Rules for Inquizitive’23
- The event has a total of 3 rounds held for 3 days (20th-22nd Jan 2023)
- The participant must register themselves to take the exam for all the 3 days
- The participant will get the certificate if he/ she scores ≥ 50% on an average in 3 tests.
- A registration fee of Rs 75.00 must be paid by the participant to take the exam and certificate.
- It is mandatory to upload any authenticated ID proof while registering.
- The participant’s average score will be considered to announce the winners.
- Prize amount: 1st -Rs. 1200/- 2nd -Rs 800/- 3rd – Rs 400/-
- Participants are requested to join the Microsoft teams to take the exam.
- The participant who leaves the online session for more than 5 min will be disqualified.
Test Pattern:
- Every test will be conducted using an online platform through a google form.
- The pattern will be like Gate QP.
- Duration- 3hr, Marks 100M
- Every Test has 2 parts- Part A and Part B
Part A- 10Q | General Aptitude | 15M | 10Q |
Part B-55 Q | Mathematics | 13M | 8Q |
Core | 72M | 47Q |
Part A: Total 1M Questions- 5; Total 2M Questions-5
Part B: Total 1M Questions- 25; Total 2M Questions-30
Type of Questions:
- Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) – negative marking
1M question – 1/3 Negative marking; 2M question- 2/3 negative marking
- Multiple Selective questions (MSQs) -no negative marking
- Numerical Answer type (NAT)- no negative marking
- The participants can use calculators.

To Register, click the link:
For primary details, please look into the Brochure:
For Guidelines to be followed for the event:
For detailed discussions on the topic, please join the WhatsApp group:

Registration is free
To register click the link:
E-Certificate will be given to all the participants who secure a minimum of 50% in the quiz.

Virtual Guest Lecture: Microreactor based Process Intensification
Meeting Link:

The chemical engineering department is conducting weekly online classes on ASPEN PLUS and its applications. The content is being delivered by Mr. Sougat Das, Prime Minister Research Fellow. He is doing his Ph.D. under the guidance of Prof. S. Majumdar in the Department of chemical engineering, IIT Hyderabad.
Initially, on the 14th of July 2021, an introductory session was conducted for the current 3rd and final year students. Interested students were identified, and classes were organized every week for 2 hours.
The objective of the course is to familiarize the students with the basics of ASPEN plus and get them acquainted with the software. This course will help the students understand modeling the most common unit operations of a chemical plant.

CHEM-SMART CAR: A Competition to Bring Hidden Talents in Engineers is being conducted for the benefit of students in Chemical Engineering and allied branches The Main objective of CHEM SMART CAR is to design and construct a car (roughly the size of a shoebox) that propels itself on a chemical reaction, stops itself on a chemical reaction, or both. The car must have the power to travel a specified distance and the versatility to hold different weights. The construction of each vehicle involves tying together principles from not only chemical engineering but also the electrical, mechanical, and bioengineering fields. Creating a reliable and accurate model car requires close attention to detail from conception of ideas to construction and ultimately the collection and analysis of data.
Online Registrations for the event is now open using the link:

On the Auspicious occasion of Engineer’s Day on the 15th of September, we the members of the IIChE student Chapter BVRITN are organizing a National event “VISVA 2K21” to bring all the engineers together to discuss and appreciate the work done in building our nation

The Indian Institute Of Chemical Engineering is the apex professional institute of chemical engineers. The institute add feathers after feathers to its cap by providing world class education to the engineers. The aim of the college is to promote the cause of chemical engineering by providing quality education to all the sections of the society. It provides them the appropriate forum for joint endeavours, hand in hand to work for human being through application of chemical engineering and allied sciences.
- Good exposure to students on all fronts.
- Highly experienced and skilled faculty members.
- The college is well maintained and established with latest development.
It is of great honour for us to inform you that BVRIT has joined hands with IICHE, one of the most reputed institutes of India so that, even our Chemical Engineers can take part in other extra-curricular activities apart from studies. In today’s world, having good grades and marks are not enough, having critical thinking and innovative thinking is also necessary. Marks can fetch bookish knowledge but, unless you are able to analyse and apply it, there is no value to that knowledge. IICHE provides a platform for our students to think out of the box and put forward their innovative ideas.
Quiz and Elocution competition, 3rd FEB 2020.
On 3rd Feb our department conducted Quiz and Elocution competition. Students in good number participated enthusiastically. For quiz, students were divided into 3 groups and were asked questions from various genres. The questions were related to Chemical Engineering subjects, General Knowledge and few brain storming questions. The quiz went on for 2 hours and was a huge success. In the afternoon session Elocution was conducted. Elocution describes a person grip on a topic. Topics given were CAA and Role of nuclear energy in 21th century. During the competition CAA was picked out and the limit was given between 10-20 minutes each. There was a huge competition. Every participant was better than each other. The judges had a hard time to select the top 3. By this event, events conducted on 3rd Feb came to an end.
Essay writing, 4th Feb 2020
Last day was a fun-filled day. Both the events were a huge success. On 4th Feb, Essay writing competition was held in our department. Topics given were ‘Ways to protect world from climate change’ and Role of Chemical Engineers for the development of society in the modern world. Students actively participated and their essays were remarkable. Again, from all the participants, only top 3 will be selected. This event day ended with the disclosure of the winners.
Model making, 5th Feb 2020
This is the final day of event. Today is the day of innovation, ideas and skills as today is the model making competition. Chemical Engineers were told to make a model of any equipment related to Chemical Engineering and application. Three extraordinary models were presented. Each model had new features which were very innovative, and judges had to scratch their heads to decide the winner. This was the final day of events.
Winners of all the 4 competitions will be sent to the upcoming IICHE competitions. These competitions bring up the competitive spirit in an individual. There will many such events conducted every month. So, others can brag the winner position next time.
Dr. KSNV Prasad.
Honorary President– Sandeep
President– Rafiq(36-12-02-2020)
Secretary– M Sachin(SM-67888)
Treasurer– Sai Surya Varsha(SM-67879)
Joint Secretary– Sai Narender(12-03-02-2020)
Joint Treasurer– Manvitha(28-04-02-2020)
FDP organized by CHE BVRIT
Department of Chemical Engineering organised Five day online Faculty Development Program (FDP) on “Domestic and Industrial Water and Wastewater Treatment” from 6th June 2020 to 10th June 2020.
2. Department of Chemical Engineering organized a two-week FDP on “Applications of CFD in Process industries” from 2nd December 2019 to 15th December 2019.
3. Department of Chemical Engineering organized a two-day faculty development program on “Chemical engineering simulation using MATLAB” on 22nd and 23rd February 2019
4. Department of Chemical Engineering organized a two-day faculty development program on “Modern technologies on solid and sewage waste treatment” on 14th& 15th December 2018. Dr. B.V.S. Praveen coordinated the faculty development program.Mr. B. V. BhadraGirish, Environmental Engineer, Telangana State Pollution Control Board &Dr. P. Sankar Ganesh, Associate Professor, BITS Pilani, Hyderabad delivered highly informative lectures on waste management and treatment technologies.

Department of Chemical Engineering organized a Training program on “the preparation of handcrafts from non-timber forest products (coconut coir)” on 8th March 2018
Department of Chemical Engineering organized a One day workshop on “Applications of Theory to Process Industry for Engineers” on 18th December 2017
1. M. Radha Kumari, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering presented a poster entitled “Macroalgae – a promising resource for bioethanol production – a review” at an international conference on “Biotechnological research and innovation for sustainable development (BioSD 2018)” organized by CSIR – Indian Institute of Chemical Technology Hyderabad in association with the Biotech research society, India (BRSI) and IBA – International Forum for Industrial Bioprocesses (IBA – IFIBioP) France from 22nd to 25th November 2018.

2. Shivakumar from III B. Tech Chemical awarded with “Best presenter award” for the presentation entitled “Statistical Analysis of Biofilm reactor for purification Effluent water from Sugar Industry” at SCHEMCON 2018, ICT Mumbai from 26th – 27th October 2018.
3. AkhileshSubramanian, P. Kapil Chandra, Divya Lakshmi Senthil, R. Sandeep from III B. Tech Chemical won 2nd price for the presentation entitled “Catalytic pyrolysis of plastic waste to energy resource” at SCHEMCON 2018, ICT Mumbai from 26th – 27th October 2018.

4. Sachin and K. Padma presented a paper entitled “Conversion of waste plastic to bricks” at National conference TECHNOZION held at NIT Warangal on 28th -30th September 2018.
5. Dheeraj Kumar presented a paper entitled “Removal of fluorine from water using nano-magnesium oxide” at National conference TECHNOZION held at NIT Warangal on 28th -30th September 2018.
6. Manivardhan, presented a paper entitled “Effects of sulphur dioxide emissions and methods to remove sulphur from different sulphur operations” at National conference TECHNOZION held at NIT Warangal on 28th -30th September 2018.
7. B.V.S.Praveen and G. BhanuRadhika, “Effect of pretreatment on microwave drying kinetics of bitter gourd (momordicacharantia) samples – estimation of mass transfer parameters and mathematical modeling” in International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Sciences (ICRTES 2018) held on 20-22 February 2018 Vishakapatnam, Andhra Pradesh.
8. P. Nagalakshmi, B.V.S.Praveen and G.BhanuRadhika, “Synthesis of Fe Doped Titania Nanoparticles for the Removal of Hexavalent Chromium from Synthetic Cr(VI) Solution” in 5th International Conference on science, technology & Management (ICSTM-2017)
9. M.V.S.Jaya Krishna and B.V.S.Praveen, Modeling and Simulation of Reactive Distillation Column using ASPEN PLUSin CHEMCON 2017 held at HaldiaInsitute of Technology, West Bengal.
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1. B.Tech Chemical Engineering II Year Students visited Neuland Laboratories Ltd, Bonthapally on 06.11.2021. Dr. Bhaskar Bethi, Assistant professor, and Mr. Surya PrakashRao, Assistant Professor from Department of Chemical Engineering accompanied the students during the industry visit.

2. B.Tech II Year students visited Honour Lab Limited, Bonthapally on 13.11.2021. The faculty of the Chemical Engineering Department Dr. Bhaskar Bethi and Dr. T. Srinivas accompanied for the student’s visit.

3. B.Tech Chemical Engineering IV year students visited Hetero Pharma, Bonthapally on 20.11.2021 Mr. SuryaPrakash Rao, Assistant Professor, and Dr. Anup Ashok, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Chemical Engineering accompanied the students in the industry visit.

4. B.Tech Chemical Engineering IV year students visited Hetero Pharma, Bonthapally on 20.11.2021. Mr. SuryaPrakash Rao, Assistant Professor, Mr. KSNV Prasad, Assistant Professor, Dr. Bhaskar Bethi, Assistant professor, and Dr. Anup Ashok, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Chemical Engineering accompanied the students in the industry visit.

5. B.Tech Chemical Engineering IV year students visited Virchow Laboratories Ltd, Jeedimetla on 27.11.2021. Mr. SuryaPrakash Rao, Assistant Professor, and Dr. G. Srinivas, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Chemical Engineering accompanied the students in the industry visit.

6. B.Tech Chemical Engineering III year students visited Fleming Laboratories Ltd, Gummadidala on 04.12.2021. Mr. SuryaPrakash Rao, Assistant Professor, Dr. Bhaskar Bethi, Assistant professor, Dr. M. Mallaiah, Associate Professor, and Dr. G. Srinivas, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Chemical Engineering accompanied the students in the industry visit.

7. B.Tech Chemical Engineering III year students visited Deepak Nitrate, Jeedimetla on 04.12.2021. Mr. SuryaPrakash Rao, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Chemical Engineering accompanied the students in the industry visit.

1. Kishore Kumar, Assistant Professor, Chemical Engineering Department attended a 5 day faculty development program on “Advanced soft materials: Synthesis and Application” organized by Department of Chemical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Warangal (NITW) during 17th to 21st December 2018.

2. M. RadhaKumari, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering attended a 5 day Faculty Development Program on “Computational Research Techniques Using MATLAB” organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, B V Raju Institute of Technology Narsapur during 3rd to 7th December 2018.

3. Dr. B.V.S. Praveen, Assistant Professor, Mr. K.S.N.V. Prasad, Assistant Professor, Mrs. R. Srividya, Assistant Professor , Mrs. M.S. Devi, Assistant Professor, and Miss M. Dheenamma, Assistant Professor attended a 5 day FDP on “Design and Analysis of experiments & Optimization Techniques” during 13th and 17th November 2018 at CVSR college of Engineering, Hyderabad

4. G. Srinivas, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering attended a two day FDP on “Developing multidimensional competencies of professional teachers” at BVRIT Narsapur during 2018.
5. G. Srinivas, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering attended a two day workshop on “IPR&TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER ” at MLRIT HYDERABAD FEBRUARY 2020.
6. P. Ramesh, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering attended a four day workshop on “ICTIEE 2020” at Anurag group of institutions hyderabad january 2020.