B.PHARMACY : HITS college of pharmacy, 2011
M.PHARMACY : MLR institute of pharmacy, 2013
PhD. (Pursuing) : Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad.
Teaching Experience : 09 years
BVRITN Employee ID : 793
Contact Number : 9490784496
JNTUH Registration ID : 1315-033111-1305
- Drug Delivery
- Nano Formulation
- Herbal Formulation
- Targeted Therapy
- Pavani Chowdary, Eswara Rao Puppala, Chandra Lekha Putta, Jagapathi Rao Maddila, Vishnu Pulavarthy, V.V.S. Rajendra Prasad*, Aravind Kumar Rengan*, “Hyaluronic-Acid-Functionalized Tofacitinib Loaded Transethosomes for Targeted Drug Delivery in Rheumatoid Arthritis”, ACS Applied Biomaterials, 2025. https://doi.org/10.1021/acsabm.4c01743. IF-4.7
- Ananya Padmakumar, Chowdary Pavani, Kalyani Eswar, Lingxue Kong, Wenrong Yang, Subramanium Gopalakrishnan, David Miles Cahill*, and Aravind Kumar Rengan*, “Bacteria-Premised Nanobiopesticides for the Management of Phytopathogens and Pests,” ACS Agricultural Science & Technology, April 2023. DOI: 10.1021/acsagscitech.3c00025. IF-2.38
- Vindhya, S. Parveen, P. Sowmya, C. M. Babu and Pavani Chowdary, “Neuralink: Reclassifying the Limits of Human Insight,” 2024 15th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT), Kamand, India, 2024, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ICCCNT61001.2024.10724926.
- Pavani Chowdary, Ananya Padmakumar, Aravind Kumar Rengan, “Exploring the potential of transethosomes in therapeutic delivery: A comprehensive review”, MedComm – Biomaterials and Applications. 2023;2(4):e59. DOI: 1002/mba2.59. https://doi.org/10.1002/mba2.59. IF-1.3
- Chowdary Pavani*,P, Patlolla Tejaswini Reddy, Bhaskara Rajeswaree, Karre Akshara Goud, Malyala Rachana, “Biological Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles Using Vicia Faba extract and Assessing its Antibacterial Activity,” Indian Drugs, 57-6 (2020) 37-41. DOI: 10.53879/id.57.06.12226
- Pavani*, B. Rajeswaree, K. Akshara, K. Ravali, P. Tejaswini reddy, “Formulation and Evaluation of Herbal Lipsticks from Rosa Kordesii,” International Journal of Scientific Research and Review, Volume 8, Issue 9, (2019), 29-36.
- Pavani*, T. Sravani, MD Basheerudin, “Formulation and Evaluation of Sustained Release tablets of Nateglinide by Using Natural Polymers,” International Journal of Advances in pharmaceutical sciences, 9 (2017) 08-13. DOI: 10.5138/09761055.2065
- Pavani*, V. Swapna, T. Sravani, Sudha and Ramya, “Formulation and Evaluation of Floating Sustained-Release Tablets of Valsartan for Gastro-Retentive Drug Delivery”, Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, 7(2014). IF-0.9 .
- Patent granted on “Bioreactor for higher biomass production with for better aeration gasses distribution” with application number 202041052661,dated on 08/09/2022.
- Pavani, P. Archana Rao, P. Vishnu, Harshini Raja, Sriram, N. Sirisha, published book chapter on “Vegan Leather from microorganisms and agricultural waste: Exploring Sustainable and Cruelty-Free Alternatives” in the book titled From Waste to Wealth in Springer Nature Singapore (Pte.) Ltd.
- Navami Prabhakar Koyande, Pavani Chowdary, and Aravind Kumar Rengan, published the chapter “Metal nanoparticles -Based Glucose Biosensors” in the book titled Glucose Oxidase: Structure, Properties and Applications in Nova Science Publishers.
- Pavani Chowdary,D Nagalaxmi Yadav, Sunil Venkanna Pogu, Aravind Kumar Rengan, published book chapter, “Vascularization of organoids in microfluidic chips” in the book titled Human Organs-on-a-Chip Technology”, 2024, Pages 439-457. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-443-13782-2.00016-4
- Pavani, N. Sadhana, P. Vishnu, and B.V.S. Praveen have published the book chapter “Drug Delivery Systems for Marine Products” chapter in the book titled Handbook of marine microbes the therapeutic prospective and Applications in Immortal Publications.
- Sai Siddhardh, G. Jyothi, C. Pavani, P. Vishnu has published the book chapter “Therapeutic Perspective and Applications of Marine Microbes as Antioxidants” titled Handbook of marine microbes the therapeutic prospective and Applications in Immortal Publications.
- Sadhana, C. Pavani, G. Jyothi, and P. Vishnu published the chapter “Nano Technology approaches in Nanomedicine” in Weser’s books.
- Received a ₹2,00,000 seed fund from B V Raju Institute of Technology, Narsapur, for the project “Ultra-Deformable Vesicles for Targeted Drug Delivery.”
- Qualified GPAT 2020 with AIR 3858.
- Qualified NIPER JEE 2020 for Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical sciences – Pharmaceutics with AIR 23.
- Qualified in IIT Hyderabad entrance Interview for Ph.D in biomedical Engineering department.