M.Tech.: CS, SVEC, Tirupathi, JNTU Ananthapur, 2014.
B.Tech.: CSE, SVPCET, Puttur, JNTU Anathapur, 2011.
Teaching Experience:Β 2 Years
Contact Number: +91 8686473970
JNTUH Registration ID: 8527-150413-154720
- D.Abdus Subhahan, P.Lakshmi Samyuktha, β Mobile Presence Service with scalability using concurrency in programmingβ Proceedings of National Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics & Computer science Engineering held at SV College of Engineering, Tirupati,AP,Aug-2014.
- D.Abdus Subhahan, P.Lakshmi Samyuktha, β Scalable mobile presence cloud with concurrent programmingβ Proceedings of National Conference on Emerging Trends in Science held at Mallareddy Engineering College,Secunderabad,Aug-2014.
- D.Abdus Subhahan, P.Lakshmi Samyuktha, β Scalable mobile presence cloud with authentication through PGPβ published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and software engineering (IJARCSSE), Vol. 4, Iss. 5, PP: 1191-1195, may 2014.
- Attended and Received a Participation Certificate of One Week Faculty Development Program on βAdvanced Python Programmingβ held in SVEC,Tirupati.