Marquee Tag

VLSI – Professional Societies/Chapters

Professional Societies/Chapters

S.NoProfessional SocietyName of the ProgramDatesBeneficiaries PO
1IETEIndustrial Visit to Kwality Photonics26-08-202378 Students from ECEPO5, PO7, PO10, PO11
2IEEE-MTTOne day Orientation of Technology Laboratories25-08-202350 Students of Vishnu SchoolPO8, PO10, PO11
3IEEE-MTTSpace & Entrepreneurship celebration of
World Space Week
4th to 10th OCT 20236 students and 6 Faculty from ECE and MBA PO8, PO10, PO11
4IETEIETE Logo Design Contest12-10-202385 Students from different streamsPO8, PO10, PO11
5IEEE-MTTIndustrial Visit to NRSC16-11-20234 Students and 2 FacultyPO5, PO7, PO10, PO11
6IETEVoice Vista and Tresure Hunt20-03-2024100 Students from different streamsPO8, PO10, PO11
7IETEDigital VLSI System Design, Device fabrication and Image Processing with CADD Tools30th April to 6th May 202450 Students of ECEPO8, PO10, PO11
S.NoProfessional SocietyName of the ProgramDatesBeneficiaries PO
1IEEE-MTTIndustrial Visit to BSNL-RTTC, Hyderabad26-09-202230 Students of ECEPO5, PO7, PO10, PO11
2IEEE-MTTIIT Hyderabad Future Wireless Communication (FWC)
& 5G test bed
22-09-202225Students of ECEPO5, PO7, PO10, PO12
3IEEE-MTTOne day hands on workshop on Advanced Design Systems Software20-04-202340 Students and FacultyPO8, PO10, PO11
4IEEE-MTTTwo days workshop Space Communications & IoT Technology 29 & 30 May 202330 Students of ECEPO8, PO10, PO11


Professional Society

Name of the Program





National Level quiz contest on Aptitude, reasoning and C Programing


PO1, PO2



Career Options and Opportunities in core engineering





Online Quiz Contest on the eve of National Science Day


PO5, PO6

S.NoProfessional SocietyName of the ProgramDatesBeneficiaries PO
1IETENational Level quiz contest on Aptitude, reasoning and C Programing11-07-2020544 students from different colleges have participatedPO10, PO12
2IETECareer Options and Opportunities in core engineering29-08-2020287 students have participatedPO7
3IETENational Level Online Quiz – Puzzle Buster 15-09-2020149 students from different colleges have participatedPO10, PO12
4IETEOnline Quiz Contest on the eve of National Science Day28-02-2021203 Students from different colleges have participatedPO10, PO12