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Dr. R. Anirudh Reddy

Assistant Professor, ECE Dept.

B.Tech: – Electronics and Communication Engineering- MAHESHWARA ENGINEERING COLLEGE,PATANCHERVU,HYDERABAD, MAY 2008
Ph.D: – Ph.D from KLEF University,2024

Teaching Experience – 9 Years
Industry Experience – 1 year

JNTU Registration No – 77150406-153057
BVRIT ID – 552
Ratification Status – Ratified

  1. Idea entitled “IVSV-System: INTERACTING WITH V-ATM SCREENS USING VOICE SYSTEM” was published in Intellectual Property India
  1. Certified as Microsoft Technology Associate(MTA) in Python Programming by Microsoft
  2. Certified course on “Learn IoT through Arduino and Raspberry Pi” by E & ICT Academy-IIT Kanpur
  1. Mentored Project entitled “CROPILLAR” won first prize in Sankalp Hackathon 2019-20-A National Level Event on IoT Based Solution for Indian Ecosystem with 80K cash prize and Core Job Offers (For 4-Students)
  2. Certificate of Appreciation from Sankalp Semiconductors (HCL) as a Project Mentor for Sankalp Hackathon-2019
  3. Texas Instruments, DST, AICTE and IIM-Bangalore nominated Prof. R.Anirudh Reddy as member of the prestigious “Conference of Elite Academicians of IIDC” for outstanding contributions and stellar commitment to inspiring engineering students to innovate and create ground breaking solutions
  4. Mentored a project entitled “Phasal Praptisudhar” was top-10 finalists of Startup India Telangana Yatra-2018, an initiative taken to encourage Entrepreneurship and innovation & won 50K cash prize
  5. Mentored a project entitled “AUTONOMOUS ORDURE CLEANER” was presented in semifinals of Texas Instruments IICDC-2017 at IIsc,Banglore & won 20K cash prize
  6. Certificate of Appreciation by Texas Instruments as a Project Mentor for TI IICDC-2016, TI IICDC-2017, TI IICDC -2018
  7. Certificate of Appreciation by L&T Technologies Services as a Project Mentor for L&T TechGium Contest-2017
  8. Certificate of Appreciation by ATMEL as a Project Mentor for Atmel Embedded Design Contest 2014 & 2015
  1. Embedded Systems
  2. Wireless Sensor Networks
  1. Internet of Things
  2. Wireless Body Area Networks
  3. Robotics

Rural Innovators Start Up Conclave(RISC)-2019

  1. Project 1: The Project entitled “The SMOCKET” won second prize in Rural Innovators Start Up Conclave(RISC)-2019 at NIRDPR, Hyderabad by III B.Tech ECE students J.Sai Kiran, I. Naveen, Charith Reddy, G. Dilip ,Shoiab and Shasank under the guidance of R. Anirudh Reddy


Sankalp Hackathon 2020

  1. Project 1: The Project entitled “CROPILLAR” was selected for final phase of Sankalp Hackathon 2020 by III B.Tech ECE students J.Sai Kiran, I. Naveen, Charith Reddy, G. Dilip under the guidance of R. Anirudh Reddy


L&T TechGium Contest

  1. Project 1: The Project entitled “The Robotic Assistance (T.RA)” was selected for next phase of L&T TechGium Contest-2019/20 by III B.Tech ECE students J.Sai Kiran, I. Naveen, Charith Reddy, G. Dilip under the guidance of R. Anirudh Reddy
  2. Project 2: The Project entitled “Smart Server Farm Monitor” was selected for next phase of L&T TechGium Contest-2019/20 by III B.Tech ECE students Ch.Harshith Varma, Pranith Reddy,Neeraj Shyam and Sravan Kumar under the guidance of R. Anirudh Reddy


DST & TI India Innovation Challenge Design Contest-2019

  1. Project 1: “Domestic Gas Cylinder And Monitoring System” by J.Sai Kiran,I. Naveen, Amrutha Srivalli,Kiranmayee,Nanditha and N.Rachana mentored by R.Anirudh Reddy, Asst Professor
  2. Project 2:“Modern Rooster Aviary” by Ch.Harshith Varma, Pranith Reddy,Neeraj Shyam and Sravan Kumar,S.Chandana mentored by R.Anirudh Reddy, Asst Professor
  3. Project 3:“Kasypa Krishi” by K.Satish, K. Amulya, K. Bhagya Lakshmi, K.Sashi Kumar, G.Santoshini, Ch.Prabhu mentored by R.Anirudh Reddy, Asst Professor
  4. Project 4: “Youwe Tap(Dirt Detector)” by B.PoojaSree, B.Lahari, Aadesh Harish Shetty, D.Rakesh Reddy, B.Dinesh Kumar mentored by R.Anirudh Reddy, Asst Professor
  5. Project 5:“Smart Motorcycle” by Amrutha Varshini, Akhil, M.Nikhil, M.Kiranmay, P.Aadarsh mentored by R.Anirudh Reddy, Asst Professor
  6. Project 6: “Ground Water Preservator” by K.Murali, Sai Kiran, Mrudula Qury, mentored by R.Anirudh Reddy , Asst Professor
  7. Project 7:“Prior Notification Of A Vehicle Location Through Vehicle Tracker” by Nandhitha, mentored by R.Anirudh Reddy, Asst Professor
  8. Project 8: “ The Virago” by Sneha, Kavya, mentored by K.Sai Prasanna , Asst Professor and R.Anirudh Reddy, Asst Professor
  9. Project 9: “Flora Growth Supervisor” by Hema Bindu, Naveena, Arun Kumar, Akshith Reddy, Greeshma T,Meenakshi mentored by R.Anirudh Reddy, Asst Professor
  10. Project 10:“Guano Fructification” by Shoeb Ali, Ashfaq Md, N.Rachana, N.Lahari, Kusuma Lahari and Abhinav mentored by R.Anirudh Reddy, Asst Professor
  11. Project 11:“Expedition Plaza” by Sai Siddhartha,Pawar Ashwin mentored by R.Anirudh Reddy , Asst Professor
  12. Project 12:“Aditum Connect“by Amarnath and Team mentored by Dr.Balaji, Associate Professor and R.Anirudh Reddy, Asst Professor
  1. SPOC-ARM University Program
  2. Centre for Embedded System Design(CESD) Special Lab Coordinator
  4. PG-ES Internships
  1. M.Tech. guidance: Guided 18 students
  2. B.Tech. project guidance: Guided more than 50 students
  3. No. of Paper publications: 5
  1. R Anirudh Reddy, Dr.N Venkat Ram, Data Aggregation and Precedence by Delay Sensitivity (DAP-DS): Data Transmission over Wireless Body Sensor Networks, Microprocessors and Microsystems, Volume 77, September 2020
  1. R Anirudh Reddy, Dr.N Venkat Ram, Innovative Data Transmission and Routing Strategies of Wireless Body Area Sensor Networks: Taxonomy, Review, Issues and Constraints of State of the Art Contributions in Recent Literature, International Journal of Engineering & Technology Jan-2018
  2. R.Anirudh Reddy, Dr.N.Venkat Ram, Mobile Sink with Discerning Mobility Approach (MSDMA) for Energy Efficient Delay Sensitive Data Transmission over Wireless Sensor Networks, Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical & Control Systems Dec-2018
  3. Dr.I A Pasha, Anirudh Reddy, P Mahima, Design of a weed detection system for cotton field, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 2018
  4. R Anirudh Reddy, T Vasudeva Reddy, G Akhil, S ManinderReddy, PSS Pavan Kumar, N Siva Dinesh, Multi Level Robust Data Security System, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 2018
  1. R Anirudh Reddy, G Laasya, T Sowmya, P Sindhuja, Mudasar Basha, Image Processing For Weed Detection, International Journal of Engineering Technology, Management and Applied Sciences 2017
  2. R Anirudh Reddy, G Laasya, Design of Weed Detection System for Cotton field, Journal of Image processing and artificial intelligence 2017
  3. G Laasya R Anirudh Reddy,Krishna Mohan, DriveIoT, International Journal of Innovations & Advancement in Computer Science 2017
  4. L Vani, R Anirudh Reddy, Robotic arm manipulation using leap motion controller, Int. J. Adv. Technol. Eng. and Science 2015
  5. Gogineni Prathusha, R Anirudh Reddy, Multiple Security System Using Signature Verification On Android Smartphone, International Journal of Technology and Science, 2015
  6. Ramanjaneyulu Marni, Anirudh Reddy, Ramchander Nirudi, Accurate String Measurements for Solar PV Power Plants to improve the Performance and Reliability, IJERT 2016
  7. S Haritha, R ANIRUDH REDDY, Design and implementation of efficient audio streaming system using Raspberry pi, International Journal of Emerging Technology and Computer Sci. Electron. IJETCSE 2014
  8. Anirudh Reddy, Naresh Kumar, COLOR RENDERING FOR TRUE COLOR DISPLAY” National Conference on VLSI, Signal Processing And Embedded Systems at VNR VJIET, Hyderabad 2012