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Dr. H. Sujana

Professor & Head of Department

– Ph.D.: Biomedical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras.

– M.S. (By Research): Biomedical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras.

– B.E.: Biomedical Engineering, College of Engineering, Osmania University, Hyderabad.

– Teaching Experience: 13 years

– Research Experience: 7 years

  • Member of Board of Studies, Department of Biomedical Engineering, College of Engineering, Osmania University.
  • Member of Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America (RESNA)
  • Member of IEEE 
  • Member of IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
  • Member of IEEE Communications Society
  • Life Member of Biomedical Engineering Society of India (BMESI)
  • Life Member of Society for Biomaterials and Artificial Organs (SBAOI)
  • Life Member of Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE)
  • Life Member of Instrument Society of India (ISOI)
  • Member of Indian Women Network (IWN)
  • Medical Imaging
  • Rehabilitation Engineering
  1. Reviewer for International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science-May 2024.
  2. Reviewer for RESNA 2023 Annual Conference.
  3. Guided inter disciplinary student teams for various International and National Competitions – RESNA Student Design Challenge, Startup Stage BioAsia 2024, Startup Stage BioAsia 2023, EMPOWER Student Design Challenge, Anveshana Competition.
  4. Reviewer for Defense Journal of Life Sciences.
  5. Reviewer for International Journal of Health Technology.
  6. Reviewer for International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science. 
  7. Reviewer for RESNA 2022 Annual Conference.
  8. Reviewer for International Conference on Transformations in Engineering Education.
  9. Member, Board of Studies JNTU Hyderabad.
  10. Member, Board of Studies College of Engineering, Osmania University.
  11. Member, Board of Studies B. V. Raju Institute of Technology (Autonomous), Narsapur.
  12. Associate Dean R&D (BME, ECE & EEE).
  13. Developed kidney phantom for sonographers practice of needle biopsies – Tested at M/s Mediscan, Chennai.
  1. H. Sujana, Rohith Sirpa, Pandurang Mirajkar “Ganitha Sahaya- Math Tool for Special Education” Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering (ICETE 2023) Nov. 2023 DOI – 0.2991/978-94-6463-252-1_16

  2. H. Sujana, Chekkala Meghana, Kelavath Rushi Naik, M. Arvind “Voice Enabled Pulse Oximeter” Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering (ICETE 2023) Nov. 2023 DOI 10.2991/978-94-6463-252-1_4 

  3. H.Sujana, S. Chandra Prakash, Rohith Sirpa Detection of Cancer Cells Using Microscopic Images of Blood Sample. International Journal of Engineering & Technology 7 (3.29) (2018) 778-783
  4. H.Sujana, S. Chandra Prakash, RohithSirpa Medical Application of Bounding Box Technique IARJSET International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology ICRAESIT – 2015Vol. 2, Special Issue 2, December 2015
  5. S.John, H.Sujana, S.Suresh, S.Swarnamani Ultrasonic characterization of malignant melanoma of the choroid. Indian Journal of Ophthalmology, 1998, V46, No.3, 153-157.
  6. H.Sujana, S. Swarnamani, Sheila John Ultrasonic differentiation of intraocular melanoma by image texture parameters and artificial neural networks. Journal of Acoustical Society of America, 1997. 
  7. H.Sujana, S. Swarnamani, S.Suresh Application of artificial neural networks for classifying liver lesions by image texture parameters. Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology. 1996, V22, No. 9, 1177-1181.
  8. H.Sujana, S. Swarnamani Ultrasonic characterization of materials for the development of kidney phantom. Journal of Acoustic Society of India. 1992, XX, 111 – 116.
  1. Rohith Sipra, Samhita Srigiri, Pandurang M & H Sujana “Enhancing Task Transition and Hand-Eye Coordination in ASD with Bright Pick: An Efficacy Study” Presented in National Conference on Community Models in Rehabilitation, NCCMR 2024.
  2. Devasani Praneeth, Rohith Sirpa, H Sujana, Pandurang Mirajkar, Kavali Sai Teja “A Study and Development of AAKAR VARANDYAY: A Learn Tool for Autistic Children” RESNA Annual Conference 2023, 24thto 26th July 2023 at New Orleans, LA, USA.
  3. Sujana, Rohith Sirpa, Pandurang Mirajkar “Ganitha Sahaya- Math Tool for Special Education” Presented in International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering (ICETE 2023)28th to 30thApril 2023 at University College of Engineering, Osmania University.
  4. Sujana, Chekkala Meghana, Kelavath Rushi Naik, M. Arvind “Voice Enabled Pulse Oximeter” Presented paper in International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering (ICETE 2023) 28thto 30th April 2023 at University college of Engineering, Osmania University.
  5. H. Sujana, Pandurang Mirajkar, Rohith Sirpa, IoT Enabled Air Quality Monitoring System using ESP8266. Poster Presentation in First International Conference on Technologies for Smart Green Connected Society 2021, 29th& 30th Nov. 2021
  6. Pinjala Jahnavi,  Sujana, Lung Cancer Detection Using Support Vector Machine. Poster Presentation in First International Conference on Technologies for Smart Green Connected Society 2021, 29th& 30th Nov. 2021
  7. P. Laasya Priya, H. HimaBindu, H. Sujana “Cognitive Stress Detection using EEG signals” Presented paper in International Conference on Computational & Experimental Methods for Advancing Engineering Systems Applications (ICCEAESA-2019) 23rd Aug. 2019 at BVRIT Narsapur
  8. H.Sujana Mind map as an active learning tool in Rehabilitation Engineering Course International Conference on Transformations in Engineering Education (ICTIEE AP’ 18), 15thto 17th July 2018 
  9. H.Sujana, S. Chandra Prakash, Rohith Sirpa Detection of Cancer Cells Using Microscopic Images of Blood Sample International Conference on Research Advancements in Applied Engineering Sciences, Computer and Communication Technologies ICRAAESCCT, 12th & 13th July 2018.  
  10. H.Sujana, S. Chandra Prakash, RohithSirpa Blind Watermark Technique for Medical Image Protection2ndInternational Conference on Biomedical Systems, Signals and Images BSSI 2015IIT Madras24thto 26thFeb. 2016.
  11. H.Sujana, S. Chandra Prakash, RohithSirpa Medical applications of bounding box technique International Conference on Research Advancements in Engineering, Science and Information Technology- 2015 ICRAESIT-2015 Dec. 2015.
  12. H.Sujana, S. Chandra Prakash, RohithSirpa Bounding Box Technique for MRI Images National Conference on Innovations and Design Challenges in Electrical and Medical Electronics NCIDCEME 2015GRIETAug. 2015
  13. H.Sujana, S. Swarnamani and S.Suresh Ultrasonic characterization of liver lesions by texture parameters and self-organizing feature map. Proc. of International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Coimbatore, December 1996, PPV-1 – V-4.
  14. Sheila John, S.S. Badrinath, H. Sujana, S. Swarnamani Tissue characterization of malignant melanoma in vivo using ultrasonic image analysis. Annual Meeting of American Academy of Ophthalmology, Chicago, USA, 1996, p154.
  15. H.Sujana, S. Swarnamani Application of self-organizing feature map for ultrasonic diagnosis of ocular melanoma. Proc. of Madras-India Regional Chapter of the Acoustical Society of America Conference, Madras, August 1996, p8.
  16. H.Sujana, S. Chandra Prakash, Rohith Sirpa Detection of Cancer Cells Using Microscopic Images of Blood Sample International Conference on Research Advancements in Applied Engineering Sciences, Computer and Communication Technologies ICRAAESCCT, 12th & 13th July 2018.   Ultrasonic classification of malignant melanoma of the choroid. Proc. of Annual Meeting of American Academy of Ophthalmology, Atlanta, USA, November 1995, p161.
  17. H.Sujana, S. Swarnamani, S.Suresh Evaluation of localhost reaction to space-occupying lesions in the liver. Proc. of Madras-India Regional Chapter of the Acoustical Society of America Conference, Madras, August 1995, p2.
  18. H.Sujana, S. Swarnamani, Sheila John Ultrasonic image parameters for differentiating intraocular melanoma. Proc. of First Regional Conference IEEE Engg. In Medicine and Biology Society, New Delhi, February 1995, pp2.40-2.41.
  19. H.Sujana, S. Swarnamani, Sheila John Ultrasonic characterization of intraocular melanoma. International Conference on Recent Advances in Biomedical Engineering, Hyderabad, 1994, pp142-145.
  20. Sheila John, S.Suresh, H. Sujana and S. Swarnamani Ultrasonic spectral analysis of malignant melanoma. All India Ophthalmological Conference, Madras, January 1994.
  21. H.Sujana, S. Swarnamani, S.Suresh Development of a kidney phantom, IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, Tucson, Arizona, USA, 1992.
  22. H.Sujana, S. Swarnamani, Sheila John Classification of Ocular Melanoma using Image Parameters by Neural Networks. Current Trends in Biomedical Engineering, Proceedings of the 5th National Conference of Biomechanics, Feb 1996, p207.