Ph.D.: University of Mysore, Research Scholar.
PG: Mtech -CSE, JNTUH,2013.
Teaching Experience: 14 years 07 months
Contact Number: 9000284167,8317521380
BVRITN Employee ID: BVRIT001032
JNTUH Registration ID: 96150402-162001
AICTE Registration ID: 1454812055
- Data Mining
- Databases and knowledge-bases
- Machine Learning, and Data Science.
- Deep Learning
- Programming Languages
- Life Time Membership in ISTE
- Qualified in Phd Entrance Exam Conducted By University Of Mysore,2017.
- Qualified in PGCET 2010 with 77th
- Umarani Nagavelli,Niladri Sekhar Dey,S.Pavan Kumar Reddy “Energy-Efficiency Optimization in IoT Networks: Algorithms, Techniques, and Case Studies.” Grenze International Journal of Engineering and Technology,2024.
- Umarani Nagavelli,Debabrata Samanta, P Chakraborty, “Machine Learning Technology-Based Heart Disease Detection Models.” Journal of Healthcare Engineering, vol. 2022, Feb. 2022, p. e7351061.,
- Praveen , Umarani N, Anand T , Debabrata Samanta , Cardinal Digital Image Data Fortification Expending Steganography, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, Volume-7 Issue-5S2, January 2019, ISSN:2277-3878 @ SCOPUS
- “Maximizing the lifetime of wireless Sensor Networks using CRT based packet splitting Algorithm” , in International journal Volume 2,Issue 4, April 2013, .ISSN 2278-7763,2013 International journal of Advancements in research & Tech(IJART).
- “Effective Ways Cloud Computing Can Contribute to Education Success” in Advanced Computing: an International Journal ISSN/EISSN: 2229726X 22296727, 2013 volume: 4 issue: 4, Publisher: Academy &Industry Research Collaboration Centre(AIRCC).
- Umarani Nagavelli, Debabrata Samanta,” Prediction of Heart Disease and Improving Classifier Performance Using Particle Swarm Optimization” International Conference on Human- Centric Smart Computing 2023. @ Springer-Scopus.
- Umarani Nagavelli, Srilakshmi V, M Vijay Kumar, T Sreeja,” Precision Agriculture with Remote Sensing:Integrating Deep Learning for Crop Monitoring” International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Artificial Intelligence(ICKEAI) FEB 2024.
- “A Two-staged Optimized Stacking Ensemble learning Classifier for the Prediction of Cervical Cancer” International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Artificial Intelligence(ICKEAI) FEB 2024.
- Umarani Nagavelli, Debabrata Samanta and B Thomas,”ML based prediction model for cardiovascular disease”, 3rd International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Data Mining and Information Security (IEMIS 2022)” at Institute of Engineering & Management, Kolkata, West Bengal. India on 23-25 February, 2022. @ Springer-Scopus.
- “Security issues in IPV6”, Advanced Research in computing in Warangal.
- ” Controlling topology in MANETS through Mutual Communication” in International Conference on advancements in engineering & management, RITS, HYD India.
- Participated in 5 Days workshop on “DeepLearning “ conducted by CSE from 11/09/2023 to 15/09/2023at Vidya Jyothi Institute ofTechnology (Autonomous),Hyderabad.
- Participated in one week on FDP on “Recent Trends in Cognitive Science & Its Applications” from 13th March 2023 to 18th March 2023 Organized by CSE,VNRVJIET,in Collaboration with Vikram University ,Oriental University & SOC,IPS Academy,Indore.
- Participated in 5 Days workshop on “Microsoft Power BI Data Analyst Associate “ conducted by ICT Academy From 16th oct 2023 to 20th oct 2023 at Vaagdevi Engineering College,,Warangal
- Participated in 5-Days hands-on Workshop on “Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality” using Unity software with a collaboration of ARK INFOSOLUTIONS PRIVATE LIMITED at BVRIT ,Narsapur 2023.
- Organized a “5 DAY FULL STACK DEVELOPMENT BOOTCAMP” for students in July2023.
- Participated in 5 Days workshop on “Advanced Python Programming” at NIT WARANGAL March 2023.
- Participated in one week on “Machine learning “ at NIT WARANGAL March 2018.
- Participated in 10 Days workshop on “Algorithms Analysis and Design” at NIT Warangal from 29th Feb 2016 to 9th March 2016.
- Participated in 5 days workshop on “Architecture,Algorithms,Analytics for Big Data using Cloud and Distributed Computing (ABCD -2014) “ at NIT Warangal in March 2014.
- Attended One day Awareness Workshop on “OUTCOME BASED EDUCATION and ACCREDITATION” on 14th September 2015 at JNT University Hyderabad under TEQIP – II and NBA New Delhi.