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Dr. K. Subba Rao

Professor & PG Coordinator

Ph.D.: CSE, Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur, 2015.
M.Tech.: SE, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Ananatapur, 2004.
B.Tech.: CSE, Bapatla Engineering College, Bapatla, Acharya Nagarjuna University, 1999.

Teaching Experience: 23 Years
Research Experience: 15 years 6 months

Contact Number: +91 9177461453
BVRITN Employee ID: 795
JNTUH Registration ID: 0070-170110-094030
AICTE Registration ID: 1-3536730270

  1. Software Engineering
  2. Cloud Computing
  3. Network Security
  4. Image Processing
  • IFERP          
  • ACM
  • Life Membership for CSI
  • Life Membership for ISTE
  1. Dr.K.Subba Rao, T.Venkata Nagaraju Published a  Paper “ Unicode-driven Deep Learning Handwritten Telugu-to-English Character Recognition and Translation System” on International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication(Scopus Indexed Journal))in 2nd Nov 2023, ISSN:2321-8169, I.F:1.68,  Vol:11, Iss:10, Pg Nos: 344-359,DOI:, I.F:0.68
  2. Dr.K.Subba Rao, R.Venu Babu Published a  Paper “ Diabetic Retinopathy detection by Optimized deep learning model” on Multimedia Tools and Applications(SCI INDEXED  JOURNAL) submitted in Sep 2021, ISSN: 1380-7501 / 1573-7721, Vol : 82, Issue :5 on Feb  2023,I.F:2.57.
  3. Dr.K.Subba Rao Published a  Paper on  “Comparative Study of Satellite Multispectral Image Data Processing with Map Reduce and Classification Algorithm” International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology(IJCAT-InderScience) Vol:68 Iss:03 ISSN:0952-8091, Page Numbers:223-227(SCOPUS INDEXED Elsevier JOURNAL and Web of Science Indexed Journal) Accepted in the May2021, Published in the Aug,10,2022, IF:1.14, DOI:  10.1504/IJCAT.2022.10049748, DOI: 10.1504/ijcat.2022.124944
  4. Ch.V.Phanikrishna, Dr.K. Subba Rao, Published a Paper “Artificial Intelligence Methods to understand and improve Employee Experience” on Journal of Positive School Psychology(Scopus Indexed Journal) in April  4th, 2022, ISSN: 2717-7564 , I.F:0.6, Vol:06, No:04,Pg Nos:646-654
  5. S.rakesh,Dr.K.Subba Rao Published a Paper  “Developing a Network of Trading Platform Using Blockchain” on International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science(UGC Approved Journal) Vol:04, Iss:03 in Mar 25th, 2022, ISSN: 2582-5208, I.F:6.7, Pg No: 1425-1433
  6. Dr.K.Subba Rao Published a  International Journal on  “Software Defect Prediction to Improve Software Quality using Machine Learning Approach” Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitaion(TJPH) Vol:32 Iss:3 ISSN:2651-4451, Page Numbers:6916-6922 (SCOPUS INDEXED  JOURNAL and Web of Science Indexed Journal) in June  2021, IF:0.308, Link:
  7. P.Sirisha,Dr.K.Subba Rao Published a  International Journal on  “ Improved Quality of Service based cloud-service ranking and recommendation model ” International Journal of TELKOMNIKA Telecpmmunication,Computing,Elecrtonics and Control Vol:18 Iss:03 ISSN:1693-6930, Page Numbers:1252-1258(SCOPUS INDEXED JOURNAL) in June 2020, IF:1.02
  8. P.Sirisha,Dr.K.Subba Rao Published a  International Journal on  “ A Hybrid Self-Adaptive PSO and QOS based Machine Learning Model for Cloud Service Data” International Journal of TEST Engineering and Management, Vol:83 Iss: ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 23736 – 23748(SCOPUS INDEXED JOURNAL) May-June 2020, I.F:0.01,
  9. P.Sirisha,Dr.K.Subba Rao Published a  International Journal on  “Optimization model for QoS based task scheduling in cloud computing environment” Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science(IJEECS), Vol:18,Iss:2,P-ISSN:2502-4752,E-ISSN:2502-4760,PP:1081-1088(SCOPUS INDEXED JOURNAL) on May 2020 .I.F:0.24
  10. P.Sirisha,Dr.K.Subba Rao Published a  International Journal on  “ A Hybrid PSO Based task Selection and Recommended System for Cloud data” International Journal of TEST Engineering and Management, Vol: 83 Iss: ISSN:0193-4120, Page Numbers:10210-10217(SCOPUS INDEXED JOURNAL) in Mar-April 2020, I.F:0.01
  11. Dr.K.Subba Rao Published a international Journal on” Literature Review on Software Reliability and Software Quality Prediction” International Journal of Computer and Techniques(IJCT)Vol:6 Issue: 6,ISSN -2394-2231,Dec 2019( UGC Approved Journal).I.F:6.71
  12. M.Suresh Kumar,Dr.K.Subba Rao Published a international Journal on” Improvement of Software Reliability Research Using a Systematic Review ” International Journal of Computer and Techniques(IJCT)Vol:6 Issue: 4,ISSN -2394-2231,July 2019( UGC Approved Journal).I.F:6.71
  13. K.Jagan, Dr.K.Subba Rao Published a international Journal on” Evaluation of reliability for component based software using scenario based approach”International Journal of Engineering and Techniques(IJET)Vol:5 Issue: 2,ISSN No: 2395-1303, Mar 2019( UGC Approved Journal).I.F:6.088
  14. M.Suresh Kumar,Dr.K.Subba Rao Published a international Journal on” Evaluation Technology of Software Reliability By using the BP Neural Network” International Journal of Engineering and Techniques(IJET)Vol:5 Issue: 1, ISSN No: 2395-1303, Feb 2019( UGC Approved Journal), I.F:6.088
  15. M.Suresh Kumar, Dr.K.Subba Rao Published a international Journal on” Improve the Reliability and Quality of Software by Using Software Metrics” International Journal of Current Engineering Scientific Research  (IJCESR), Vol:5 Issue: 11,ISSN No: 2394-0697(Online), 2393-8374(Print), Nov,2018( UGC Approved Journal). I.F:0.695
  16. Dr.K.Subba Rao Published a international Journal on “ Evaluate the Required level of Software Reliability Using Reliability Prediction”  International Journal of Innovative Research inTechnology(IJIRT) Vol:5 Issue:3 , ISSN : 2349-6002 ,Aug 2018( UGC Approved Journal). I.F:5.86
  17. Dr.K.Subba Rao Published a international Journal on “Improve The Software Reliability Using Software Reliability Growth Models and Reliability Activities” International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology(IJIRT) Vol:5 Issue:1 , ISSN : 2349-6002 ,June 2018( UGC Approved Journal). I.F:5.86
  18. Ch.Priyanka, Dr.K.Subba Rao Published a international Journal on “ Centralized Clustering Model for Large Scale Wireless Sensor Networks” in International Journal of Current Engineering And Scientific Research (IJCESR), Volume-5, Issue-6, ISSN(Online):2394-0697,ISSN(Print):2393-8374,June,2018(UGC Approved Journal), I.F:0.695
  19. A.Ramakrishna, Dr.K.Subba Rao Published a international Journal on “Access-Based Proactive Hybrid Routing Protocol for Hybrid Wireless Mesh Network” International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology(IJIRT)Vol:5 Issue:1 , ISSN : 2349-6002 ,June 2018( UGC Approved Journal), I.F:5.86
  20. A.Ramkrishna,Dr.K.Subba Rao Published a international Journal on “Comparision of Proactive and Reactive Multicasting Routing Protocols in the Wireless Mesh Networks”  Global Research and DevelopmentJournals(GRDJ),Vol:3 Issue:6 , e-ISSN : 2455-5703 ,May 2018( UGC Approved Journal), I.F:2.018
  21. A.Ramakrishna, Dr.K.Subba Rao Published a international Journal on” Develop the Multi-hop Routing Metric in Wireless Mesh Networks”  International Journal of  Current Engineering Scientific Research  (IJCESR), Vol:5 Issue: 4,ISSN No: 2394-0697(Online), 2393-8374(Print), April 2018( UGC Approved Journal),I.F:0.695
  22. Puli Nageswara Rao,Dr.K.Subba Rao Published a international Journal on” Develop the Software Reliability using Software Reliability Improving Techniques” International Journal of Current Engineering Scientific Research  (IJCESR), Vol:5 Issue: 4,ISSN No: 2394-0697(Online), 2393-8374(Print), April 2018( UGC Approved Journal). I.F:0.695
  23. A.Ramakrishna, Dr.K.Subba Rao Published a international Journal on” Awareness of Wireless Mesh Networks using Routing Metrics ” International Journal of Engineering Science AND Research Technology(IJESRT), Vol:7  Issue:3 ,ISSN No:2277-9655, Mar 2018( UGC Approved Journal), I.F:0.786
  24. P.Sirisha, Dr.K.Subba Rao Published a International Journal on” Quality of Service in Cloud Environment” International Journal of Innovative Research  in Technology (IJIRT).Vol: 4    ,Issue:10   ISSN:  2349-6002,Mar 2018(Open access Peer-Reviewed Journal).I.F:5.8
  25. Puli Nageswararao, Dr.K.Subba Rao Published a international Journal on” Improvement in the Software reliability by using the Software Reliability Characteristic Model and Measures of Defect Control ” International Journal of Engineering Science AND Research Technology(IJESRT), Vol: 7 Issue: 3,ISSN No: 2277-9655, Mar 2018( UGC Approved Journal).PP;374-378, I.F:0.786                                                                                       
  26. A.Leela Krishna Reddy, Dr.K.Subba Rao Published a international Journal on”Awareness the Analysis on Software Design and Its Partners Relations” International Journal of Engineering Science AND Research Technology(IJESRT), Vol: 7 Issue: 2 ISSN No: 2277-9655, Feb 2018( UGC Approved Journal).I.F:5.164,PP:272-277
  27. A.Leela Krishna Reddy, Dr.K.Subba Rao Published a international Journal on”An Analysis of Software Industry and Its Partners Relations ” International Journal of Current Engineering Scientific Research (IJCESR), Vol:5 Issue: 2 ISSN No: 2393-8374, Feb 2018( UGC Approved Journal).I.F:0.73,PP:10-14, I.F:0.695
  28. J.Chandra Sekhar,Dr.K.Subba Rao Published a international Journal on” An Empirical Study: Text Classification Algorithms” International Journal of Engineering Science AND Research Technology(IJESRT), Vol: 7 Issue: 2,ISSN No: 2277-9655, Feb 2018( UGC Approved Journal).I.F:5.164,PP:175-180, I.F:0.786
  29. P.Sireesha, Dr.K.Subba Rao Published a International Journal on” Efficient Hybrid QOS Driven Task Scheduling Algorithm in Cloud Computing Using A ToolKit: Cloudsim” Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems( (JARDCS), Vol:9,Sp Issue:12, ISSN No:1943-023X, PPNumbers:1270-1283,Published in January,2018-SCOPUS INDEXED JOURNAL, I.F:0.114
  30. Dr.K.Subba Rao Published a International Journal on” Minimizing cost, Maintenance requirements, Maximizing extendibility and  Usability of  Software architecture  by using the Software Key Design  principles ”  International Journal Scientific Research Research in Engineering (IJSRE), Vol-1,Issue-9,  Page No’s:1-7,  ISSN:2322-4983, Oct 2017(Open access Peer-Reviewed Journal), I.F:3.27
  31. Dr.K.Subba Rao Published a International Journal on” Designing the Software Architecture by using the Key Architecture principles”  International Journal Scientific Research Research in Engineering (IJSRE), Vol-1,Issue-8,  Page No’s:1-6, ISSN:2322-4983, Sep 2017(Open access Peer-Reviewed Journal), I.F:3.27
  32. Dr.K.Subba Rao Published a International Journal on” Awareness the Lack of the Importance of Architectural Design to Software Development Using Software Architecture Design Process” International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering(IJSRE),Vol-1,Issue-7,  Page No’s:1-5, ISSN:2322-4983, July 2017(Open access Peer-Reviewed Journal).I.F:3.27
  33. Dr.K.Subba Rao Published a International Journal on” Understand the Lack of role of software architect Using Software Architecture Expertise Areas” International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering(IJSRE),Vol-1,Issue-6, Page No’s:1-4, ISSN:2322-4983, June 2017(Open access Peer-Reviewed Journal) I.F:3.27
  34. Dr.K.Subba Rao Published a International Journal on” Research Study on Quality of Software Product by using the Software Quality Assurance (SQA) and Hybrid Re-Engineering” International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering(IJSRE),Vol-1,Issue-5, Page No’s:1-6, May 2017(Open access Peer-Reviewed Journal), I.F:3.27
  35. Dr.K.Subba Rao Published a International Journal on” Develop the quality of software product in the lack of domain knowledge by using software quality testing” International Journal of Sciences & Applied Research(IJSAR),Vol-4,Issue-5, ISSN NO:2394-2401 (Online). ISSN NO:2394-384X (Print)Page No’s:54-56, May 2017(Open access Peer-Reviewed Journal) I.F:4.6
  36. Dr.K.Subba Rao, Published a International Journal on” Prioritizing software components for realistic reuse” International Journal of Sciences & Applied Research(IJSAR),Vol-4,Issue-5, ISSN NO:2394-2401 (Online). ISSN NO:2394-384X (Print)Page No’s:39-45, May 2017(Open access Peer-Reviewed Journal), I.F:4.6
  37. P.Sireesha,Dr.K.Subba Rao, Published a International Journal on” Quality of Service Based Task Scheduling Algorithms in Cloud Computing” International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering(IJECE),   Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 1088-1095, ISSN: 2088-8708, April 2017- SCOPUS INDEXED- JOURNAL I.F:0.2, Citations:7, H-Index:1, I.F:0.2
  38. Dr.K.Subba Rao, Published a International Journal on” Make the Quality of Software Product in the view of poor Practices by using Software Quality Management” Journal for Research(J4R) ,Vol-3,Issue-1,ISSN No:2395-7549,Page No’s:86-87,March 2017(Open access Peer-Reviewed Journal), I.F:5.04
  39. Rohit Rosan.D, Dr.K.Subba Rao Published a International Journal on”Least Mean Difference Round Robin(LMDRR)CPU Scheduling Algorithm” Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology (JATIT), ISSN: 1992-8645,Vol.88, No.1,Page Numbers:51-56, 10thJun 2016 -SCOPUS INDEXED  JOURNAL .IF: 0.67
  40. Rohit Rosan.D, Dr.K.Subba Rao Published a International Journal on” Intranet Design Strategies”International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE),Vol:6, Issue No:3, pp. 936 ~ 944, ISSN: 2088-8708, Jun 2016 – SCOPUS INDEXED JOURNAL IF:0.2
  41. Prapulla Devi.K, Dr.K.Subba Rao Published a International Journal on” A Secure and Privacy Aware and Establishing Distributed Services Across Inter Cloud Communication ” INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICAL IDEAS (IJCMI) ,vol:11-1, ISSN: 0974-8652, Page No :70010 to 70015, Mar-April 2016, I.F:5.0
  42. Chandra Mounika .P,Dr.K .Subba Rao Published a International Journal on”An Impulsive Wireless Adhoc Network for Secured Protocol ”International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering(IJARCCE),Vol. 4, Issue 6, ISSN (Online) 2278-1021,ISSN (Print) 2319-5940 ,page numbers:293-295,June 2015, I.F:0.564
  43. Y,Priyanka, Dr.K.Subba Rao Published a International Journal on” A Dispersed Mobile Q&A Coordination Rooted In Set of Connections ” International Journal of Research in Computer and Communication Technology(IJRCCT), Vol 4, Issue 5, ISSN (Online) 2278- 5841 ISSN (Print) 2320- 5156 May- 2015, I.F:5.21 .
  44. S. Sri Pujitha,K.Subba Rao,Published a International Journal on” Energy Efficient and Secure, Trusted framework for Wireless Sensor Networks” International Journal of Emerging Technology in Computer Science & Electronics (IJETCSE) ISSN: 0976-1353,Volume 9 Issue 1 –JULY 2014, I.F:0.352
  45.  K.Sreenivasa Reddy,K.Subba Rao,Published a International Journal on” Reversible Data Hiding in Distributed source coding using syndromes” International Journal of Research in Information Technology(IJRIT),ISSN:2001-5569,Volume 1, Issue 7, July 2014, Pg. 408-413
  46. Ch.Anjani kumar, K.Subba Rao, published a International Journal on “Usage of Multiple Clouds to increase Security in Cloud Computing”, International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering( IJCSE), E-ISSN:2347-2693, Vol 2 Issue 5, May 2014, Page numbers:123-125, I.F:0.98
  47. K.Subba Rao,Dr.L.S.S Reddy, published a International Journal on “Efficient Software Cost Estimation Using Partitioning Techniques”, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181, Vol. 2 Issue 11, November – 2013, Page numbers:3899-3932, I.F:7.87
  48. K.Subba Rao,Dr.L.S.S Reddy published a International Journal on “Software Cost Estimation in Multilayer Feed forward Network using Random Holdback Method”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering(IJARCSSE) Volume 3, Issue 10, October 2013, ISSN: 2277-128X, Page numbers:1309-1328, I.F:2.5
  49. K.Subba Rao,Dr L.S.S Reddy Published a International Journal on “Measurement Model of Software Quality in User’s Perception” International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology(IJRET) Vol:2,Issue:9,ISSN:2319-1163,2321-7308,Page Numbers:567-572,Sept 2013.
  50. P.Babul Saheb, K.Subba Rao Published a International Journal on “Performance Evaluation of Dynamic Fuzzy Voter Used In Safety Critical Systems” International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science(IJEACS) Vol:2,Issue:8,ISSN:2319-7242,2649-2658,Aug 2013.
  51. K.Subba Rao,P.Babul Saheb,Dr L.S.S Reddy Published a International Journal on “Reuse of Software in Distributed System Components” International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology Research(IJSETR) Vol:2,Issue:8,ISSN:2319-8885,663-667,August 2013, I.F:0.786
  52. P.Babul Shaheb,K. Subba Rao, Dr.S.Phani kumar Published a International Journal on “ A Survey on Voting Algorithms Used in Safety Critical Systems” International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science(IJECS) Vol:2,Issue:7,ISSN:2319-7242,2272-2279,July 2013, I.F:0.564
  53. K.Subba Rao S.Naga Mani, M.Santhosi, Dr.L.S.S.Reddy published International Journal on “Developing Reusable Software Components For Distributed Embedded Systems” International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology(IJRET) vol:1 Issue:2, 297-301 IJRET Nov, 2012.
  54. K.Lavanya,K.Subba Rao, National journal on “An efficient technique for IRIS Recognition based on ENI Features” i-managers journal on information technology Volume-1.No-2, Page Nos:21-26, ISSN:2277-5110, March – May 2012, IF: 2.726,
  55. Y.Prasanth,K.Subba Rao, Dr.L.S.S.Reddy Published a International Journal on “Using UML for Automatic Test Generation” Oriental Journal of Computer Science and Technology, Vol. 1 No.2 Page Nos:107-116 ISSN : 0974-6471 Online ISSN : 2320-8481, Dec 25, 2008.
  1. Dr.K.Subba Rao, Nagulapati Kiran Published a  Paper  “ Detection of early fault in power electronic converters through machine learning and  deep learning techniques “ on ICAIS-2023(International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Energy) to be held in at JCT College of Engineering and Technology,Tamilnadu, ,Accepted on  Jan 18th  ,2023(IEEE Explore Publication), held on during 2-4, February, 2023 
  2. Dr.K.Subba Rao, Dr.P.Sirisha Published a Paper “Classification of Fruit Essential Oils Using Machine Learning Practices “ on ICCIC(International Conference on Cognitive & Intelligent Computing-2022) at Vasavi College of Engineering, Hyderabad ,Accepted on  Dec 8th  ,2022 held on 27-12-2022 and 28-12-2022 (Springer Publication)
  3. Dr.K.Subba Rao, M.Mahesh Kumar Published a Paper  “Analyzing Student Performance   in Programming Education Using Classification Techniques” on ASSIC(Advancements in Smart, Secure & Intelligent Computing)-2022 at KIIT(Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology)-Deemed to be University Campus, Bhubaneswar, India,  Accepted on  Sep, 17th ,2022 held on 19-11-2022 and 20-11-2022 (IEEE Explore Publication)
  4. Dr.K.Subba Rao, R.Venu Babu Published a Paper on a “An AI Enabled IoT model to Automate shrimp culture” in the International Conferences on Advances in  Signal Processing Communications and Computational Intelligence(ASCCI)-Publication Partner is American Institute of Physics,Indexed in Scopus and Web of Science, ISSN No:2158-3226,Organized by CMR Technical Campus, Hyderabad held on July 23-24, 2021, Accepted on July 11,2021. .*
  5. Sirisha.P, Dr.K.Subba Rao Published a Paper on a “Simulation of QoS Based Task Scheduling Policy for Dependent and Independent Tasks in a Cloud Environment” International Conference on  Smart Intelligent Computing & Applications  (SCI 2018-19)  Organized by  by KIIT, Bhubaneswar on 21-22, Dec , 2018,Vol:159,ISSN:2190-3018,ISSN:2190-3026(electronic)ISBN:978-981-13-9281-8, ISBN:978-981-13-9282-5(eBook),Springer Nature Singapur Pvt Ltd Jan,2020,(Smart  Innovation,Systems and Technologies 159),PP:515-525, ISBN: 978-981-13-9281-8
  6. Dr.K.Subba Rao, M.Suresh Kumar Published a Paper on   “ The Estimation of the Reliability of the Software by Using the Evaluation Techniques” for ICRTA Conference with IFERP at VVIT,Gunter on 15&16, November 2018 in  the International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)Scoped Indexed Journal  ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-8, Issue-3S, February 2019,PP:267-270, I .F: 5.97.
  7. T.Mahesh,Dr.K.Subba Rao Published a Paper On ” Survey on Cost-aware of test suite reduction for software testing “  in the  International Journal of Advanced Research in Science and Engineering(IJARSE), vol:06,Iss:11, ISSN:2319-8354,Pages:1055-1060 on Nov 2017) – UGC Approved Journals List“ IEEE International Conference  on Recent Trends in Engineering, Science and Management (ICRTESM-17)  Sponsored by Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers(IETE), Osmania University Campus, Hyderabad, India, Nov 2017, ISBN: 978-93-86171-79-5 Paper Id: 3167

Dr.P.Sirisha(15303169) Completed on 07-07-2021 from K L University,Vijayawada.

Domain: Cloud Computing, Title: Efficient Self-Adaptive PSO and QoS Based Machine Learning Model for Cloud Service Data

  1. Dr.K.Subba Rao, Dr.P.Sirisha Published a  Paper  “Classification of Fruit Essential Oils Using Machine Learning Practices “ on ICCIC(International Conference on Cognitive & Intelligent Computing-2022) at Vasavi College of Engineering, Hyderabad ,Accepted on  Dec 8th  ,2022 held on 27-12-2022 and 28-12-2022 (Springer Publication), Published on 27, September 2023, DOI:, Publisher Name:Springer, Singapore, Online ISBN:978-981-99-2742-5, Vol:01, Pages:159-165
  2. Dr. Sirisha.P, Dr.K.Subba Rao  Publish a Chapter on a Fuzzy based edge AI approach  Smart transmission  of healthcare for better tomorrow “ Published in the Book “ Fuzzy Computing in the Data Science Applications and Challenges ”, In the Series: Sustainable Computing and Optimization, Copyright: 2022   Expected Pub Date:01/11/2022, ISBN: 9781119864929  |  Hardcover, |Publishers: Scrivener Publishing, 100 Cummings Ctr, Ste 541J, Beverly, Massachusetts, 01915, United States
  3. Dr.K.Subba Rao, Dr.P.Sirisha Published a Paper on aGPS Based Route Choice Model for Smart Transportation System: Bringing Intelligence into Vehicular Cloud” in the International Conference on Machine Intelligence and Data Science applications(MIDAS 2021) Organized by Dept of CSE, Cumilla University, Cumilla, Bangadesh on Dec 26 to 27, 2021 Part of the Lecture Note on Data Engineering and Communications Technology(LNDECT)Book Series, Springer, Singapore, ,Published in the Aug 2, 2022, Volume:132, Page Numbers: 865-878, ISSN 2367-4512 ISSN: 2367-4520 (electronic) Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies ISBN: 978-981-19-2346-3 ISBN 978-981-19-2347-0 (eBook)
  4. Sirisha.P, Dr.K.Subba Rao Published  a Chapter on a “Quality of service   based    cloud models  in Manufacturing Process Automation(Chapter Title)  ” International Conference on Innovations in Computer Science & Engineering(ICICSE-2017) Sponsored  by GNIT Campus ,Ibrahimpatnam, Hyd  in the Springer is published on May, 2018.  Springer book “Innovations in Computer Science and Engineering” has just been published.Part of the Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems book series (LNNS, volume 32),   DOI:, Print ISBN:978-981-10-8200-9,Online ISBN:978-981-10-8201-6, Publisher Name:Springer, Singapore, eBook Packages:Engineering.Book Title: Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, PP:231-240

P.Sireesha, Dr.K.Subba Rao Published a Book on “ Cloud Security Techniques and Applications” Published in the series of “Smart Computing Applications”ISBN No:978-3-11-073750-9 and   the Publisher is “Walter de Gruyter GmbH Genthiner Str:13, 10785, Berlin, Germany. Approved Date is 20-11-2020.Published date is 19-07-2021. Lua Albano(Editorial Assistant STEM).Library of Congress Control Number: 2021939885. PP: 1-192

  1. Achieved a “ Savitri bhai Phule Best Researcher Award ” for outstanding service in research , Organized by KJEI’s Trinity College of Engineering and Research, Pune association with Institute for Social Reforms and Heigher Education Charitable Trust,Uttar Pradesh, India on 17th Dec, 2022
  2. Achieved a “ Global Eminent Researcher Award ” for outstanding service in research , Organized by Viji Trust, Thirunindravur , Tamilanadu India on 15th May, 2022
  3. Got 2nd Prize(RUNNER) in the 5K RUN on the Mar 12th,2022 at BVRIT, Narsapur.
  4. Achieved a “ Outstanding Scientist Award ” in International Scientist Awards 2021 on Engineering, Science and Medicine for Outstanding contribution in Research, Organized by VDGOOD Technology Factory at Coimbatore, Chennai, India on 10th -11th,Sep 2021.
  5. Participated in the 2K RUN in the View of Fit India Freedom Run 2.0@Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav – India @75 on the Aug 15th,2021 at BVRIT, Narsapur.
  6. Achieved a “Life Time Achievement Award for Innovations in Research” EMG-SSM Trust Global Academic Awards-2020 for Outstanding contribution in Research at New Perungalathur, Nagappa Nagar, Chromepet, Chennai on Feb 21th,2021.
  7. Achieved a “Educationlist-Professional Award” for Outstanding contribution in Specialization & Continued association with Professional-Educational Initiatives at Malaysia on Mar 11th,2020.
  8. Achieved a “Honourable -Editorial Board Member Award-Consulting Editor recognized by Innovative Scientific Research Professional Malaysia,International Convention of Innovative Scientific  research strategies 2019-2020 at Malaysia on Mar 11th,2020.
  9. Achieved a “Professional Membership from the IFERP(Institute for Engineering and Research Publication” Membership Id No:PM05876142 at Chennai on 31/12/2019.
  10. Achieved a” Most Promising Researcher Award” in the International Award Conference on Research, Analyze, Communicate and Evaluate (RACE- 2019′ Bangkok) for Excellent Research Contribution in the 2019 From International Award Conference-IARDO  with KU Home, Kasetsart University, Chatuchak, and held at Bangkok, Thailand on 10th Feb
  11. Achieved a” International Research Excellence Award 2018” for Excellent Research Contribution in the 2018 From International Award Conference-IARDO held at Goa, on 18th October
  12. Got 2nd Prize(RUNNER) in the 5K RUN on the Feb 24th,2018 at BVRIT, Narsapur.
  13. Guiding as “Research Supervisor” for Ph.D(CSE) Students From Feb 2016 in K L University, Guntur.
  14. Achieved a “Best Teacher” Award by the students in the It Department for the   Academic Year 2014-2015 at LBRCE, Mylavaram
  15. Selected as a ”Lecturer” in Debre Berhan University ,Addis Ababa, Ehiopia, South Africa,September 2011.
  16. Visiting Faculty Member of A.N.U for M.Tech(CSE) Students during the 2006-2008.
  17. Got 51 Rank in ANURESET(Ph.D Entrance Exam) in the 2003-2004 in the ANU, Guntur,AP.
  18. Got Winners in the Cricket Match in the College day Celebrations at KLCE ,2003-2004.
  1. Got 41 Rank in PGCET-M.Tech(SE) in 2001-2002,AP.
  2. Veligandla Mondal First in 7th class, Kanigiri,Prakasam(Dt) in 1989.
  • Dr.K.Subba Rao Granted a Patent on “ Integrated Wireless Projector and Camcorder. Application Number-6299363, Filing Date-27-07-2023 – UK Patent Office, Publication and Grant Date:08-08-2023,Intellectural Property Office  UG+Indian Design, Design Application Number:6299363 -CSE

    .Dr.K.Subba Rao Granted a Patent on “ Wireless Charging Touch Operated Biometric POS Device. New Application Filed, Application Number-382172-001,Application Ref Number-38217-001,Filing Date-23-03-2023, Design Grant Patent,Indian Patent Office, Publication Date:27-06-2023-CSE

    . Dr.K.Subba Rao Published a Patent on “ Smart and Compact Foldable Storage System . New Application Filed, Application Number-202341020183,Application Ref Number-, 202341020183,Filing Date-22-03-2023 -Indian Patent Office, Publication Date:31-03-2023-Mechanical

    . Dr.K.Subba Rao Published a Patent on “A Smart System and Method for Remote and Precise Multiaxial Alignments in Vertical Display Mounts. New Application Filed, Application Number-202241074996,Application Ref Number-202241074996, Filing Date-23-12-2022 -Indian Patent Office, Publication Date:30-12-2022-Electrical

    . Dr.K.Subba Rao Granted a Patent on “ Dual Mode Escape Mouse for Computing Devices. Application Number-6248628, Filing Date-08-12-2022 – UK Patent Office, Publication and Grant Date:16-12-2022,Intellectural Property Office  UG Design, Design Application Number:6248628 -CSE

    . Dr.K.Subba Rao Published a Patent on “A Smart Navigative Eyewear for Visually Challenged and System Thereof . New Application Filed, Application Number-202241043851,Application Ref Number-202241043851, Filing Date-01-08-2022 -Indian Patent Office, Publication Date:19-08-2022-Physics

    . Dr.K.Subba Rao Published a Patent on “ An Intelligent Modulator-Demodulator Device and System to Hinder Illicit Connections” New Application Filed, Application Number-202241037683, Application Ref Number-,202241037683 Filing Date-30/06/2022 -Indian Patent Office, Publication Date:08-07-2022-ECE

    .Dr.K.Subba Rao, Ch.Rajya Lakshmi  Published a Patent on “A decentralized Privacy-preserving Multi-Instance Iris Authentication Device (DPMIAD)”.New Application Filed, Application Number-202141019089, Application Ref Number-202141019089, Filing Date-26-04-2021 -Indian Patent Office, Publication Date:07-05-2021-CSE
  1. Achieved as NPTEL  “ Elite ” Certificate on “Software Conceptual Design(4Weeks) Course” in the Jan-April 2022,Conducted by IIT Kharagpur
  2. Achieved as NPTEL “Successfully  Completed” Certificate on “Object Oriented analysis and Design(8 Weeks) Course” in the July-Dec 2020,Conducted by IIT Kharagpur
  3. Achieved as NPTEL Online Provisional Certificate of “ Cloud Computing(8 Weeks) Course” with Assignment Score is 90% and No of Credits are :02 in(Jan-Mar 2020) Conducted by IIT Kharagpur
  4. Achieved as NPTEL Online Provisional Certificate of “ Software Testing(4 Weeks) Course “with Assignment Score is 80% and No of Credits are :01 in(Jan-Mar 2020) Conducted by IIT Kharagpur
  5. Achieved as “Successfully Completed Online Course Certificate” on  “DevOps Application Lifecycle Management-Revised( SE Course )”  in the 26th,April 2020, Conducted by Alison Online Course, Ireland. Percentage:84%
  6. Achieved as “Successfully Completed Online Course Certificate” on  “Introduction to DevOps-Revised( SE Course )”  in the 16th,April 2020, Conducted by Alison Online Course, Ireland.Percentage:92%
  7. Achieved as NPTEL “Successfully  Completed” Certificate on “ Software Engineering(12 Weeks) Course “  in the July-Nov 2019,Conducted by IIT Kharagpur
  1. Participated in Five Days  Faculty Development Program on “ Trends and Challenges in the Development of Electric Vehicles and Hybrid Electric Vehicles(Series-I)”Organized by  Department of Mechanical Engineering, Lendi Institute of Engineering & Technology, Vizianagaram, Andhra Pradesh from 14-11-2022 to 18-11-2022.
  2. Participated in Five Days Faculty Development Program on “ Trends and Challenges in the Development of Electric Vehicles and Hybrid Electric Vehicles(Series-II)”Organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, Lendi Institute of Engineering & Technology, Vizianagaram, Andhra Pradesh from 26-09-2022 to 30-09-2022.
  3. Participated in Six Days Faculty Development Program on “ Amazon Web Services” Organized by Department of Electrical, Electronics and Communication Engineering, School of Technology, GITAM (Deemed to be University), Hyderabad in collaboration with BrainOVision Solutions India Pvt.Ltd & All India Council For Technical Education (AICTE) from 22-08-2022 to27-08-2022.
  4. Participated in Six Days Faculty Development Program on “ Artificial Intelligence and Data Science”Organized by Aditya College of Engineering, Madanpalle, Chittor(District), Andhra Pradesh from 11-07-2022 to16-07-2022.
  5. Participated in Six Days Faculty Development Program on “Recent Advancements and Applications of Data Science”Organized by  Paavai  Engineering College, in association with The Institution of Engineers(India), Namakkal, Tamilanadu from 27-06-2022 to 02-07-2022.
  6. Participated in One Week Faculty Development Program on “Emerging Trends in Artificial Intelligence and Introduction to AI/ML-Mapped to AICTE/JNTU Syllabus”Organized by Bhimavaram Institute of Engineering & Technology and Blackbuck Engineers Pvt.Ltd. It is  Education Organization focusing on Professional  Services related to establishing COEs  in Emerging Technologies  from 25-05-2022 to 31-05-2022.
  7. Participated in One day Faculty Development Program on “ Teaching and Learning in Heigher and Professional Education-The Challenges and Opprtunities”Organized by Institute for Engineering Research and Publication, Chennai  on 18-04-2022
  8. Participated in workshop on” Entrepreneurship Skill, Attitude and Behaviour Development held on 19th Feb 2022”organized by Dept of IT, B V Raju Institute of Technology on 19-02-2022.
  9. Participated in 6 days Online Faculty Development Program on “Multi Technologies”Organized by Dept of E&TC Engineering, AISSMS Institute of Information Technology, Pune in Association with National Youth Council of India & Brainovision Solutions India, Pvt Ltd and IETE, Pune Section from 28-06-2021 to 03-07-2021
  10. Participated in 5 days Online Faculty Development Program on “Soft Computing, Machine Learning and Applications”Organized by Dept of IT, Lakireddy Balireddy College of Engineering, Mylavaram from 24-06-2021 to 29-06-2021
  11. Participated in 5 days  Online Faculty Development Program on “Advancements in Data Analytics using Informatica”Organized by Dept of CSE, Vignan Institute of Technology for Women, Visakapattanam from 21-06-2021 to 25-06-2021
  12. Participated in 5 days Online Faculty Development Program on “Applications of Machine Learning”Organized by Dept of CSE, SVEC Bheemavaram from 15-06-2021 to 19-06-2021
  13. Participated in 3 days Online Faculty Development Program on “IPR & Fundamentals of Patent Filing-Prosecution”Organized by Dept of IT,BVRIT from 08-06-2021 to 10-06-2021
  14. Participated in 6 days AICTE Sponsored online  STTP  on “Embedding Soft Skills in Technical Education-its Impact and Effectiveness on Employability” Organized by Dept of Instrumentation and Control Engineering, GRG Polytechnic College,, from 14-12-2020 to 19-12-2020-Phase-III(online).
  15. Participated in 7 days AICTE-ISTE Sponsered Induction/Refresher Program  on “ Machine Learning & IOT Applications”Organized by Dept of CSE, Sri Indu College of  Engineering  & Technology from 08-12-2020 to 14-12-2020.
  16. Participated in 6 days AICTE Sponsored online  STTP under AQIS  on “ Recent Trends in Internet of Things”Organized by Dept of CSE, Anurag Engineering College, Kodad  from 23-11-2020 to 28-11-2020.
  17. Participated in one day  Deccan Dialogue-2020 conference on “Crisis and Cooperation:Imperatives in times of the Pandemic”Organized by Indian School of Business Ministry of External Affairs , Government of India, on 16-11-2020 .
  18. Participated in Two weeks  TEQIP-III Online International   Faculty Development Program on“Multidisciplinary Research Innovation in Engineering, Science and Technology for Sustainable Development”Organized by Dept of CSE, BIPIN TRIPATHI KUMAON INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY,  Dwarahat Almora, India from 26-10-2020 to 07-11-2020.
  19. Participated in 6 days Online International AICTE STTP  Faculty Development Program on “Cyber Security and Block Chain Technologies”Organized by Dept of CSE, Gurunanak  Institutions  Technical Campus from 26-10-2020 to 31-10-2020.
  20. Participated in 6 days Online International AICTE  STTP  Faculty Development Program on “IOT Based Green Energy Systems”Organized by Dept of CSE,BVRIT, Narasapur, from 14-09-2020 to 19-09-2020.
  21. Participated in 50 hours/15 days Online International Faculty Development Program on “Data Science and Its Applications in STEM(Under TEQIP-3) conducted by AU College of Engineering, AU and JNTUK Viziayanagaram, in association with Andhra Pradesh State Counsil of Education(APSCHE) held from  07-09-2020 to 21-09-2020.
  22. Participated in 6 days Online International Faculty Development Program on “AI using Python” Organized by BrainOvision Solutions India Pvt.Ltd. & National Youth Council of India held from 14-09-2020 to 19-09-2020.
  23. Participated in 5 days Online International  Faculty Development Program on “ International e-Seminar on Recent Research in Mathematics(ISSRM-2020), Organized by Dept of Mathematics, School of Sciences, GITAM, Bangalore, from 11-09-2020 to 15-09-2020.
  24. Participated in 5 days Online International  Faculty Development Program on “ Cyber Security in Practical AspectsOrganized by Dept of CSE, Vasavi Engineering College,Hyderabad,  in association with Indian Servers from 01-09-2020 to 05-09-2020.
  25. Participated in 6 days Online International Faculty Development Program on “ Emerging Trends  &Technologies in Data ScienceOrganized by Dept of CSE, GMR Institute of Technology, Rajam, Kakinada, from 24-08-2020 to 29-08-2020.
  26. Participated in Two Weeks   Online   Faculty Development Program on “ Advanced Data Science & ApplicationsOrganized by Dept of CSE, Mallareddy Engineering College for Women, from 17-08-2020 to 28-08-2020.
  27. Participated in 2 days Online Faculty Development Program on “Enabling Teachers for Tomorroworganized by  Infosys, Hyderabad  in association with TASK, from 13-08-2020 to 14-08-2020.
  28. Participated in 5 days Online Faculty Development Program on “Computer Networks Simulation Using NS2organized by  Dept of CSE, MGIT, Hyderabad  in association with TASK from 10-08-2020 to 14-08-2020
  29. Participated in 5 days Online Faculty Development Program on “Emerging Trends in Computer Science & Engineering and  their Applicationsjointly  organized by  Dept of CSE, NASKCET & CDAC Bangalore  from 05-08-2020 to 08-08-2020
  30. Participated in 5 days Online Faculty Development Program on “Aritificial Intelligence in Drug Discovery and Healthcare System Organized by  RBVRR Womens College, Hyderabad from 04-08-2020 to 08-08-2020
  31. Participated in 3 days Online Faculty Development Program on “ Recent Trends in Wireless Communication TechnologiesOrganized by Dept of ECE, Bangalore Institute of Technology, V.V.Puram, Bangalore in association with  IMAPS  India from 03-08-2020 to 05-08-2020.
  32. Participated in 8 days Online Faculty Development Program on “OBM752 Hospital Management”Organized by by  Dept of CS and IT,  St.Josepeh Institute of Technology, in association with CSI, Kancheepuram Chapter,Chennai    from 27-07-2020 to 03-08-2020
  33. Participated in 24 days  Online Faculty Development Program on “ Data Science Organized by  EXCELR  in association with TASK,  held from 01-07-2020 to 24-07-2020
  34. Participated in 5 days Online Faculty Development Program on “Research MethodologyOrganized by Dept of CSE, MRCEW , Hyderabad from 27-07-2020 to 31-07-2020
  35. Participated in 3 days  Online Faculty Development Program on”Software Verification  and Valiadation ”Organized by Dept of ISE SJB Institute of Technology, Kengeri, Bangaloree,from 28-07-2020 to 30-07-2020
  36. Participated in 7  days  Online Faculty Development Program on”Recent Trends and Advancements in Computer Science by Eminant Academicians”Organized by Dept of CSE,VJIT, Aziz Nagar, Hyderabad.from 22-07-2020 to 28-07-2020
  37. Participated in 5 days Online Faculty Development Program on”Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing Using Modern Tools”Organized by Dept of  CSE, Bangalore Institute of Technology, Bangolore, from 21-07-2020 to 25-07-2020.
  38. Participated in 6 days Online Faculty Development Program on”Machine Learning with Python”Organized by   Dept of  CSE, KKR &KSR Institute of Technology $ Sciences, Guntur, from 13-07-2020 to 18-07-2020.
  39. Participated in 5 days Online Faculty Development Program on” Python 3.4.3” Organized by Student Chapter CSI  Dept of IT, Shri sankaracharya Technical Campous, Bhilai, Chattisgarh, India in Association with Spoken Tutorials(IIT-Bombay) from 13-07-2020 to 17-07-2020.
  40. Participated in 6 days Online Faculty Development Program on”Cyber  Security”Organized by   Dept of  CSE and MCA, CBIT-MGIT is association with Supraja Technologies,  from 07-07-2020 to 12-07-2020.
  41. Participated in 5 days Online Faculty Development Program on”Data Science Behind Natural Language  ”Organized by Dept of IT,KITS Warangal, from 06-07-2020 to 10-07-2020
  42. Participated in 5 days Online Faculty Development Program on”Developing Potential-Emerging Technologies of Computer Science ”Organized by Dept of CSE,VJIT, Aziz Nagar Hyderabad. from 01-07-2020 to 07-07-2020
  43. Participated in 3 days Online Faculty Development Program on”Next Generation Communication  ”Organized by Dept of ECE,Oriental Institute of science and Technology, Bhopal, from 03-07-2020 to 05-07-2020
  44. Participated in 3 days Online Faculty Development Program on”Research Drafting, Funding and Patent Methodologies ”Organized by Dept of Civil,Dr.N.G.P.I.T ,Coimbattor,Chennai, from 02-07-2020 to 04-07-2020
  45. Participated in 5 days Online Faculty Development Program on”Recent  Trends in Computer Science”Organized by Dept of CSE and MCA ,SITAMS ,Chittoor from 28-06-2020 to 02-07-2020
  46. Participated in 3 days Online Faculty Development Program on  Industrial IoT &  Intelligent Connectivity using RASBERRY PI Organized by Dept of ECE,MRCEW , Hyderabad from 25-06-2020 to 27-06-2020
  47. Participated in 5 days Online Faculty Development Program on “Recent Advancements in Artificial  Intelligence”Organized by Dept of CSE,  SVEC Bheemavaram from 23-06-2020 to 27-06-2020
  48. Participated in 5 days Online Faculty Development Program on “Advanced Data Science and its Applications”Organized by Dept of CSE,  BVRIT Hyderabad from 22-06-2020 to 26-06-2020
  49. Participated in 5 days Online Faculty Development Program on “Recent IT Technologies, Writing Papers and Funding Proposals”Organized by Dept of CS&IT at RIT, under RIT Centre for Teaching and Learning in association with CSI and IEEE Bombay Section  from 20-06-2020 to 24-06-2020
  50. Participated in 5 days  Online Faculty Development Program on “BCT-CS-IOT”Organized by Dept of CSE, NIT Warangal   from 15-06-2020 to 19-06-2020
  51. Participated in 6 days Online Faculty Development Program on “Machine Learning with Python”Organized by Dept of CSE, B.V.Raju Institute of Technology, Narsapur  from 15-06-2020 to 20-06-2020
  52. Participated in 5 days Online Faculty Development Program on “a hands on work shop on Cloud Computing” held at Bennett University,Greater Noida, conducted by  leading a nation wide  intiative by Bennett University,Greater noida,India   from 27-05-2020 to 31-05-2020.
  53. Participated in 5 days  Online Faculty Development Program on “Cyber Security”Organized by Dept of CSE, NIT Warangal association with ATAL Academy  from 18-05-2020 to 22-05-2020
  54. Participated in 3 days Online Faculty Development Program on “Teaching and Learning Assessment Tools Setup and Assessment for Next Generation”Organized by Dept of IT,BVRIT from 12-05-2020 to 14-05-2020
  55. Participated a Two days Work Shop on “Stepping Towards Problem and Project Based Learning” Speaker by Dr.Vikas Vithal Shinde(Ph.D in Project Based Learning (PBL) from Aalborg University), Denmark,Director, Centre of Excellence in Project Based Learning (PBL),Vishwaniketan iMEET, Khalapur, Mumbai. Organized by BVRIT Narsapur at BVRIT Narsapur on 06-01-2020 and 07-01-2020
  56. Participated in the Two Weeks FDP on  “Block Chain Technology-The Future of Cyber Security(BCTFCS-2019)” organized by Dept of CSE,NIT Warangal under the  Sponsorship of ICPS Division of DST, Govt of India from 2nd  to 14th Dec 2019
  57. Participated in the One day Work Shop on “Unconscious Bias in the Work Place(UBW)” Organized by SVES(Vedic Program) in the IT Seminar Hall, BVRIT, Narsapur on 21-10-2019
  58. Participated in the 3-days National Work Shop on “Internet of Things” Organized by Department of IT, Vignan’s Foundation Science, Technology and Research Deemed to be University under the DST Sponsored, New Delhi at Vadlamudi,Guntur District,A.P, from 30 Aug to 1st Sep 2019
  59. Participated in the 3-days National Work Shop on “Cyber Security,Criptanalysis and Security for Physical Infrastructure” Organized by Department of IT, Vignan’s Foundation Science, Technology and Research Deemed to be University under the DST Sponsored, New Delhi at Vadlamudi,Guntur District,A.P, from 20th June to 22nd June 2019
  60. Act as Organization Committee Member in the 2-days National Level Work Shop on“INCYCON-2019” Organized by Department of CSE and IT at BVRIT, Narsapur  from 26-04- 2019 to 27-04-2019..
  61. Participated in the 3-days Work Shop on “SLIDE(Students Learning in Instructional Design)” Organized by SVES at Vedic from 12-03-2019 to 13-08-2019 and 16-03-2019.  
  62. Participated in the 3-days National Level Work Shop on “ Al &DL” Organized by Department of CSE &IT at BVRIT-Narsapur from 24-11-2018 to 26-11-2018
  63. Participated in the 2-days Work Shop on “ SE Course Design” Organized by SVES at Vedic from 16-08-2018 to 17-08-2018
  64. Participated in the 6-day Refresher Course on”Programming,Data Structures and Algorithms Implementation using Python(AICTE-ISTE)”Organized by Department of Computer Science & Engineering at BVRIT,Narsapur From 16-07-2018 to 21-07-2018.
  65. Participated in the 3-days Work Shop on “ Think-Technology-Transform” Organized by SVES at BVRIT-Narsapur from 02-05-2018 to 04-05-2018 
  66. Participated in the 6-day Faculty Development Program on”Advances in Cloud Computing”Organized by  Department of Computer Science & Engineering at BVRIT,Narsapur From 21-04-2018 to 26-04-2018.
  67. Participated in One day work shop along with Hostel CSE Students(Both  Boys and Girls) From BVRIT,CSE Department, on”National level Workshop on Dr.B.R.Ambedkar”s Ideology-2018″held at JNTU,Hyderabad on 14th April ,2018
  68. Participated in the 6-day Faculty Development Program on”Luminous Sparks Work shops Like Emotional Intelligence, Giving & Receiving Feedback, Result Orientation. Class room Impact, Planning & Organization and Professionalism”by Crossover Leadership Partners(Building Leaders at all Levels Like Level1,Level2,Level3) at VEDIC,BVRIT,Narsapur,(Jan, Mar &July2017)
  69. Participated in the Two Day National Work Shop on ”  MODEL-DRIVEN ENGINEERING &SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT ” Sponsored by SERB,Department of Science and Technology,Govterment of India& Organized by Software Engineering Research Group, Conducted by Department  of Computer Science and Engineering, KL University, Guntur from  16th to 17th  September,2016
  70. Participated in the Two Week Faculty Development Program on ”  BIG DATA ANALYTICS ” Sponsored by Department of Science and Technology,Govterment of India & Organized by Cloud Computing Research Group, Conducted by Department  of Computer Science and Engineering, KL University, Guntur from  April 26th to 6th  May,2016
  71. Participated in the One Week Shop on ” BIG DATA ANALYTICS USING HADOOP  ECO SYSTEMS  ”Conducted by Department  of Computer Science and Engineering, LBRECE, Mylavaram from 5th January to 11th  January,2015
  72. Participated in the One Work Shop on” Data Structures ”Conducted by Department of Information Technology,LBRECE,Mylavaram from 8th December to 12th December,2014
  73. Participated in the “Faculty Orientation Program” conducted by JNTUK Centre of Excellence for e-Resource Development & Deployment(CoEeRD) and Globarena Technologies Pvt.Ltd   at LBRCE  on 28 Aug 2014
  74. Attended a Workshop on ”Blogging and Ethical Hacking” by Prameel Arjun from D3 Labs organized by Department of Information Technology, LBRCE  from 2nd Aug  2014 to 3rd 2014
  75. Participated in 5 day work shop on “Information Security” Organized by IT department from 18-2-2014 to 23-02-2014 at LBRCE, Mylavaram
  76. Attended 24 hours No Sleeping Windows app fest “HACKATHON(LOKI,TOKI,2014)” organized by School of Computer Sciences, LBRCE from 11AM 30th to 11AM 31th January, 2014
  77. Attended Seven day workshop on “Cloud Computing, Big Data and Hadoop” by experts from Microsoft organized by School of Computer Science in association with 3X3 connect, LBRCE during 23-1-2014 to 29-1-2014.
  78. Participated in the Seminar on “ Service Oriented Architecture and Web Services” conducted by LBRCE from 16-08-2013 to 17-08-2013.
  79. Attended 24 hours No Sleeping Windows app fest “WOWZAPP” organized by School of Computer Sciences, LBRCE from 11AM 9th to 11AM 10th November, 2012.
  80. Attended Five day workshop on “Windows 8 App” by experts from Microsoft organized by School of Computer Sciences, LBRCE during 11th to 15th September, 2012
  81. Participated in National seminar on “Image processing and Applications” Organized by Department of CSE at Acharya Nagarjuna University,Guntur,Dec 3th to Dec 4th, 2011 .
  82. Participated in Workshop on “Faculty Development programme on IBM Academic Initiative” Organized by Department of CSE on Nov 21st to 24th, 2011 at LBRCE.
  83. Participated in Workshop on “Mission10X” Organized by Training & Placement Department on Nov  15th to Nov 19th, 2011 at LBRCE.
  84. Participated in a National Workshop on”ANDROID: A New Frontier in the Mobility Revolution” Organized by CSE&KMS hosted by KLCE on March 17th, 2011 at K.L.C.E.
  85. Attended the Work Shop On “Software Engineering” Conducted by Indo-US Collabaration for Engineering Education on June 28th to July 2nd,2010 at Madurai.
  86. Participated in the Faculty Development Workshop on “Teaching-Learning-Methodologies” Conducted by Osmania University Campus on April 19th to 22nd,2008 at K.L.C.E
  1. Organized and Achieved a Certificate of Appreciation  for Valuable Contribution in Organizing  Two Day National Work Shop  on ”  MODEL-DRIVEN ENGINEERING & SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT ” Sponsored by SERB,Department of Science and Technology,Government of India & Organized by Software Engineering Research Group, Conducted by Department  of Computer Science and Engineering, KL University, Guntur from  16th to 17th  September,2016
  1. Selected as”Editor-in-Chief”for ”International Journal of  Current Engineering Scientific Research  (IJCESR), by Technical Research Organisation,Odisha,India from the May 6,2018
  • Selected as ” Reviewer” for” Journal of Engineering Science and Technology(JESTEC)- Scopus Indexed Journal   from Mar 16, 2022
  • Selected as ” Reviewer” for” International Journal of Applied Science and Engineering(IJASE)- Scopus Indexed Journal   from Aug  16, 2021
  • Selected as ” Editorial Board Member/Reviewer” for” International Journal of  Advanced Scientific Innovation, Bangalore from the Nov 24, 2020
  • Selected as ” Editorial Board Member/Reviewer” for” International Journal of  Creative Research and Science Development ,Chennai,Tamilanadu  from the Nov 12, 2020
  • Selected as ” Reviewer” for” International Journal of  Computer and Techniques(IJCT),Chennai  from the Aug  8, 2019
  • Selected as”Advisory/Editorial Board Member/Reviewer ” for” International Journal of  Engineering and Techniques(IJET),Chennai  from the Feb 8,2019
  • Selected as”Reviewer ” for” International Journal of  Current Engineering Scientific Research  (IJCESR),Odisha  from the Feb 7,2018
  • Selected as”Reviewer ” for Global Research and Development Journal for sEngineering(GRDJE),Gujarat from the Sep 18,2017
  • Selected as Reviewer ” for International Journal of Engineering  and Management Research(IJEMR),Lucknow  from the July 9,2017
  • Selected as”Reviewer ” for International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering(IJSRE),Mathura,UP from the Jun 14,2017
  • Selected as” Reviewer ” for Journal For Research(J4R),Gujarat  from the May 6,2017
  1. Provided Contribution in review of the       article entitled “Data Driven Automation Testing Framework Using Selenium Web driver”, July 10, 2021. 
  2. Provided Contribution in review of the       article entitled “Android Based Document Scanning”, May 10, 2021. 
  3. Provided Contribution in review of the       article entitled “Proposing New Intelligence System for Tourism Management and Suggesting New Methods for Increasing its Security, Oct  17, 2020
  4. Provided Contribution in review of the       article entitled “Security Of Data With EnhancedTechnique Of AASR Protocol For Secure Cross Layer Routing In MANET”, June, 25, 2020
  5. Provided   Contribution in review of the       article entitled “Analysis of providing security to data on cloud servers”, June, 02, 2020.
  6. Provided   Contribution in review of the       article entitled “Image retrieval using DCT and DST classification techniques” in the May 04,2020
  7. Provided Contribution in review of the       article entitled “Data Sharing With Sensitive Information Hiding For Secure Cloud Storage ” in the May 02,2020
  8. Provided    Contribution in review of the       article entitled “  A Novel Approach for Public      Auditing   For Shared Data Using Cloud” in the Mar 01,2020
  9. Provided Contribution in review of the article entitled “Study on Virtualization Technology and its Importance in Cloud Computing Environment” in the Feb 13,2019
  10. Provided Contribution in review of the article entitled “A Survey on Various types of Task Scheduling Algorithms in Cloud Computingin the June 2019
  11. Provided Contribution in review of the article entitled “Pros and Cons of Load Balancing Algorithms for Cloud Computing” in the June 2018
  12. Provided Contribution in review of the article entitled “CLOUD COMPUTING-Technologies, Architecture, Deployment and Service models”in the April 23, 2018
  13. Provided Contribution in review of the article entitled “ Designing a Scheme for Secure De duplication in Big Data using Cloud Storage-A Survey” in the Feb 25, 2018
  14. Provided Contribution in review of the article entitled “A Dedicated Setup to Recognize Spoofing in LAN/WIFI Via IP Configuration” in the Feb 23, 2018
  15. Provided Contribution in review of the article entitled “Intelligent Emotion Detection Using Facial Images” in the Nov 15, 2017
  16. Provided Contribution in review of the article entitled“Secured Video Streaming and Video Sharing in Mobile Networks using Cloud” in Nov 2, 2017
  17. Provided Contribution in review of the article entitled “Features, Security and Cloud Computing-Architecture Privacy in Cloud ” in Sept 2017.
  18. Provided Contribution in review of the       article entitled  ‘ Deployment of CNN on Colour Fundus Images for the automatic 2 detection of Glaucoma’ International Journal of Applied Science and Engineering(IJASE), on Oct 1st, 2022, ISSN No: 1727-2394(Print), 1727-7841(Online)
  19. Provided Contribution in review of the       article entitledNOT ALL QUESTIONS ARE CREATED EQUAL: NLP AND MACHINE LEARNING METHODS TO PREDICT THE QUALITY OF  STACK OVERFLOW QUESTIONS , Journal of Engineering Science and Technology,  on  May 16th , 2022, ISSN: 1823-4690
  20. Provided Contribution in review of the       article entitled Artificial intelligence in agriculture: application trend analysis 2 using a statistical approachInternational Journal of Applied Science and Engineering(IJASE), on Aug 17th, 2022, ISSN No: 1727-2394(Print), 1727-7841(Online)
  21. Provided Contribution in review of the       article entitled Spam Mail Detection  Using Optimization TechniquesInternational Journal of Applied Science and Engineering(IJASE), on Aug 16th, 2021, ISSN No: 1727-2394(Print), 1727-7841(Online)
  22. Provided Contribution in review of the       article entitled “:Covid-19 prediction using FB Prophet” SKN SINHGAD COLLEGE OFENGINEERING, ,  International Conference on Intelligent Computing in Information Technology for Engineering System (ICICITES-2021), Korti, Pandharpur-413304,Maharashtra,India June 25th to 26th , 2021
  23. Provided Contribution in review of the       article entitled “Patients health monitoring system using fog centric IoT technology:” SKN SINHGAD COLLEGE OFENGINEERING, ,  International Conference on Intelligent Computing in Information Technology for Engineering System (ICICITES-2021), Korti, Pandharpur-413304,Maharashtra,India,June 25th to 26th , 2021
  24. Provided Contribution in review of the       article entitled :Multiple Inertial Measurement Unit (MULTI-IMU) Flight Controller for Unmanned Aerial VehicleSKN SINHGAD COLLEGE OFENGINEERING, ,  International Conference on Intelligent Computing in Information Technology for Engineering System (ICICITES-2021), Korti, Pandharpur-413304,Maharashtra,India, June 25th to 26th , 2021
  25. Provided Contribution in review of the       article entitled :Biometric Based Secured Remote Electronic Voting System” Saveetha Engineerring College,International Conference on “Smart Structures and Systems”(ICSSS-20), Thandalam, Chennai, July 5 to 7, 2020
  26. Provided   Contribution in review of the       article entitled Development of Artificial Intelligence based assessment writing Robot for disable people” Savetha Engineerring College,International Conference on “Smart Structures and Systems”(ICSSS-20), Thandalam, Chennai, July 5 to 7, 2020

  • Act as ” Session Chair ” for International Conference on Recent Trends in Automation (ICRTA-2018) organized by VVIT, Guntur association with IFERP on Nov 15 & 16, 2018

  • Act as Session Chair for International Conference on Research Advancements in Applied Engineering Sciences, Computer and Communication Technologies (ICRAAESCCT-2018), Organized by BVRIT association with IFERP on July 12 &13, 2018

  • Act as a resource person (invited speaker) for delivering the lecture on “Effective Classroom Management for Student’s Success” at Hindustan College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu on 6th Dec 2023.