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Dr. Sanjay Dubey


B.E: – Electronics & communication Engineering : Amravati University, Maharashtra, 1998
M.Tech: – Wireless and Mobile communications, JNTUH, 2008
Ph.D.: – From JNTUH on FPGA based Robotics.

Teaching Experience – 20 years
Industry Experience – 1 years

JNTU Registration No – 04150402-162346
Ratification Status – Ratified

  1. Life member of ISTE.
  1. Awarded Best Paper of session for “Person Follower Robot”, at IEEE-ICCICCT-2014 on 11th July 2014 at Noorul Islam University, Kumaracoil. Kanyakumari Dt, Tamilnadu.
  2. Mentored a project titled “Over Speeding & Rash driving detection”, which received a consolation cash prize of $200 at TI India Educators conference (TIIEC-2014) Bangalore.
  3. Mentored a project titled “PC based Linear IC Tester”, which received a consolation cash prize of Rs.10,000 at TI India Educators conference (TIIEC-2013) Bangalore.
  4. Reviewer for the projects in TI Innovation challenge India Analog Design Contest during 2013, 2014.
  1. M.Tech. guidance: Guided more than 25 students
  2. B.Tech. project guidance: Guided more than 100 students
  3. No. of journal publications: 4
  4. No. of conference proceedings & paper presentations: 9
  5. No. of guest lectures delivered: 10
  1. FPGA based Robotics
  1. Wireless Communication
  2. VLSI Design
  3. Digital System design
  1. Sravanthi M, Gunturi SK, Chinnaiah MC, Lam SK, Vani GD, Basha M, Janardhan N, Krishna DH, Dubey S. Adaptive FPGA-Based Accelerators for Human-Robot Interaction in Indoor Sensors (Basel). 2024 Oct 30;24(21):6986. doi: 10.3390/s24216986.
  2. Basha M, Siva Kumar M, Chinnaiah MC, Lam S-K, Srikanthan T, Divya Vani G, Janardhan N, Hari Krishna D, Dubey S. A Versatile Approach for Adaptive Grid Mapping and Grid Flex-Graph          Exploration with a Field-Programmable Gate Array-Based Robot Using Hardware          Sensors. 2024; 24(9):2775.
  3. Basha M, Siva Kumar M, Chinnaiah MC, Lam S-K, Srikanthan T, Narambhatla J, Dodde HK, Dubey S. Hardware Schemes for Smarter Indoor Robotics to Prevent the Backing Crash    Framework Using Field Programmable Gate Array-Based Multi-Robots. Sensors. 2024;         24(6):1724.
  4. C. Chinnaiah ,G. Divya Vani , Srinivasa Rao Karumuri Thambipillai Srikanthan, Siew-Kei Lam Janardhan Narambhatla, D. Hari Krishna, and Sanjay Dubey “Geometry-Based Parking    Assistance Using Sensor Fusion for Robots With Hardware Schemes,” in IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 24, no. 6, pp. 8821-8834, 15 March15, 2024, doi: 10.1109/JSEN.2023.3345037.
  5. Sravanthi M, Gunturi SK, Chinnaiah MC, Lam S-K, Divya Vani G, Basha M, Janardhan N, Hari Krishna D, Dubey S. A Field-Programmable Gate Array-Based Adaptive Sleep Posture Analysis    Acelerator for Real-Time Monitoring. Sensors. 2024; 24(22):7104.
  6. G Divya Vani, Srinivasa Rao Karumuri,M.C. Chinnaiah, Lam Siew-Kei, Sanjay Dubey. (2023). A co-operative type of multi-robot parking system with versatile mode and implementation using FPGA. Microsystem Technologies. Advance online publication.
  7. DivyaVani, G et al. “Hardware-Efficient Scheme for Trailer Robot Parking by Truck Robot in an Indoor Environment with Rendezvous.”  Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) 23 (2023): n. pag.
  8. Basha M, Siva Kumar M, Chinnaiah MC, Lam S-K, Srikanthan T, Janardhan N, Hari Krishna D, Dubey S. A Versatile Approach to Polygonal Object Avoidance in Indoor Environments with          Hardware Schemes Using an FPGA-Based Multi-Robot. Sensors. 2023; 23(23):9480.
  9. Dubey, S., Chinnaiah, M. C., Pasha, I. A., Prasanna, K. S., Kumar, V. P., & Abhilash, R. (2022). An IoT based Ayurvedic approach for real time healthcare monitoring. AIMS Electronics and Electrical Engineering, 6(3), 329–344.
  10. R. Laxmi Prasanna, Sanjay Dubey,” IOT based Crop Monitoring System” in International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET) ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.429 Volume 8 Issue VI June 2020.
  11. K Vennela, MC Chinnaaiah, Sanjay Dubey, S Savithri published a paper “Implementation of mobile robot navigation mechanism using fpga: an edge detection-based approach” in International Conference on Innovative Computing and Communications, 2019
  12. Sanjay Dubey, IA Pasha, MC Chinnaiah, KS Prasanna, VP Kumar published a paper “A Survey on Nadi Pariksha and Pulse Acquisition System”, in 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Instrumentation and Control Technologies (ICICICT), 2019
  13. M Anusha Sanjay Dubey, PS Raju, IA Pasha published a paper “Real–Time Yoga Activity with Assistance of Embedded based Smart Yoga Mat” in 2nd International Conference on Innovations in Electronics, Signal Processing and Communication (IESC), 2019
  14. MC Chinnaaiah, K Anusha, B Bharat, M Divya, PS Raju, S Dubey published a paper “Deliberation of curvature type Obstacles: A new approach using FPGA based robot” in 2018 International Conference on Control, Power, Communication and Computing Technologies (ICCPCCT), 2018
  15. MC Chinnaiah, TPK Nandan, P Haritha, S Dubey, IA Pasha published a paper in A New Deliberation of Embedded based Assistive System for Yoga, in 8th International Symposium on Embedded Computing and System Design (ISED), 2018
  16. Sanjay Dubey, H Ajay Kumar, R Abhilash, MC Chinnaiah published a paper “Fuzzy Logic Based Speech Recognition and Gender Classification” in Microelectronics, Electromagnetics and Telecommunications, 2018
  17. Kishore Vennela, MC Chinnaaiah, Sanjay Dubey, Satya Savithri published a paper “An FPGA-Based Classical Implementation of Branch and Remove Algorithm” in Microelectronics, Electromagnetics and Telecommunications, 2018
  18. MC Chinnaiah, Sanjay Dubey, K Anusha, J Vani, G Divya Vani published a paper “A versatile path planning algorithm with behavioural control using FPGA based robots” in 10th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control (ISCO), 2017
  19. MC Chinnaiah, Sanjay Dubey, L Vineela, K Bindu, E Bharath Babu published a paper “An unveiling path planning algorithm with minimal sensing using embedded based robots” in International Conference on Advances in Human Machine Interaction (HMI), 2016
  20. Sanjay Dubey, MC Chinnaaiah, Ch Sai Kiran, B Sai Priyanka, P Punna Rao published a paper “An FPGA based service Robot for floor cleaning with autonomous navigation” in International Conference on Research Advances in Integrated Navigation Systems (RAINS), 2016
  21. D Sanjay, MC Chinnaiah, T Satya Savithri, P Rajesh Kumar published a paper “A survey of reconfigurable service robots” in International Conference on Research Advances in Integrated Navigation Systems (RAINS), 2016.
  22. R Abhilash, Sanjay Dubey, MC Chinnaiah published a paper “ASIC design of signed and unsigned multipliers using compressors” in International Conference on Microelectronics, Computing and Communications (MicroCom),2016
  23. MC Chinnaaiah, Sanjay Dubey, K Anusha, P Rajesh Kumar, T Satya Savithri published a paper “A versatile autonomous navigation algorithm for smart indoor environment using FPGA based robot” in International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Instrumentation and Control Technologies (ICICICT), 2016
  24. Sanjay Dubey and M. C. Chinnaaiah R. Abhilash published a paper “ASIC design of low power VLSI architecture for different multiplier algorithms using compressors” in 11th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS), Roorkee, India, 2016
  25. MC Chinnaaiah, Saikiran Ambati, Manisha Yaddla, J Sravanthi, D Sanjay published a paper “FPGA based robots hardware efficient scheme for Real time indoor environment with behavioural control” in International Conference on Innovations in Information, Embedded and Communication Systems (ICIIECS), 2015.
  26. R Abhilash, Sanjay Dubey, MC Chinnaaiah, published a paper “Notice of Retraction High performance and area efficient Signed Baugh-Wooley multiplier with Wallace tree using compressors” in International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Signals, Communication and Optimization (EESCO), 2015.
  27. D Sanjay, P Rajesh Kumar, T Satya Savithri, published a paper “Notice of Removal: Robotic system using fuzzy logic for person following” in 2015 International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Signals, Communication and Optimization (EESCO), 2015.
  28. R Abhilash, IBK Raju, Gnaneshwara Chary, Sanjay Dubey, published a paper “Notice of Retraction Area-power efficient vedic multiplier using compressors” in 2015 International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Signals, Communication and Optimization (EESCO), 2015
  29. D Sanjay, T Satya Savithri, P Rajesh Kumar, published a paper “Person follower robotic system” in International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, Communication and Computational Technologies (ICCICCT), 2015
  30. Vangala Praveen Kumar, Kampati Rajesh, Motike Ganesh, Ivaturi Ram Pavan Kumar, Sanjay Dubey published a paper “Overspeeding and rash driving vehicle detection system”, Texas Instruments India Educators’ Conference (TIIEC), 2014.
  31. P Badari Narayana, Prasad Motepalli, BR Sanjeeva Reddy, Sanjay Dubey, published a paper “Design & simulation of solar DC pump in simulink” in International Conference on Energy Efficient Technologies for Sustainability, 2013.
  32. M Jagadeshwar Rao, Sanjay Dubey published a paper “A high speed and area efficient Booth recoded Wallace tree multiplier for Fast Arithmetic Circuits” in Asia Pacific conference on postgraduate research in microelectronics and electronics, 2012.
  33. MC Chinnaiah, D Sanjay, PR Kumar, TS Savithn published a paper “A Novel approach and Implementation of Robot path planning using Parallel processing algorithm” in International Conference on Communications, Devices and Intelligent Systems, 2012.
  34. D. Sanjay, M.C. Chinnaiah, Dr. T. Satya Savithri, Dr. P. Rajesh Kumar pubished a paper “Simulation of Reconfiguration in Robots for multiple tasks” in First International Conference on Emerging trends in Signal Processing & VLSI Design.(SPVL2010), 2010.
  1. Kalathiripi Rambabu, Sanjay Dubey, B. R. Sanjeeva Reddy, Ezhilvendan M, P. Bhanu Teja Prakash, P.Vamshi, N.Mamatha,” AUTOMATED CANINE FOOD VENDING MACHINE USING YOLO V5AND ARDUINO” in 2024 10th International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing (ICCSP).
  2. Deshpande, B. Rama Sanjeeva Reddy, J. Das, B. Naresh Kumar, S. Dubey and S. Guthi, “Design and Simulation of Microstrip Patch Antenna with Defected Ground Structure for Satellite Application in Ku Band,” 2024 International Conference on Smart Applications, Communications and Networking (SmartNets), Harrisonburg, VA, USA, 2024, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/SmartNets61466.2024.10577741.
  3. Kishore J. Reddy R.A. Dubey S. Jhansi K. Kumari M. Reddy D.K. “Design and Development of Anti – Niharah Yantra”, Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Networking and Communications 2024, ICNWC 2024.
  4. R. Kapula, S. Dubey, B. R. S. Reddy, C. Jayanth, P. Gahitha and B. Mohit, “Transforming Wireless Communication Systems: A Review of AI based TST Coding Techniques,” 2024 International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies (ICICT), Lalitpur, Nepal, 2024, pp. 1783-1787, doi: 10.1109/ICICT60155.2024.10544599.
  5. Kalathiripi Rambabu, 2Sanjay Dubey, 3Kola Naga Srinivas, 4Dhonapati Nithin Reddy, 5Chinthala Rohith “Smart Water Flow and Pipeline Leakage Detection using IoT and Arduino UNO” in “2nd International Conference on Intelligent Data Communication Technologies and Internet of Things (IDCIoT-2024) IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP24CV1-ART; ISBN: 979-8-3503-2753-3.
  6. Mareddy Anusha, R Thangam, Sanjay Dubey “Quantum Neural Network for Image Feature Extraction using MNIST” in “International Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) (I-SMAC 2024) IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP24OSV-ART; ISBN: 979-8-3503-7642-5”.
  7. R. Chekuri, M. C. Chinnaiah, T. Keerthi, S. Dubey and D. H. Krishna, “Design and Implementation of IR Sensor Based FPGA Robot Using Partial Reconfiguration,” 2023 3rd Asian Conference on Innovation in Technology (ASIANCON), Ravet IN, India, 2023, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/ASIANCON58793.2023.10269855.
  8. Remote Accessible Security System with IoT Using LabVIEW Rambabu, K.Chinnaiah, M.C.Dubey, S.Yellanki, S.Cognitive Science and Technology2023, pp. 385–393.
  9. Rambabu, K., Dubey, S., Srujana, K., Rajesh, G., Imran, M. (2023). Internet of Things (IoT) Based Smart Agriculture and Automatic Irrigation Monitoring System Using LoRa. In: Swaroop, A., Polkowski, Z., Correia, S.D., Virdee, B. (eds) Proceedings of Data Analytics and Management. ICDAM 2023. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 787. Springer, Singapore.
  10. Kalathiripi Rambabu, Sanjay Dubey, Dindigala Arjun, Jennarapu Sathwik, Kodi Swastik “IoT based Smart Assistance for Visually Impaired using Raspberry Pi” in “Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Automation, Computing and Renewable Systems (ICACRS-2023)”.
  11. Rambabu, K., Dubey, S., Uzma, S., Harshini, T., Santhosh, V. “Automation of Unmanned Railway Level Crossing Systems using Arduino UNO” 14th International Conference on Advances in Computing, Control, and Telecommunication Technologies, ACT 2023.26.
  12. Uppugunduru Anil Kumar, Viren Ramchandani, Syed Shakeel Hashmi, Sanjay Dubey, Syed Ershad Ahmed, “Low power Approximate Divider and Square Root Circuits for Error Resilient Applications”,” ISED 2023 – International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Embedded Design”.
  13. R. Kapula, A. Deekonda, S. Dubey, B. Sushannth, B. S. Srikar and B. V. Reddy, “Design and Implementation of Motion Imitation Robot,” 2023 5th International Congress on Human-Computer Interaction, Optimization and Robotic Applications (HORA), Istanbul, Turkiye, 2023, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/HORA58378.2023.10156711.
  14. V. Reddy, S. Dubey, R. A. Reddy, S. Prasanna, C. Archana and B. Harishwar, “AI-Driven Advanced Solutions for Plant Leaf Disease Detection and Remediation,” 2023 3rd International Conference on Innovative Mechanisms for Industry Applications (ICIMIA), Bengaluru, India, 2023, pp. 347-353, doi: 10.1109/ICIMIA60377.2023.10426539.
  15. Sanjeeva Reddy B.R.Dubey, S.Vishnu Vardhan, J.N. ,”Performance Evaluation of Radar Backscatter of S-Shaped Duct with Conventional Intake Duct” , Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 2023, 493, pp. 103–113.
  16. M C Chinnaiah, Sanjay Dubey, N Janardhan , VenkataPathi , Nandan K, Anusha M, “Analysis of Pitta Imbalance in young Indian adult using Machine Learning Algorithm”, 2022 2nd International Conference on IntelligentTechnologies (CONIT)
  17. Srinivasa Raju G.R.L.V.N.;SairamVamsiT.;Dubey S. “Touchless Doorbell with Sanitizer Dispenser: A Precautionary Measure of COVID-19”,Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Volume 266, Year 2022, Pages 359-365.
  18. Sanjay Dubey, V. Praveen Kumar, K. Sai Prasanna , and M.C. Chinnaiaha“Logistic Regression Analysis for the Classification of Human Pulse Data”, 2022 ECS – The Electrochemical Society Transactions, Volume 107, Number 1.
  19. Kapula P.R.;Bandani A.K.;BollampallyA.;Rajesh P.;SravaniP.;Dubey S.”Error Performance of MIMO-OFDM Communication System”,2022 6th International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics, ICOEI 2022 – Proceedings, Year 2022, Pages 487-491
  20. M.C, Anusha M, Sanjay Dubey, P S Raju & I.A.Pasha ”Real–Time Yoga Activity with Assistance of Embedded based Smart Yoga Mat” in “2nd International Conference on Innovations in Electronics, Signal Processing and Communication, IESC 2019”.
  21. D. Sanjay; P. Rajesh Kumar; T. Satya Savithri published a paper “Hardware and software co design methodology for implementing algorithms of person follower robotic system” in International Journal of Mechanisms and Robotic Systems (IJMRS) Vol. 4, page 2, 2018.
  22. R Abhilash, Sanjay Dubey, MC Chinnaiah published a paper “Simulation Of Mobile Robot Navigation In Static Environment Using Triangular Trajectories in International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, vol 120, page 7985-7995, 2018.
  23. Sanjay Dubey, Jigar Patel, I A Pasha, published a paper BCI software tools and datasets: A short survey, in International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, ISSN: 1314-3395, vol 120, page 7855-7870, 2018.
  24. Pooja Reddy, Sai Prasanna. K, Kavitha Redddy, T.Vasudeva Reddy, Dr Sanjay Dubey, published a paper “Digi Slate” in International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), ISSN: 2321-9653; Volume 6 Issue I, page 1935-1938,2018.
  25. D. Sanjay, T. Satya Savithri and P. Rajesh Kumar, published a paper “OCR Training and Simulation for Person follower Robot in an indoor environment” in British Journal of Applied Science & Technology, ISSN: 2231-0843, Volume 17, Number 3, page 1-8, 2016
  26. K Sruthi, Sanjay Dubey, published a paper “Design and Implementation of Multi Channel Data Acquisition and Data Logging for Green House Application”, in International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research ISSN 2319-8885, Vol.05, Issue.06, page 1115-1121, 2016.
  27. D. Sanjay, P. Rajesh Kumar and T. Satya Savithri, published a paper “Fuzzy control for person follower Robotic system” Indian Journal of Science and Technology, ISSN: 0974-6846, Volume 8, Number 23, page 1-5, 2015
  28. Abhilash R, Sanjay Dubey, Shaik Shafi, Chinnaiah MC, published a paper “High performance and area efficient signed wallace tree multiplier using compressors” , in Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, ISSN: 0974-2115. Vol-9, Issue 1, page 527-532, 2015
  29. Abhishek Mashetty, Rajashekar Reddy Merugu, Sanjay Dubey, Vejandla Vijay Bhaskar, published a paper “Data driven clock gating technique for dynamic power reduction in digital design”, in Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, ISSN: 0974-2115, Vol-9, Issue 1 , page 511-514, 2015
  30. Narala Sarika, Sanjay Dubey, D. Naga Poornima, published a paper “Design and Implementation of System Generator Based DA-DCT for Image Compression Technique”, International Journal of Electronics & Communications Technology IJECT, ISSN :2230-9543, Vol. 5, Issue 3, page 345-349, 2014.
  31. B S Prasad.K, S Dubey published a paper “Design and Implementation of Wireless Sensor Networks for Industrial Scada Applications”, in International Journal of Research in Electronics & Communication Engineering, ISSN: e-2321-5593, p–2321-032X, Vol-2, Issue 7, page 940-945, 2014
  32. Sanjay Dubey and Aman Kumar published a paper “A novel technique for power gating scheme”, International Journal of Engineering and science Research (IJESR)/ISSN:2277-2685, Vol-3/Issue-8, page 4498-4503, 2013.
  33. Jagdeshwar Rao, Sanjay Dubey published a paper “A High Speed Wallace Tree Multiplier Using Modified Booth Algorithm for Fast Arithmetic Circuits”, IOSR Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering, ISSN: 2278-2834, Vol-3, Issue-1, page 07-11 ,2012.
  34. Mallikarjun, Sanjay Dubey & Sarma.T.C, published a paper” Implementation of True Color Led Display for Video Processing Using Arm Cortex M3 Processor” in IOSR Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering, ISSN: 2278-2834, Vol-2, Issue 6 , page 27-30,2012.
  1. Coordinator for a 3- Day Workshop on “Raspberry Pi and its Applications” conduted at BVRIT in OCT’2014
  2. Convener for Promethean2k13- A National level symposium
  3. Coordinator & speaker for Faculty Development Program on TI-ASLK Boards held in 2012
  4. Coordinator for National Conference on Assistive Technology (NCAT-2011) held in 2011
  5. Speaker in Session on Spread Spectrum communications at Wireless Comm.& Networks workshop held in 2010 .
  6. Guest Lecture for one day on “Digital Design through Verilog” at Anurag Engineering College. Kodada in 2010.
  7. Attended 7 days “Faculty certification program” and Certified by SEER & Synopsys University Program, at Bangalore in 2009.
  8. Established Center for VLSI Design with Synopsys tools in 2009
  9. Organized a 3-day workshop on “Front end VLSI Design” and Speaker for Two sessions on VERILOG Design held in 2008
  10. Guest Lecture on “VLSI Design” at Vidyabharati institute of technology, Pembarti, Warangal held in 2007.
  11. Co-Convener for Five Day workshop on “Digital IC Design” and Speaker for two sessions in 2006
  12. Established ECAD lab with Xilinx Tools in 200