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Mr. C. Ramesh Kumar Reddy

Mr. C. Ramesh Kumar Reddy

Assistant Professor, ECE Dept.

B.Tech: – Electronics and Communication Engineering, Madanapalle Institute of Technology & Science, 2009.
M.Tech: – VLSI System Design, Hyderabad Institute of Technology & Management, 2011.

Ph.D: – Pursuing Ph.D from NIT Silchar

Teaching Experience – 12 years 

JNTU Registration No –: 2840150415114427
BVRIT ID –: 900
Ratification Status-: Ratified 

  1. VLSI System Design
  1. VLSI
  2. Digital Communications
  1. Attended Five days FDP on “Recent Trends and Future Applications in Electronics and Communication Technologies” Organized by MLRIT College, Hyderabad from 29/05/20 to 02/06/20
  2. Attended one week FDP on “Recent Trends in VLSI” Organized by GRIET College, Hyderabad from 29/05/20 to 02/06/20
  3. Attended one week FDP on “Emerging Trends in Electronics and Communication Engineering” Organized by NMREC College, Hyderabad from 05/06/20 to 10/06/20
  4. Attended Five days STTP on “An Emerging Paradigm of Low Power Computational VLSI Design” Organized by BVRIT College, Narsapur from 16/06/20 to 20/06/20
  5. Attended online guest lecture on “Static Timing Analysis” by Nanochip solutions in association with BVRIT Narsapur
  6. Attended online Webinar on “System on chip Architecture: An Overview” by Pragathi engineering college, Kakinada, AP
  1. Attended Two days workshop on “QCARES” by Qualcomm on 8th and 9th July 2017 at VEDIC
  2. Attended Three days workshop on “Advance Research Training-ART” on 20th , 21st and 22nd March 2018 at VEDIC
  3. Attended Three days workshop on “Think-Technology-Transfer (TTT)” – Level 1 from 13th to 15th June 2018 at BVRIT Narsapur
  4. Attended Three days workshop on “Immersive-Instructional-Technology (IIT)” on 21st, 22nd and 23rd January 2020 at VEDIC
  1. Certified by NPTEL in the course Digital Electronic Circuits
  2. Certified for the course “Integrated Circuits, MOSFETs, Op-amps and their Applications” by NPTEL
  3. Certified through Coursera for the course “Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python)” by University of Michigan
  4. Certified through Coursera for the course “AI for Everyone” by
  5. Certified through Coursera for the course “Developing FPGA-accelerated cloud applications with SDAccel: Practice” by Politecnico di Milano
  6. Certified through Coursera for the course “FPGA computing systems: Background knowledge and introductory materials” by Politecnico di Milano
  7. Certified through Coursera for the course “Developing FPGA-accelerated cloud applications with SDAccel: Theory” by Politecnico di Milano.
  8. Certified through Coursera for the course “VLSI CAD Part I: Logic” by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  9. Certified for the course “System Verilog Fundamentals in the Functional verification” by Mentor Graphics
  10. Certified for the course “MLC overview and Functional Verification Curriculum in the Functional verification” by Mentor Graphics
  1. CVD Special lab Team Member
  2. Department Exam Branch Member
  3. Department Open Elective Coordinator
  4. Department IETE Student Forum Faculty Advisor
  1. M.Tech project guidance: Guided 5 students
  2. B.Tech. project guidance: Guided more than 20 students
  3. No. of journal publications: 5
  1. C.Ramesh Kumar Reddy, Syed Muqtar Nawaz, Sureddy Sravya, Mohammed Imran, “ASIC implementation of smart home using VLSI design” International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology(IJARIIT), ISSN: 2454-132X Impact factor: 6.078 Volume 6, issue 2, May 2020
  2. C. Ramesh Kumar Reddy,C. Phanindra, M. Kalyan, C. B. Sruthi, Md. Shameem, Latha Bai, “Garbage Waste Monitoring System using Ultrasonic Sensors on FPGA” , International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET) ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 6.887 Volume 6 Issue IV, April 2018
  3. G. Ramesh Goud, Guguloth Devilal, C.Ramesh Kumar Reddy, “Automatic Plant Irrigation System using ARM11 Based Raspberry Pi” , International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology Research Volume.06, IssueNo.03, January-2017, Pages: 0449-0453.
  4. Shanthi Swarupa Chebrole, B. Anupama, K.Prabhu, C.Ramesh Kumar Reddy, “VLSI Implementation of EBCOT for JPEG2000”, International Journal Of Technology And Engineering Science [IJTES]TM Vol 1(8), pp 1201-1205, November 2013
  5. Lavanya Thunuguntla, Bindu Madhavi K, Ramesh Kumar Reddy C, “Secure Transmission for Nanomemory using EG-LDPC”, International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 www.ijera.comVol. 2, Issue 2,Mar-Apr 2012, pp.292-299