
Ph.D.: – Advanced Machining Process, NIT Warangal, 2015
M.Tech: – Manufacturing Technology, NIT Calicut, 2009
B.Tech: – Mechanical Engineering, D.V.R. College of Engineering and Technology, 2007
Teaching Experience: 11 years (along with R&D)
Contact Number: +91 9494226711
BVRITN Employee ID: 607
JNTUH Registration ID: 51150405-112628
- Member of Indian Institute of Welding (IIW – INDIA)
- No. of B.Tech projects guided: 22
- No. of M.Tech projects guided: 1
- No. of international journal & international conference publications: 11
- No. of Patents published/Granted: 1
- Consultancy works and Grants: 3
- Advanced Machining Process
- Multi-objective Optimization
- Advanced Machining Process
- Received a medal and certificate on the ANNUAL DAY – 2019 for outstanding teaching practices as demonstrated at Faculty Colloquium held from 13th to 14th December 2018 at VEDIC. The topic was “Misconceptions among the Engineering students: A case study in the Engineering Metallurgy subject”.
b. Application Number: 202041055473 Publication Date: 01/01/2021
- A Varun, Mechiri Sandeep Kumar, Karthik Murumulla and Tatiparthi Sathvik (2021), “Surface Roughness Prediction using Machine Learning Algorithms while Turning under Different Lubrication Conditions”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2070, 012243 (SCOPUS).
- Varun, Sivakumar Krishnan (2021), “A Test to Assess Students’ Conceptual Understanding of Engineering Metallurgy Subject”, Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, 34(4), 22-29 (Scopus).
- Mechiri Sandeep Kumar, V Murali Krishna, A Varun (2020), “Investigation on the influence of Hybrid Biodegradable Nanofluids (CuO-ZnO) on Surface Roughness in Turning AISI 1018 Steel”, Materials Today: Proceeding, 24(2), 1570-1576.
- Varun, A., M. Sandeep Kumar, “A Comprehensive Review of the Pigeon-Inspired Optimization Algorithm”, International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 2018, 7 (29), 758, (Scopus Journal)
- Varun, A., Venkaiah, N., (2015) Simultaneous optimization of WEDM responses using grey relational analysis coupled with a genetic algorithm, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 76 (1-4) 675-690 (SCI, Impact Factor: 1.779).
- Varun, A., Venkaiah, N., (2015) Grey Relational Analysis coupled with Firefly Algorithm for Multiobjective Optimization of Wire Electric Discharge Machining, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 229 (8) 1385-1394. (SCI, Impact Factor: 0.661).
- Karuchola Saiphaneendra and A. Varun (2019) Simulation of 2-D NACA 23021 aerofoil to enhance its aerodynamic performance using a flow control method for a horizontal axis wind turbine blade, International Conference on Computational & Experimental Methods for Advancing Engineering Systems Applications (ICCEAESA 2019) B.V. Raju Institute of Technology, Narsapur, August 23rd
- Mechiri Sandeep Kumar, V Murali Krishna and A Varun “Investigation on the influence of Hybrid Biodegradable Nanofluids (CuO-ZnO) on Surface Roughness in Turning AISI 1018 Steel” IConAMMA 2018.
- A. Varun & M. Sandeep Kumar, “A Comprehensive Review of the Pigeon-Inspired Optimization Algorithm”, ICRAAESCCT-18.
- Varun, A., Venkaiah, N., Kotiveerachari, B., (2012) Grey Relational Analysis coupled with Genetic Algorithm for Multi-Objective Optimization of Wire-EDM, All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research (25th AIMTDR), Jadavpur University, December 14-16, (Abstract published).
- Varun, A., Venkaiah, N., Kotiveerachari, B., (2012) Multi-Objective Optimization of Powder Mixed EDM, All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research (25th AIMTDR), Jadavpur University, December 14-16, 453-459
- Varun A., Venkaiah N., Kotiveerachari B., (2010) Single Discharge Analysis of Electric Discharge Turning, Proc. of the 4th International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering, S.V. National Institute of Technology, Surat, Gujarat, India, 579-583
- Varun. A, (2016), Multi-Objective Optimization of Wire Electric Discharge Machining using a Grey Relational Analysis coupled with Firefly Algorithm while machining Hastelloy C 276, National Conference on Recent Innovations in Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (RIMME-2016) 21st & 22nd April 2016, ISBN: 978-93- 85100-45-1.
- As per the MOU with iNuCom, providing consultancy services as the subject matter expert and reviewing contents related to welding, rigging, metallurgy, and CAD files.
- In collaboration with One Convergence, Hyderabad, a consultancy solution for providing “Automatic Ceramic Tiles Sorting System” for Vennar Ceramics Limited (On going).
Received an AICTE sponsored grant of Rs. 4,74,833/- for conducting online Short Term Training Program (STTP) under AQIS 2019-20 during the financial year 2020-21.
– STTP Phase – I during 16th to 21st November 2020
(https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_9x_pmG91ZOuFjv1toZSj7Znt9OnD4et )
– STTP Phase – II during 4th to 9th January 2021
(https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_9x_pmG91ZNXyottZn2q5xp6199abVMP )
– STTP Phase – III during 8th to 13th February 2021
(https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_9x_pmG91ZPXLEca3MyLoul43dA5ZoTT )