Ph.D. (CSE): Pursuing from Annamalai University, TamilNadu. (Thesis Submitted)
PG: M.Tech (CSE). JNTUH, 2012
UG: B.Tech (CSE)., JNTUH, 2006
Teaching Experience: 12 Years.
Research Experience: 4 Years
Industry Experience: 2 Years
BVRITN Employee ID:
JNTUH Registration ID:
- Image Processing
- Machine Learning
- Certified by Microsoft as an Azure Administrator Associate
- SSRG International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering: ISSN: 2348-8549, Volume 11 Issue 3 (March-2024) (Adaptive Fog Computing Framework (AFCF): Bridging IoT and Blockchain for Enhanced Data Processing and Security).( Scopus Indexed).
- International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering: ISSN:2147-6799, VOL.12 NO.1S(August-2023) (A Novel Framework for Vehicle Detection and Classification Using Enhanced YOLO-v7 and GBM to Prioritize Emergency Vehicle). (Scopus Indexed).
- Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology: ISSN: 1992-8645, Volume-100.No-24, December-2022 (Enhanced Vehicle Detection Using Pooling Based Dense-Yolo Model). (Scopus Indexed).
- Revue d’Intelligence Aritificielle: ISSN: 0992-499X Volume-36, No-5, October-2022 (Shadow Detection and Elimination Technique for Vehicle Detection). (Scopus Indexed).
- International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology: Volume 29, No.6, April- 2020 (An Highly Developed Architecture for AWS Using Cloud Computing System). (Scopus Indexed).
- International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering: ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8, January- 2020 (Density Based Emergency Vehicle Detection and Traffic Signal Controlling using Image Processing). (Scopus Indexed)
- International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology: ISSN: 2249-8958, Volume -9, Issue-2, December-2019 (An Advanced Strategy of Multi User Storage System for Cloud Computing). (Scopus Indexed).
- International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering & Management, ISSN: 2350-0557, Volume-9, Issue-5, October 2022(Customer Stress Prediction in Telecom Industries using Machine Learning).
- International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer Science & Technology (IJIRCST), ISSN: 2347-5552, Volume-10, Issue-3, May 2022 (Analyzing Various Machine Learning Algorithms for Block chain-Based Fraud Detection).
- IJR-International Journal of Research –Volume 05/Issue 17/ e-ISSN:2348-6848-July 2018: ( Real-Time Fault-Tolerant Analytics using Distributed Database in-Memory).
- JASC: Journal of Applied Science and Computations- Volume 5, Issue 11/ ISSN NO: 1076- 5131, November/2018: (A Double Quality Assured Scheme Provides A Quality Of Service And Profit In Cloud Computing).
- International Journal of Research –ISSN: 2348-6848, 2017(Query Privacy And Data Confidentiality Using Random Space Perturbation In The Cloud).
- IJRCSE Vol–6, Issue-6, Nov-Dec, ISSN: 2321-5585, 2016( A Parity Relationship Agitate Objected Scheme in Smartphone Mobile Networks).
- IJRCSE Vol–5, Issue-6,Nov-Dec, ISSN: 2321-5585, 2015( Artificial Routing and Medium Access Control Fixed Methods in AD-HOC Wireless Networks).
- IJRCSE Vol–5, Issue-6,Nov-Dec, ISSN: 2321-5585, 2015 ( Certain Knowledge Routing in Straightforward Flexible Communication Networks).
- IJRCSE Vol–4, Issue-5, Sept-Oct, and 2014 ISSN: 2321-5585 (Protected and Well- Organized Method Under WSN).
- IJRCSE Vol–4, Issue-5, Sept-Oct, 2014 ISSN: 2321-5585) (Convergence Auto Configuration in Manets By Using Systematic And Security Label Protocol).
- International Journal of Engineering Associates (2320 – 0804) / # 81 /Volume 2 Issue 7/2013 (Research of Steering Protocols in Wireless Mesh Networks under certain Parameters).
- IJRRECS/ September2013/Volume-1/Issue-5/733-738, ISSN 2321- 5461(A well-organized description of fuzzy type-ahead search).
- IJEECS- Volume-I, Issue-2, ISSN: 2347-2820, 2013 (Project Status Information System).
- Published a research paper entitled “Design and Development of IoT based Smart Women Security Gadget” in ICSCNA- IEEE Conference. (Scopus Indexed).
- Published a research paper entitled “Performance Analysis of Gene Expression Profiles of Lung Cancer Prediction using JR Algorithm” in ICSCNA- IEEE Conference. (Scopus Indexed).
- Published a research paper entitled “A survey on deep learning based vehicular traffic control systems” in SPACES-2021 (Scopus Indexed).
- Published a research paper entitled “A different types of climate classification method to develop machine vision in bad climate situations” in SPACES-2021 (Scopus Indexed).
- Participated & Completed AICTE Training and Learning Academy Sponsored (ATAL) Online FDP on “Artificial Intelligence for Computer Vision” at Indian Institute of Technology, ROORKEE.(2021-07-26)to(2021-07-30)- 1 week
- Participated & Completed AICTE Training and Learning Academy Sponsored (ATAL) Online FDP on “Data Sciences” at IIIT- NAGPUR.(18-4-2020) to (22-04-2020) – 1 week
- Participated & Completed AICTE Training and Learning Academy Sponsored (ATAL) Online FDP on “Artificial Intelligence” at NIT-JAMSHEDPUR.(08-06-2020) to (12-06-2020)- 1week
- Participated & Completed AICTE Training and Learning Academy Sponsored (ATAL) Workshop on “Applications of Blockchain” at NIT- ANDHRAPRADESH.(18-11-2019) to (22-11-2019)- 1week
- Participated in Online Five Days FDP on “PHP and MySQL” at Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur in association with Spoken Tutorial Project, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay.(May 26-30)-2020 – 1week.
- Participated in National Level Online Five Days FDP on “Moodle Learning Management Systems” at Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching, New Delhi in association with Spoken Tutorial Project, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. (25/4/2020) to 30/04/2020 – 1week
- Participated in Online Five Days FDP on “ARDUINO” at Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur in association with Spoken Tutorial Project, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay.(may 20-24)- 2020- 1week
- Participated in Online Five Days FDP on “Block Chain Technology” by APSSDC.(22/07/2020) to (17/07/2020)- 1week
- Participated in Online Five Days FDP on “AWS Cloud Computing” by APSSDC.(22/06/2020) to (26/06/2020)- 1week
- Certified by IIT-Madras in the NPTEL Course Outcome Based Pedagogic Principles.
- Certified by IIT-Madras in the NPTEL basics of Python Programming Course.
- Certified by IIT-Madras in the NPTEL Problem Solving with C Course.
- Certified by IIT-Madras for Mentoring the NPTEL Problem Solving with C course.