandanaII – AMicro Processors and Micro ControllersOnline Assessement Test10.00AM to 10.20AM13-04-2020
Previous question papers discussion & Revision15-04-202016-04-2020 & 10.00AM17-04-2020
2Mr. E. Bharat BabuII – AProbability Theory and Stochastic ProcessingOnline-Quzz (Assessement)3.40pm- 4.00pm13-04-2020
Unit-1,2- Probability Theory and Random variables15-04-202016-04-2020 & 11.00AM17-04-2020
3Dr. M C Chinnaiah and Ms. T. Keerthi

II – AElectronic and Pulse CircuitsRevision of Unit-IV:Oscillators Presentation by students through zoom, Approach: Think Pair13-04-202014-04-2020 & 9:30AM to 10:30AM,Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β Β 15-04-2020 & 9:30AM to 10:30AM15-04-2020
Revision of Unit-V:Multivibrators Presentation by students through zoom, Approach: Think Pair15-04-202016-04-2020 & 9:30AM to 10:30AM,Β Β Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β Β 17-04-2020 & 9:30AM to 10:30AM17-04-2020
Revision of Unit-VI:Time Base Generators Presentation by students through zoom, Approach: Think Pair17-04-202018-04-2020 & 09.30 AM to 10.30AM18-04-2020
4Dr. B R Sanjeev ReddyII – AElectro Magnetic Fileds and WavesDiscussion on Mid2Objective Test14-4-202014-4-2020 at 5PM
SET2 Model paper will be shared17-04-202018-04-2020 at 5 PM
5Mr. U Gnaneshwara Chary and Mrs. P. Asha RaniII – ADigital Design using Verilog HDLBlocking and Non blocking statements14-04-202015-04-2020 & 10.30AM15-04-2020
Revision of 5th unit16-04-202017-04-2020 & 10.30AM17-04-2020
1Mr. K RambabuII – BMicro Processors and Micro ControllersOnline Assessement Test10.00AM to 10.20AM13-04-2020
Previous question papers discussion & Revision15-04-202016-04-2020 & 10.00AM17-04-2020
2Dr. Shaik ShafiII – BProbability Theory and Stochastic ProcessingOnline-Quzz (Assessement)3.40pm- 4.00pm13-04-2020
Unit-1,2- Probability Theory and Random variables15-04-202016-04-2020 & 11.00AM17-04-2020
3Mr. Yeshwanth ReddyII – BElectronic and Pulse CircuitsDiscussion of Previous year question papers from units-1,2,313-04-202014-04-2020 & 9:30AM to 10:30AM15-04-2020
Discussion of Previous year question papers from units-4,5,615-04-202016-04-2020 & 9:30AM to 10:30AM18-04-2020
4Mr. Ramesh DeshpandeII – BElectro Magnetic Fileds and WavesUnit 6- Oblique incidance, Discussion on Mid2Objective Test14-4-202014-4-2020 at 5PM16-04-2020
SET2 Model paper will be shared17-04-202018-04-2020 at 4 PM
5Mrs.G. Divya Vani

II – BDigital Design using Verilog HDLOnline Assessement Test—-13-04-2020 & 12.40PM to 1.00 PM13-04-2020
Unit 3 Behavioral Modelling, Disucssion on Previous question papers14-04-202015-04-2020 & 10.00AM16-04-2020
Unit 5 Sequential circuits Disucssion on Previous question papers15-04-202016-04-2020 & 10.00AM17-04-2020
1Mr. Mudasar basha

II – CMicro Processors and Micro ControllersRevision of 1,2,3 Units15-04-202015-04-2020 & 11.00AM to 01.00PM17-04-2020
Revision of 4,5,6 Units16-04-202016-04-2020 & 11.00AM to 01.00PM17-04-2020
Discussion of Previous year question papers16-04-202016-04-2020 & 05.00PM to 07.00PM17-04-2020
2Dr. K. Prabhakar Rao

II – CProbability Theory and Stochastic ProcessingOnline-Quzz (Assessement)3.40pm- 4.00pm13-04-2020
Previous question papers discussion & Revision14-04-202015-04-2020 & 03.00PM to 03.40PM17-04-2020
Previous question papers discussion & Revision16-04-202017-04-2020 & 03.00PM to 03.40PM18-04-2020
3Mr.C. Ramesh Kumar ReddyII – CElectronic and Pulse CircuitsDiscussion of Previous year question papers from units-1,2,314-04-202015-04-2020 & 9:30AM to 10:30AM15-04-2020
Discussion of Previous year question papers from units-4,5,616-04-202017-04-2020 & 9:30AM to 10:30AM17-04-2020
4Mr. R Ashok KumarII – CElectro Magnetic Fileds and WavesDiscussion on Mid2Objective Test14-4-202014-4-2020 at 5PM
SET2 Model paper will be shared17-04-202018-04-2020 at 5 PM
5Mr.Kishore VennelaII – CDigital Design using Verilog HDLBehavioral Abstraction: Stepper Motor Lab program14-04-202015-04-2020 & 11.00AM to 12.00 PM16-04-2020
Switch Level Modelling (Revision)15-04-202016-04-2020 & 10.00AM to 11.00AM16-04-2020
6Mr. J. Ashok KumarII – CMicro Processors and Micro Controllers LabProgramming of 8051 Microcontroller using Keil software(MPMC Lab-Cycle-2)-Session-217-04-202017-04-2020
1Mr. K RambabuII – DMicro Processors and Micro ControllersOnline Assessement Test10.00AM to 10.20AM13-04-2020
Previous question papers discussion & Revision15-04-202016-04-2020 & 10.00AM17-04-2020
2Mr. E. Bharat BabuII – DProbability Theory and Stochastic ProcessingOnline-Quzz (Assessement)3.40pm- 4.00pm13-04-2020
Unit-1,2- Probability Theory and Random variables15-04-202016-04-2020 & 11.00AM17-04-2020
3Mr. Yeshwanth ReddyII – DElectronic and Pulse CircuitsDiscussion of Previous year question papers from units-1,2,313-04-202014-04-2020 & 9:30AM to 10:30AM15-04-2020
Discussion of Previous year question papers from units-4,5,615-04-202016-04-2020 & 9:30AM to 10:30AM18-04-2020
4Mr. R Ashok KumarII – DElectro Magnetic Fileds and WavesDiscussion on Mid2Objective Test14-4-202014-4-2020 at 5PM
SET2 Model paper will be shared17-04-202018-04-2020 at 5 PM
5Mrs. K.Madhava RaoII – DDigital Design using Verilog HDLDiscussion of Important Classes14-04-202015-04-2020 & 10.30AM15-04-2020
Discussion of Previous year question papers16-04-202017-04-2020 & 10.30AM17-04-2020


Week 4 (05-04-2020 to 11-04-2020)

S.NoName of the FacultyYear and SectionCoursetopicDate and Time of the class conductedMode of Engaging the classOutcome
1Mr.K.RambabuII – B & DMicro Processors and Micro ControllersProgramming of 8051 Microcontroller using Keil software(MPMC Lab-Cycle-2)-Session-207-04-2020 & 10.30AM – 12.10AMPPT, Videos shared in EDMODO & Session conducted through ZoomStudents are able to understand & execute assembly language programs of 8051 microcontroller using keil software..
2Mr. Mudassar BashaII – CMicro Processor and Micro ControllerSerial Communication10-04-2020 & 04.30PM to 06.00PMZoom InteractionStudents were able to understand the communication between MC and Peripheral Devices
3Mr. Mudassar BashaII – CMicro Processor and Micro ControllerInterfacing Devices11-04-2020 & 04.30PM to 05.00PMZoomStudents were able to understand theInterfacing techniques between MC and Peripheral Devices
4Mr. E Bharat BabuII – A, DProbability Theory and Stochastic ProcessingRandom Processes-Spectral Characteristics and previous year question paper discussion08-04-2020 & 02.00PM to 02.40PMGoogle Class room with video (Zoom Session)students able to understand the concept of Spectrall characteristics of System response
5Dr. Shaik ShafiII – BProbability Theory and Stochastic ProcessingRandom Processes-Spectral Characteristics and previous year question paper discussion08-04-2020 & 01.00PM TO 01.40AMVideo & PPT shared in Google Class Room And Session Conducted Through ZOOMstudents able to understand the concept of Spectrall characteristics of System response
6Dr. K. Prabhakara RaoII – CProbability Theory and Stochastic ProcessingPower Density Spectrum, LTI Response07-04-2020 & 03.00PM to 04.00PMZoom SessionStudents were able to nderstand crosscorrelation, LTI response
7Dr. M.C.chinnaaiah and Ms. T.keerthiII – AElectronic and Pulse CircuitsDiscussion with students on there presentation of there topic07-04-2020 and 08-04-2020Video Shared in EDMODOStudents could Clarify there doubts on their topic to make Zoom Videos
8Dr. M.C.chinnaaiah and Ms. T.keerthiII – AElectronic and Pulse CircuitsQuiz Test.11-04-2020 & 10.00AM to 10.20AMGoogle Forms
9Mr. J.Yeshwanth ReddyII – B & DElectronic and Pulse CircuitsEPC Topics for video preparation as assignment-205-04-2020batch-wise topics have been shared through mailStudents could clarify their queries for making the zoom video
10Mr. J.Yeshwanth ReddyII – B & DElectronic and Pulse CircuitsQuiz Test11-04-2020 & 10.00AM to 10.20AMGoogle Forms
11Mr. C. Ramesh Kumar ReddyII – CElectronic and Pulse CircuitsRevision of Unit-IV Oscillators, Presentation by students through Zoom09-04-2020 & 04.30PM to 05.30PMZoom SessionStudents had revised the Unit-IV: Oscillators by making Video presentation through Zoom
12Mr. C. Ramesh Kumar ReddyII – CElectronic and Pulse CircuitsRevision of Unit-IV Oscillators, Presentation by students through Zoom10-04-2020 & 11.00AM to 12.00PMZoom sessionStudents had revised the Unit-IV: Oscillators by making Video presentation through Zoom
13Mr. C. Ramesh Kumar ReddyII – CElectronic and Pulse CircuitsQuiz Test11-04-2020 & 10.00AM to 10.20AMGoogle Forms
14Mr. U.Gnaneshwara chary and Mrs. P. Asha RaniII – ADigital Design through HDLProgrammes on ELevator07-04-2020 & 01.00 PMVideos are prepared and uploaded in Google classroom and Edmodo and conducted ZOOM sessionStudents are able to understand & develop the verilog code for different application like Elevator programme and traffic light programme and its test bench with VIVADO tool..
15Mr. U.Gnaneshwara chary and Mrs. P. Asha RaniII – ADigital Design through HDLSequential models/ traffic light controller programmes10-04-2020 & 05.00 PMVideos are prepared and uploaded in Google classroom and Edmodo and conducted ZOOM sessionStudents are able to understand & develop the verilog code for different application like Elevator programme and traffic light programme and its test bench with VIVADO tool..
16Mrs. G. Divya VaniII – BDigital Design through HDLDevelopment and implementation of Elevator07-04-2020 & 09.00AM to 10.00AMVideos shared in Google Classroom and session conducted through ZoomStudents are able to understand & develop the verilog code and test bench with VIVADO tool.
17Mrs. G. Divya VaniII – BDigital Design through HDLDesign of Traffic Light Controller10-04-2020 & 05.00PM to 06.00PMVideos shared in Google Classroom and session conducted through ZoomStudents are able to understand & develop the verilog code and test bench with VIVADO tool.
18Mr. Kishore VennelaII – CDigital Design through HDLTiming control in Behavioral Abstarction08-04-2020 & 10.30AM to 11.30AMZoom Session and Video sharing in google class as well as My YouTube ChannelStudent could be able to elobarate the usage of delays in writijg verilog code
19Mr. Kishore VennelaII – CDigital Design through HDLCase_Study: Shift Registers10-04-2020 & 02.00PM to 03.00PMZoom Session and Video sharing in My YouTube ChannelStudents could apply the sequential logic concepts to realize shift registers
20Mr. Kishore VennelaII – CDigital Design through HDLCase_Study: Counters11-04-2020Video Making sharing in My YouTube ChannelStudents could apply the sequential logic concepts to realize counters and applications
21Mr. K.Madav RaoII – DDigital Design through Verilog HDLProgramming on Traffic light controller06-04-2020 & 04.00PM to 05.00PMPPT, Videos shared in Google classroom & Session conducted through ZoomStudents are able to understand traffic light programmes and executes in EDA Play ground Tool.
22Mr. J. Ashok KumarII – CMicroProcessors and Micro ControllersProgramming of 8051 Microcontroller using Keil software(MPMC Lab-Cycle-2)-Session-107-04-2020 & 11.00AM to 11.00PMZoom session Video is shared in Google classroomStudents are able to understand & execute assembly language programs of 8051 microcontroller using keil software.


Week 3 (30-03-2020 to 04-04-2020)

S.NoName of the FacultyYear and SectionCoursetopicDate and Time of the class conductedMode of Engaging the classOutcome
1Mrs.Ch. VandanaII – AMicro Processors and Micro ControllersIntroduction to KEIL Software and Assembly language programs on 8051 microcontroller01-04-2020 & 10.30AM – 11.30AMmaterial is shared in Edmodo and session through ZoomStudents are able to understand & execute assembly language programs of 8051 microcontroller using keil software.
2Mr. K.Rambabu and Mr. K. Charan KumarII – B & DMicro Processors and Micro ControllersProgramming of 8051 Microcontroller using keil software(MPMC Lab) _ Part-131-03-2020 & 10.30AM to 11.45AMVideos shared in EDMODO, Session conducted through Zoom & Assesement-3 (Quiz) conducted with EDMODOStudents are able to understand & execute assembly language programs of 8051 microcontroller using keil software.
3Mr. E Bharat BabuII – A, DProbability Theory and Stochastic ProcessingV Unit revision(Temporal Characteristics of Random Processes)03-04-2020 & 11.30AM TO 12.10AMVideo & PPT shared in Google Class Room And Session Conducted Through ZOOMStudents are able to understand the random Process Concept and Differentiate between Time averages and Ensemble averages
4Dr. Shaik ShafiII – BProbability Theory and Stochastic ProcessingVI Unit revision(Spectral Characteristics of Random Processes)03-04-2020 & 11.00AM TO 11.40AMVideo & PPT shared in Google Class Room And Session Conducted Through ZOOMable to understand the spectral characteristics of Random Process
5Dr. K. Prabhakara RaoII – CProbability Theory and Stochastic ProcessingThe Power Spectrum and its Properties Relationship between Power Spectrum and Autocorrelation Function04-04-2020 & 02.00PM to 02.40PMZoom SessionStudents canDefine Power spectral density, Understand properties of Power spectral density, Understand Relationship between Power Spectrum and Autocorrelation Function
6Dr. M.C.chinnaaiah and Ms. T.keerthiII – AElectronic and Pulse CircuitsMiller sweep circuit,Derivation of the slope error in Miller sweep circuit,Difference between miller and bootstrap sweep circuit02-04-2020 & 9.00AM to 10.15AMVideo & PPT Shared in EDMODO and session conducted through Zoom
7Dr. M.C.chinnaaiah and Ms. T.keerthiII – AElectronic and Pulse CircuitsDerivation of the slope error in Bootstrap sweep circuit, Derivation of all 3 errors and Basic current sweep circuit.04-04-2020 & 04.00AM to 05.30AMVideo & PPT Shared in EDMODO and session conducted through Zoom
8Mr. J.Yeshwanth ReddyII – B & DElectronic and Pulse CircuitsDerivation of slope error for miller sweep generator, Design problems related to bootstrap time base generator04-04-2020 & 04.00PM to 04.40PMVideo & PPT Shared in Google Classroom and session conducted through Zoom(1) Analyze the equivalent circuit of miller sweep circuit and derived the slope error for miller sweep circuit, (2) Students have undertood the design of Bootstrap time base generator
9Mr. C. Ramesh Kumar ReddyII – CElectronic and Pulse CircuitsDerivation of all slope errors, Derivation slope error for bootstrap time base generator02-04-2020 & 09.45AM to 10.45AMVideo & PPT Shared in EDMODO and session conducted through ZoomAnalyze the equivalent circuit of bootstrap circuit and derived the slope error for bootstrap time base circuit
10Mr. C. Ramesh Kumar ReddyII – CElectronic and Pulse CircuitsDerivation of slope error for miller sweep generator, Design problems related to bootstrap time base generator04-04-2020 & 10.00AM to 11.00AMVideo & PPT Shared in EDMODO and session conducted through Zoom(1) Analyze the equivalent circuit of miller sweep circuit and derived the slope error for miller sweep circuit, (2) Students have undertood the design of Bootstrap time base generator
11Mr. U.Gnaneshwara Chary & Mrs. P.Asha RaniII – ADigital Design through HDL2nd unit Revision(gate level modelling and data flow modelling).Posted video and link on EDA Playground, Posted Design and Implementation of Elevator, Unit -3 Revision Part A03-04-2020 & 05.00 PM to 06.00 PMVideo Shared In EDMODO and Session Conducted through Zoom Meetingstudents are able to write the verilog code in gate level modelling and dataflow modelling
12Mrs. G. Divya VaniII – BDigital Design through HDLRevision on Gate Level Modelling and Data Flow Modellin.Posted video and link on EDA Playground, Posted Design and Implementation of Elevator, Unit -3 Revision Part A03-04-2020 & 09.30AM to 10.30AMVideo Shared in Google Class Room and conducted through Zoom Sessions on Unit 1 & 2Students revised the topics in Unit 2 and able to develop the code for digital circuits in gate level and dataflow modelling.
13Mr. Kishore VennelaII – CDigital Design through HDLUnit-IV:State Mechine Encoding:Traffic Light Comtroller02-04-2020 & 12.00PM to 01.30PMConducted Zoom session,Video Shared in Google Class and Assignment is givenLearner could able to transform the technical specifications of practical apllication into verilog programming
14Mr. Kishore VennelaII – CDigital Design through HDLUnit-III: Behaviral Abstarction : Procedural Blocks and Usage (Revision)04-04-2020 & 06.20PM to 07.00PMConducted Zoom session,Video Shared in Google Class and Assignment is givenLearner could able to describe the verilog concepts while programming by making use of behaviral abstraction level
15Mr. K.Madav RaoII – DDigital Design through Verilog HDLRevision gate level modelling and data flow modelling, Discussed about how to use EDA Playground, Discussed about Elevator Programme03-04-2020 & 03.30AM to 04.30AMvideos and PPTS shared in Google classroom and session conducted through ZOOMStudents revised the topics in Unit 2 and able to develop the code for digital circuits in gate level and dataflow modelling..
16Dr. B R Sanjeev ReddyII – AElectromagnetic Fields and WavesDiscussion on problem of Reflection30-03-2020 & 10.30AM to 11.15AMSession conducted through ZOOMSolution of the problem is elaborately discussed
17Dr. B R Sanjeev ReddyII – AElectromagnetic Fields and WavesMaterial on β€œPoynting vector derivation is shared03-04-2020Session conducted through ZOOMPoynting vector is explained in the video shared with power losses and energy values Model paper-1 is shared
18Dr. B R Sanjeev ReddyII – AElectromagnetic Fields and WavesEMFW Set-1 model paper discussed05-04-2020 & 11.00AM to 11.45AMSession conducted through ZOOMFocused mainly on attackingthe problems given
19Mr. Ramesh DeshpandeII – BElectromagnetic Fields and WavesUnit VI reflection at normal and oblique incedence04-03-2020 & 04.00PMVideos and PPTS shared in Google classroom and session will conduct through ZOOMstudents will understand the concept
20Mr. R Ashok KumarII – C & DElectromagnetic Fields and WavesUnit 6 second part completed03-04-2020 & 10.00AM to 11.00AMZoom SessionStudents have understood the concepts of Polarization,Poynting vector.


Week 2 (23-03-2020 to 28-03-2020)

S.NoName of the FacultyYear and SectionCoursetopicDate and Time of the class conductedMode of Engaging the classOutcome
1Mrs. Ch. VandanaII – AMicro Processors and Micro Controllers8051- Interrupts21-03-2020 & 11.30AM – 12.30PMPPT uploaded in Google class room, & EdmodoStudents have learned the concept of interrupts and their doubts were clarified on this concept
2Mr. K.RambabuII – B & DMicro Processors and Micro ControllersInterfacing of 8051 Microcontroller_Part-223-03-2020 & 10.30AM to 11.45PMVideos and PPT shared in EDMODO and interaction session conducted through ZOOM meetingStudents have learned interfacing of 8051 microcontroller with Stepper motor, ADC & DAC, Serial port
3Mr. Mudasar BashaII – CMicro Processors and Micro ControllersSerial Communication23-03-2020 & 10.15AM to 11.00AMPPT uploaded in Edmodo and Intraction session conducted through ZOOM meetingStudents learned the basic means of communication between peripheral devices
4Mr. E Bharat BabuII – A, DProbability Theory and Stochastic ProcessingRandom Process Spectral Characteristics23-03-2020 & 7.10PMAssignment shared (previous year exam questions) through google classroomUnderstood the concept of Random process in frequency domain and able to answer descriptive type questions
5Dr. Shaik ShafiII – BProbability Theory and Stochastic ProcessingRandom Process Spectral Characteristics23-03-2020 & 7.10PMAssignment shared (previous year exam questions) through google classroomUnderstood the concept of Random process in frequency domain and able to answer descriptive type questions
6Dr. K. Prabhakara RaoII – CProbability Theory and Stochastic ProcessingStochastic Processes- Spectral Characteristics23-03-2020 & 4.00PM to 4.40PMLecture Videos, Study material uploaded in Google Classroom .Assessement done through online quiz.Understood the concept of Random process in Time domain and frequency domain and able to apply the concepts in LTI systems
7Dr. M.C.chinnaaiah and Ms. T.keerthiII – AElectronic and Pulse CircuitsAstable Multivibrators problems23-03-2020 & 01.00PM to 02.15PMVideos and PPT uploaded in Edmodo and Interaction session conducted through ZOOM meetingUnderstood the Astable Multivibrators problems based on design of symmetric, Design on Asymmetric, Dutycycle, time period, frequency, Voltage to frequency converter
8Mr. J.Yeshwanth ReddyII – B & DElectronic and Pulse CircuitsMiller Sweep Generator construction and its working principle of Current time base generator,Basic Current sweep circuit Working.23-03-2020 & 01.00PM to 02.15PMVideos and PPT uploaded in Google CLassroom and Interaction session conducted through ZOOM meetingUnderstood the working of miller sweep generator and basic current sweep circuit
9Mr. C. Ramesh Kumar ReddyII – CElectronic and Pulse CircuitsMiller Sweep Generator construction and its working,Principle of Current time base generator,Basic Current sweep circuit Working.23-03-2020 & 9.30AM to 10.15AMVideos and PPT uploaded in Edmodo and Interaction session conducted through ZOOM meetingUnderstood the working of miller sweep generator and basic current sweep circuit
10Mr. U.Gnaneshwara Chary & Mrs. P.Asha RaniII – ADigital Design through Verilog HDLIntroduction to testbench , Testbench techniques, Assertions24-03-2020 & 05.00PM to 06.00PMVideos and PPT uploaded in Edmodo and Intraction session conducted through ZOOM meetingLearned the concepts of Testbench techniques for combi and seq circuits. they understood importance of Assertions in verification methodology.
11Mrs. G. Divya VaniII – BDigital Design Through Verilog HDLDesign verifiaction and assertion verification24-03-2020 & 01.30PM to 02.30PMVideos and PPT uploaded in Edmodo and Intraction session conducted through ZOOM meetingunderstood the concept of verification method as assertion verification apart from test bench
12Mr. Kishore VennelaII – CDigital Design Through Verilog HDLComponent Test and Verification_Part-I23-03-2020 & 10.30 AM – 11.30AMVideo making through Zoom and link Sharing in Google class roomAssignment is prepared and will be shared to students on Monday i.e. 30th march
13Mr. Kishore VennelaII – CDigital Design Through Verilog HDLComponent Test and Verification_Part-I over view((Review of shared video and doubts clarification) and Part-II discussion24-03-2020 & 11.00AM to 11.40AM and 11.50AM to 12.30PMAssesement by set of questions invloving programingMost of the sudents could involve and learned testing concepts. The same is confirmed by the assesment
14Mr. K.Madav RaoII – DDigital Design Through Verilog HDLTestbench techniques, Assertions24-03-2020 & 12.00PM to 12.50PMVideos and PPT uploaded in Google Classroom and Intraction session conducted through ZOOM meetingLearned the concepts of Testbench techniques for combi and seq circuits. they understood importance of Assertions in verification methodology..
15Dr. B R Sanjeev ReddyII – AElectro Magnetic Fields and WavesAssignment sheets uploaded by the students and discussed on the solutions23-03-2020 & 11.00AM to 11.30AMVideo lectures shared in the google classroom and informed all the students to read and get prepared for next zoom meeting. Concept of Polarization is also shared
16Dr. B R Sanjeev ReddyII – AElectro Magnetic Fields and WavesDiscussion on Reflection in oblique incidence25-03-2020 & 11.00AM to 11.30AMParallel and perpendicular polarization discussed Problem on Reflection sharedClarified doubts of the students
17Mr. R Ashok KumarII – C & DElectro Magnetic Fields and WavesEM wave Characteristics-II23-03-2020 & 12.00PM to 12.30PMNotes has shared through Google class room and Intraction session conducted through ZOOMStudents understood the concept of reflection,refraction & polarization


Week 1 (16-03-2020 to 21-03-2020)

S.NoName of the FacultyYear and SectionCoursetopicDate and Time of the class conductedMode of Engaging the classOutcome
1Mrs.Ch. VandanaII – AMicro Processors and Micro Controllers8051- timers and counters20-03-2020 & 11.30AM – 12.30PMPPT uploaded in Google class room, & EdmodoStudents have learned the concept of timers and timer calculation and about interrupts concept
2Mr. K.RambabuII – B & DMicro Processors and Micro ControllersInterfacing of 8051 Microcontroller_Part-119-03-2020 & 10.30AM to 12.00PMVideos and PPT shared in EDMODO & interaction session conducted through ZOOM meetingStudents have learned interfacing of 8051 microcontroller with LED’s& Switches, Keypad, 7-Segment display & LCD
3Mr. Mudasar BashaII – CMicro Processors and Micro ControllersSerial Communication19-03-2020 & 10.15AM to 11.00AMPPT uploaded in Edmodo and Interaction session conducted through ZOOM meetingStudents learned the basic means of communication between peripheral devices
4Mr. E Bharat BabuII – A, DProbability Theory and Stochastic ProcessingRandom Process Spectral Characteristics20-03-2020 & 9.30AM TO 10.30AMVideos, material uploaded in Google Classroom . Assessement done through online quizzStudents understood the concept of Random process in frequency domain and able to apply the concepts in LTI systems
5Dr. Shaik ShafiII – BProbability Theory and Stochastic ProcessingRandom Process Spectral Characteristics20-03-2020 & 9.30AM TO 10.30AMVideos, material uploaded in Google Classroom . Assessement done through online quizzStudents understood the concept of Random process in frequency domain and able to apply the concepts in LTI systems
6Dr. K. Prabhakara RaoII – CProbability Theory and Stochastic ProcessingStochastic Processes- Temporal Characteristics21-03-2020 & 4.00PM to 4.40PMLecture Videos, Study material uploaded in Google Classroom .Understood the concept of Random process in Time domain and frequency domain and able to apply the concepts in LTI systems
7Dr. M.C.chinnaaiah and Ms. T.keerthiII – AElectronic and Pulse CircuitsIntroduction to Time base generators, Types of Time base generators, Features of Time base generators, Methods to generate Time base signals, Errors in sweep signals,Principle of Voltage time base19-03-2020 & 9.00AM to 10.00AMVideos and PPT uploaded in Edmodo and Intraction session conducted through ZOOM meetingLearned the basic concept behind Voltage time base generators and understood the working of Bootstrap sweep generator
8Mr. J.Yeshwanth ReddyII – B & DElectronic and Pulse CircuitsIntroduction to Time base generators, Types of Time base generators, Features of Time base generators, Methods to generate Time base signals, Errors in sweep signals,Principle of Voltage time base19-03-2020 & 12.15PM to 1.00PMVideos and PPT uploaded in Google CLassroom and Intraction session conducted through ZOOM meetingLearned the basic concept behind Voltage time base generators and understood the working of Bootstrap sweep generator
9Mr. C. Ramesh Kumar ReddyII – CElectronic and Pulse CircuitsIntroduction to Time base generators, Types of Time base generators, Features of Time base generators, Methods to generate Time base signals, Errors in sweep signals,Principle of Voltage time base19-03-2020 & 9.00AM to 10.00AMVideos and PPT uploaded in Edmodo and Intraction session conducted through ZOOM meetingLearned the basic concept behind Voltage time base generators and understood the working of Bootstrap sweep generator
10Mr. U.Gnaneshwara chary & Mrs. P.Asha RaniII – ADigital Design through HDLLFSR, Moore machine coding20-03-2020 & 10.30AM to 11.30AMVideos and PPT uploaded in Edmodo and Intraction session conducted through ZOOM meetingLearned the concepts of polinamial sequence genration and its verilog code and they understood that how to write verilog code for moore machines
11Mrs. G. Divya VaniII – BDigital Design through HDLTest bench, Importance of test bench20-03-2020 & 10.30AM to 11.30AMVideos and PPT uploaded in Edmodo and Intraction session conducted through ZOOM meetingUnderstood the test bench concept and able to write test bench for a given module
12Mr. K.Madav RaoII – DDigital Design through Verilog HDLLFSR, Moore machine coding20-03-2020 & 10.30AM to 11.30AMVideos and PPT uploaded in Google Classroom and Intraction session conducted through ZOOM meetingLearned the concepts of polinamial sequence genration and its verilog code.
13Dr. B R Sanjeev ReddyII – AElectromagnetic Fields and WavesShared the upcoming topics and summary of Chapter515-3-2020 & 11AM to 11.30AMGoogle class room created and groups formedSuccessfully made the students to understand the material shared for Chapter5.
14Mr. Ramesh DeshpandeII – BElectromagnetic Fields and WavesEM wave Characteristics-II20-03-2020 & 04.00PMNotes has shared through Google class roomStudents collected the Corresponding unit PDF

Week 5 (13-04-2020 to 18-04-2020)

S.NoName of the FacultyYear and SectionCourseTopicDate of the Video SharingDate and time of class to be conductedDate of Assignment
1Dr. T Vasudeva ReddyIII – ADigital CommunicationPoblems discussion on Unit IV14-04-202015-04-2020 & 06.00PM to 07.00PM15-04-2020
previous university QP15-04-202017-04-2020 & 6.00Pm to 7.00PM17.04.2020
2Mr. B. Anil KumarIII – AMicro Processors and Micro ControllersRevision of units 1 and 213-04-202016-04-2020 & 11.00Am to 1.00PM17-04-2020
Revision of units 3,4 and 513-04-202016-04-2020 & 05.00PM to 07.00PM17-04-2020
3Dr. A S N MurthyIII – ADigital Signal ProcessingDSP objective test—–04.00PM to 04.20PM12-04-2020
Revision of Unit 1 and 216-04-202017-04-2020 & 04.00PM to 05.00PM18-04-2020
4Mrs.B. AnupamaIII – ARobotics (PE)units 1,2,3(1/2): SMall Group Activity (3 students a group)12-04-202014-04-202015-04-2020
5Ms. P. Kavitha ReddyIII – AEmbedded System Design (PE)ESD Assessment test04.00PM to 04.20PM13-04-2020
Revision of Unit 1, Unit 2 and UNIT 314-04-202015-04-2020 & 04.30PM to 05.30PM18-04-2020
6Mr.R. Anirudh ReddyIII – APrinciples of IoT (OE)Assessment Test06.00PM to 06.20PM13-04-2020
7Mr. Jigar Patel and Dr. Syed AbudhagirIII – AFoundations to Artificial Intellegence (OE)

Assessment Test——-06.00PM to 06.20PM13-04-2020
Hands on Machine Learning15-04-202010.00AM to 11.30AM15-04-2020.
Hands on Machine Learning16-04-202010.00AM to 11.30AM16-04-2020.
NASSCOMDiscussion for Certifications—–18-04-2020 & 10.00AM to 11.30AM—-.
8Mr. B. Anil KumarIII – AMicro Processor and Micro Controller LabCycle 213-04-202015-04-2020 & 11.00AM to 01.00PM—-.
1Mr. B Naresh KumarIII – BDigital CommunicationPoblems discussion on Unit IV14-04-202015-04-2020 & 06.00PM to 07.00PM15-04-2020
previous university QP15-04-202017-04-2020 & 6.00Pm to 7.00PM17.04.2020
2Mrs. Ch. vandanaIII – BMicro Processors and Micro ControllersRevision of units 1 and 213-04-202016-04-2020 & 11.00Am to 1.00PM17-04-2020
Revision of units 3,4 and 513-04-202016-04-2020 & 05.00PM to 07.00PM17-04-2020
3Dr. Apurva KumariIII – BDigital Signal ProcessingDSP objective test—–04.00PM to 04.20PM12-04-2020
Revision of Unit 1 and 216-04-202017-04-2020 & 04.00PM to 05.00PM18-04-2020
4Mrs.B. AnupamaIII – BRobotics (PE)units 1,2,3(1/2): SMall Group Activity (3 students a group)12-04-202014-04-202015-04-2020
5Mr. P. RajeshIII – BEmbedded System Design (PE)ESD Assessment test04.00PM to 04.20PM13-04-2020
Revision of Unit 1, Unit 2 and UNIT 314-04-202015-04-2020 & 04.30PM to 05.30PM18-04-2020
6Mr.R. Anirudh ReddyIII – BPrinciples of IoT (OE)Assessment Test06.00PM to 06.20PM13-04-2020
7Mr. Jigar Patel and Dr. Syed Abudhagir

III – BFoundations to Artificial Intellegence (OE)Assessment Test——-06.00PM to 06.20PM13-04-2020
Hands on Machine Learning15-04-202010.00AM to 11.30AM15-04-2020.
Hands on Machine Learning16-04-202010.00AM to 11.30AM16-04-2020.
NASSCOMDiscussion for Certifications—–18-04-2020 & 10.00AM to 11.30AM—-.
8Mrs. Ch. VandanaIII – BMicro Processor and Micro Controller LabCycle 213-04-202015-04-2020 & 11.00AM to 01.00PM—-.
1Mr. B Naresh KumarIII – CDigital CommunicationPoblems discussion on Unit IV14-04-202015-04-2020 & 06.00PM to 07.00PM15-04-2020
previous university QP15-04-202017-04-2020 & 6.00Pm to 7.00PM17.04.2020
2Mr. B Anil KumarIII – CMicro Processors and Micro ControllersRevision of units 1 and 213-04-202016-04-2020 & 11.00Am to 1.00PM17-04-2020
Revision of units 3,4 and 513-04-202016-04-2020 & 05.00PM to 07.00PM17-04-2020
3Mr. T P Kauslaya NandanIII – CDigital Signal ProcessingDSP objective test—–04.00PM to 04.20PM12-04-2020
Revision of Unit 1 and 216-04-202017-04-2020 & 04.00PM to 05.00PM18-04-2020
4Mr. J. KishoreIII – CRobotics (PE)units 1,2,3(1/2): SMall Group Activity (3 students a group)12-04-202014-04-202015-04-2020
5Ms. P.Kavitha ReddyIII – CEmbedded System Design (PE)ESD Assessment test04.00PM to 04.20PM13-04-2020
Revision of Unit 1, Unit 2 and UNIT 314-04-202015-04-2020 & 04.30PM to 05.30PM18-04-2020
6Mr.R. Anirudh ReddyIII – CPrinciples of IoT (OE)Assessment Test06.00PM to 06.20PM13-04-2020
7Mr. Jigar Patel and Dr. Syed Abudhagir


Foundations to Artificial Intellegence (OE)Assessment Test——-06.00PM to 06.20PM13-04-2020
Hands on Machine Learning15-04-202010.00AM to 11.30AM15-04-2020.
Hands on Machine Learning16-04-202010.00AM to 11.30AM16-04-2020.
III – CNASSCOMDiscussion for Certifications—–18-04-2020 & 10.00AM to 11.30AM—-.
1Mrs.Jayshree DasIII – DDigital CommunicationPoblems discussion on Unit IV14-04-202015-04-2020 & 06.00PM to 07.00PM15-04-2020
previous university QP15-04-202017-04-2020 & 6.00Pm to 7.00PM17.04.2020
2Mr. Mudasar BashaIII – DMicro Processors and Micro ControllersRevision of units 1 and 213-04-202016-04-2020 & 11.00Am to 1.00PM17-04-2020
Revision of units 3,4 and 513-04-202016-04-2020 & 05.00PM to 07.00PM17-04-2020
3Mr. Syed Munavvar HussainIII – DDigital Signal ProcessingDSP objective test—–04.00PM to 04.20PM12-04-2020
Revision of Unit 1 and 216-04-202017-04-2020 & 04.00PM to 05.00PM18-04-2020
4Mr. J. KishoreIII – DRobotics (PE)units 1,2,3(1/2): SMall Group Activity (3 students a group)12-04-202014-04-202015-04-2020
5Dr. BalajiIII – DEmbedded System Design (PE)ESD Assessment test04.00PM to 04.20PM13-04-2020
Revision of Unit 1, Unit 2 and UNIT 314-04-202015-04-2020 & 04.30PM to 05.30PM18-04-2020
6Mr.R. Anirudh ReddyIII – DPrinciples of IoT (OE)Assessment Test06.00PM to 06.20PM13-04-2020
7Mr. Jigar Patel and Dr. Syed Abudhagir

III – DFoundations to Artificial Intellegence (OE)Assessment Test——-06.00PM to 06.20PM13-04-2020
Hands on Machine Learning15-04-202010.00AM to 11.30AM15-04-2020.
Hands on Machine Learning16-04-202010.00AM to 11.30AM16-04-2020.
NASSCOMDiscussion for Certifications—–18-04-2020 & 10.00AM to 11.30AM—-.
8Mr. Mudasar BashaIII – DMicro Processor and Micro Controller LabCycle 213-04-202015-04-2020 & 11.00AM to 01.00PM—-.


Week 4 (05-04-2020 to 11-04-2020)

S.NoName of the FacultyYear and SectionCourseTopicDate and Time of the class conductedMode of Engaging the classOutcome
1Dr. T Vasudeva ReddyIII – ADigital CommunicationCyclic Codes06-04-2020 & 12.15PM to 01.15PMZoom Video InteractionStudents were able to understand the cycclic codes and solve the problems
2Dr. T Vasudeva ReddyIII – ADigital Communicationconvolution codes: code tree,Trelliis ,veterbi coding06-04-2020 & 06.15PM to 08.15PMZoom Video InteractionStudents wre able to understand the concepts of convolution codes: code tree,Trelliis ,veterbi coding and solve the problems
3Dr. T Vasudeva ReddyIII – ADigital CommunicationQuiz Test11-04-2020 & 04.00PM to 04.30PMGoogle Forms
4Mr. B Naresh KumarIII – B & CDigital CommunicationCyclic Codes06-04-2020 & 12.15PM to 01.15PMZoom Video InteractionStudents were able solve the problems on cyclic codes
5Mr. B Naresh KumarIII – B & CDigital Communicationconvolution codes: code tree,Trelliis ,veterbi coding06-04-2020 & 06.15PM to 08.15PMZoom Video InteractionUnderstood the concepts of Convolutional code and able to solve the assignment problems
6Mr. B Naresh KumarIII – B & CDigital CommunicationQuiz Test11-04-2020 & 04.00PM to 04.30PMGoogle Forms
7Mrs.Jayshree DasIII – DDigital CommunicationCyclic Codes06-04-2020 & 12.00PM to 12.45PMZoom Video InteractionStudents were able solve the problems on cyclic codes
8Mrs.Jayshree DasIII – DDigital Communicationconvolution codes: code tree,Trelliis ,veterbi coding06-04-2020 & 06.00PM to 08.00PMZoom Video InteractionUnderstood the concepts of Convolutional code and able to solve the assignment problems
9Mrs.Jayshree DasIII – DDigital CommunicationQuiz Test11-04-2020 & 04.00PM to 04.25PMGoogle Forms
10Dr. A S N MurthyIII – ADigital Signal ProcessingRevision of problems and sample questions from 3,4,5 units09-04-2020 & 04:00 PM to 05:00 PMSample questions and problems have been shared through google classroom and Interaction session conducted through Zoom softwareStudents could revise the method to solve the problems and related formulae.
11Dr. Apurva KumariIII – BDigital Signal ProcessingRevision of problems and sample questions from 3,4,5 units09-04-2020 & 04:00 PM to 05:00 PMSample questions and problems have been shared through google classroom and Interaction session conducted through Zoom softwareStudents could revise the method to solve the problems and related formulae.
12Mr. T P Kausalya NandanIII – CDigital Signal ProcessingRevision of problems and sample questions from 3,4,5 units09-04-2020 & 04:00 PM to 05:00 PMSample questions and problems have been shared through google classroom and Interaction session conducted through Zoom softwareStudents could revise the method to solve the problems and related formulae.
13Mr. Munavvar HussainIII – DDigital Signal ProcessingRevision of problems and sample questions from 3,4,5 units09-04-2020 & 04:00 PM to 05:00 PMSample questions and problems have been shared through google classroom and Interaction session conducted through Zoom softwareStudents could revise the method to solve the problems and related formulae.
14Mrs. B. AnupamaIII – A, BRoboticsRevision of shared topics in 1,2,3 units06-04-2020 & 04.00PM to 5.00PMzoom video interactionStudents were able to emphasize the significance of DHG parameters in 2 unit
15Mrs. B. AnupamaIII – A, BRoboticsPrevious q-papers discussion06-04-2020 & 05.00PM to 5.30PMzoom video interactionStudents were able to identify the effective write up in exam point of view
16Mr.J. KishoreIII – C, DRoboticsRevision of shared topics in 1,2,3 units06-04-2020 & 04.00PM to 5.00PMzoom video interactionStudents were able to emphasize the significance of DHG parameters in 2 unit


Week 3 (30-03-2020 to 04-04-2020)

S.NoName of the FacultyYear and SectionCourseTopicDate and Time of the class conductedMode of Engaging the classOutcome
1Dr. T Vasudeva Reddy, Mr. B Naresh Kumar & Mrs. Jayshree DasIII – ADigital CommunicationUnit-IV Convolutional codes06-04-2020 & 10.15AM to 11.15AMVideos shared through Google classStudents were able to understand the convoultional coding process and and able to deocde the signal using viterbi algorithm
2Mr. B Naresh KumarIII – B & CDigital CommunicationUnit-IV Convolutional codes06-04-2020 & 10.15AM to 11.15AMVideos shared through Google classStudents were able to understand the convoultional coding process and and able to deocde the signal using viterbi algorithm
3Mrs. Jayshree DasIII – DDigital CommunicationUnit-IV Convolutional codes06-04-2020 & 10.15AM to 11.15AMVideos shared through Google classStudents were able to understand the convoultional coding process and and able to deocde the signal using viterbi algorithm
4Dr. A S N MurthyIII – ADigital Signal ProcessingBit questions from Previous university papers and problem solving procedure revision on IIR and FIR Filters03-04-2020 & 04:00 PM to 04:40 PMVideos, material uploaded in Google Classroom . Interactive session conduted through ZOOMStudents could revise the design concepts of IIR and FIR filters using different methods. Got an idea on the model questions that can be expected for the external examination.
5Dr. Apurva KumariIII – BDigital Signal ProcessingBit questions from Previous university papers and problem solving procedure revision on IIR and FIR Filters03-04-2020 & 04:00 PM to 04:40 PMVideos, material uploaded in Google Classroom . Interactive session conduted through ZOOMStudents could revise the design concepts of IIR and FIR filters using different methods. Got an idea on the model questions that can be expected for the external examination.
6Mr. T P Kausalya NandanIII – CDigital Signal ProcessingBit questions from Previous university papers and problem solving procedure revision on IIR and FIR Filters03-04-2020 & 04:00 PM to 04:40 PMVideos, material uploaded in Google Classroom . Interactive session conduted through ZOOMStudents could revise the design concepts of IIR and FIR filters using different methods. Got an idea on the model questions that can be expected for the external examination.
7Mr. S Munavvar HussainIII – DDigital Signal ProcessingBit questions from Previous university papers and problem solving procedure revision on IIR and FIR Filters03-04-2020 & 04:00 PM to 04:40 PMVideos, material uploaded in Google Classroom . Interactive session conduted through ZOOMStudents could revise the design concepts of IIR and FIR filters using different methods. Got an idea on the model questions that can be expected for the external examination.
8Dr. A S N MurthyIII – ADigital Signal Processing LabRevision of DSP Lab Experiments – Cycle 103-04-2020 & 04:40 PM to 05:15 PMShared the first cycle of videos for Laboratory programs executed using MATLAB through Google ClassroomStudents could revise the execution of Lab programs using MATLAB
9Dr. A purva KumariIII – BDigital Signal Processing LabRevision of DSP Lab Experiments – Cycle 103-04-2020 & 04:40 PM to 05:15 PMShared the first cycle of videos for Laboratory programs executed using MATLAB through Google ClassroomStudents could revise the execution of Lab programs using MATLAB
10T P Kausalya NandanIII – CDigital Signal Processing LabRevision of DSP Lab Experiments – Cycle 103-04-2020 & 04:40 PM to 05:15 PMShared the first cycle of videos for Laboratory programs executed using MATLAB through Google ClassroomStudents could revise the execution of Lab programs using MATLAB
11Mr. S Munavvar HussainIII – DDigital Signal Processing LabRevision of DSP Lab Experiments – Cycle 103-04-2020 & 04:40 PM to 05:15 PMShared the first cycle of videos for Laboratory programs executed using MATLAB through Google ClassroomStudents could revise the execution of Lab programs using MATLAB
12Mr. B. Anil KumarIII – A,CMicro Processors and Micro ControllersUnit 5- 1. Timer/Counter Programming 2.interrupt programming 3.serial communication03-04-2020 & 06.00PM to 07.30PMVideo in Google classroom and session through zoomStudents have understood the concept of timers and interrupts and also how to generate delay by timers and to program using interrupts
13Mrs.VandanaIII – BMicro Processors and Micro ControllersUnit 5- 1. Timer/Counter Programming 2.interrupt programming 3.serial communication03-04-2020 & 06.00PM to 07.30PMVideo in Google classroom and session through zoomStudents have understood the concept of timers and interrupts and also how to generate delay by timers and to program using interrupts
14Mr. Mudassar BashaIII – DMicro Processors and Micro ControllersUnit 5- 1. Timer/Counter Programming 2.interrupt programming 3.serial communication03-04-2020 & 06.00PM to 07.30PMVideo in Google classroom and session through zoomStudents have understood the concept of timers and interrupts and also how to generate delay by timers and to program using interrupts
15Mr. B. Anil KumarIII – A,CMicro Processors and Micro ControllersUnit 5 interfacing concepts : switch and keypad04-04-2020 & 06.00PM to 07.30PMVideo in Google classroom and session through zoomStudents have understood the interfacing concepts
16Mrs.VandanaIII – BMicro Processors and Micro ControllersUnit 5 interfacing concepts : switch and keypad04-04-2020 & 06.00PM to 07.30PMVideo in Google classroom and session through zoomStudents have understood the interfacing concepts
17Mr. Mudassar BashaIII – DMicro Processors and Micro ControllersUnit 5 interfacing concepts : switch and keypad04-04-2020 & 06.00PM to 07.30PMVideo in Google classroom and session through zoomStudents have understood the interfacing concepts
18Ms. KavithareddyIII – A, CEmbedded System DesignUnit V-ARM Processor ,SPI,I2C03-04-2020 & 02:00PM to 03:05PMVideo &PPT & Notes -Shared In EDMODOans Session Conducted through Zoom MeetingStudents have learned ARM processor architecture and memory organization program,SPI and I2C
19Mr. P. RajeshIII – BEmbedded System DesignUnit V-ARM Processor ,SPI,I2C03-04-2020 & 02:00PM to 03:05PMVideo &PPT & Notes -Shared In EDMODOans Session Conducted through Zoom MeetingStudents have learned ARM processor architecture and memory organization program,SPI and I2C
20Dr. R.BalajiIII – DEmbedded System DesignUnit V-ARM Processor ,SPI,I2C03-04-2020 & 02:00PM to 03:05PMVideo &PPT & Notes -Shared In EDMODOans Session Conducted through Zoom MeetingStudents have learned ARM processor architecture and memory organization program,SPI and I2C
21Ms. KavithareddyIII – A, CEmbedded System DesignUnit 4- Revision03-04-2020 & 02:00PM to 03:05PM
22Mr. P. RajeshIII – BEmbedded System DesignUnit 4- Revision03-04-2020 & 02:00PM to 03:05PM
23Dr. R.BalajiIII – DEmbedded System DesignUnit 4- Revision03-04-2020 & 02:00PM to 03:05PM
24Mrs. B. AnupamaIII – A, BRoboticsUnits 1,2,3 important questions and answers03-04-2020 & 12.30PMVideos and material on important topicsshared in google classroomstudents have gone through the 1,2,3 units and ready for interaction n discussion on 6/4/2020
25Mr.J. KishoreIII – C, DRoboticsUnits 1,2,3 important questions and answers03-04-2020 & 12.30PMVideos and material on important topicsshared in google classroomstudents have gone through the 1,2,3 units and ready for interaction n discussion on 6/4/2020


Week 2 (23-03-2020 to 28-03-2020)

S.NoName of the FacultyYear and SectionCourseTopicDate and Time of the class conductedMode of Engaging the classOutcome
1Dr. T Vasudeva ReddyIII – ADigital CommunicationCyclic codes & convolution codes23-03-2020 & 10.15AM to 11.15AM1.Videos & material uploaded in Google Classroom. 2. Zoom interactive session conducted. 3. Assessement is given and assesed through EDMODO1.Understanding the concept of Block codes to solve the problemsto find the coding effeciency
2B.Naresh KumarIII – B, CDigital CommunicationCyclic codes23-03-2020 & 04.00 PM to 5.00 PM1.Lecture notes shred through google class on 19th March 2. Zoom interactive session conducted on 23th March and clarified the doubts 3. Assignment problems were given .Students were able solve the questions on Binary cyclic codes and understood coding and decoding aspects ofcyclic codes..
3Mrs. Jayshree DasIII – DDigital CommunicationLinear block codes23-03-2020 & 04.00 PM to 5.00 PM1.Lecture notes shred through google class on 19th March 2. Zoom interactive session conducted on 23th March and clarified the doubts 3. Assignment problems were given .Students were able solve the questions on Binary cyclic codes and understood coding and decoding aspects ofcyclic codes..
4Dr. Apurva KumariIII – BDigital Signal ProcessingFinite Word Length Effects24-03-2020 & 09:00 AM to 10:15 AMVideos, material uploaded in Google Classroom . Interactive session conduted through ZOOMUnderstand the concept of finite word length effects through Fixed point and Floating point representation.
5Mr.T P Kausalya NandanIII – CDigital Signal ProcessingFinite Word Length Effects24-03-2020 & 09.00AM TO 10.00AMConcept explanation video recordings were uploaded in the google classroom, discussed these concepts, clarified doubts.95% of the students could score 65% and above in the quiz assignment conducted on these topics.
6Mr. Syed Munavvar HussainIII – DDigital Signal ProcessingMultirate Signal Processing and Finite Word Length Effects24-03-2020 & 09:00 AM to 10:15 AMVideos are recorded,and shared in google class roomStudents have got the concepts and discussion was done on the topics.The same is Assesed by the Assignment.
7Mr. B. Anil KumarIII – A,CMicro Processors and Micro ControllersIntroduction to 8051 microcontroller22-03-2020 & 05.00PM to 06.00PM and 07.00PM to 08.00PMVideos & PPT uploaded in Google class room, Asssignment shared and ZOOM Meeting conducted for discussion with studentsStudents have learned Basic Architeture of 8051 microcontroller and SFRs and memory organisation of 8051
8Mrs.VandanaIII – BMicro Processors and Micro ControllersIntroduction to 8051 microcontroller22-03-2020 & 05.00PM to 06.00PM and 07.00PM to 08.00PMVideos & PPT uploaded in Google class room, Asssignment shared and ZOOM Meeting conducted for discussion with studentsStudents have learned Basic Architeture of 8051 microcontroller and SFRs and memory organisation of 8051
9Mr. Mudassar BashaIII – DMicro Processors and Micro ControllersIntroduction to 8051 microcontroller22-03-2020 & 05.00PM to 06.00PM and 07.00PM to 08.00PMVideos & PPT uploaded in Google class room, Asssignment shared and ZOOM Meeting conducted for discussion with studentsStudents have learned Basic Architeture of 8051 microcontroller and SFRs and memory organisation of 8051
10Ms. KavithareddyIII – A, CEmbedded System DesignARM Processor24-03-2020 & 01:10PM to 02:05PMVideo and PPT shared in EDMODO class Room, intraction session conducted Zoom meeting Assignment given through EDMODOStudents have learned ARM processor architecture and memory organization program,SPI and I2C and it is been assessed through assignment
11Mr. P. RajeshIII – BEmbedded System DesignARM Processor24-03-2020 & 01:10PM to 02:05PMVideo and PPT shared in EDMODO class Room, intraction session conducted Zoom meeting Assignment given through EDMODOStudents have learned ARM processor architecture and memory organization program,SPI and I2C and it is been assessed through assignment
12Dr. R.BalajiIII – DEmbedded System DesignARM Processor24-03-2020 & 01:10PM to 02:05PMVideo and PPT shared in EDMODO class Room, intraction session conducted Zoom meeting Assignment given through EDMODOStudents have learned ARM processor architecture and memory organization program,SPI and I2C and it is been assessed through assignment
13Mrs. B. AnupamaIII – A, BRoboticsRevision of All five units, Collision avoidance23-03-2020 & 04.00PM to 05.00PMEDMODO online objective test ,on three units 3,4,598%of the students secured above 90% marks of 13/15 in online test.
14Mr.J. KishoreIII – C, DRoboticsSwam & Collision avoidence system.23-03-2020 & 04.00PM to 05.00PM1.Video and PPT shared in Google class Room,2.intraction session conducted Zoom meeting 3.Assignment given through EDMODOMost of the students shown instrest to learn and activily participated in Assignment test. and every one got good score in test.
15Dr. Syed Abudhagir and Mr. Jigar PatelIII – ECE & EEE (OE)Foundation of AIReinforcement Learning.24-03-2020 & 12.00PM to 01.00PMVideo Materials and PPTs shared through Gogle Classroom and Class handled through ZOOM.Able to explain the basic concepts and QUIZ was conducted


Week 1 (16-03-2020 to 21-03-2020)

S.NoName of the FacultyYear and SectionCourseTopicDate and Time of the class conductedMode of Engaging the classOutcome
1Dr. T Vasudeva ReddyIII – ADigital Communicationblock codes & linear block codes19-03-2020 & 10.15AM to 11.15AM1.Videos & material uploaded in Google Classroom. 2. Zoom interactive session conducted. 3. Assessement is given and assesed through google classroom1.Understanding the concept of Block codes. 2. able to solve the problemsto find the coding effeciency
2B.Naresh KumarIII – B, CDigital CommunicationLinear block codes20-03-2020 & 10.00AM to 11.00AM1.Videos and PPTs are shred through google class. 2. Zoom interactive session conducted on 20th March and clarified the doubts 3. Assignment problems were given .Students were able solve the questions on linear block codes and understood coding and decoding aspects of linear block codes.
3Mrs. Jayshree DasIII – DDigital CommunicationLinear block codes20-03-2020 & 10.00AM to 11.00AM1.Videos and PPTs are shred through google class. 2. Zoom interactive session conducted on 20th March and clarified the doubts 3. Assignment problems were given .Students were able solve the questions on linear block codes and understood coding and decoding aspects of linear block codes.
4Dr. Apurva KumariIII – BDigital Signal ProcessingMultirate Signal Processing20-03-2020 & 09:00 AM to 09:40 AMVideos, material uploaded in Google Classroom . Interactive session conduted through ZOOMEstablish a strategy to understand the concepts of multirate signal processing through decimation and Interpolation.
5Mr.T P Kausalya NandanIII – CDigital Signal ProcessingVideo Lecture on Multirate signal Processing20-03-2020 & 09.00AM TO 10.00AMconcept explained through video recording and uploaded in the google classroom , clarified doubts and implemented these concepts using MATLAB software94% of the students could score 65% and above in the quiz assignment conducted on these topics.
6Mrs.VandanaIII – BMicro Processors and Micro Controllers8051- timers and counters, interrupts22-03-2020 & 10.30AM to 12.00PMPPT uploaded in Google class room, & Edmodo , Asssignment shared in EdmodoStudents have learned the concept of timers and timer calculation and about interrupts concept
7Ms. KavithareddyIII – A, CEmbedded System DesignARM Processor20-03-2020 & 01:10PM to 02:05PMVideo and PPT shared in EDMODO class Room, intraction session conducted Zoom meeting Assignment given through EDMODOStudents have learned ARM processor architecture and memory organization program,SPI and I2C and it is been assessed through assignment
8Mr. P. RajeshIII – BEmbedded System DesignARM Processor20-03-2020 & 01:10PM to 02:05PMVideo and PPT shared in EDMODO class Room, intraction session conducted Zoom meeting Assignment given through EDMODOStudents have learned ARM processor architecture and memory organization program,SPI and I2C and it is been assessed through assignment
9Dr. R.BalajiIII – DEmbedded System DesignARM Processor20-03-2020 & 01:10PM to 02:05PMVideo and PPT shared in EDMODO class Room, intraction session conducted Zoom meeting Assignment given through EDMODOStudents have learned ARM processor architecture and memory organization program,SPI and I2C and it is been assessed through assignment
10Mrs. B. AnupamaIII – A, BRoboticsUNIT-V revision and Ant Colony last topic revision20-03-2020 & 11.00AM to 12.00PMVideos shared on Zoom, Interactive sessionEffectively understood the concept and had a very descriptive and conceptual revision of all five units
11Mr.J. KishoreIII – C, DRoboticsAnt colony Optimization19-03-2020 & 10.30AM to 11.45AM1.Video and PPT shared in Google class Room,2.intraction session conducted Zoom meeting 3.Assignment given through EDMODOMost of the students shown instrest to learn and activily participated in Assignment test. and every one got good score in test.

Week 3 (30-03-2020 to 04-04-2020)

S.NoName of the FacultyYear and SectionCourseTopicDate and Time of the class conductedMode of Engaging the class
1Mr. D. Hari KrishnaIV – Open Elective (OE (Che, EEE,CSE,IT,ME)Embedded SystemsRTOS – Tasks and task states, Semaphores, IPC31-03-2020 & 10.00AM to 10.30AMZoom Session
2Mr. D. Hari KrishnaIV – Open Elective (OE (Che, EEE,CSE,IT,ME)Embedded SystemsHard Real-Time Scheduling Considerations, Embedded Software Development Tools02-04-2020 & 05.00PM to 05.30PMZoom Session
3Mr.Mudasar BashaIV – A, B, C, DTechnical SeminarStudent Presentations on Technical topics04-04-2020 & 11.00AM to 05.00PMZoom Session
4Mr.Mudasar BashaIV – A, B, C, DTechnical SeminarStudent Presentations on Technical topics06-04-2020 & 11.30AM to 05.00PMZoom Session


Week 2 (22-03-2020 to 28-03-2020)

S.NoName of the FacultyYear and SectionCoursetopicDate and Time of the session conductedMode of Engaging the class
1Mr.Mudasar Basha, Panel Members and GuideIV – BMajor Project ReviewProgress of Project Work and Publciations Status23-03-2020 & 11.20AM – 05.30PMZoom Session
2Mr.Mudasar Basha, Panel Members and GuideIV – AMajor Project ReviewProgress of Project Work and Publciations Status24-03-2020 & 11.30AM – 06.00PMZoom Session
3Mr.Mudasar Basha, Panel Members and GuideIV – A & DTechnical SeminarsStudent Presentations on Technical topics25-03-2020 & 10.30AM – 06.00PMZoom Session
4Mr.Mudasar Basha, Panel Members and GuideIV – B & CTechnical SeminarsStudent Presentations on Technical topics26-03-2020 & 10.30AM – 06.00PMZoom Session


Week 1 (16-03-2020 to 21-03-2020)

S.NoName of the FacultyYear and SectionCoursetopicDate and Time of the session conductedMode of Engaging the class
1Mr.Mudasar Basha, Panel Members and GuideIV – CMajor Project ReviewProgress of Project Work and Publciations Status20-03-2020 & 10.30AM – 04.30PMZoom Session
2Mr.Mudasar Basha, Panel Members and GuideIV – DMajor Project ReviewProgress of Project Work and Publciations Status21-03-2020 & 11.00AM – 05.00PMZoom Session

II Year II Sem

Probability Theory and Stochastic Processing

S.NoTopicLecture NotesVideo LecturesPrevious Question papers
11. Introduction to Probability TheoryΒ Introduction to Probability TheoryΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β PTSP Previous Question papers
22. Random VariablesΒ Random variablesΒ 
33. Operations on Single random variableΒ Operations on single random variablesΒ 
44.1 Multiple Random varibles-part-1Β Multiple random variablesΒ 
54.2 Operations on Multiple Random Variables-part-2Β Operations on multiple random variablesΒ 
65. Random Processess -Temporal CharacteristicsΒ Random Process – Temporal CharacteristicsΒ Random Process – Temporal Characteristics
76.1 Random Processess Spectral Characteristics-Part-1Β Random Process Spectral CharacteristicsΒ Random Process Spectral Characteristics
86.2 Random Processess Spectral Characteristics-Part-2Β Random Process Spectral Characteristics – Part 2Β Random Process Spectral Characteristics – Part 2


Micro Processors and Micro Controllers

S.NoTopicLecture NotesVideo LecturesPrevious Question papers
11. Introduction to 8086 Micro ProcessorΒ Introduction to 8086 Micro ProcessorΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Previous External Exam Question Papers
22. Programming and Interrupts of 8086 Micro ProcessorΒ Programming and interrupts of 8086 micro processorΒ 
33. Interfacing with 8086 Micro ProcessorΒ Interfacing with 8086 microΒ processorΒ 
44. 8051 Micro ControllerΒ 8051 Micro controllerΒ Memory, Register Organization
55. Programming with 8051 Micro ControllerΒ Programming with 8051Β Programming with 8051 Micro controller
66. Interfacing of 8051 Micro ControllerΒ Interfacing with 8051 micro controllerΒ Interfacing of 8051 Micro Controller


Electronic and Pulse circuitsΒ 

S.NoTopicLecture NotesVideo LecturesPrevious Question papers
1Linear Wave Shaping and Non Linear Wave ShapingΒ Linear and Non Linear Wave ShapingΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Previous External Exam Question Papers
2Switching Characteristics and Sampling GatesΒ Switching Characteristics and Sampling GatesΒ 
3Feedback AmplifiersΒ Feedback AmplifiersΒ 
4OscillatorsΒ OscillatorsΒ 
5MultivibratorsΒ MultivibratorsΒ 
6Time Base GeneratorsΒ Time base generatorsΒ Time base Generators


Digital Design Using Verilog HDLΒ 

S.NoTopicLecture NotesVideo LecturesPrevious Question papers
1Introduction to VerilogIntroduction to verilogΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Previous External Exam Question Papers
2Modelling at Gate and Data flow levelsΒ Modelling at Gate and Data flow levels

Β Gate Level Modelling

Data Flow Modelling

3Behaviourial modellingΒ Behavioral Modelling

Β Behavioral Modelling – Kishore Vennela

Delays, Timing Control and other features – Kishore Vennela


4Switch Level Modelling and System Tasks, Functions and compiler directivesΒ Switch level modellingΒ 
5Sequencial circuits with HDLΒ Sequential Circuits

Concepts of State Machine Encoding


Description of always procedural block usage in Verilog with examples








Sequential Design Example : Traffic Light Controller


Unit 5 – Video Link – U G CharyΒ sir

6Component Test and VerificationΒ Component test and verification

Β Test bench with Case studies -combinational circuit testing, sequential circuit testing

test bench techniques, design verification


Electro Magnetic Fields and Waves

S.NoTopicLecture NotesVideo LecturesPrevious Question papers
11. Fundamental Quantities Electrostatic FieldsΒ Fundamental Quantities Electrostatic FieldsΒ Β Previous Question Papers
22. Electric Fields in Material SpaceΒ Electric Fields in Material SpaceΒ 
33. MagnetostaticsΒ MagnetostaticsΒ Unit III – Fields and Currents Video
44 Maxwell’s Equation (Time Varying Fields)Β Maxwell’s Equation

Β 14_4_20-EMFW Mid2 Obj Solutions


18_4_20_EMFW -Discussion on SET2 Model paper and Solutions

55 EM Wave CharacteristicsΒ EM Wave CharacteristicsΒ EMFW Set 1 Solutions Discussion video
66 EM Wave PropagationsΒ EM Wave PropagationsΒ Unit VI Videos


III Year II Sem

Digital Communication

S.NoTopicLecture NotesVideo LecturesPrevious Question papers
1IntroductionΒ Introduction to Base Band Transmission
Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Previous Question papers and Tutorial Problems
2Digital Modulation SchemesDigital Modulation SchemesΒ 
3Information TheoryInformation TheoryΒ 
4Error Control CodesError Control CodesError Control Codes
5Spread Spectrum ModulationSpread Spectrum ModulationΒ 


Digital Signal Processing

S.NoTopicLecture NotesVideo LecturesPrevious Question papers
11.0 Fundamentals of Digital Signal ProcessingFundamentals of Digital Signal ProcessingSignals, Systems and LCCDE– RevisionPrevious External Exam Question Papers
21.1 Realization of Digital FIltersRealization of Digital FiltersZ Transform and Realization of Digital FIltersΒ – Revision
32.0 Discrete Fourier TransformDiscrete Fourier TransformDFT – Revision
42.1 Fast Fourier TransformFast Fourier TransformFFT – Revision
53.0 Infinite Impulse Response FiltersIIR FiltersIIR Filters – Revision
64.0 Finite Impulse Response FIltersFIR Filters
75.0 Multirate Signal ProcessingMultirate Signal ProcessingVideo Link for Multirate signal Processing
85.1 Finite Word Length EffectsFinite Word Length EffectsVideo Lectures on Finite Word Length Effects


Micro Processors and Micro Controllers

S.NoTopicLecture NotesVideo LecturesPrevious Question papers
18085, 8086 Micro ProcessorsΒ 8085, 8086 microprocessorsΒ Β Previous External Exam Question Papers _ MPMC
2Instruction Set and Assembly Language Programming of 8086Β Instruction set and assembly language programming 8086Β 
3Memory and I/O InterfaceΒ Memory and I/O interfaceΒ 
4Introduction To Micro ControllersΒ Introduction to Micro ControllersΒ Introduction to Micro Controllers
58051 ApplicationsΒ 8051 ApplicationsΒ 8051 Applications


Embedded System Design (Professional Elective 2)

Previous External Exam Question Papers​

S.NoTopicLecture NotesVideo LecturesPrevious Question papers
1Introduction to Embedded SystemsΒ Introduction to Embedded SystemsΒ Introduction to Embedded SystemsΒ Previous External Exam Question Papers
2Typical Embedded SystemΒ Typical Embedded SystemsΒ Typical Embedded Systems
3Embedded FirmwareΒ Embedded FirmwareΒ Embedded Firmware
4Real Time Operating SystemsΒ RTOSΒ RTOS
5Introduction to Advanced Architectures & Communication ProtocolsΒ Introduction to advanced architectures and Communication ProtocolsΒ Introduction to advanced architectures and Communication Protocols


ROBOTICS (Professional Elective 3)

S.NoTopicLecture NotesVideo LecturesPrevious Question papers
1Introduction of ROBOTICSΒ Introduction to RoboticsΒ Β Previous External Exam Question Papers
2Mechanical AspectsΒ Mechanical AspectsΒ 
3Basic algorithms implementationsΒ Basic Algorithm ImplementationsΒ 
4NavigationΒ NavigationΒ 
5Multi RobotΒ Multi Robot

Β Collision Avoidance

Swam Robots

Week 6 (19-04-2020 to 25-04-2020)

S.NoName of the FacultyYear and SectionCourseTopicActivityDate and time of class to be conductedOutcome
1Dr. M C Chinnaiah & Ms. T. KeerthiII – AElectronic and Pulse CircuitsRevision of Unit 1ZOOM Session20-04-2020 & 11.00AM to 12.00PMStudents will be able to revise all concepts of HPF,LPF, CLIPPERS, CLAMPERS
2Mrs.Ch. VandanaII – AMicro Processor and Micro ControllerRevision of Unit 1ZOOM Session20-04-2020 & 12.00PM to 1:00PMStudents will be able to revise the concepts of 8086 Microprocessor architecture
3Mr. U.Gnaneshwara chary & Mrs. P.AsharaniII – ADigital Design using Verilog HDLRevision of 3rd unit(Part A)ZOOM Session21-04-2020 & 11.00AM to 12.00PMStudents will be able to write a verilog code in behavioural model
4Dr B R Sanjeeva ReddyII – AElectro Magnetic Fields and WavesRevision of Unit-1ZOOM Session21-04-2020 & 12.00PM to 1.00PMable to understand the concept of Electric fields
5E. Bharat BabuII – AProbability Theory and Stochastic ProcessingRevision of Unit-IZOOM session22-04-2020 & 11:00AM to 12:00PMStudents will be able to gain indepth knowledege in the tough concepts and able to manage time more effectively when revising
6Dr. M C Chinnaiah and Ms. T. KeerthiII – AElectronic and Pulse CircuitsRevision of Unit-IIZOOM Session22-04-2020 & 12:00PM to 01:00PMStudents will be able to revise the concepts of Switching Characteristics of diode, Transistor and Sampling Gates
7Mrs. Ch. VandanaII – AMicro Processors and Micro ControllersRevision of Unit-IIZOOM Session23-04-2020 & 11.00 AM to 12.00PMStudents will be able to revise the concepts of Programming & Interrupts of 8086 Microprocessor
8Mr. U.Gnaneshwara chary & Mrs. P.AsharaniII – ADigital Design using Verilog HDLRevision of 3rd unit Part(B)ZOOM Session23-4-2020 & 12.00PM to 01.00PMStudents will be able to understand different constructs available in behavioural modelling
9Dr. B R Sanjeev ReddyII – AElectro Magnetic Fields and WavesRevision of Unit IIZOOM Session24-04-2020 at 11.00 AM to 12.00 PMable to understand the concept of Material science in Electric fields
10Mr. E.Bharat BabuII – AProbability Theory and Stochastic ProcessingRevision of Unit IIZOOM Session25-04-2020 & 11.00AM to 12.00PMStudents will be able to gain indepth knowledege in the tough concepts and able to manage time more effectively while revising
11Dr. M C Chinnaiah and Ms. T.KeerthiII – AElectronic and Pulse CircuitsRevision of Unit IIIZOOM Session25-04-2020 & 12.00PM to 01.00PMStudents will be able to revise the feedback topologies and find its input and output resistance
1Mr Yeshwanth ReddyII – BElectronic and Pulse CircuitsRevision of Unit 1ZOOM Session20-04-2020 & 11.00AM to 12.00PMStudents will be able to revise all the concepts of High pass RC, Low pass RC Circuits,Clippers & Clampers
2Mr K.RambabuII – BMicro Processor and Micro ControllerRevision of Unit 1ZOOM Session20-04-2020 & 12.00PM to 1:00PMStudents will be able to revise the concepts of 8086 Microprocessor architecture
3Mrs.G.Divya VaniII – BDigital Design using Verilog HDLRevision of Unit 3ZOOM Session21-04-2020 & 11.00AM to 12.00PMStudents will be able to revise the concepts of behavioural modelling constructs in Verilog Code
4Mr Ramesh DeshpandeII – BElectro Magnetic Fields and WavesRevision of Unit-1ZOOM Session21-04-2020 & 12.00PM to 1.00PMable to understand the concept of Electric fields
5Dr Shaik ShafiII – BProbability Theory and Stochastic ProcessingRevision of Unit-IZOOM session22-04-2020 & 11:00AM to 12:00PMStudents will be able to gain indepth knowledege in the tough concepts and able to manage time more effectively when revising
6Mr Yeshwanth ReddyII – BElectronic and Pulse CircuitsRevision of Unit-IIZOOM Session22-04-2020 & 12:00PM to 01:00PMStudents will be able to revise the concepts of Switching Characteristics of diode, Transistor and Sampling Gates
7Mr K.RambabuII – BMicro Processors and Micro ControllersRevision of Unit-IIZOOM Session23-04-2020 & 11.00 AM to 12.00PMStudents will be able to revise the concepts of Programming & Interrupts of 8086 Microprocessor
8Mrs. G. Divya VaniII – BDigital Design using Verilog HDLRevision of Unit 5ZOOM Session23-4-2020 & 12.00PM to 01.00PMStudents will be able to revise the concepts of Sequential circuits with Verilog Code
9Mr. Ramesh DeshpandeII – BElectro Magnetic Fields and WavesRevision of Unit IIZOOM Session24-04-2020 at 11.00 AM to 12.00 PMable to understand the concept of Material science in Electric fields
10Dr. Shaik ShafiII – BProbability Theory and Stochastic ProcessingRevision of Unit IIZOOM Session25-04-2020 & 11.00AM to 12.00PMStudents will be able to gain indepth knowledege in the tough concepts and able to manage time more effectively when revising
11Mr Yeshwanth ReddyII – BElectronic and Pulse CircuitsRevision of Unit IIIZOOM Session25-04-2020 & 12.00PM to 01.00PMStudents will be able to revise the feedback topologies and find its input and output resistance
1Mr. C Ramesh Kumar ReddyII – CElectronic and Pulse CircuitsRevision of Unit 1ZOOM Session20-04-2020 & 11.00AM to 12.00PMStudents will be able to revise all the concepts of High pass RC, Low pass RC Circuits,Clippers & Clampers
2Mr Mudasar BashaII – CMicro Processor and Micro ControllerRevision of Unit 1ZOOM Session20-04-2020 & 12.00PM to 1:00PMStudents will be able to revise the concepts of 8086 Microprocessor architecture
3Mr Kishore VennelaII -CDigital Design using Verilog HDLRevision of Unit-2ZOOM Session21-04-2020 & 11.00AM to 12.00PMStudent could able to describe the Verilog programming at GATE & DATA FLOW LEVELS
4Mr R Ashok KumarII -CElectro Magnetic Fields and WavesRevision of Unit-1ZOOM Session21-04-2020 & 12.00PM to 1.00PMable to understand the concept of Electric fields
5Dr K Prabhakar RaoII – CProbability Theory and Stochastic ProcessingRevision of Unit-IZOOM session22-04-2020 & 11:00AM to 12:00PMStudents will be able to revise and recollect topics already covered. They will get better understanding on the topics
6Mr. C Ramesh Kumar ReddyII -CElectronic and Pulse CircuitsRevision of Unit-IIZOOM Session22-04-2020 & 12:00PM to 01:00PMStudents will be able to revise the concepts of Switching Characteristics of diode, Transistor and Sampling Gates
7Mr Mudasar BashaII – CMicro Processors and Micro ControllersRevision of Unit-IIZOOM Session23-04-2020 & 11.00 AM to 12.00PMStudents will be able to revise the concepts of Programming & Interrupts of 8086 Microprocessor
8Mr Kishore VennelaII – CDigital Design using Verilog HDLRevision of Unit-4ZOOM Session23-4-2020 & 12.00PM to 01.00PMStudent could able to describe the Verilog programming atSwitch Lvel abstraction
9Mr R Ashok KumarII – CElectro Magnetic Fields and WavesRevision of Unit IIZOOM Session24-04-2020 at 11.00 AM to 12.00 PMable to understand the concept of Material science in Electric fields
10Dr K Prabhakar RaoII – CProbability Theory and Stochastic ProcessingRevision of Unit IIZOOM Session25-04-2020 & 11.00AM to 12.00PMStudents will be able to revise and recollect topics already covered. They will get better understanding on the topics
11Mr. C Ramesh Kumar ReddyII – CElectronic and Pulse CircuitsRevision of Unit IIIZOOM Session25-04-2020 & 12.00PM to 01.00PMStudents will be able to revise the feedback topologies and find its input and output resistance
1Mr Yeshwanth ReddyII – DElectronic and Pulse CircuitsRevision of Unit 1ZOOM Session20-04-2020 & 11.00AM to 12.00PMStudents will be able to revise all the concepts of High pass RC, Low pass RC Circuits,Clippers & Clampers
2Mr K.RambabuII – DMicro Processor and Micro ControllerRevision of Unit 1ZOOM Session20-04-2020 & 12.00PM to 1:00PMStudents will be able to revise the concepts of 8086 Microprocessor architecture
3Mr Madhav RaoII – DDigital Design using Verilog HDLRevision on Previous year qpZOOM Session21-04-2020 & 11.00AM to 12.00PMstudents will be understand the model of the question paper
4Mr R Ashok KumarII – DElectro Magnetic Fields and WavesRevision of Unit-1ZOOM Session21-04-2020 & 12.00PM to 1.00PMable to understand the concept of Electric fields
5Mr E Bharath BabuII – DProbability Theory and Stochastic ProcessingRevision of Unit-IZOOM session22-04-2020 & 11:00AM to 12:00PMStudents will be able to gain indepth knowledege in the tough concepts and able to manage time more effectively when revising
6Mr Yeshwanth ReddyII – DElectronic and Pulse CircuitsRevision of Unit-IIZOOM Session22-04-2020 & 12:00 PM to 01:00PMStudents will be able to revise the concepts of Switching Characteristics of diode, Transistor and Sampling Gates
7Mr K.RambabuII – DMicro Processors and Micro ControllersRevision of Unit-IIZOOM Session23-04-2020 & 11.00 AM to 12.00PMStudents will be able to revise the concepts of Programming & Interrupts of 8086 Microprocessor
8Mr Madhav RaoII – DDigital Design using Verilog HDLRevision on Previous year qpZOOM Session23-4-2020 & 12.00PM to 01.00PMStudents will be able to revise the concepts of Sequential circuits with Verilog Code
9Mr R Ashok KumarII – DElectro Magnetic Fields and WavesRevision of Unit IIZOOM Session24-04-2020 at 11.00 AM to 12.00 PMable to understand the concept of Material science in Electric fields
10Mr E Bharath BabuII – DProbability Theory and Stochastic ProcessingRevision of Unit IIZOOM Session25-04-2020 & 11.00AM to 12.00PMStudents will be able to gain indepth knowledege in the tough concepts and able to manage time more effectively when revising
11Mr Yeshwanth ReddyII – DElectronic and Pulse CircuitsRevision of Unit IIIZOOM Session25-04-2020 & 12.00PM to 01.00PMStudents will be able to revise the feedback topologies and find its input and output resistance


Week 7 (27-04-2020 to 30-04-2020)

S.NoName of the FacultyYear and SectionCourseTopicActivityDate and time of class to be conductedOutcome
1Vandana ChII – AMicro Processors and Micro ControllerRevision of Unit 3ZOOM Session27-04-2020 & 12.00PM to 01.00PMStudents will be able to revise the concepts of Interfacing with 8086 Microprocessor
2Mr. U.Gnaneshwara chary & Mrs. P.AsharaniII – ADigital Design using Verilog HDL LabRevision on lab experiments using VIVADO toolZOOM Session27-04-2020 & 11.00AM to 12.00PMstudents will able be able revse all the experiments
3Dr B R Sanjeeva ReddyII – AElectro Magnetic Fields and WavesRevision of Unit- 3ZOOM Session28-04-2020 & 11.00AM to 12.00PMable to understand the concept of Magnetic Field & Their Properties
4E. Bharat BabuII – AProbability Theory and Stochastic ProcessingRevision of Unit-IIIZOOM session28-04-2020 & 12:00PM to 01:00PMStudents will be able to gain indepth knowledege in the tough concepts and able to manage time more effectively when revising
5Dr. M C Chinnaiah and Ms. T. KeerthiII – AElectronic and Pulse Circuits LabRevision of Electronic circuits experimentsZOOM Session (using Multisim)29-04-2020 & 11:00AM to 12:00PMStudents will be able to simulate electronic circuits and find its gain ,bandwidth, frequency using multisim
6Mrs. Ch. VandanaII – AMicro Processors and Micro ControllersRevision of MPMC Lab ExperimentsZoom Session (using TASM & Keil)29-04-2020 & 12.00 PM to 01.00PMStudents will be able to revise the experiments of MPMC LAB using TASM & Keil
7Mr. U.Gnaneshwara chary & Mrs. P.AsharaniII – ADigital Design using Verilog HDLRevision of Old question PapersZOOM Session30-4-2020 & 11.00AM to 12.00PMstudents will understsnd the model of the question paper
8Dr. B R Sanjeev ReddyII – AElectro Magnetic Fields and WavesRevision of Old PapersZOOM Session30-04-2020 at 12.00 PM to 01.00 PMable to understand the concept & Properties of Electric Magnetic fields and EM Wave Propagation
1Mr K.RambabuII – BMicro Processor and Micro ControllerRevision of Unit 3ZOOM Session27-04-2020 & 11.00AM to 12:00PMStudents will be able to revise the concepts of Interfacing with 8086 Microprocessor
2Mrs.G.Divya VaniII – BDigital Design using Verilog HDLRevision on Unit 4 along with previous question papersZOOM Session27-04-2020 & 12.00PM to 01.00PMStudents will be able to revise the concepts of Switch level modelling for digital circuits with Verilog Code
3Mr Ramesh DeshpandeII – BElectro Magnetic Fields and WavesRevision of Unit- 3ZOOM Session28-04-2020 & 11.00AM to 12.00PMable to understand the concept of Magnetic Field & Their Properties
4Dr Shaik ShafiII – BProbability Theory and Stochastic ProcessingRevision of unit-3ZOOM session28-04-2020 & 12:00PM to 01:00PMStudents will be able to gain indepth knowledege in the tough concepts and able to manage time more effectively when revising
5Mr Yeshwanth ReddyII – BElectronic and Pulse CircuitsRevision of Electronic circuits experimentsZoom Session(using Multisim)29-04-2020 & 11:00AM to 12:00PMStudents will be able to simulate electronic circuits and find its gain ,bandwidth, frequency using multisim
6Mr K.RambabuII – BMicro Processors and Micro ControllersRevision of MPMC Lab ExperimentsZoom Session (using TASM & Keil)29-04-2020 & 12.00 PM to 01.00PMStudents will be able to revise the experiments of MPMC LAB using TASM & Keil
8Mrs. G. Divya VaniII – BDigital Design using Verilog HDLRevision of HDL Lab ExperimentsZoom Session30-4-2020 & 11.00AM to 12.00PMStudents will be able to revise the experiments of HDL LAB using VIVADO and EDA Tool
8Mr. Ramesh DeshpandeII – BElectro Magnetic Fields and WavesRevision of Old PapersZOOM Session30-04-2020 at 12.00 PM to 01.00 PMable to understand the concept & Properties of Electric Magnetic fields and EM Wave Propagation
1Mr Mudasar BashaII – CMicro Processor and Micro ControllerRevision of Unit-3ZOOM Session27-04-2020 & 11.00AM to 12:00PMStudents will be able to revise the concepts of Interfacing with 8086 Microprocessor
2Mr Kishore VennelaII -CDigital Design using Verilog HDLQuestion Papers DiscussionZOOM Session27-04-2020 & 12.00PM to 01.00PM—-
3Mr R Ashok KumarII -CElectro Magnetic Fields and WavesRevision of Unit- 3ZOOM Session28-04-2020 & 11.00AM to 12.00PMable to understand the concept of Magnetic Field & Their Properties
4Dr K Prabhakar RaoII – CProbability Theory and Stochastic ProcessingRevision of Unit-3ZOOM session28-04-2020 & 12:00PM to 01:00PMStudents will be able to revise and recollect topics already covered. They will get better understanding on the topics
5Mr. C Ramesh Kumar ReddyII -CElectronic and Pulse Circuits LabRevision of Electronic circuits experimentsZoom Session(using Multisim)29-04-2020 & 11:00 AM to 12:00PMStudents will be able to simulate electronic circuits and find its gain ,bandwidth, frequency using multisim
6Mr J Ashok KumarII – CMicro Processors and Micro Controllers LabRevision of Unit-IIZOOM Session29-04-2020 & 12.00 PM to 01.00PMStudents will be able to revise the experiments of MPMC LAB using TASM & Keil
7Mr Kishore VennelaII – CDigital Design using Verilog HDLLab Experiments : ReviewZoom session (Using Vivado)30-4-2020 & 11.00AM to 12.00PMStudent could able to recollect the verilog programming as well usage of Vivado tool for digital design at different abstraction levels
8Mr R Ashok KumarII – CElectro Magnetic Fields and WavesRevision of Old PapersZOOM Session30-04-2020 at 12.00 PM to 01.00 PMable to understand the concept & Properties of Electric Magnetic fields and EM Wave Propagation
1Mr K.RambabuII – DMicro Processor and Micro ControllerRevision of Unit-3ZOOM Session27-04-2020 & 11.00AM to 12:00PMStudents will be able to revise the concepts of Interfacing with 8086 Microprocessor
2Mr Madhav RaoII – DDigital Design using Verilog HDLRevision on Previous year qpZOOM Session27-04-2020 & 12.00 PM to 01.00 PMstudents will be understand the model of the question paper
3Mr R Ashok KumarII – DElectro Magnetic Fields and WavesRevision of Unit-3ZOOM Session28-04-2020 & 11.00AM to 12.00PMable to understand the concept of Magnetic Field & Their Properties
4Mr E Bharath BabuII – DProbability Theory and Stochastic ProcessingRevision of Unit-3ZOOM session28-04-2020 & 12:00 PM to 01:00PMStudents will be able to gain indepth knowledege in the tough concepts and able to manage time more effectively when revising
5Mr Yeshwanth ReddyII – DElectronic and Pulse CircuitsRevision of Electronic circuits experimentsZOOM Session29-04-2020 & 11:00AM to 12:00PMStudents will be able to simulate electronic circuits and find its gain ,bandwidth, frequency using multisim
6Mr K.RambabuII – DMicro Processors and Micro ControllersRevision of MPMC Lab ExperimentsZOOM Session29-04-2020 & 12.00 PM to 01.00 PMStudents will be able to revise the experiments of MPMC LAB using TASM & Keil
7Mr Madhav RaoII – DDigital Design using Verilog HDLRevision on Previous year qpZOOM Session30-4-2020 & 11.00AM to 12.00PMstudents will be understand the model of the question paper
8Mr R Ashok KumarII – DElectro Magnetic Fields and WavesRevision of Old PapersZOOM Session30-04-2020 at 12.00 PM to 01.00 PMable to understand the concept & Properties of Electric Magnetic fields and EM Wave Propagation

Week 6 (19-04-2020 to 25-04-2020)

S.NoName of the FacultyYear and SectionCourseTopicActivityDate and time of class to be conductedOutcome
1Dr. A S N MurthyIII – ADigital Signal ProcessingDSP LabZOOM Session19-04-2020 & 11.00AM to 12.00PMDSP practice
2Dr. T Vasudeva ReddyIII – ADigital CommunicationRevision of Unit-1 & External question from unit-1ZOOM Session19-04-2020 & 12.00PM to 01.00PMGet complete knolelege on Quantization schemes
3Mr. B Anil KumarIII – AMicro Processors and Micro ControllersUnit 1 RevisionZOOM Session20-04-2020 & 11.00AM to 12.00PMStudents will be able revise the concepts of 8086 Microprocessor architecture
4Ms. P.Kavitha ReddyIII – AEmbedded System DesignUnit 1 RevisionZOOM session20-04-2020 & 12:00PM to 01:00PMStudents will memorise the topics of embedded systems
5Mrs. B. AnupamaIII – ARoboticscertification courseZOOM Session21-04-2020 & 11:00AM to 12:00PMStudents will be certified with Robotics Course
6Dr.Syed AbudhagirIII – AFoundation to Artificial Intelligence(OE)Python & ML demoZoom Session21-04-2020 & 12.00 PM to 01.00PMable to write and understand python program
7Mr. R.AnirudhIII – APrinciples of IoT (OE)Nasscom Future SkillsNasscom IoT Certification Course Discussion21-4-2020 & 12.00PM to 01.00PMStudents will be certified with IoT Course
8Dr T.Vasudeva ReddyIII – ADigital CommunicationRevision of Unit-2 & External question from unit-2ZOOM Session22-04-2020 at 12.00 PM to 01.00 PMStudents will be able revise the concepts on bandpass data transmission schemes
9Mr. B. Anil KumarIII – AMicro Processors and Micro ControllerUnit 2 RevisionZOOM Session23-04-2020 & 11.00PM to 12.00PMStudents will be able to revise the concepts of Programming & Interrupts of 8086 Microprocessor
10Ms. P.Kavitha ReddyIII – AEmbedded System DesignUnit 2 RevisionZOOM Session23-04-2020 & 12.00AM to 01.00PMStudents will memorise the topics and applications of embedded systems
11Mrs. B. AnupamaIII – ARoboticscertification courseZOOM Session24-04-2020 & 11.00AM to 12.00PMStudents will be certified with Robotics Course
12Dr.SyedAbudhagirIII – AFoundations to Artificial Intelligence (OE)Python & ML demoProgramming- ZOOM24-04-2020 & 12:00PM to 01:00PMable to write and understand python program
13Mr. R Anirudh ReddyIII – APrinciples of IoT (OE)Unit-IVNasscom Data Analytics Certification Course Discussion24-04-2020 & 12:00PM to 01:00PMStudents will be certified with Data Analytics Course
1Dr. Apurva KumariIII – BDigital Signal ProcessingRevision of Unit -1 and Unit-2Small group Activity19-04-2020 & 11.00AM to 12.00PMRevision of the concept on Discrete signals, DFT and FFT
2Mr. B.Naresh KumarIII – BDigital CommunicationRevision of Unit-1 & External question from unit-1ZOOM Session19-04-2020 & 12.00PM to 01.00PMGet complete knolelege on Quantization schemes
3Mrs. Ch. VandanaIII – BMicro Processors and Micro ControllersUnit 1 RevisionZOOM Session20-04-2020 & 11.00AM to 12.00PMStudents will be able revise the concepts of 8086 Microprocessor architecture
4Mr. P.RajeshIII – BEmbedded System DesignUnit 1 RevisionZOOM session – group Activity20-04-2020 & 12:00PM to 01:00PMStudents will memorise the topics of embedded systems
5Mrs. B. AnupamaIII – BRoboticscertification courseZOOM Session21-04-2020 & 11:00AM to 12:00PMStudents will be certified with Robotics Course
6Dr.Syed AbudhagirIII -BFoundation to Artificial Intelligence(OE)Python & ML demoZoom Session21-04-2020 & 12.00 PM to 01.00PMable to write and understand python program
7Mr. R.AnirudhIII – BPrinciples of IoT (OE)Nasscom Future SkillsNasscom IoT Certification Course Discussion21-4-2020 & 12.00PM to 01.00PMStudents will be certified with IoT Course
8Dr. Apurva KumariIII – BDigital Signal ProcessingRevision of Unit -3 and Unit-4Small group Activity22-04-2020 & 11.00AM to 12.00PMRevision of the concept on IIR and FIR Filters
9B.Naresh KumarIII – BDigital CommunicationRevision of Unit-2 & External question from unit-2ZOOM Session22-04-2020 at 12.00 PM to 01.00 PMStudents will be able revise the concepts on bandpass data transmission schemes
10Mrs. Ch. VandanaIII – BMicro Processors and Micro ControllerUnit 2 RevisionZOOM Session23-04-2020 & 11.00PM to 12.00PMStudents will be able to revise the concepts of Programming & Interrupts of 8086 Microprocessor
11Mr. P.RajeshIII – BEmbedded System DesignUnit 2 RevisionZOOM Session – Group Activity23-04-2020 & 12.00AM to 01.00PMstudents will be able to revise the TYPICAL EMBEDDED SYSTEM
12Mrs. B. AnupamaIII – BRoboticscertification courseZOOM Session24-04-2020 & 11.00AM to 12.00PMStudents will be certified with Robotics Course
13Dr.SyedAbudhagirIII – BFoundations to Artificial Intelligence (OE)Python & ML demoProgramming- ZOOM24-04-2020 & 12:00PM to 01:00PMable to write and understand python program
14Mr. R Anirudh ReddyIII – BPrinciples of IoT (OE)Unit-IVNasscom Data Analytics Certification Course Discussion24-04-2020 & 12:00PM to 01:00PMStudents will be certified with Data Analytics Course
1Mr. T P Kausalya NandanIII – CDigital Signal ProcessingRevision of Unit -3 and Unit-4Small group Activity19-04-2020 & 11.00AM to 12.00PMWill be able to revise the design concepts of IIR and FIR Filter using analog and digital specifications
2Mr. B.Naresh KumarIII – CDigital CommunicationRevision of Unit-1 & External question from unit-1ZOOM Session19-04-2020 & 12.00PM to 01.00PMGet complete knolelege on Quantization schemes
3Mrs. B.Anil KumarIII – CMicro Processors and Micro ControllersUnit 1 RevisionZOOM Session20-04-2020 & 11.00AM to 12.00PMStudents will be able revise the concepts of 8086 Microprocessor architecture
4Ms. P.Kavitha ReddyIII – CEmbedded System DesignUnit 1 RevisionZOOM session – group Activity20-04-2020 & 12:00PM to 01:00PMStudents will memorise the topics of embedded systems
5Mr. J. KishoreIII – CRoboticscertification courseZOOM Session21-04-2020 & 11:00AM to 12:00PMStudents will be certified with Robotics Course
6Dr.Syed AbudhagirIII -CFoundation to Artificial Intelligence(OE)Python & ML demoZoom Session21-04-2020 & 12.00 PM to 01.00PMable to write and understand python program
7Mr. R.AnirudhIII – CPrinciples of IoT (OE)Nasscom Future SkillsNasscom IoT Certification Course Discussion21-4-2020 & 12.00PM to 01.00PMStudents will be certified with IoT Course
8Mr. T P kausalya NandanIII – CDigital Signal ProcessingRevision of Unit -5Small group Activity22-04-2020 & 11.00AM to 12.00PMWill be able to revise the concepts of different sampling rate conversion techniques and effects of finite word length
9Mr. B.Naresh KumarIII – CDigital CommunicationRevision of Unit-2 & External question from unit-2ZOOM Session22-04-2020 at 12.00 PM to 01.00 PMStudents will be able revise the concepts on bandpass data transmission schemes
10Mr. B. Anil KumarIII -CMicro Processors and Micro ControllerUnit 2 RevisionZOOM Session23-04-2020 & 11.00PM to 12.00PMStudents will be able to revise the concepts of Programming & Interrupts of 8086 Microprocessor
11Ms. P. Kavitha ReddyIII – CEmbedded System DesignUnit 2 RevisionZOOM Session – Group Activity23-04-2020 & 12.00AM to 01.00PMStudents will memorise the topics and applications of embedded systems
12Mr. J.KishoreIII – CRoboticscertification courseZOOM Session24-04-2020 & 11.00AM to 12.00PMStudents will be certified with Robotics Course
13Dr.SyedAbudhagirIII – CFoundations to Artificial Intelligence (OE)Python & ML demoProgramming- ZOOM24-04-2020 & 12:00PM to 01:00PMable to write and understand python program
14Mr. R Anirudh ReddyIII – CPrinciples of IoT (OE)Unit-IVNasscom Data Analytics Certification Course Discussion24-04-2020 & 12:00PM to 01:00PMStudents will be certified with Data Analytics Course
1Mr. Syed Munavvar HussainIII – DDigital Signal ProcessingRevision of Unit -3 and Unit-4Small group Activity19-04-2020 & 11.00AM to 12.00PMWill be able to revise the design concepts of IIR and FIR Filter using analog and digital specifications
2Mrs. jayshree DasIII – DDigital CommunicationRevision of Unit-1 & External question from unit-1ZOOM Session19-04-2020 & 12.00PM to 01.00PMGet complete knolelege on Quantization schemes
3Mrs. Mudasar bashaIII – DMicro Processors and Micro ControllersRevision of Unit 1,2ZOOM Session20-04-2020 & 11.00AM to 12.00PMStudents will be able revise the concepts of 8086 Microprocessor architecture,Programming & Interrupts of 8086 Microprocessor
4Mr. J. KishoreIII – DRoboticscertification courseZOOM Session21-04-2020 & 11:00AM to 12:00PMStudents will be certified with Robotics Course
5Dr.Syed AbudhagirIII -DFoundation to Artificial Intelligence(OE)Python & ML demoZoom Session21-04-2020 & 12.00 PM to 01.00PMable to write and understand python program
6Mr. R.AnirudhIII – DPrinciples of IoT (OE)Nasscom Future SkillsNasscom IoT Certification Course Discussion21-4-2020 & 12.00PM to 01.00PMStudents will be certified with IoT Course
7Mr. Syed Munavvar HussainIII – DDigital Signal ProcessingRevision of Unit -5Small group Activity22-04-2020 & 11.00AM to 12.00PMWill be able to revise the concepts of different sampling rate conversion techniques and effects of finite word length
8Mrs. Jayshree DasIII – DDigital CommunicationRevision of Unit-2 & External question from unit-2ZOOM Session22-04-2020 at 12.00 PM to 01.00 PMStudents will be able revise the concepts on bandpass data transmission schemes
9Mr. Mudasar BashaIII -DMicro Processors and Micro ControllerRevision of Unit 3ZOOM Session23-04-2020 & 11.00PM to 12.00PMStudents will be able to revise the concepts of Interfacing with 8086 Microprocessor
10Dr. R. BalajiIII – DEmbedded System DesignUnit 2 RevisionZOOM Session – Group Activity23-04-2020 & 12.00AM to 01.00PMStudents will memorise the topics and applications of embedded systems
11Mr. J.KishoreIII – DRoboticscertification courseZOOM Session24-04-2020 & 11.00AM to 12.00PMStudents will be certified with Robotics Course
12Dr.SyedAbudhagirIII – DFoundations to Artificial Intelligence (OE)Python & ML demoProgramming- ZOOM24-04-2020 & 12:00PM to 01:00PMable to write and understand python program
13Mr. R Anirudh ReddyIII – DPrinciples of IoT (OE)Unit-IVNasscom Data Analytics Certification Course Discussion24-04-2020 & 12:00PM to 01:00PMStudents will be certified with Data Analytics Course


Week 7 (27-04-2020 to 31-04-2020)

S.NoName of the FacultyYear and SectionCourseTopicActivityDate and time of class to be conductedOutcome
1Dr. T Vasudeva ReddyIII – ADigital CommunicationRevision of Unit-3 & External question from unit-3ZOOM Session26-04-2020 & 12.00PM to 01.00PMAble to solve the problems on entropy and channel capacity
2Mr. B Anil KumarIII – AMicro Processors and Micro ControllersUnit 3 RevisionZOOM Session27-04-2020 & 11.00AM to 12.00PMStudents will be able to revise the concepts of Interfacing with 8086 Microprocessor
3Ms. P.Kavitha ReddyIII – AEmbedded System DesignUnit 3 RevisionZOOM session27-04-2020 & 12:00PM to 01:00PMStudents will memorise the topics of different circuits that are used in applications
4Mrs. B. AnupamaIII – ARoboticscertification courseZOOM Session28-04-2020 & 11:00AM to 12:00PMStudents will be certified with Robotics Course
5Dr.Syed AbudhagirIII – AFoundation to Artificial Intelligence(OE)Python & ML demoZoom Session28-04-2020 & 12.00 PM to 01.00PMable to write and understand python program
6Mr. R.AnirudhIII – APrinciples of IoT (OE)Nasscom Future SkillsNasscom IoT Certification Course Discussion28-4-2020 & 12.00PM to 01.00PMStudents will be certified with AI Course
7Dr. A S N MurthyIII – ADigital Signal Processingunit 1 revision & exam questionsZOOM Session29-4-2020 & 10.00AM to 11.00AMfirst unit revision
8Dr T.Vasudeva ReddyIII – ADigital CommunicationRevision of Unit-5 & External question from unit-5ZOOM Session29-04-2020 at 12.00 PM to 01.00 PMAble to undestand revise the concepts of spread spectrum modulation schemes
9Mr. B. Anil KumarIII – AMicro Processors and Micro ControllerLab-Cycle 1 RevisionZOOM Session29-04-2020 & 11.00AM to 12.00PMStudents will be able to revise the experiments of MPMC LAB using TASM
10Ms. P.Kavitha ReddyIII – AEmbedded System Designexam on 3 unitsgoogle form30-04-2020 & 10.00AM to 11.00AMAssessment
11Mrs. B. AnupamaIII – ARoboticscertification courseZOOM Session24-04-2020 & 11.00AM to 12.00PMStudents will be certified with Robotics Course
12Dr.SyedAbudhagirIII – AFoundations to Artificial Intelligence (OE)Assessment examOnline30-04-2020 & 12:00PM to 01:00PM—-
13Mr. R Anirudh ReddyIII – APrinciples of IoT (OE)Assessment examOnline30-04-2020 & 12:00PM to 01:00PM—-
1Dr. Apurva KumariIII – BDigital Signal ProcessingLab Experiment -Cycle1ZOOM Session26-4-2020 & 11.00AM to 12.00PMDevelop experimental skills to write Code and Simulate in MATLAB
2Mr. B Naresh KumarIII – BDigital CommunicationRevision of Unit-3 & External question from unit-3ZOOM Session26-04-2020 & 12.00PM to 01.00PMAble to solve the problems on entropy and channel capacity
3Mrs. Ch. VandanaIII – BMicro Processors and Micro ControllersUnit 3 RevisionZOOM Session27-04-2020 & 11.00AM to 12.00PMStudents will be able to revise the concepts of Interfacing with 8086 Microprocessor
4Mr. P. RajeshIII – BEmbedded System DesignUnit 3 RevisionZOOM session27-04-2020 & 12:00PM to 01:00PMstudents will be able to revise Embedded Firmware
5Mrs. B. AnupamaIII – BRoboticscertification courseZOOM Session28-04-2020 & 11:00AM to 12:00PMStudents will be certified with Robotics Course
6Dr.Syed AbudhagirIII – BFoundation to Artificial Intelligence(OE)Python & ML demoZoom Session28-04-2020 & 12.00 PM to 01.00PMable to write and understand python program
7Mr. R.AnirudhIII – BPrinciples of IoT (OE)Nasscom Future SkillsNasscom IoT Certification Course Discussion28-4-2020 & 12.00PM to 01.00PMStudents will be certified with AI Course
8Dr. Apurva KumariIII – BDigital Signal ProcessingLab Experiment- Cycle2ZOOM Session29-4-2020 & 10.00AM to 11.00AMDevelop experimental skills to write Code and Simulate in MATLAB
9Mr B. Naresh KumarIII – BDigital CommunicationRevision of Unit-5 & External question from unit-5ZOOM Session29-04-2020 at 12.00 PM to 01.00 PMAble to undestand revise the concepts of spread spectrum modulation schemes
10Mrs. Ch. VandanaIII – BMicro Processors and Micro ControllerRevision of MPMC Lab ExperimentsZOOM Session29-04-2020 & 11.00AM to 12.00PMStudents will be able to revise the experiments of MPMC LAB using TASM & Keil
11Mr. P. RajeshIII – BEmbedded System DesignAssessment examthrough EDMODO30-04-2020 & 10.00AM to 11.00AM—–
12Mrs. B. AnupamaIII – BRoboticscertification courseZOOM Session30-04-2020 & 11.00AM to 12.00PMStudents will be certified with Robotics Course
13Dr.SyedAbudhagirIII – BFoundations to Artificial Intelligence (OE)Assessment examOnline30-04-2020 & 12:00PM to 01:00PM—-
14Mr. R Anirudh ReddyIII – BPrinciples of IoT (OE)Assessment examOnline30-04-2020 & 12:00PM to 01:00PM—-
1Mr. T P Kausalya NandanIII – CDigital Signal ProcessingCycle 1 Lab experimentsZOOM Session26-4-2020 & 11.00AM to 12.00PMWill be able to revise programming using MATLAB
2Mr. B Naresh KumarIII – CDigital CommunicationRevision of Unit-3 & External question from unit-3ZOOM Session26-04-2020 & 12.00PM to 01.00PMAble to solve the problems on entropy and channel capacity
3Mr.B.Anil KumarIII -CMicro Processors and Micro ControllersUnit 3 RevisionZOOM Session27-04-2020 & 11.00AM to 12.00PMStudents will be able to revise the concepts of Interfacing with 8086 Microprocessor
4Ms. P. Kavitha ReddyIII – CEmbedded System DesignUnit 3 RevisionZOOM session27-04-2020 & 12:00PM to 01:00PMStudents will memorise the topics of different circuits that are used in applications
5Mr. J.KishoreIII – CRoboticscertification courseZOOM Session28-04-2020 & 11:00AM to 12:00PMStudents will be certified with Robotics Course
6Dr.Syed AbudhagirIII – CFoundation to Artificial Intelligence(OE)Python & ML demoZoom Session28-04-2020 & 12.00 PM to 01.00PMable to write and understand python program
7Mr. R.AnirudhIII – CPrinciples of IoT (OE)Nasscom Future SkillsNasscom IoT Certification Course Discussion28-4-2020 & 12.00PM to 01.00PMStudents will be certified with AI Course
8Mr. T P Kausalya NandanIII – CDigital Signal ProcessingCycle 2 Lab ExperimentsZOOM Session29-4-2020 & 10.00AM to 11.00AMWill be able to revise programming using MATLAB
9Mr B. Naresh KumarIII – CDigital CommunicationRevision of Unit-5 & External question from unit-5ZOOM Session29-04-2020 at 12.00 PM to 01.00 PMAble to undestand revise the concepts of spread spectrum modulation schemes
10Mr. B. Anil KumarIII – CMicro Processors and Micro ControllerRevision of MPMC Lab ExperimentsZOOM Session29-04-2020 & 11.00AM to 12.00PMStudents will be able to revise the experiments of MPMC LAB using TASM
11Ms. P. Kavitha ReddyIII – CEmbedded System Designexam on 3 unitsGoogle form30-04-2020 & 10.00AM to 11.00AMAssessment
12Mr. J.KishoreIII – CRoboticscertification courseZOOM Session30-04-2020 & 11.00AM to 12.00PMStudents will be certified with Robotics Course
13Dr.SyedAbudhagirIII – CFoundations to Artificial Intelligence (OE)Assessment examOnline30-04-2020 & 12:00PM to 01:00PM—-
14Mr. R Anirudh ReddyIII – CPrinciples of IoT (OE)Assessment examOnline30-04-2020 & 12:00PM to 01:00PM—-
1Mr. Syed Munnavar HussianIII – DDigital Signal ProcessingCycle 1 Lab experimentsZOOM Session26-4-2020 & 11.00AM to 12.00PMWill be able to revise programming using MATLAB
2Mrs. Jayshree DasIII – DDigital CommunicationRevision of Unit-3 & External question from unit-3ZOOM Session26-04-2020 & 12.00PM to 01.00PMAble to solve the problems on entropy and channel capacity
3Mr.Mudasar BashaIII -DMicro Processors and Micro ControllersRevision of Unit 4ZOOM Session27-04-2020 & 11.00AM to 12.00PMStudents will be able to revise the concepts of Interfacing with 8086 Microprocessor
4Mr. J.KishoreIII – DRoboticscertification courseZOOM Session28-04-2020 & 11:00AM to 12:00PMStudents will be certified with Robotics Course
5Dr.Syed AbudhagirIII – DFoundation to Artificial Intelligence(OE)Python & ML demoZoom Session28-04-2020 & 12.00 PM to 01.00PMable to write and understand python program
6Mr. R.AnirudhIII – DPrinciples of IoT (OE)Nasscom Future SkillsNasscom IoT Certification Course Discussion28-4-2020 & 12.00PM to 01.00PMStudents will be certified with AI Course
7Mr. Syed Munavvar HussainIII – DDigital Signal ProcessingCycle 2 Lab ExperimentsZOOM Session29-4-2020 & 10.00AM to 11.00AMWill be able to revise programming using MATLAB
8Mrs Jayshree DasIII – DDigital CommunicationRevision of Unit-5 & External question from unit-5ZOOM Session29-04-2020 at 12.00 PM to 01.00 PMAble to undestand revise the concepts of spread spectrum modulation schemes
9Mr. Mudasar BashaIII – DMicro Processors and Micro ControllerRevision of Unit 5ZOOM Session29-04-2020 & 11.00AM to 12.00PMStudents will be able to revise the interfacing concepts with 8051 Microcontroller
10Mr. J.KishoreIII – DRoboticscertification courseZOOM Session30-04-2020 & 11.00AM to 12.00PMStudents will be certified with Robotics Course
11Dr.SyedAbudhagirIII – DFoundations to Artificial Intelligence (OE)Assessment examOnline30-04-2020 & 12:00PM to 01:00PM—-
12Mr. R Anirudh ReddyIII – DPrinciples of IoT (OE)Assessment examOnline30-04-2020 & 12:00PM to 01:00PM—-

Week 6 (19-04-2020 to 25-04-2020)

S.NoName of the FacultyYear and SectionCourseTopicDate and time of class to be conductedMode of Engaging the class
1Mr. Mudasar Basha, Dr. Sanjeeva Reddy, Panel membersIV A & B SectionsFinal ProjectPending Project Reviews20-04-2020 & 10.00AM to 12PMZoom Session
2Mr. D. Hari KrishnaIV – Open Elective (OE (Che, EEE,CSE,IT,ME)Embedded SystemsSubject summary and exam q papers discussion21-04-2020 & 05.00PM to 05.30PMZoom Session
3Mr.Mudasar Basha & Dr. Sanjeeva ReddyIV – A, B, C, DStudent Presentations on Technical topicsPending 10 students Technical Seminar22-04-2020 & 11.00AM to 05.00PMZoom Session
4Mr.Mudasar Basha & Dr. Sanjeeva ReddyIV – A, B, C, DStudent Presentations on Technical topicsPending 18 students Technical Seminar23-04-2020 & 10AM to 05.00PMZoom Session
5Mr. Mudasar Basha, Dr. Sanjeeva Reddy, Guide and Panel membersIV C and D SectionsFinal ProjectPending Final project Reviews24-4-2020 &10AM-12PMZoom session
6Mr. Charan, Mr. Yeshwanth, Ms. Anupama, Sanjeeva Reddy, Mudasar bashaIV A,B,C and D secComprehensive viva voce pattern will be discussed (Online mode)Topics relevant to core subjects will be handled by the concerned facuty team25-4-2020 & 10-11AMZoom session


Week 7 (27-04-2020 to 30-04-2020)

S.NoName of the FacultyYear and SectionCourseTopicDate and time of class to be conductedMode of Engaging the class
1Mr. R. Anirudh / Mr. D. HarikrishnaIV – Open Elective (OE (Che, EEE,CSE,IT,ME)Embedded Systems/ Principles of Internet of Things/Β Case studies useful for the exam will be discussed27-4-2020 & 10AM-12PMZoom Session
2Mr. Mudasar Basha, Dr. Sanjeeva Reddy, Guide and Panel membersIV A and B SectionsInitial draft of Major project report will be verifiedProject Review status28-4-2020 & 10AM to 5PMZoom Session
3Mr. Mudasar Basha, Dr. Sanjeeva Reddy, Guide and Panel membersIV – C and D SectionsInitial draft of Major project report will be verifiedProject Review status29-4-2020 & 10AM to 5PMZoom Session
4Mr. Charan, Mr. Yeshwanth, Ms. Anupama, Dr. Sanjeeva Reddy, Mr. Mudasar bashaIV – A, B, C, DComprehensive Viva voceGrant Test is conducted for 100 marks30-4-2020 & 10AM to 11AMGoogle Quiz / Vishnu-e-pariksha

VLSI Material (All Subjects)

Subject’s Material (Google Classroom)M.Tech (VLSI System Design – All subjects)


Week 1 (15-04-2020 to 18-04-2020)

S.NoName of the FacultySubjectDateClass Time
1Mr.Gnaneshwara charyVLSI Physical Design(PE-4)15/4/2020 & 17/04/202010.00AM to 11.15AM
2Dr. Sanjay DubeyLow power VLSI Design(PE-3)15/4/2020 & 17/04/202012.00PM to 01.15PM
3Mr. Madhav RaoCMOS Analog IC Design16/4/2020 & 18/04/202010.00AM to 11.15AM & 12.00PM to 01.15PM
4Dr. Vasudeva ReddyASIC Design16/4/2020 & 18/04/202012.00PM to 01.15PM & 10.00AM to 11.15AM
5Dr.Apoorva KumariVLSI Design Verification(PE-3)15/4/2020 & 17/04/202012.00PM to 01.15PM & 10.00AM to 11.15AM


Week 2 (20-04-2020 to 25-03-2020)

S.NoName of the FacultySubjectDateClass Time
1Mr.Gnaneshwara charyVLSI Physical Design(PE-4)20/4/2020 & 22/04/202010.00AM to 11.15AM
2Dr. Sanjay DubeyLow power VLSI Design(PE-3)20/4/2020 & 22/04/202012.00PM to 01.15PM
3Mr. Madhav RaoCMOS Analog IC Design21/4/2020 & 23/04/202010.00AM to 11.15AM & 12.00PM to 01.15PM
4Dr. Vasudeva ReddyASIC Design21/4/2020 & 23/04/202012.00PM to 01.15PM & 10.00AM to 11.15AM
5Dr.Apoorva KumariVLSI Design Verification(PE-3)20/4/2020 & 22/04/202012.00PM to 01.15PM & 10.00AM to 11.15AM


Mini Project Reviews

S.NoDate of ReviewTime of ReviewRoll numbers of students
124-04-202010.30AM to 01.30PMHT.No. 5701 to 5709
225-04-202010.30AM to 01.30PMHT.No. 5710 to 5718


Week 3 (27-04-2020 to 30-04-2020)

S.NoName of the FacultySubjectDateClass Time
1Mr. Madhav RaoCMOS Analog IC Design27-4-202010.00AM to 11.15AM
2Mr.Gnaneshwara charyVLSI Physical Design(PE-4)28-4-202012.00PM to 01.15PM
3Dr. Sanjay DubeyLow power VLSI Design(PE-3)29-4-202012.00PM to 01.15PM
4Dr.Apoorva KumariVLSI Design Verification(PE-3)30-4-202012.00PM to 01.15PM

Week 1 (15-04-2020 to 21-04-2020)

S.NoName of the FacultySubjectTopicMode of InteractionDate & Time of InteractionOnline Quiz
1Dr.KPrabhakara RaoWireless LAN & PANsUnitIV: Wireless PANs, Unit-V: BluetoothInteractive session through Zoom16.04.2020- 2.00pm-3.00pm & 18.04.2020 – 2.00pm-3.00pm—-
2Dr.M C ChinnaiahCPLD and FPGA Architectures &Applns4th & 5th ChaptersInteraction session17-04-2020 – 10 Am to 11Am & 20-04-2020 – 10am to 11am——
3Dr.SyedAbudhagirEmbedded NetworkingDesign choices: Selecting components, Ethernet Controllers & Exchanging messages using UDP and TCP , Serving web pages with Dynamic Data – Serving web pages that respond to user InputInteraction session1). 16-04-2020 — 10:00AM – 11:15AM 2). 21-04-2020 — 10:00AM – 11:15AM23-04-2020 @ 5PM
4Dr.BalajiSensors & ActuatorsRadiation Sensors,SmartSensors,ActuatorsZoom Interactive Session17-04-2020, 04.00 PM to 05.15 PM & 20-04-2020 03.00 PM to 04.00 PM22-4-2020 /5 PM
5Mr.Hari KrishnaSystem On-Chip ArchitectureInterconnect customizationInteraction session17-4-2020 11.30AM -12.45 PM & 20-4-2020 11.30 AM to 12.45 PM22-4-2020 @ 04.00PM
6Mr.AnirudhAdvanced ProcessorARM Programming ModelZoom Interactive Session18-04-2020 10AM to 11:15AM & 20-04-2020 10AM TO 11:15AM23-04-2020 @ 06.00PM


Week 2 (22-04-2020 to 30-04-2020 )

S.NoName of the FacultySubjectTopicMode of InteractionDate & Time of InteractionOnline Quiz
1Dr.KPrabhakara RaoWireless LAN & PANsUNIT –VI: THE IEEE 802.15, Zigbee Technology & WPAN ArchitectureInteractive session through Zoom23-04-2020 –04:00- 04.40pm & 27-04-2020 –04:00- 04.40pm24-04-2020 & 28-04-2020
2Dr.M C ChinnaiahCPLD and FPGA Architectures &Applns5th ChapterInteraction session24-04-2020, 10.00 AM to 11.00AM & 29-04-2020 10.00AM to 11.00AM30.04.2020 @ 03.00 PM
3Dr.SyedAbudhagirEmbedded NetworkingWireless sensor networks – Introduction, Applications, Network Topology , Localization, Time Synchronization, Energy efficient MAC protocols –SMAC, Energy efficient and robust routing & Data Centric routing.Interaction session1) 23-04-2020 –10:00- 11:15, 2) 27-04-2020 –10:00 – 11:15, 3) 30-04-2020 — 10:00 – 11:1530-04-2020 @ 5PM
4Mr.Hari KrishnaSystem On-Chip Architecture1.Reconfiguration Technologies 2. Reconfiguration – overhead analysis and trade-off analysis 3. SOC Design approach case studiesInteraction session1.23-4-2020- 11.30 AM to 12.30 PM 2. 27-4-2020 -11.30AM to 12.45PM 3. 29-4-2020 – 10.00AM to 11.00AM30-4-2020 @ 04.00PM
5Mr.AnirudhAdvanced ProcessorARM Programming-Function ,Structures ,pointers,InstructionScheduling,Conditional LoopsZoom Interactive Session28-04-2020 10.00AM to 11.00AM & 30-04-2020 10.00 AM to 11.00AM02-05-2020