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Dr. D. Gireesh Kumar

Associate Professor

Ph.D.:  Lovely Professional University, Punjab, 2022.
M.Tech: – Power Electronics & Drives, SRM University, 2011
B.Tech: – EEE, JNTUA, 2009

Teaching Experience: 12 years

Contact Number: +91-9032191373
BVRIT Employee ID: 623
JNTUH Registration ID: 22150403-134549
Google Scholar ID: I9J2NHsAAAAJ&hl
SCOPUS ID:57221207109
ORCID: 0000-0003-0575-471X
WoS Researcher ID: ABC-6563-2021
Vidwan ID: 169765

  1. No of Books Published: 01
  2. No of Patents Published: 01
  3. No of Book Chapters: 03
  4. No. of Journal Publications: 26
  5. No. of Conference Publications: 15
  6. No of Guest Lectures Delivered: 12
  7. No of Online Certifications: 23
  8. M.Tech. Guidance: Guided 13 students
  9. B.Tech. Project Guidance: Guided 22 batches of students
  1. Power Electronics & Electric Drives
  2. Grid Integration of Renewable Energy Sources
  1. Design of Transformer Less Inverters for Solar PV Applications
  2. Power System Operation and Control
  3. Electrical Distribution Systems
  4. Advanced Electric Drives
  1. Secured top 10th rank in National Eligibility for Scholarship Test (NEST) conducted by LPU and received the scholarship of 30000/- per annum towards my Ph.D study.
  2. Ratified from JNTU Hyderabad in the year 2015.
  3. Ratified from JNTU Kakinada in the year 2012.
  1. Devineni Gireesh Kumar, S. Saravanan, N. Bhoopal, P. Chandra Babu, “Electrical Distribution Systems”, Nova Publications, Delhi, 2020, ISBN: 9781648928680.(Click here!!!)
  1. Title: Efficient asymmetric multilevel solar inverter

Application Number: 202211036896

Date of Filing: 28/06/2022

Date of Publication: 08/07/2022

Publication Number: 27/2022

Field of Invention: Electrical Engineering

  1. G. Ranjith kumar, N.V.K Prasad, P. Sridhar, D. Gireesh Kumar, Jianghua Lu “Overview on Reliability of PV Inverters in Grid-connected Applications,” Smart and Power Grid Systems Design Challenges and Paradigms, River Publications, USA -2022(Scopus Indexed).
  2. Mahesh, V. Joshi Manohar, M. Prameela, K. Ramakrishna, S.Saravanan, DSNMRAO, Devineni Gireesh Kumar (Corresponding Author), Design of 20kwp Solar PV System with Different Tracking Systems Using PVsyst and Sketch-up: : Lecture Notes in in Electrical Engineering  2022.
  3. Gireesh Kumar Devineni, Aman Ganesh, Neerudi Bhoopal & DSNMRAO, THD Optimization with Low Switching Frequency Control for 15-Level Reduced Switch Asymmetric Multilevel Inverter: Chapter-9, Lecture Notes in in Electrical Engineering, 2021.
  1. Kumar, D.G.; Ganesh, A.; Sireesha, N.V.; Kshatri, S.S.;    Mishra, S.; Sharma, N.K.; Bajaj, M.; Kotb, H.; Milyani, A.H.; Azhari, A.A. Performance Analysis of an Optimized Asymmetric Multilevel Inverter on Grid Connected SPV System. Energies 2022, 15, 7665. (SCIE Indexed).
  2. Ranjith Kumar Gatla, Guorong Zhu, Jianghua Lu, Sainadh Singh Kshatri, Gireesh Kumar Devineni, The impact of mission profile on system level reliability of cascaded H-bridge multilevel PV inverter, Microelectronics Reliability, 2022, 114639, ISSN 0026-2714, (SCIE Indexed).
  3. Ranjith kumar Gatla, Sainadh Singh Kshatri, Patthi Sridhar, DSNMRAO, Devineni Gireesh Kumar, Alladi Sathish Kumar, Jianghua Lu (2022). Impact of Mission Profile on Reliability of Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Inverter. Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés, Vol. 55, No.1, pp. 119-124 (SCOPUS Indexed).
  4. Devineni Gireesh Kumar, Aman Ganesh, Neerudi Bhoopal (2022). THD optimization of 15-level asymmetric multilevel inverter using nature-inspired algorithms. Journal of engineering research, Online First Article, doi:10.36909/jer.13673 (SCIE Indexed).
  5. Neerudi Bhoopal, Aman Ganesh, Dokku Sivanaga Malleswara Rao, Idamakanti Kasireddy, Ranjith Kumar Gatla, Devineni Gireesh Kumar (Corresponding Author) (2022). Modelling and performance evaluation of 18w PEM Fuel Cell considering H2 pressure variationsJournal of New Materials for Electrochemical Systems, Vol.25, Issue.1 pp. 1-6 (SCIE Indexed).
  6. Devineni Gireesh Kumar, Aman Ganesh, Neerudi Bhoopal (2021). Power loss analysis in 15 level asymmetric reduced switch inverter using PLECS thermal models. Journal of engineering science and technology review. Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 10-17, doi:10.25103/jestr.144.02 (Scopus Indexed).
  7. Devineni Gireesh Kumar, Aman Ganesh, Neerudi Bhoopal, Saravanan S, Dsnmrao, I. Kasireddy (2021). Evolutionary algorithms for real-time engineering problems: A comprehensive review. Ingénierie des systèmes d’information. Vol. 26, No. 2, pp. 179-190 (Scopus Indexed).
  8. Devineni Gireesh Kumar, Aman Ganesh, Neerudi Bhoopal (2021). Power loss analysis in 15 level asymmetric reduced switch inverter using PLECS thermal model & Simulink precise models. Journal europeen des systemes automatises. Vol. 54, No. 1, pp. 73-84 (Scopus Indexed).
  9. Bhoopal, N., Rao, D.S.M., Narukullapati, B.K., Kasireddy, I., Devineni Gireesh Kumar (Corresponding Author) (2021). Selective harmonic elimination based THD minimization of a symmetric 9-level inverter using ant colony optimization. Mathematical Modelling of Engineering Problems, Vol. 8, No. 5, pp. 769-774. (Scopus Indexed).
  10. Rao, D. S. N. M., Raveendhra, D. Devineni Gireesh Kumar, Narukullapati, B. K., Rao, D. S., & Palakaluri, S. D. (2021). Comparison Investigation into Power System Optimization and Constraint-Based Generator Load Scheduling Using Metaheuristic Algorithms. ECTI Transactions on Electrical Engineering, Electronics, and Communications, 19(2), 200–208. (Scopus Indexed).
  11. Devineni Gireesh Kumar, Aman Ganesh (2020). Problem formulations, solving strategies, implementation methods & applications of selective harmonic elimination for multilevel converters. Journal europeen des systemes automatises. Vol. 53, No. 6, pp. 939-952. (Scopus Indexed).
  12. Devineni Gireesh Kumar, Aman Ganesh “Technological Developments in Direct Grid Connected Power Converters for Solar PV Power Plants,” International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, Volume 9, Issue 1, October- 2019, Pages: 6604-6615, ISSN: 2249-8958 (Scopus Indexed Journal).
  13. Devineni Gireesh Kumar, C. Subbarami Reddy, Dr. N. Bhoopal, “Advanced PWM schemes for 3-phase cascaded H-bridge 5- level inverters”, International Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics, Volume 120, No. 6, July-2018, ISSN: 1314-3395. (UGC Approved Journal).
  14. Shivarama Krishna, D. Gireesh Kumar, Dr. N. Bhoopal, “Performance of induction generator with natural gas utilization with grid interconnection”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 118, No. 24, July-2018, ISSN: 1314-3395. (UGC Approved Journal).
  15. Subba Rami Reddy, Pedda Suresh Ogeti, D. Gireesh Kumar, N. Bhoopal, “Torque and Pitch Control for Wind Energy Conversion System Using Sliding Mode Approach”, International Journal of Engineering & Technology, July-2018. (UGC Approved Journal).
  16. K Sainadh Singh, G Naresh Kumar, A Lakshmi Sahitya, D Gireesh Kumar, S Sarvanan, N. Bhoopal, “Mitigation of multiple fault conditions by using parallel-lc-resonance type fault current limiter”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume No.118, Issue No. 14, 2018, 667-673, ISSN: 1311-8080 (printed); ISSN: 1314-3395 (on-line). (UGC Approved Journal).
  17. Gireesh Kumar, Rudraraju Tejasvi, Dr. N. Bhoopal, “An improved Grid-Voltage Regulation by Using Fuel Cell based iUPQC Controller,” International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Global Technology, Vol.5, Issue.4, July 2017, ISSN: 2309-4893 (UGC Approved Journal).
  18. Rajesh Kumar rout, Gireesh Kumar, “Synchronization of grid voltage under symmetrical & Asymmetrical faults for a distributed system using DDSRF-PLL Technique”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering, Vol.5, Issue 8, November-2016., ISSN: 2278-8875 (UGC Approved Journal).
  19. Harimadhava Reddy, K. Vijaya BHaskar Reddy, D. Gireesh Kumar, “A comparative Study on Heart Disease Prediction Methods of ANFIS and GAFL”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering, Vol.5, Issue 8, November-2016., ISSN: 2278-8875 (UGC Approved Journal).
  20. Rajesh Kumar rout, Gireesh Kumar, “Voltage Synchronization under grid fault condition using 3-Phase EPLL Technique”, International Journal of Innovative Technologies, Vol. 04, Issue 16, October-2016, ISSN: 2321-8665. (UGC Approved Journal).
  21. Gireesh Kumar, G. Ravi Kumar “Four-switch based three-phase grid connected inverter to connect renewable energy source to a generalized unbalanced micro-grid system”, International journal of advance and science and technology Vol.5, no.6, 2014. (UGC Approved Journal).
  22. Gireesh Kumar, M.Kishore ReddyDr.J.Viswantha Rao, “Design and Modeling of Grid Connected Hybrid Renewable Energy Power Generation”, Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications ISSN: 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 9(Version 5), September 2014, pp.158-164 (UGC Approved Journal).
  23. Narasimharao Nakka, Gireesh Kumar Devineni, “Design of IPFC to Enhance the Power System Stability and Damping of Low Frequency Oscillations”, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 8, August-2013 ISSN 2229-5518 (UGC Approved Journal).
  24. Ravindra and Devineni Gireesh Kumar, “Design of VSI Based STATCOM for Eliminating Harmonic Currents Due to Non Linear Load And to Compensate the Reactive Power in a Grid Connected System”, International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622, Vol. 2, Issue 6, November- December 2012, pp.436-443 (UGC Approved Journal).
  25. Devineni Gireesh Kumar, M. Ravindra“A VSC Based DSTATCOM – Control Scheme for Active and Reactive Power Compensation of Grid Connected Wind Energy System”, International Journal of Advances in Science and Technology, Vol. 4, No.5, 2012 (UGC Approved Journal).
  26. S.Ravindra, Dr.V.C.Veera Reddy, Dr.S.Sivanagaraju, Devineni Gireesh Kumar, “Design of Shunt Active Power Filter to eliminate the harmonic cur-rents and to compensate the reactive power under distorted and/or imbalanced source voltages in steady state”, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 3, Issue 1, January-2012, ISSN 2229-5518.  (UGC Approved Journal).
  1. S. Saravanan, Devineni Gireesh Kumar, Sainadh Singh Kshatri, Nagineni Venkata Sireesha, R. Muneeswar, K. Vijaya Bhaskar Reddy, “A Neuro-Fuzzy method for forecasting electricity consumption in the agricultural sector for India”, Proceedings of First International Conference on Smart Systems and Green Energy Technologies (ICSGET-2022).
  2. B. Akhil Raj, Devineni Gireesh Kumar, Nagineni Venkata Sireesha, S. Saravanan, DSNM RAO, R. Muneeshwar, Ranjith Kumar Gatla, “Power Optimization Scheme in Electric Vehicle Using Induction Motor Based FOPID. Control Strategy”, Proceedings of First International Conference on Smart Systems and Green Energy Technologies (ICSGET-2022).
  3. Mohammed Mateen, S. Saravanan, D. Gireesh Kumar, K. Vijaya Bhaskar Reddy, K.Mahesh, P.Chandrababu, “Fuzzy Logic Control of Switched Reluctance Motor for Electric Vehicles Applications”, Proceedings of First International Conference on Smart Systems and Green Energy Technologies (ICSGET-2022).
  4. D. G. Kumar, A. Ganesh, D. S. N. M. Rao, N. V. Sireesha, R. K. Gatla and S. Saravanan, “Grid Integration of Photovoltaic System with a Single-Phase Reduced Switch Multilevel Inverter Topology,” 2022 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Future Electric Transportation (SeFeT), 2022, pp. 1-6,doi: 10.1109/SeFeT55524.2022.9909189(Scopus & Web of Science Indexed).
  5. S. S. Kshatri, D. S. N. M. Rao, P. C. Babu, D. G. Kumar and N. V. Sireesha, “Reliability Evaluation of PV Inverter Considering Impact of Reactive Power Injection,” 2022 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Future Electric Transportation (SeFeT), 2022, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/SeFeT55524.2022.9909259(Scopus & Web of Science Indexed).
  6. P. Chandra Babu, D. S. N. M. Rao, B. V. Prasanth, Gireesh Kumar D, Anuradha T and P. Priya, “Performance Comparison of Various SPV Module Connections in Partial Shading Conditions,” 2022 8th International Conference on Smart Structures and Systems (ICSSS), 2022, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ICSSS54381.2022.9782189 2022 (Scopus & Web of Science Indexed).
  7. Ranjith kumar Gatla, N. V Prasad K, Jianghua Lu, Mahesh Thati, Devineni Gireesh Kumar, D.S Naga Malleswara Rao, K Devender Reddy (2022). “Performance Evaluation of CMLI with Various Fault Conditions,” 2022 IEEE Fourth International Conference on Advances in Electronics, Computers and Communications (ICAECC), 2022, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/ICAECC54045.2022.9716690 (Scopus & Web of Science Indexed).
  8. R. k. Gatla, A. S. Kumar, P. Sridhar, D. G. Kumar and D. S. N. M. Rao, “Differential Protection of Single-Phase Transformer using LabVIEW,” 2022 International Conference on Intelligent Controller and Computing for Smart Power (ICICCSP), 2022, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/ICICCSP53532.2022.9862355. (Scopus & Web of Science Indexed).
  9. G. K. Devineni, A. Ganesh, D. S. Naga Malleswara Rao and S. Saravanan, “Optimal Sizing and Placement of DGs to Reduce the Fuel Cost and T& D Losses by using GA & PSO optimization Algorithms,” 2021 International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Future Electric Transportation (SEFET), 2021, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/SeFet48154.2021.9375701(Scopus & Web of Science Indexed).
  10. D. G. Kumar, A. Ganesh and D. S. Naga Malleswara Rao, “Design and Analysis of a Novel Cascaded 15-Level Asymmetric Inverter Using PSO and Whale Algorithms,” 2021 International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Future Electric Transportation (SEFET), 2021, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/SeFet48154.2021.9375752(Scopus & Web of Science Indexed).
  11. S. Saravanan, V. Mahesh, Devineni Gireesh Kumar, Sainadh Singh Kshatri, Improving student’s learning with efficient learning techniques: A case study of first year basic electrical engineering course, Materials Today: Proceedings, 2021, ISSN 2214-7853, (Elsevier).
  12. N. Bhoopal, P. Sumanjali, D. G. Kumar, A. Ganesh, S. Saravanan and M. Prameela, “Performance Evaluation of Optimal MPPT for PV System Considering Partial Shading Conditions,” 2021 International Conference on Computing, Communication and Green Engineering (CCGE), 2021, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/CCGE50943.2021.9776353. (Scopus & Web of Science Indexed).
  13. Devineni Gireesh Kumar Dr. N. Bhoopal, P. Chandrababu, “SPWM and ETAM techniques for Nine Switch Inverter and Five Leg Inverters driving doubly AC loads”, Proceedings of RAPIDEET 2016, National Conference organized by BVRIT, Narsapur.
  14. G. Ranjit Reddy, D. Gireesh Kumar, Dr. N. Bhoopal, “Comparison of PWM Techniques for Power Quality Improvement in Distributed Generation Systems”, Proceedings of RAPIDEET 2016, National Conference organized by BVRIT, Narsapur.                                        
  15. Devineni Gireesh Kumar, Dr. N. Bhoopal, “Design & Implementation of modified classical converter for Switched Reluctance Motor”, National Conference organized by SVECW, Bhimavaram-2016.
  1. Delivered guest lecture at Avanti Institute of Engineering & Technology on “HYBRID ELECTRIC VEHICLES” on 02-01-2023.
  2. Delivered guest lecture at Avanti Institute of Engineering & Technology on “POWER SYSTEMS-II” on 18-01-2023.
  3. Delivered guest lecture at Avanti Institute of Engineering & Technology on “BASIC ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING” on 24-02-2023.
  4. Delivered guest lecture at Avanti Institute of Engineering & Technology on “POWER QUALITY ISSUES” on 18-11-2019.
  5. Delivered guest lecture at Gitanjali Institute of Technology (UGC-Autonomous) on “Signals & Systems & their Applications” 05-03-2018.
  6. Delivered guest lecture at Avanti Institute of Engineering & Technology on “Hydraulic Turbines & Gas Insulated Systems” on 12-04-2018.
  7. Delivered guest lecture at Avanti Institute of Engineering & Technology on “Electrical Distribution Systems” During 08-09-2017 & 09-09-2017.
  8. Delivered guest lecture at Avanti Institute of Engineering & Technology on “Digital Signal Processing” During 20-10-2017.
  9. Delivered guest lecture at Hyderabad Institute of Technology & Management on “Power Systems Operation & Control” During 26-10-2017.
  10. Delivered guest lecture at Hyderabad Institute of Technology & Management on “Power Systems Operation & Control” During 06-09-2017.
  11. Delivered a guest lecture on “MATLAB Simulation of Power Electronic converters & Drives” during 06th February 2016 at Universal College of Engineering, Guntur.
  12. Delivered a guest lecture on “MATLAB Simulation of Electrical Circuits” during 26th & 27th May 2016 at QIS College of Engineering & Technology, Ongole.
  1. Electric Power Systems an online non-credit course authorized by University at Buffalo and The State University of New York and offered through Coursera.
  2. Natural Gas an online non-credit course authorized by University at Buffalo and The State University of New York and offered through Coursera.
  3. Safety in the Utility Industry an online non-credit course authorized by University at Buffalo and The State University of New York and offered through Coursera.
  4. Energy: The Enterprise an online non-credit course authorized by University at Buffalo and The State University of New York and offered through Coursera.
  5. Introduction to solar cells an online non-credit course authorized by Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and offered through Coursera.
  6. Wind Energy an online non-credit course authorized by Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and offered through Coursera.
  7. Linear Circuits 1: DC Analysis an online non-credit course authorized by Georgia Institute of Technology and offered through Coursera.
  8. Linear Circuits 2: AC Analysis an online non-credit course authorized by Georgia Institute of Technology and offered through Coursera.
  9. Introduction to Programming with MATLAB an online non-credit course authorized by Vanderbilt University and offered through Coursera.
  10. AI For Everyone an online non-credit course authorized by and offered through Coursera.
  11. Image Classification with CNNs using Keras an online non-credit course authorized by Rhyme and offered through Coursera.
  12. Wireless Communications for Everybody an online non-credit course authorized by Yonsei University and offered through Coursera.
  13. International Water Law an online non-credit course authorized by University of Geneva and offered through Coursera.
  14. Introduction to Household Water Treatment and Safe Storage an online non-credit course authorized by École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne and offered through Coursera.
  15. Water Resources Management and Policy an online non-credit course authorized by University of Geneva and offered through Coursera.
  16. Oceanography: a key to better understand our world an online non-credit course authorized by Universitat de Barcelona and Fundació Navegació Oceànica Barcelona and offered through Coursera.
  17. Wood Science: Beyond Building, an online non-credit course authorized by West Virginia University and offered through Coursera.
  18. Air Pollution – a Global Threat to our Health an online non-credit course authorized by University of Copenhagen and offered through Coursera.
  19. Moral Foundations of Politics an online non-credit course authorized by Yale University and offered through Coursera.
  20. Everyday Parenting: The ABCs of Child Rearing an online non-credit course authorized by Yale University and offered through Coursera.
  21. Children’s Human Rights – An Interdisciplinary Introduction an online non-credit course authorized by University of Geneva and offered through Coursera.
  22. History of Rock, Part One an online non-credit course authorized by University of Rochester and offered through Coursera.
  23. History of Rock, Part Two an online non-credit course authorized by University of Rochester and offered through Coursera.
  1. Participated in one-week AICTE sponsored Workshop on “Recent Development and Entrepreneurship in Sustainable Green Energy Technologies and Smart Grids” at BVRIT, Narsapur during 17-08-2020 to 22-08-2020.
  2. Participate in webinar on “Challenges & opportunities for engineers in Electric Vehicle Design & Development” organized by department of robotics and automation, faculty of Engineering & Technology, Jain University Bengaluru, conducted on 07-08-2020.
  3. Participated in national level webinar on “Overview of Power System”, Organized by Electrical & Electronics Department, Sridevi Women’s Engineering College, Hyderabad on 06-07-2020.
  4. Successfully Completed the Quiz on “Outcome based Education” organized by Department of Humanities and Sciences, Vardhaman College of Engineering (Autonomous), Hyderabad, on 06/07/2020 with passing score of 100%.
  5. Participated in national level webinar on “Prospects and Applications of Non-Conventional energy for present Scenario” Organized by Electrical & Electronics Department, Sridevi Women’s Engineering College, Hyderabad on 05-07-2020.
  6. Participated in national level webinar on “Concepts of Turbo Generator” Organized by Electrical & Electronics Department, Sridevi Women’s Engineering College, Hyderabad on 04-07-2020.
  7. Participated in national level webinar on “Energy Management in Shopping Malls” Organized by Electrical & Electronics Department, Sridevi Women’s Engineering College, Hyderabad on 03-07-2020.
  8. Participated in national level webinar on “Performance Analysis of Solar Power Plants with Case Study” Organized by Electrical & Electronics Department, Sridevi Women’s Engineering College, Hyderabad on 02-07-2020.
  9. Participated in national level webinar on “Wavelet Transform for Power Quality Problem Classification and Protection” Organized by Electrical & Electronics Department, Sridevi Women’s Engineering College, Hyderabad on 01-07-2020.
  10. Completed the National level AWARENESS E-Quiz on PANDEMIC COVID-19 OUTBREAK AND ITS GLOBAL IMPACT” Organized by the PG & Research Department of Microbiology, Kandaswami Kandar’s College, Velur, Namakkal District, Tamil Nadu, India. On 24-06-2020.
  11. Successfully completed National Online Quiz on “Power Electronics” on 20-06-2020 with a score of 100%.
  12. Participated in 5-day faculty development program on “Research trends in image processing” Organized by Gates Institute of Technology, Anantapur during 15-06-2020 to 19-06-2020.
  13. Participated in 5-day faculty development program on “Explore Electrical Engineering in Industrial Applications” Organized by Manakula Vinayagar Institute of Technology, Puducherry during 15-06-2020 to 19-06-2020.
  14. Participated in a 5-Day Online Faculty Development Program on “Preserving Environment – Eco friendly Systems” Organized by the Department of Civil Engineering, Vemu Institute of Technology, P.Kothakota, Chittoor Dist., Andhra Pradesh during 15-06-2020 to 19-06-2020.
  15. Participated in Webinar on “COVID-19 economic strategy for recovery” Organized by department of Economy, Commerce and Accounting & Finance, Sri Chandra Prabhu Jain College, Minjur on 17-06-2020.
  16. Participated in a National Level Webinar on “Improvement of Power Quality using Custom Power Devices”, Organized by B V Raju Institute of Technology, Narsapur, on 17/06/2020.
  17. Participated in 5-day faculty development program on “Recent Trends in Electrical Engineering” Organized by Vishnu Institute of Technology, Bhimavaram during 08-06-2020 to 12-06-2020 
  18. Participated in One Week National Level Online Faculty Development Programme on “Recent Advances In Electrical Engineering (RAEE-2020) ” Organized by the Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, VEMU Institute of Technology, P.Kothakota, Chittoor(Dt), A.P, During 03-06-2020 to 07-06-2020.
  19. Participated in the “COVID-19: AWARENESS PROGRAM” organized by NATIONAL SERVICE SCHEME, B.V RAJU INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, Narsapur, on 07/06/2020.
  20. Successfully completed the “Quiz on Electrical Engineering” by the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering of Indur Institute of Engineering and Technology and with the score of 100%, conducted during 02-06-2020 to 07-06-2020. 
  21. Participated in “Power Electronics Quizophile”, Conducted by department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering of Potti Sriramulu Chalavadi Mallikarjuna Rao College of Engineering & Technology, Vijayawada on 04-06-2020.
  22. Participated in “Electrical Power Systems Quizophile”, Conducted by department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering of Potti Sriramulu Chalavadi Mallikarjuna Rao College of Engineering & Technology, Vijayawada on 03-06-2020
  23. Attended a Three Day National Level Online Faculty Development Program on “Research Trends in Signal Processing, Antennae,VLSI & IoT”, Organized by The Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, Sri Vasavi Engineering College(Autonomous ) Tadepalligudem, Andhra Pradesh, during 28-05-2020 to 30-05-2020.
  24. Participated in 3-day faculty development program on “Deep Learning Applications – Design, Development and Deployment in IoT Edge” Organized by SRM TRP Engineering College, Thiruchirapalli, during 27-05-2020 to 29-05-2020.
  25. Participated and successfully completed Online National level Quiz on “concepts of electrical engineering” With passing score of 80% Organized by EEE Department VBIT, Hyderabad on 25-05-2020. 
  26. Participated in one-week AICTE sponsored Workshop on “Introduction to Research Methodologies and MATLAB Programming for Optimization Techniques” at CBIT, Hyderabad during 25-11-2019 to 30-11-2019.
  27. Participated in two-week AICTE Sponsored Workshop on “Renewable Energy Management & Advanced Techniques for Sustainable Future (REMATSF-2017)” at SR Engineering College Warangal during 27-11-2017 to 09-12-2017.
  28. Participated in faculty development program on “Research Methodology” at QIS Group of institutions.
  29. Resource person for a 5-day workshop on “MATLAB Simulation of Electrical Systems” at QIS Group of institutions.