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Mr. Sangamesh V P

Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engg. Dept

M.Tech: – Machine design, KLSGIT Belgavi, Karnataka,2016
B.E.: – Mechanical Engineering, GNDEC BIDAR 2014

Teaching Experience: 7 years

Contact Number: +91 9494420915
BVRITN Employee ID: 830
JNTUH Registration ID: 9954-170112-135448

  1. No. of B.Tech Projects guided: 5
  1. Machine Design
  1. Design
  2. Mechanics of Solids
  3. Operations Research
  1. Sangamesh, V. V. Kulkarni, “Design and Fabrication of Indexing Set Up for Drill Jig”, IRJET, Volume: 03 Issue: 06, June-2016 6984-6991.