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Dr. M. Prameela


Ph.D.:Fault Analysis of Transformer Windgs,Vignan University, 2014.
M.Tech:High Voltage Engineering,Jntu Kakinada,2007.
B.Tech:Β EEE, NBKRIST(SVU University),1993.

Teaching Experience – 22 years

Contact Number: +91-9963284031
BVRIT Employee ID:Β 680
JNTUH Registration ID: 150624-185052
SCOPUS ID :Β Β 55488846800
ORCHID ID:Β  0000-0003-0924-7969

  1. Ph.D guidance: 01
  2. M.Tech. guidance: Guided more than 6 students
  3. B.Tech. project guidance: Guided more than 60 students
  4. No. of international journal & international conference publications: 25
  5. No. of national conference proceedings & paper presentations: 4
  6. No. of guest lectures delivered: 6
  1. Power and Energy
  2. Lab view
  1. Renewable Energy systems
  2. High voltage Engineering
  3. Electrical Circuits
  4. Power Systems
  5. Python & Machine Learning
  1. Woman Researcher Award, presented by International Journal for Innovative Engineering and Management Research (IJIEMR) -Elsevier, 20-12-2020
  1. Faculty Development Program (FDP) grant Rs. 4,84,500/- under the AQIS scheme, AICTE entitled β€œElectric Vehicle (EV) Components, Technologies, Challenges and Future Development”,Β August 2020.
  1. Programme Coordinator, AICTE Sponsored Faculty Development Program (FDP) onΒ β€œElectric Vehicle (EV) Components, Technologies, Challenges and Future Development”– Series AΒ at B V Raju Institute of Technology, Narsapur, Telangana, India from 07.12.2020 to 19.12.2020.
  2. Programme Coordinator, AICTE Sponsored Faculty Development Program (FDP) onΒ β€œElectric Vehicle (EV) Components, Technologies, Challenges and Future Development”– Series BΒ at B V Raju Institute of Technology, Narsapur, Telangana, India from 18.01.2021 to 30.01.2021.
  2. CLOUD COMPUTING BASED E-LEARNING PLATFORM, Application No.202041055413 A, Date of filing of Application :20/12/2020, Publication Date : 25/12/2020.


  1. R. Satish Kumar, B. Nageswara Rao,Β M. Prameela,S. Peniel Pauldoss,Amol L. Mangrulkar, β€œAssessment of Bioprocess Development-Based Modeling and Simulation in a Sustainable Environment” International Journal of Photoenergy, ISSN – 1110- 662X , Volume 2022, Article ID 6428740
  2. Yogesh Yashwant Pundlik, Mrs. Gauri Yogesh Pundlik, Dr.M.Prameela , β€œ Network Virtualization in Wireless Communication- a review”  , Science, Technology and Development , Volume X , Issue VIII , Page No : 180, AUGUST 2021 ISSN : 0950-070
  3. Devineni Gireesh Kumar, Aman Ganesh , Neerudi Bhoopal , Sankaranarayanan Saravanan,Β Madala Prameela, Dsnmrao , Idamakanti Kasireddy, β€œ Evolutionary Algorithms for Real Time Engineering Problems: A Comprehensive Review”, International information and engineering technology association, Vol. 26, No. 2, April, 2021, pp. 179-190.
  4. Prameela, K. Vijaya Bhaskar Reddy , N. Bhoopal , β€œEffects of atmospheric temperature on corona generated ionic currents of HVDC Transmission lines”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 118 No. 24, ISSN: 1314-3395. . IndexedΒ  in Scopus.
  5. K Navya ,Β Prameela,Β Β β€œ PV Based Active Type SFCL For Reducing Fault Current And Over Voltages Distribution System” International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 118 No. 24, ISSN: 1314-3395. IndexedΒ  in Scopus.
  6. Vijaya Bhaskar Reddy,Β M. Prameela, P. Chandra Babu, N. Bhoopal,Β  β€œAutomatic Centralised Controller For Hybrid Solar-Wind Power System”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 120 No. 6 2018, 7839-7853 ISSN: 1314-3395 . IndexedΒ  in Scopus.
  7. D Purna Chander ,Β Prameela, β€œCHB-DVR Based Cotrol Strategry form Improved Voltage Compensation”, Pramana Research Journal, Volume 9, Issue 2, 2019, ISSN NO: 2249-2976.
  8. Sudheer Chopade,Β Prameela, N. Bhoopal, β€œDetecting Winding Displacement and Deformation in Transformers”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation
  9. Engineering, Vol. 5, Special Issue 8, November 2016, ISSN (Print) : 2320 – 3765.
  10. K.Chaithanya Sai, K.A Aravind, Pradeep M Nirgude,Β M. Prameela, ” Experimental Investigation on the Effects of Ambient Temperature on Ionic Currents of HVDC Transmission Lines” International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Vol. 5, Special Issue 8, November 2016, ISSN (Print) : 2320 – 3765
  11. M. Prameela, G. Radhakrishna Murthy and Pradeep M. Nirgude, β€œDiagnosing integrity of transformer windings by applying statistical tools to Frequency Response Analysis data obtained at site ”, Journal of Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology(RJASET), Print ISSN:Β Β 2040-7459; Online ISSN:Β Β 2040-7467, Volume 7, Issue 11, pp.2387-2393, March 2014. Indexed in ISI Thomson, Ulrich Database, Elsevier (Scopus), Open J-Gate etc.
  12. M. Prameela, G. Radhakrishna Murthy and Pradeep M. Nirgude, β€œExperimental Investigations To Evolve Numerical Approach To Interpret FRA Data For Condition Assessment of Transformers”, International Journal of Electrical Engineering (IJEE), The Chinese Institute of Electrical Engineering, Taiwan, ISSN: 18123031, Volume 20, No-6, pp 243-250(2013), Indexed in SCOPUS.
  13. M. Prameela, K.Sahitya Yadav, K. Sumanth, G. Radhakrishna Murthy and Pradeep M. Nirgude, β€œInterpreting Transformer Winding Axial Displacements using Transfer Function parameters”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE). ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume 1, Issue 5, October 2012. Indexed in DOAJ, Google Scholar, Open J-Gate etc.


  1. M. Prameela, G. Radhakrishna Murthy and Pradeep M. Nirgude, β€œExperimental Investigations to Aid Interpretation of Frequency Response Analysis Measurements for Diagnosing Transformers”, The Journal of CPRI, Volume 7, Issue 01, ISSN 0973-0338, pp. 1-10, March 2011.
  2. M. Prameela, G. Radhakrishna Murthy and Pradeep M. Nirgude, β€œExperimental Investigation on Model Transformer Windings to Analyze Axial and Radial Displacements”, The Journal of CPRI, Volume 8, Issue 03, ISSN 0973-0338, pp. 103-112, September 2012.
  3. M.Prameela, K.Sahitya Yadav, Dr.K.Sumanth, Pradeep M. Nirgude, β€œTransfer Function Parameter Computation from Frequency Response Analysis data for Diagnosing Transformer winding Inter-turn Deformations ”, at National Joournal on Electrical Power Engineering &Industrial Drives , Vol.1, Number 02, July-August 2012, ISSN 2231-590X, pp50-56.


    1. Prameela, N.Bhoopal, β€œ Diagnosing the Faults in Transformer Windings Using Numerical Analysis ”, International Conference on Research Advancements in Engineering, Science and Information Technology- 2015 (ICRAESIT-2015), BVRIT, Narsapur, Medak, Telangana, 15thΒ -16thΒ December, 2015.
    2. Prameela, K. Sahitya Yadav, G. Radhakrishna Murthy and Pradeep M. Nirgude β€œEstimation and Computation of Transfer Function Parameters from FRA Data for Analyzing Transformer Winding Deformation and Displacements”, 2012 IEEE 10th International Conference on the Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials (ICPADM), 24-28 July 2012, Bangalore. Indexed in IEEE Xplore and INSPEC : IEEE Xplore DOI: 10.1109/ICPADM.2012.6318961Β  and INSPEC Accession Number: 13057869.
    3. Prameela, G. Radhakrishna Murthy and Pradeep M. Nirgude , β€œDiagnosis and Identification of Transformer Winding Faults from Frequency Response Data by the Application of ANN Technique”, 2012 IEEE 10th International Conference on the Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials (ICPADM), 24-28 July 2012, Bangalore. Indexed in IEEE Xplore and INSPEC: IEEE Xplore DOI 10.1109/ICPADM.2012.6318962 and INSPEC Accession Number: 13057870.
    4. Prameela and Pradeep M. Nirgude, β€œInvestigations on Assessing Mechanical Integrity of Transformer windings”, XVII International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering – ISH 2011, paper F-011-PRA-F, pp. 1-6, 22-26 August 2011, Hannover, Germany.
    5. Prameela, K.Sahitya Yadav and Pradeep M. Nirgude, β€œInterpretation of FRA Data for Diagnosing Transformer Outer Winding Movements from Transfer Function Parameters”, XVIII International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering – ISH 2013, Paper OF2-01, pp. 1762-1767, 25-30 August 2013, Seoul, Republic of South Korea.
    6. Prameela M., Pradeep Nirgude and B. Gunasekaran, β€œInterpreting SFRA Data for Detecting Winding Displacement and Deformation in Transformers”, TRAFOTECH- 2010, Eighth International Conference on Transformers, Organized by IEEMA, Session VI paper-10, pp. VI -53-59, 18-19 January 2010, Mumbai, India.


  1. M.Prameela, Effects of atmospheric temperature on corona generated ionic currents of HVDC Transmission lines, RAPIDEET-2018, 2nd AnnualΒ National conference ,Β B. V. Raju Institute of Technology, Narsapur, Medak, Telangana,Β 20thandΒ 21stΒ Β April 2018Β .
  2. PV Based Active TypeΒ  SFCLΒ  For Reducing Fault Currents And Overvoltages Distribution System, Β RAPIDEET-2018, 2nd AnnualΒ National conference ,Β B. V. Raju Institute of Technology, Narsapur, Medak, Telangana,Β 20thΒ andΒ 21stΒ Β April 2018Β .Prameela M., G. Radhakrishna Murthy, Pradeep Nirgude and B. Gunasekaran, β€œExperimental Investigations to Identify SFRA Measurement Sensitivity for Detecting Faults in Transformers ”, 16th National Power System Conference – NPSC 2010, Organized by Department of Electrical Engineering, University College of Engineering. Osmania University, pp. 716-721, 15-17 December 2010, Hyderabad, India.
  3. Β M. Prameela, K. Sahitya Yadav, Pradeep M. Nirgude and D. Devendranath, β€œDiagnosing Transformer Winding Inter-Turn Deformations Using FRA Data and Transfer Function Parameters” National High Voltage Engineering Conference – NHVEC -2014, Organized by Central Power Research Institute, pp. 126 -13, 7-8 March 2014, Hyderabad, India.
  4. M. Prameela, K. Sahitya Yadav, K.Sumanth and Pradeep M. Nirgude β€œ Transfer Function Parameters Computation from Frequency Response Analysis Data for Diagnosing Transformer Winding Inter-turn Deformationsβ€œ National Conference on β€œ Electrical Power Engineering and Industrial Drivesβ€œ, NCPEID – 2012 Organized by Sreenidhi Institute of Science and Technology, 7-8 March 2012, Hyderabad, India.
  5. M. Prameela, K. Sahitya Yadav and Pradeep M. Nirgude β€œApplication of Statistical Tools to Interpret SFRA Data for Detection of Faults in Transformersβ€œSTDS CPRI Bhopal 6-2011.
  6. M. Prameela, K. Sahitya Yadav and Pradeep M. Nirgude “Interpreting Sfra Data For Detecting Winding Displacement And Deformation In Transformers” National Conference on β€œRecent Trends and Practices in Electrical Engineering-Future Prospects & challenges”(RT-PEEP-2011) 18th & 19th March 2011,KITS, Singapuram.
  1. A One day workshop on β€œCampus Energy Monitoring System” conducted by IITH on 29-06-2019.
  2. A Two days workshop on Artificial Intelligence conducted by IITH from 20-07-2019 to 20-07-2019.
  3. A One day workshop on Electrical Testing of High Voltage Equipment” on 22nd July, 2017, at Central Power Research Institute, UHV Research Laboratory, Hyderabad.
  4. A Two days workshop on β€œRecent Trends in AC/DC Transmission Systems” during 16-17thNovember 2017 at Central Power Research Institute, UHV Research Laboratory, Hyderabad.
  5. A One day Tutorial program on Testing of Power & Instrument transformer-” on on 05.01.2018, 2017 at Central Power Research Institute, UHV Research Laboratory, Hyderabad.