B.Tech: – Electronics and Communication Engineering, Vazirsultan College Of Engineering, Ku warangal,2008
M.Tech: – VLSI System Design, Anurag engineering collage, kodad, JNTUH, 2011
Ph.D: – Awarded PhD in Electronics & Communication Engineering in the specialization of Low Power VLSI Design from “Sri Satya Sai University of Technology & Medical Sciences, Sehore.
Scopus Id: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57218671608
Researcher (WoS) Id: https://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/AFZ-7112-2022
ORCID Id: https://orcid.org/my-orcid?orcid=0000-0002-1949-6961
Vidwan Id: https://vidwan.inflibnet.ac.in/profile/169577
Teaching Experience – 12years
JNTU Registration No – 2748-160223-151411
BVRIT ID – 738
VIDWAN ID: 159042
Ratification Status – Ratified
- VLSI System design
- Department website Coordinator
- Department Major Project Coordinator
- CVD Special Lab Member
NPTEL Certifications:
- Digital Circuits
- Multi core computer Architectures
- Computer networks and internet Protocol
- VLSI Design flow RTL-GDS
Coursera Certifications:
- RTL to GDSII using Synopsys Tools during November 19th 2024 to November 23rd 2024.
- Engineering Tomorrow’s cars. Mastering automotive Architecture with embedded Systems, OCT 2024.
- Understanding the Capabilities of FPGA’s for image Processing and Machine Learning SEP 2024.
- IC Compiler-II: Block Level Implementation Jumpstart, August 2023.
- Faculty Development Program on Analog and Mixed Signal Design using Synopsys Tool, June 2023.
- Recent Trends in Semiconductor Devices/VLSI chip Devices and its sensor Applications, JAN 2023.
- 5 day work shop on An Emarging paradigm of lowpower Computational VLSI
- one week online faculty development program on Recent Trends in VlSI
- 3 day national level FDP on Rrsearch Topics in VLSI and industry Trends
- 5 day work shop on recent Trends in SOC design
- “Ultra-Low Power High Speed DFT Implementation For ASIC SoC,” 2024 IEEE 9th International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT), Pune, India, 2024, pp.1-6,doi:10.1109/I2CT61223.2024.10544367. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10544367.“
- Low Leakage and High Speed Sub-threshold 128-bit Fin-FET SRAM for Ultra-Low-Power Applications” Vasudeva Reddy, T., Madhava Rao, K., Anirudh Reddy, R., Kavitha Reddy, P.2023 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Technologies, CONIT 2023.
- Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems 2023, 493, pp. 225–233k ,Vasudeva Reddy, T.,Madhava Rao, K.,Santhosh Kumar, V.,Hindumathi, V. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-19-4990-6_21.
- V. Reddy, K. M. Rao, P. K. Reddy, T. Keerthi and P. A. Rani, “Sub-threshold novel driving techniques of low leakage and high SNM SRAM architecture for high computational design,” 2022 International Conference on Recent Trends in Microelectronics, Automation, Computing and Communications Systems (ICMACC), Hyderabad, India, 2022, pp. 294-299, doi: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10093601/.
- Hardware implimentation of pixel comparison and error detection in image” in 4th international conferenceon trends in electronics and informatics (ICOEI 2020 2020) June(IEEE Conference)
- DrT. Vasudeva Reddy , K. Madhava Rao has presented a paper on “Performance & functionality of novel Subthreshold SRAM’s using low power techniques for SoC designs”in 3rd International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES 2018), 15th & 16th,,October 2018,Coimbatore,india(IEEE Conference)
- Dr T. Vasudeva Reddy , K. Madhava Rao has presented a paper on “Design & comparative analysis of low power subthreshold source coupled logic (SCL) based SRAM with traditional SRAM under 32nm”in nternational Conference on Innovations in Engineering, Technology and Sciences” (ICIETS),20th & 21st September 2018,Mysore,India (IEEE Conference)
- K.MADHAVARAO: International Conference on Advances in Soft Computing & Communication Technologies 2K14 August 27-28th, 2014| @ VITS Hyderabad, INDIA
- “FPGA Based Traffic Light Controller”, S. Venkata Kishore, Vasavi Sreeja, G.Gupta, V.Videsha, I.B.K. Raju, K.Madhava Rao, International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics, ICEI 2017. 978-1-5090-4257-9/17
- “FPGA Implementation of Mouse Interface”, V.Pravalika, P.Bhavya Reddy, G.John, B.Anil Kumar, K.Madhava Rao, International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics, ICEI 2017. 978-1-5090-4257-9/17
- “Schmitt –trigger based S-Ram design For ultra low voltage peocess”- International journal of advances in soft computing technology, volume 4 ,special issue of ICASCCT 2K14@ISSN:2229-3515.
- “Implementation of on-chip high precision oscillators with RC and LC using digital compensation technique” Madhava Rao, K.,Karthik Reddy, B.,Rameshkumar Reddy, C.,Charan Kumar, K.,Reddy, J.Y.,AIMS Electronics and Electrical Engineering, 2022, 6(2), pp. 188–197, https://www.aimspress.com/article/doi/10.3934/electreng.2022012?viewType=HTML
- “DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF BIO INSPIRED CANTILEVER MICRO GRIPPER NEEDLE FOR SURGICAL APPLICATIONS”Reddy, T.V.,Rao, K.M.,Reddy, J.Y.,Kumar, B.N., Reddy R.A. ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciencesthis link is disabled, 2021, 16(22), pp. 2425–2430. http://www.arpnjournals.org/jeas/research_papers/rp_2021/jeas_1121_8759.pdf
- “FPGA based Robotic ARM Controller” in The international Journalof Analytical and Experimental Modal analysis Volume XII issue IV APRIL-2020.(UGC Recognized)
- Implementation Of Power Efficient Accurate And Approximate Full Adders For Image Processing Applications , in Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education Vol.12,No.7(2021),2667-2674 https://turcomat.org/index.php/turkbilmat/article/view/3641/3125
- “Implementation of ALU by VedicAlgorithm” International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management Volume-3, Issue-4, April-2020 www.ijresm.com | ISSN (Online) (UGC Recognized)
- Design of FinFET based 128 bit SRAM in 7nm & Various Effects near Threshold Operation for Ultra Low Power applications” in international journal of Recent Technology and Engineering ISSN: 2277-3878 (Online), Volume-8 Issue-5, January 2020. Page No. 3361-3366. https://www.ijrte.org/wp-content/uploads/papers/v8i5/E5870018520.pdf
- “MEMS Design Techniques and Performance Estimation in Connected Cars” International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-9 Issue-2, December 2019 (SCOPUS)
- Dr. T.Vasudeva Reddy &k.MadhavaRao has presented a paper on “Novel strategies ofLow power Subthreshold SRAM designs under 32nm for real-time applications.” in InternationalConference on Computational and Intelligent Techniques for Automation of Engineering Systems (CITAES), Scopus Nov 30Th&1st December
- K. Madhava Rao, GESTURE BASED HOME AUTOMATION SYSTEM USING SPARTAN 3A, ASIC International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Volume118 No. 24 2018 Scopus UGC RECOGNIZED JOURNALS
- K. Madhava Rao, et al published paper on “Design & comparison of novel low power, sub threshold Schmitt trigger based SRAM & source coupled logic for cognitive applications. In Open Access International Journal Of Science & Engineering, Volume 2, Issue , November 2017||ISSN (Online) 2456-3293.
- K. Madhava Rao, et al published paper on “Design & Analysis of Single Bit Sub-Threshold SRAM using Traditional SRAM Design under 32nm Design” Volume 5, Issue XI, November 2017,in International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology.
- K. Madhava Rao, et al published paper on “Design, Simulation & Comparison Of Novel Tg8t SRAM With Traditional SRAM Design In Open Access International Journal Of Science & Engineering, Volume 2,Issuexii,December 2018||ISSN (Online) 2456-3293.(UGC approved)
- CH. Sagar, K.MADHAVARAO, D. Naga Poornima “Design and Implementation of 32 Bit Unsigned Multiplier Using CLAA and CSLA”, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING STUDIES Volume V /Issue 3 /AUG 2015
- “Parallel Self Timed Adder using Full Swing GDI” International journal of Research advancement in computer science and communications.
- “Design and Implementation of 32 Bit Unsigned Multiplier Using CLAA and CSLA” International Journal Of Professional Engineering Studies Volume V /Issue 3 /AUG 2015
- “An FPGA based high speed double precision Floating point multiplier using Verilog” International Journal Of Research in Advanced Engineering technologies Volume 4, Issue 5 AUG 2015.
- Detection and analysis of coagulation effect in vein using MEMS laminar flow for the early heart stroke diagnosis in Aims bioengineering, AIMS Bioengineering, 2023, Volume 10, Issue 1: 1-12. (2023) https://doi:10.3934/bioeng.2023001, http://www.aimspress.com/article/doi/10.3934/bioeng.2023001
- Patent Id 202441086333: Highly Sensitive Memristive Device-Enabled Flexible Bio-Sensors for Early Disease Detection and Prevention
- Patent Id 202241059111- a magneto sensitive assembly for interactive electronics.
- Patent Id 202141028833 -Optimized ultra large scale SOC test control architecture with scan test for bandwidth management
- Young Researcher Award – 2021 Certified By Instute Of Scholars
- Guest Lecture on “Basics of VLSI & Career Guidance ” at Ratnapuri Institute of technology
- Coordinator for zon2k13- college level FEST held in 2013
- Guest Lecture on “VLSI Design” at TRR Engineering college for women in 2007
- one day workshop Inquiry-based labaratory for teachnig students design of experiments
- projects enhanced learning for engineering programs 5th oct 2018
- faculty colloquium students counselling and mentoring on dec 14th 2018
- twodays workshop “QCARES” by Qualcomm at VEDIC july 2017
- three days workshop on III program.