Ph.D.: Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam, 2021
PG: M.Tech(CSE), JNTUH,2011
UG: B.Tech (CSE), JNTUH,2002
Teaching Experience: 10 Years
BVRITN Employee ID: 1076
JNTUH Registration ID: 69150404-153211
AICTE Registration ID: 1-7571697651
- Image Processing
- Deep Learning
- ISTE –life membership
- APSET Qualified
- GATE Qualified
- Published a paper “Deep Fuzzy SegNet-based lung nodule segmentation and optimized deep learning for lung cancer detection”, Pattern Analysis and Applications, February 2023.
- Published a paper “Significance of Multilayer Perceptron Model for Early Detection for Diabetes Over ML Methods”, Journal of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Volume 23, Issue 8, August 2021, ISSN: 1007-6735.
- Published a paper “A Detailed Review on Image Augmentation and Segmentation of Brain MRI Images Using Deep Learning”, PAIDEUMA JOURNAL (WOS), volume XIV, Issue 8, August 2021, ISSN NO : 0090-5674.
- Published a paper “Speckle Reduction and Segmentation for the Detection of Follicles in the Ultrasound Images of Ovaries”, Journal of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Volume 22, Issue 12, 2020, ISSN: 1007-6735
- Published a paper “Squid Species Matching using Fuzzy Edge Based Algorithm” Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) Volume-8, Issue-6, March 2020, DOI:10.35940/ijrte.E6759.038620
- Published a paper “Noise Reduction using OBNLM Filter and Deep Learning for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Ultrasound Images”, Part of the Learning and Analytics in Intelligent Systems book series (LIAS, volume 16), 2019,
- Published a paper “A Comparative Study of Speckle Reduction Filters for Ultrasound Images of Poly Cystic Ovary” Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) Volume-7, Issue-6s5, April 2019, Retrieval Number:F13740476S519/19©BEIESP
- Published a paper “Classification and Detection of Ovarian Cysts in Ultrasound Images” in IEEE Xplore digital library in February 2018, DOI: 10.1109/ICOEI.2017.8300811
- Published a paper “Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Detection Using Various Machine Learning Methods- A review” in Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems (JARDCS) in May-2017 –special issue-05, ISSN 1943-023X
- Presented a paper on “Skin Disease Classification Using Machine Learning and Data Mining Algorithms,” at IEEE 2nd International Symposium on Sustainable Energy, Signal Processing and Cyber Security (ISSSC), Gunupur, Odisha, India, held during 15-17 December .
- Presented a paper on “Noise Reduction using OBNLM Filter and Deep Learning for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Ultrasound Images”, International Conference on Computational and Bio Engineering, CBE-19 at SPMVV, Tirupati.
- Presented a paper at the International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics-ICEI-2017 held during 11-12 May-2017 on the topic “Classification and Detection of Ovarian Cysts in Ultrasound Images” at SCAD College of Engineering at Tirunelveli, India.
- Presented a paper at International Conference on Innovative Applications in Engineering and Information Technology –IAEIT-2017 held during February 1st – 2nd, on the topic “A Survey on Automated Medical Diagnosis” at SPMVV, Tirupati.
- Presented a paper at the International Conference on Computational, Mathematical and Biological Modeling –ICCMBM-2016 held during March 25– 26 on the topic “Edge Detection Techniques for Identifying Cepholopoda” at SPMVV, Tirupati.
- Attended 2- weeks FDP on “Impact of Artificial Intelligence in the field of Agriculture” organized by Malla Reddy Engineering College from 2022-10-17 to 2022-10-22 and 2022-10-25 to 2022-10-29
- Attended 4-day technical workshop on “Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning using PYTHON” organized by Malla Reddy Institute of Technology during 15-18 November 2021.