B.Tech: – Electronics and Communication Engineering, Madanapalle Institute of Technology & Science, 2009.
M.Tech: – VLSI System Design, Hyderabad Institute of Technology & Management, 2011.
Ph.D: – Pursuing Ph.D from NIT Silchar
Teaching Experience – 12 years
JNTU Registration No –: 2840150415114427
BVRIT ID –: 900
Ratification Status-: Ratified
- VLSI System Design
- Digital Communications
- Attended Five days FDP on “Recent Trends and Future Applications in Electronics and Communication Technologies” Organized by MLRIT College, Hyderabad from 29/05/20 to 02/06/20
- Attended one week FDP on “Recent Trends in VLSI” Organized by GRIET College, Hyderabad from 29/05/20 to 02/06/20
- Attended one week FDP on “Emerging Trends in Electronics and Communication Engineering” Organized by NMREC College, Hyderabad from 05/06/20 to 10/06/20
- Attended Five days STTP on “An Emerging Paradigm of Low Power Computational VLSI Design” Organized by BVRIT College, Narsapur from 16/06/20 to 20/06/20
- Attended online guest lecture on “Static Timing Analysis” by Nanochip solutions in association with BVRIT Narsapur
- Attended online Webinar on “System on chip Architecture: An Overview” by Pragathi engineering college, Kakinada, AP
- Attended Two days workshop on “QCARES” by Qualcomm on 8th and 9th July 2017 at VEDIC
- Attended Three days workshop on “Advance Research Training-ART” on 20th , 21st and 22nd March 2018 at VEDIC
- Attended Three days workshop on “Think-Technology-Transfer (TTT)” – Level 1 from 13th to 15th June 2018 at BVRIT Narsapur
- Attended Three days workshop on “Immersive-Instructional-Technology (IIT)” on 21st, 22nd and 23rd January 2020 at VEDIC
- Certified by NPTEL in the course Digital Electronic Circuits
- Certified for the course “Integrated Circuits, MOSFETs, Op-amps and their Applications” by NPTEL
- Certified through Coursera for the course “Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python)” by University of Michigan
- Certified through Coursera for the course “AI for Everyone” by deeplearning.ai
- Certified through Coursera for the course “Developing FPGA-accelerated cloud applications with SDAccel: Practice” by Politecnico di Milano
- Certified through Coursera for the course “FPGA computing systems: Background knowledge and introductory materials” by Politecnico di Milano
- Certified through Coursera for the course “Developing FPGA-accelerated cloud applications with SDAccel: Theory” by Politecnico di Milano.
- Certified through Coursera for the course “VLSI CAD Part I: Logic” by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Certified for the course “System Verilog Fundamentals in the Functional verification” by Mentor Graphics
- Certified for the course “MLC overview and Functional Verification Curriculum in the Functional verification” by Mentor Graphics
- CVD Special lab Team Member
- Department Exam Branch Member
- Department Open Elective Coordinator
- Department IETE Student Forum Faculty Advisor
- M.Tech project guidance: Guided 5 students
- B.Tech. project guidance: Guided more than 20 students
- No. of journal publications: 5
- C.Ramesh Kumar Reddy, Syed Muqtar Nawaz, Sureddy Sravya, Mohammed Imran, “ASIC implementation of smart home using VLSI design” International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology(IJARIIT), ISSN: 2454-132X Impact factor: 6.078 Volume 6, issue 2, May 2020
- C. Ramesh Kumar Reddy,C. Phanindra, M. Kalyan, C. B. Sruthi, Md. Shameem, Latha Bai, “Garbage Waste Monitoring System using Ultrasonic Sensors on FPGA” , International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET) ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 6.887 Volume 6 Issue IV, April 2018
- G. Ramesh Goud, Guguloth Devilal, C.Ramesh Kumar Reddy, “Automatic Plant Irrigation System using ARM11 Based Raspberry Pi” , International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology Research Volume.06, IssueNo.03, January-2017, Pages: 0449-0453.
- Shanthi Swarupa Chebrole, B. Anupama, K.Prabhu, C.Ramesh Kumar Reddy, “VLSI Implementation of EBCOT for JPEG2000”, International Journal Of Technology And Engineering Science [IJTES]TM Vol 1(8), pp 1201-1205, November 2013
- Lavanya Thunuguntla, Bindu Madhavi K, Ramesh Kumar Reddy C, “Secure Transmission for Nanomemory using EG-LDPC”, International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 www.ijera.comVol. 2, Issue 2,Mar-Apr 2012, pp.292-299