Ph.D.: (Speech processing) in Electronics and Communication Engineering at National Institute
of Technology, Silchar, Assam, India (8.4 CGPA) in 2024. (Full Time Research Scholar).
M.Tech: Electronics and Communication Engineering (VLSI System Design)
JNTU, Hyderabad University, in 2011.
B.Tech: Electronics and Communication Engineering JNTU, Hyderabad University, in 2005
Scopus Id:
ORCID Id: BANALA SARITHA (0000-0002-6499-3561) – ORCID
Teaching Experience – 14.5 Years
JNTU Registration No – 97150407-125507
BVRIT ID – 4081
Ratification Status – yes
- Deep Learning for Speech Processing and Emotion Recognition, Speaker Identification, and Meta-Learning Techniques
VLSI System Design
Speech Processing,
Deep learning, Meta Learning,
Speaker Identification and Recognition.
- AI&ML special LAB Member
- Saritha, R. H. Laskar and M. Choudhury, “Deep Learning based End-to-end
Speaker Identification using Time- Frequency representations of Speech Signal” ,
Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing. (Springer), (SCIE, Q2). - B. Saritha, R. H. Laskar and M. Choudhury,” CACRN-Net: A 3D Log Mel Spectrogram Based Channel Attention Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network for Few-Shot Speaker Identification”, Computers and Electrical Engineering, January 2024, (Elsevier) (SCIE, Q1). DOI: 10.1016/j.compeleceng.2024.109100.
- N. Shome, B. Saritha, R. H. Laskar “A robust DNN model for text-independent speaker identification using non-speaker embeddings in diverse data conditions”, Neural Comput&Applic 35, 18933–18947 (2023). (Springer) (SCIE, Q1).
- B. Saritha, R. H. Laskar and M. Choudhury,” ReptoNet: A 3D log Mel Spectrogram Based Few-Shot Speaker Identification with Reptile”, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, doi: 10.1007/s13369-024-09426-3. (Springer) (SCIE, Q1).
- B. Saritha, R. H. Laskar and M. Choudhury,” Optimizing Voice Activity Detection: A Hybrid Bi-GRU and Attention Mechanism Approach for Noisy Environments”,
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control. (Elsevier)(Under Review). - B. Saritha, R. H. Laskar and I. Shahin “Emotion and Speaker Identification with Transformer-based Multitask Learning” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing.(IEEE)( Under Review).
- B. Saritha, R. H. Laskar “Enhanced speaker identification system with optimized VAD for Noisy Environments” Speech Communication. ( Elsevier) (Under Review).
- Published a Paper Titled as “Dragino Based Controlling of Sensors” in International Journal of Embedded & VLSI System, ISSN: 2349 8129 Volume 3, Issue 9 Sept 2014.
- Published a Paper Titled as “An Algorithm to Expand the Graphical Appearance of the Host Image” in International journal of reviews on recent electronics and computer science, ISSN 2321-5461, Volume-4Issue-8, 5897-5901, August 2016.
- Published a Paper Titled as “Sizing of Hybrid Renewable Energy Sources and Battery Systems in Residential Micro grids Using Real Time Operating Systems” in Advances in Computational Sciences and Technology ISSN 0973-6107 Volume 10, Number 11 (2017) pp. 3179-3186.
- Published a Paper Titled as Power Source capacity of optimum sizing & analysis of Renewable Energy in Microgrid” in International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology (IJARTET), Vol. 4, Special Issue 17, March 2017, ISSN 2394-3777 (Print),ISSN 2394-3785 (Online).
- Published a Paper Titled as “Electro visits in primary Health care and its analysis” in Global Journal of Advanced Engineering Technologies ISSN (Online): 2277-6370 & ISSN (Print):2394-0921,Vol u me 6, Issue 3- 2017.
- Published a Paper Titled as “Electro visits in primary Health care and its analysis “in International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology (IJARTET), Vol. 4, Special Issue 17, March 2017, ISSN 2394-3777 (Print), ISSN 2394-3785 (Online).
- Published a Paper Titled as “ Electro Visits in Primary Care, Scheduling Policies, Modeling and its Analysis” in Advances in Computational Sciences and Technology, ISSN 0973-6107 Volume 10, Number 11 (2017) pp. 3161-3170.
- Published a Paper Titled as “A Review on Computational Fluid Dynamics Projects “in Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, November 2018, Vol.9, No.11.
- Published a Paper Titled as “Constrained Application Protocol of Internet of Things” in International Journal of Engineering &Technology, 7 (1.8) (2018) 244-246.
- Published a Paper Titled as “Constructing a System to Monitor and Control Indoor Environment” International Journal of Engineering &Technology, 7 (1.8) (2018) 247-250.
- Published a Paper Titled as “Automatic SMS Reader for Visually Impaired People” International Journal of Advance Science and Technology Vol. 29, No. 10S, (2020),
pp. 6658-6663. - Published a Paper Titled as “ANALYSIS OF RASPBERRY PI BASED ATM THEFT MONITORING AND SECURITY SYSTEM” International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 24, Issue 08, 2020 ISSN: 1475-7192.
- Published a Paper Titled as “An efficient design of Multiplier in Quantum-dot Cellular Automata Technology using Majority Logic” International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology Vol. 29, No. 6, (2020), pp. 8003-8011.
- Published a Paper Titled as ”wireless Arm Based Automatic Meter Reading & Control System” International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering(IJRTE), Vol. 7, Issue 5S3, 2019, ISSN: 2277-3878.
- Saritha, N. Shome, R. H. Laskar and M. Choudhury, “Enhancement in Speaker
Recognition using SincNet through Optimal Window and Frame Shift,” 2022 2nd
International Conference on Intelligent Technologies (CONIT), Hubli, India, 2022, pp.
1-6, doi: 10.1109/CONIT55038.2022.9848231.(IEEE Xplore). - Saritha, M. A. Laskar, R. H. Laskar and M. Choudhury, “Raw Waveform Based
Speaker Identification Using Deep Neural Networks,” 2022 IEEE Silchar Subsection
Conference (SILCON), Silchar, India, 2022, pp. 1-4, doi:
10.1109/SILCON55242.2022.10028890. (IEEE Xplore) - Saritha, R. H. Laskar and M. Choudhury, “DNN based Speaker Identification
System Under Multi-Variability speech Conditions”2022 IEEE International Women
in Engineering (WIE) Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering,
(WIECON-ECE),IIIT Naya Raipur, India. doi: 10.1109/WIECONECE57977.2022.10150728. (IEEE Xplore) - Saritha, K. AnishMonsley, R. H. Laskar and M. Choudhury, “SincSquareNet: Deep Neural Network-Based Speaker Identification for Raw Speech”,2023 Advances in Distributed Computing and Machine Learning, Lecture Notes in Networks and
Systems 660, NIT, Rourkela . - Saritha, R. H. Laskar and M. Choudhury, “Intelligent Speaker Identification System under Multi-Variability Speech Conditions”1st International Conference on SCI/TECH and Engineering, 17th -18th Feb, 2023 (ICSET-2023), NIT, Manipur, India.LectureNotes in Electrical Engineering, vol 1071. Springer, Singapore. - Saritha, K. AnishMonsley ,R. H. Laskar and M. Choudhury “FSIR: Few-Shot
Speaker Identification using Reptile Algorithm”8th international conference on
computers and devices for communication (CODEC 2023),december 14-16, Institute
of radio physics and electronics,University of Calcutta. (IEEE Xplore) - Saritha, R. H. Laskar and M. Choudhury,” Optimizing Speaker Identification
through SincsquareNet and SincNet Fusion with Attention Mechanism”, International
Conference on Innovative Data Communication Technologies and Application
[ICIDCA 2024], 10-11, January 2024, Coimbatore, India. DOI:
10.1016/j.procs.2024.03.211. (Elsevier Procedia Computer Science). - Saritha, B., Bharadwaja, C.S.S.R., Nikhitha, M., Nethra Reddy, C., Arun, K., Ahmed, S.M. (2022). An Intelligent Anti-Theft Vehicle Locking System Using IoT. In: Kumar, A., Senatore, S., Gunjan, V.K. (eds) ICDSMLA 2020. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 783. Springer,
- Published a Paper Titled as “In-Audible watermarking based on wavelet packets” in
International conference on Emerging trends in Electronics & Telecommunications
(ICETET) 29th – 31st May, 2015 eISSN : 2349-0020 pISSN : 2394-4544.
- Saritha, B., Laskar, M.A., Laskar, R.H. (2023). A Comprehensive Review on Speaker
Recognition. In: Biswas, A., Wennekes, E., Wieczorkowska, A., Laskar, R.H. (eds)
Advances in Speech and Music Technology. Signals and Communication
Technology. Springer, Cham.
Name of the patent | Year | Organization |
Apparatus of writing board with | 2019 | S R Engineering College |
Adaptive Voice Activity | 2024 | NIT Silchar (Indian patent) |
- Participated in an International Conference on “Recent Advances in Communication, VLSI & Embedded Systems-2014” held during 19th-20th December 2014 at SR Engineering College, Warangal.
- Attended two day national level workshop on “Recent Advances in VLSI” conducted by department of ECE, KITS Warangal during 8th & 9th November 2014.
- Attended Two day TEQIP-II Sponsored Workshop on “Open source Software”, conducted by Dept. Of ECE from 14th & 15th March -2014 at NIT, Warangal.
- Participated in the one day Faculty Development Program on “Outcomes- Based Engineering Education for Enhanced Employability”, Organized for the faculty of Engineering College at SR Engineering College, Warangal, on 6th October-2013.
- Participated Two weeks Faculty Development Program on “Resent Trends in Embedded Systems& Signal Processing”, at SVS Institute of Technology, Warangal from 14th September to 27th September 2013.
- Participated in the Two day Workshop on “Blackboard Software” at SR Engineering College, Warangal.
- Participated in the Two day Workshop on”LABVIEW SOFTWARE” at SR Engineering College, Warangal.
- Participated a five day Faculty Development Program on “Effective Teaching and learning of Digital Electronics “ conducted by Teaching –Learning Centre from 21st to 25th March -2017 at NIT, Warangal.
- Attended a Faculty Development Program on “Quality Assurance in Higher Education Instructions and Industries” organized by KITS wgl, during 19-July-2017 to 23-July-2017.
- Attended a Faculty Development Program on “Circuit Simulation PCB Design using Target 3001 software organized by DELLSOFT Tech Pvt. Ld. On 13-Sept-2017”.
- Completed a FDP on “Engineering Educator Training Program at SREC, Warangal from 22th July2017 to 18th Jan 2018.
- Participated a three days Workshop on “International Engineering Educator PreCertification Program”, Organized by IUCEE SR Engineering College during March 6-8, 2018.
- Participated in the AICTE Sponsored a Five day FDP on Artificial Neural Networks & Deep Learning held from 4-11-2019 to 8-11-2019 organized by UGC-HRD JNTUH.
- Participated in one day webinar on “Advancement in Deep Learning and Neural Network” Organized by Electronics & Communication Department, BhagwanMahavir College of Engineering and Technology, on 30th May 2020, Surat.
- Participated and Passed in „ National Level Technical Quiz – 2020‟ on „Image Processing and Computer Vision‟ organized by „Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering‟, Sumathi Reddy Institute of Technology for Women, Warangal Urban, on 02.06.2020
- Participated in the quiz on SPACE COMMUNICATION & TECHNOLOGY organized by Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering scheduled from 1/6/2020 to 4/6/2020 and scored 85%.
- Participated in the quiz on Fundamentals of Analog Electronics organized by Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering KITSW on 1/6/2020 and scored 65%.
- Attended Gusto valley Technovation‟s online Training on Image processing and Computer vision which was conducted from 15/05/2020 to 17/05/2020.
- Participated in the Hands-on online Faculty Development Program on “Python for AI and ML” on 27th June 2020 conducted by DAYANANDA SAGAR COLLEGE OF ARTS, SCIENCE AND COMMERCE SHAVIGE MALLESHWARA HILLS, K S LAYOUT, BANGALORE.
- Attended the Faculty Awareness Program on “Outcome Based Education (OBE)” Organized by Institute Data Centre, KITS, Warangal on 20-06-2020 with a score of 80%.
- Participated in the Season 2 Webinar of Skycampus conducted by ICT Academy during 20-4-2020 to 24-4-2020.
- Participated in the webinar in association with PANTECH “Face Recognition using Deep Learning” conducted on 30-6-2020.
- Participated in the webinar in association with PANTECH “Brain Computer Interface” hosted by NITK -STEP on 05-6-2020.
- Participated in the webinar in association with PANTECH “Brain Controlled Robot Design” hosted by NITK- STEP on 06-6-2020.
- Qualified in the UGC-NET exam, December 2019.
- Certified by International Engineering Educator Certification Program (IIEECP) with
- Awarded Best Technical Presentation at the 8th IEEE WIECON-ECE 2022.
- Reviewer for Computers, Materials & Continua Journal (SCIE)
- Reviewer for International Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Technovation. (Scopus)
- Received a research fellowship from MHRD, Government of India, during Ph.D. (2020-2024).
- Reviewer for various International Conferences
- Life Member, Indian Society for Technical Education (LMISTE), since 2013.
- IEEE, Active member in student IEEE student activities.
- Qualified in the UGC-NET exam, December 2019.
- Certified by International Engineering Educator Certification Program (IIEECP) with Distinction.