Ph. D.: Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad (JNTUH), 2011.
M. Tech.: Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad (JNTUH), 1999.
B. E.: Osmania University, 1995.
Teaching Experience: 24 Years (including R&D experience)
R&D Experience: 3 Years
Industrial Experience: 2 Years
BVRITN Employee ID: Emp ID – 91
JNTUH Registration ID: 311-504-04102907
AICTE Registration ID: 1-508861685
- L. Pallavi – Awarded from KLU, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh in the year 2021.
- Thesis Title: Mobile Management in Mobile Cloud Computing for Next Generation Networks
- K. Bhima – Awarded from IST, JNTUH, Hyderabad in the year 2020.
- Thesis Title: Noval and Robust Algorithms for Brain Tumor Segmentation for Multimodal MRI Images
- Jairam Naik – Awarded from IST, JNTUH, Hyderabad in the year 2017.
- Thesis Title: Novel Algorithms For Balanced Job Scheduling in Grids
- Received the best paper awards in International and National Conferences.
- Image Processing
- Mobile Communication
- Information Security
- Computer Networks.
- “K. Bhīma and A.Jagan”, Robust and Accurate Automated Methods for Detection and Segmentation of Brain Tumor in MRI. International Journal of Research of Recent Technology and Engineering. ISSN 2277-3878. Vol 8 Issue 4 Nov 2019. PP No 9218-9225. Scopus Impact factor 0.11
- “L. Pallavi, A. Jagan, B. Thirumala Rao”, ERMO Algorithm: An energy efficient Mobility Management in Mobile Cloud Computing System for 5G Heterogeneous networks. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE). Vol. 9, No. 3, June 2019,pp.1957-1967.ISSN:2088-8708,DOI:10.11591/ijece.vi3
- “L. Pallavi, A. Jagan, B. Thirumala Rao”, Network Selection in Heterogeneous Wireless Network Technology: Taxonomy. International Journal of Innovative Technology and exploring engineering (IJITEE). ISSN: 2278-3075, Vol. 8, Issue. 6. PP.No. 1-10. April 2019.
- “L. Pallavi, A. Jagan, B. Thirumala Rao”, BTS Algorithm: An Energy Efficient Mobility Management in Mobile Cloud Computing System for 5G Heterogeneous Networks. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology 15th January 2019. Vol.96. No 1 © 2005 – on going JATIT & LLS. ISSN: 1992-8645. E-ISSN: 1817-3195. 48-60.
- “Thavishala Veneela, A.Jagan and Bhawana Rudra”, Detection of Objects in the Hilly Areas using Sensor based Cameras. International Journal of Research in Electronics and Computer Engineering. Vol No 6, Issue 2. June 2018. ISSN 2393-9028 PP.No 2226-
- “L. Pallavi, A. Jagan, B. Thirumala Rao”, Mobile Cloud Computing: Overview and Current Research Challenges. International Journal of Advance Research in Science and Engineering. Vol. 6, Issue No. 11, November 2017. 1252-1261. ISSN No. 2319-8354.
- “K.Bhima & A.Jagan” , New Method for Automatic Detection of Brain Tumor in Multimodal Brain Magnetic Resonance Images, International Journal of Computer Engineering in Research Trends(IJCERT), Vol 4, Issue 1, Jan 2017. PP.No. 26-29, ISSN: 2349-7084
- “K.Bhima & A.Jagan”, An Improved Method for Automatic Segmentation and Accurate Detection of Brain Tumor in Multimodal MRI, International Journal of Image, Graphics and Signal Processing(IJIGSP), Vol.9, No.5, pp.1-8, 2017.DOI: 10.5815/ijigsp.2017.05.01. ISSN No . 2349-7084. Scopus Impact Factor 0.72
- “K.Bhima & A.Jagan”, New Method for Automatic Detection of Brain Tumor in Multimodal Brain Magnetic Resonance Images. International Journal of Computer Engineering in Research Trends. Vol 4, Issue 1, Jan 2017. PP.No 26-29. ISSN 2349 – 7084.
- “M. Varalaxmi & A.Jagan”, Initiating an Hypergraph Counting Model for Similar Visual Data, International Journal of Innovative Research In Science & Engineering. Vol 2, Issue 10, October 2016. PP.No. 18-22, ISSN: 2454-0663
- K.Bhima & A.Jagan, “Framework for Detection of Abnormalities in Brain Magnetic Resonance Images”, Anale. Seria Information. Vol. XIV fasc.2-2016 Annals. Computer Science Series. 14th Tome 2nd Fasc. – 2016. ISSN:1583-7165(printed) ISSN: 2065-7471 (e-journal) PP.No 14-19
- “S.Santhi & A.Jagan”, Privacy Preserved Mining of Association Rules Over Horizontally Partitioned Data, International Journal of Research (IJR), ISSN No. 2348-6848, Vol. 3, Issue-5, March 2016. PP.No. 225-230.
- K.Bhima & A.Jagan, “Exerting Moment Algorithms for Restoration of Blurred Images”, Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology, Volume 16, Issue 1, 2016.Online ISSN: 0975-4172 & Print ISSN: 0975-4350. PP.No 1- 7.
- K.Jairam Naik A.Jagan & N.Satyanarayana” An Optimal Ant Algorithm for Balanced Scheduling in Computing Grids, i-Manager Journal on Software Engineering, Vol.10,No.2, Scopus Impact Factor 0.69.
- “Toby Lethby, Randy Whal and A.Jagan “, Spatial Data Analysis using Map Reduce Technique” Vol 5, ISSUE ICICC May 2015, ISSN No: 2249-7838. PP.No: 94-97, International Journal of Electronics Communication and Computer Technology (IJECCT), Vol 5, ISSUE ICICC May 2015, ISSN No: 2249-7838. PP.No: 94-97.
- “L.Pallava, V.Pradeep Kumar and A.Jagan”, Mobile Cloud Computing: The Emerging Computing Paradigim for the 21st Century” International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science (IJARCS),ISSN No: 0976-5697,Vol 5, No 2. 45-52. 2014.
- “S.Kalaimagal, A.Jagan”, WEBDEV-A Six Sigma DMAIC Based Web Portal Design Framework, UACEE International Journal of Computer Science and its Applications (ISSN 0975-8887), Vol. 69, Issue 19, PP.No. 16-23.
- S.Kalaimagal, A.Jagan”, Sixsigma in Software Engineering: Turing a Dream into Reality” , UACEE International Journal of Computer Science and its Applications (ISSN 2250 – 3765), Vol 3, Issue 1. May 2013. PP. No 38-41
- “K.Dilip, K.Bhima and A.Jagan”, An Authentication Code Against Pollution attack in network coding, International Journal of Advances in soft computing Technology(ISSN: 2229-3515), Vol. 3, Issue 1, June 2013. PP.No. 43-49
- “A.Jagna, K.Bhima”, An Improved Order-Independent Parallel Thinning Algorithm for Image Thinning, International Journal of Computer Applications IJCA-0975-8887), Vol.46, Issue 3, EBSCO, Google Scholar, Informatics, NASA ADS, Cite Seer, Ulrich Web, Scientific Commons. May 2012. PP.No 1-5
- “A.Jagna”, An Order-Independent two-pass Parallel Algorithm for Binary Image Thinning, International Journal of Applied Information System (IJAIS), Foundation of Computer Science FCS, New York USA, ISSN: 2249-0868, Vol. 2, number 3, pp. 22-26. May-12.
- “A.Jagna, K.Ananda Kumar and V.Kamashi Prasad”, Rule-based Order-Independent Parallel Algorithm for Binary Image Thinning. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562,Vol 6,number 3,pp.315-329@2011. Mar-11.
- “A.Jagna and V.Kamashi Prasad”, An Efficient Two-pass Parallel Binary Image Thinning Algorithm. IUP Journal of Computer Science, ISSN: 0973-9904, Vol. IV, No.2, Apr-10.
- ”A.Jagna and V.Kamashi Prasad”, An Efficient Parallel Binary Image Thinning Algorithm and its Performance Evaluation. Technology Spectrum JNTU, ISSN: 0974-6854, Vol.4 No.2, pp. no. 27-30. Jul-10
- ”A.Jagna and V.Kamashi Prasad”, New Parallel Binary Image Thinning Algorithm ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences ISSN: 1819-6608, Vol.5.No.4, April 2010.
- “K.Jairam Naik, A.Jagan & N.Satyanarayana”, A Novel Approach for Job Scheduling and Load Balancing in Grid Computing Environment, Annals. Computer Science Series Journal ,Vol. XIII fasc.2-2015 ISSN:1583-7165(printed),ISSN: 2065-7471 (e-journal) PP.No. 55-64
- “A.Jagan”, An Efficient Image Independent Thinning Algorithm, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering (IJARCCE), ISSN No: 2319-5940, October 2014, Vol 3, Issue 10. DOI:10.17148/IJARCCE.2014.31052. PP.No. 8309-8311
- “K.Jairam Naik, A.Jagan & N.Satyanarayana” , A Cost Gready Price Adjustment Based Job Scheduling and Load Balancing in Grids, “International Journal of Computing and ICT Research (IJCIR),Vol.10, Issue 1, ISSN 1818-1139 (Print),ISSN 1996-1065 (Online) , June 2016, PP.No: 19-31. Scopus.
- K.Jairam Naik, A.Jagan & N.Satyanarayana”, A noval algorithm for fault tolerant job Scheduling and load balancing in grid computing environment”Ana le. Seria Informatică. Vol. XIII fasc. 2 – 2015, Annals. Computer Science Series. 13th Tome 2nd Fasc. – 2015, Anale. Seria Informatia. Vol. XIII fasc.2-2015 Annals. Computer Science Series. 13th Tome 2nd Fasc-2015. PP.No.55-64. ISSN:1583-7165(printed) ISSN: 2065-7471 (e-journal)
- “ A.Jagan”, An Efficient Method for Detection of Brain Tumor in MRI Images, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology(IJARCET), ISSN No: 2278-1323, Vol 3, PP.No. 679-682
- “K. Bhīma and A.Jagan”, Development of Robust Framework for Automatic Segmentation of Brain MRI Images. Smart Computing Techniques and Applications. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, vol 225. Springer, Singapore. ISBN978-981-16-0878-0. pp 517-524. 2021. Scopus.
- “A Jagan”, Heterogeneous Binary Image Thinning Algorithm, Metszet Journal. ISSN No: 2061-2710. Vol: 1, Issue:1. Page No. 304-309. DOI: 10.27896/METSZET8.1/27. Jan 2023. Scopus.
- “A Jagan”, An Iterative Based Image Thinning Algorithm for Binary Images. Gradiv Review Journal. ISSN No: 0363-8057. Vol: No. 9, Issue No 1. Page No. 836-845. DOI: 10.37897.GRJ.2022. Jan 2023. Scopus.
- “A Jagan, K. Bhima” Role of Accreditation and Ranking in Academic Institution Development. Metszet, ISSN No: 2061-2710, DOI: 10.27896/METSZET8.4/01. Vol. 8, Issue. 4, April 2023. Page No. 1-6. Scopus.
- “K Bhima, A. Jagan, K. Dasaradh Ramaiah”, Automatic-probabilistic-framework-detection-segmentation-tumor-brain-MRI-images. Book Chapter 21: Hybrid Computational Intelligent Systems. eBook ISBN. 9781003381167. Edition. 1st Edition. CRC Press. 2023. Pages. 18. - “A. Jagan, Naveen Kumar, B.Prasanth, B. Sathvik” E-Cart Shopping. Quaderns International Journal. ISSN No. 1383-5790. Volume. 11, Issue. 5, Page No. 362-367. DOI: 10.37897. Scopus.
- “A. Jagan, Ch. Sri Tejaswi, Ch. Navya Gayathri, Ch. Ganesh”, Hand Gestures Based Cursor Control. Quaderns International Journal. ISSN No. 1383-5790. Volume. 11, Issue. 5. Page No. 422-425. Scopus.
- “S.Kalaimagal & A.Jagan”, Six Sigma in Software Engineering: Turning a Dream into Reality” Proc. Of the Intel. Conf. on Advances in computer Science and Electronic Engineering- CSEE. ISBN: 978-981-07-5461-7 DOI: 10.3850/978-981-07-5461-7-16. PP.No. 76-80.
- “ A.Jagan”, A New Approach for Segmentation and Detection of Brain Tumor in 3D Brain MR Imaging, An International Conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology-ICECA 2018). IEEE Xpolre ISBN 978-1-5386-0965-1. Page No. 2156-2161. IEEE Xpolre Scopus Coimbatore Tamilnadu.
- “K.Bhima & A.Jagan” Novel Technique for Detection of Anomalies in Brain MR Images. International Conference on Frontiers of Intelligent Computing: Theory and Applications (FICTA-2016), Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 516,DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-3156-4_22@Springer.PP.No.219-26. Scopus Impact factor 0.56
- “K.Bhima & A.Jagan”, Analysis of MRI Based Brain Tumer Identification Using Segmentation Technique” International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing, April 6-8, 2016. 978-1-5090-0395-2/16$31.00@2016 IEEE. Scopus.
- “Bhīma & A.Jagan“, Analysis of Moment Algorithms for Blured Images, WiSPNET 2016(IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communication and Signal Processing and Networking) 978-1-4673-9338-6/16/$31.00@2016 IEEE. 2405-2411. Scopus.
- “K.Jairam Naik, A.Jagan & N.Satyanarayana” A motive-based heuristic balanced job scheduling algorithm for computational grids. CSI-2015, 50th Golden Jubilee Annual Convention on Digital life. Springer. DBLP,Scopus,EI,ACM Digital Library, Springer Link,Google Scholar,IO port, mathSciNet, Zentralblatt Math.
- “R.Krishna Naik & A.Jagan”, Requirements Engineering for Home Health Care Software Systems. International Conference on Research Advancements in Engineering, Science and Information Technology(ICRAESIT-2015) ISBN No. 978-93-85100-56-7. PP.No. 162-169. 15th & 16th December 2015.
- ”K.Jairam Naik, A.Jagan & N.Satyanarayana”, An Enhanced Mechanism for Balanced Job Scheduling Based on Dead Line Control in Computational Grid”, 2nd International Conference on Emerging Trends in Electrical, Communication Technology-2015.Vol 394 PP.No. 3-17. Scopus.
- “A.Ashok Kumar, Santosh & A.Jagan”, Two Layer Security for Data Storage in Cloud” 2015 1st International Conference on Futuristic Trend in Computational Analysis & Knowledge Management (ABLAZE 2015). ISSN No. 978-4799-8433-6/15@2015 IEEE.PP.No.471-474.
- K.Jairam Naik, A.Jagan & N.Satyanarayana, “A noval algorithm for fault tolerant job Scheduling and load balancing in grid computing environment”2015 International Conference on Green Computing and Internet of Things, ISBN. No. 978-1-4673-7910-6/15@2015IEEE, 1113-1118. Scopus.
- “Toby Lethby, Randy Whal and A.Jagan”, Spatial Data Analysis using Map Reduce Technique, International conference on Innovations in Computing and Communications, ISBN No: 978-93-82163-59-6.
- “K.Bhaskar Reddy & Dr.A.Jagan”, Secure Multi-Owner Data Sharing for Dynamic Groups in the Cloud” Recent Research Advancement in Information Technology, Page No.277-279.ISBN No:978-93-82163-73-2.
- “N.M.Deepika & Dr.A.Jagan”, Efficient Multideployment and Multisnapshotting on Cloudes” Recent Research Advancement in Information Technology, Page No.119-121.ISBN No:978-93-82163-73-2.
- “G.Amala & Dr.A.Jagan”, Virtual Hypercube Routing for Improving Data Transfer Rate and Quary Efficiency” National Conference on Research Treands in Computer Science and Technology (NCRTCST-2013).ISBN No: 978-81-923249-0-6, Vol-4.PP.No.239-242.
- “K.Bhima, T.Aruna Sri, K.Dasaradha Ramaiah and A.Jagan”, Exerting Spatial Join and KNN Queries on Spatial database. International Conference on Recent Advances in Computing and Software systems, 978-1-4673-0255-5/12@2012 IEEE explore digital library. PP.No 260-266. Scopus.
- “Rajender Dharavath, K. Bhima, K. Sri Vidya Shankari, A.Jagan”, Binary Tree Cluster Key Management Scheme for Heterogeneous Sensor Network. International conference on Digital Convergence ICDC 2011, Hyderabad, 978-1-4244-9325-8, 19-20, @IEEE. Vol 197, PP.No 64-77. Scopus 0.49. Hyderabad
- “A.Jagan, K.Ananda Kumar and V.Kamashi Prasad”, Rule-based Parallel Thinning Algorithm and its Performance Evaluation. International Conference on Digital Convergence ICDC 2011, Scopus, 978-1-4244-9325-8, 19-20, @IEEE. Chennai.
- “A.Jagna, K.Ananda Kumar and V.Kamashi Prasad”, An Order-Independent two-pass Parallel Algorithm for Image Thinning. Internal conference systemic Cybernetics and Informatics, ICSCI, Hyderabad.
- “A.Jagan”, Image Thinning Methodologies. International Conference Systemic Cybernetics, ICSCI 2009, Hyderabad, Jan 7-10, 2009.
- “A.Jagan”, Image Processing Using Singular Value Decomposition. National Conference on Communication Computing, Nov 28th-29th, 2008.
- “K.Bhima & A.Jagan”, An Efficient Method for Identification of Anomalies in Brain MR Images”, in the IEEE International Conference on Signal and Information Processing (IConSIP-2016), held in SGGSIE&T, Nanded, Maharastra, India during October 6th-7th, 2016. ISBN 978-3-319-46681-1. PP.No. 1-5. Scopus.
- “K.Jairam Naik, A.Jagan & N.Satyanarayana”, A noval algorithm for fault tolerant job Scheduling and load balancing in grid computing environment”2015 International Conference on Green Computing and Internet of Things, ISBN. No. 978-1-4673-7909-0, 1624-1629
- “A.Jagan”, A Contemporary Framework and Novel Method for Segmentation of Brain MRI. International Conference on ISMAC in Computational Vision and Bio-Engineering (ISMAC-CVB 2018). ISBN No. 978-3-030-00664-8. DOI. . Page.No. 739-747.
Springer Scopus Impact factor 0.83. Coimbatore Tamilnadu. - “K.Bhima & A.Jagan”, Contemporary Techniques for Detection of Brain Tumor in Fluid Attenuated Inversion Recovery MRI Images. 5th International Conference on SMART Computing and Informatic (SCI-2021). 17-18 Sep 2021.
- “K.Bhima & A. Jagan”, Automatic Probabilistic Frame Work for Detection and Segmentation of Tumor in Brain MRI Images. 2021 Sixth International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks (ICRCICN 2021). December 11th – 12, 2021.
- “K. Bhīma, M. Neelakantappa, K. Dasaradh Ramaiah, A. Jagan”, An OTP Framework for Fffective Tumor Segmentation and Analysis in Brain MRI Images. 2023 Third IEEE Sponsored International Conference on Advance in Electrical, Computing, Communications and Sustainable Technologies (ICAECT 2023) Date. 5th – 6th January 2023. Shri Shankaracharya Technical Campus (SSTC), Bhilai, Chattisgarh. IEEE Explore” – a digital library of IEEE indexed by Scopus.
- An Efficient and Automatic Framework for Segmentation and Analysis of Tumor Structure in Brain MRI Images. Springer 7th International Conference on Computer, Communication and Signal Processing is organized by SSN College of Engineering, Chennai, Tamilnadu. Springer IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology series indexed by Scopus. 5th January 2023.