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Dr. Mudasar Basha

Assistant Professor, ECE Dept.

B.Tech: – Electronics and Communication Engineering- SAFA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY,KURNOOL – 2008.
Ph.D: – Ph.D from KLEF University,2024

Teaching Experience – 9 Years

JNTU Registration No – 71150406-112241
BVRIT ID – 541
Ratification Status – Ratified

  1. B.Tech. project guidance: Guided more than 20 students
  2. No. of international journal & international conference publications:12
  1. VLSI Design
  1. Micro Processors and Micro Controllers
  2. VLSI
  3. Electronic Devices and Circuits
  1. Implementation of Sensor Precision Mirror Rate using FPGA, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), Volume-9 Issue-5, ISSN: 2278 – 3075, MARCH 2020.
  2. An FPGA based snake robot, International Journal of Advanced Research, Ideas and innovations in technology (IJARIIT), ISSN: 2454-132X, Volume 4, Issue 2, Impact factor: 4.295, pp 2139-2142, 2018
  3. Involuntarily Regulated Car Parking Technique, International Journal of Electronics, Electrical and Computational System, IJEECS, ISSN 2348-117X, Volume 7, Issue 4, April 2018
  4. “NBTI Recovery in SRAM Arrays through Enhanced Recovery Boosting” this is published in international journal of innovations in Engineering and Technology (IIJIET).
  5. “Hop by Hop Routing in MANETS with Power Management and Better Stability” published in International Journal of Scientific Engineering and research(IJSER)
  1. Command Control Robot using Internet of Things on Field Programmable Gate Array, IEEE International Conference on Electronics and Sustainable Communication Systems (ICESC), 2-4 July 2020, Electronic ISBN: 978-1-7281-4108-4
  2. Deliberation of Robotic Services to Humankind using FPGA based Robot, IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Instrumentation and Control Technologies (ICICICT), 5-6 July 2019
  3. Approach to Find Shortest Path Using Ant Colony Algorithm, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (AISC), volume 624, pp 1243-1252, 978-981-10-5903-2 April 2018 — Springer Book Series.
  4. Presented a Paper on “CMOS Full Adders“in a “NATIONAL LEVEL CONFERENCE” Organized by “KALASALINGAM UNIVERSITY”, Tamil Nadu.
  5. Presented a Paper on “Implementation of Full Adders” in a “NATIONAL LEVEL CONFERENCE” Organized by “Lords College of Engineering and Technology”, Hyderabad
  6. Presented a paper “Micro Controller based Low Energy Consuming Chemical Sensor” at ICEECE, Chennai during 29th March 2015
  7. A Paper on “MICRO-CONTROLLER BASED LOW ENERGY CONSUMING CHEMICAL SENSOR” has been published in Proceedings of 22 nd IRF International Conference, 29 th March 2015, Chennai, India, ISBN: 978-93-82702-83-2by GAYATRI MAYUKHA BEHARA, MUDASAR BASHA, SHYAM SAI SUNKARA