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Assistant Professor, ECE Dept.

B.Tech:Β – Electronics and Communication Engineering, RRS College of Engineering & Technology, JNTUH, Muthangi, Patancheru, 2014.
M.Tech:Β – Embedded Systems, Sridevi Women’s Engineering College, JNTUH, 2016.
Ph.D:-Pursuing Ph.D from KLEF University

Teaching Experience – 3 years 9 months

JNTU Registration No –: 2081-161130-191428
BVRIT ID –: 821
Ratification Status-: Ratified

  1. Certified with Elite+Silver grade by NPTEL in the course β€œMicroprocessors and Microcontrollers”.
  2. Building Arduino robots and devices through Coursera
  3. Programming for Everybody(Getting started with Python) through Coursera
  4. Control of Mobile Robots through Coursera
  1. RCEL special lab member
  2. Newsletter coordinator
  3. Member of IETE student forum
  4. Shortage of attendance Monitoring
  5. Member of RPA
  1. Embedded Systems
  1. Embedded Systems
  2. Robotics
  1. Paper titled “Plant health monitoring and chemical spraying robot” has published in journal IJISRT 2020 Volume 5, Issue 4, April – 2020.
  2. Paper titled “Warehouse robot using web application” in conference ICCEAESA 2019 on Aug-23 rd,2019
  3. Health Monitoring System with Real Time Tracking(Ijsert)
  4. A paper titled, β€œPath Finding Robot by using Obstacle Avoidance System” has published in International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET-UGC) on 27 th Jan 2018, Volume 6, issue 1, ISSN: 2321-9653.